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- ●1
- (共催シンポジウム講演)Opening address and aim of the symposium
- CEA, Saclay, France
- Chaté Hugues
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- (共催シンポジウム講演)60 years of PRL: looking back and forward
- Physical Review Letters, APS
- Samindranath Mitra
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- (共催シンポジウム講演)Exotic phenomena caused by spin-orbit coupling
- Sci. Eng., Waseda Univ.
- Akari Takayama
- ●4
- (共催シンポジウム講演)Magnetic skyrmions : Particles and Strings
- Shinichiro Seki
- ●5
- (共催シンポジウム講演)Spin Mechatronics - A.Einstein meets Spintronics -
- Sadamichi Maekawa
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- (共催シンポジウム講演)The KPZ universality class: a glimpse of different physical problems from interface experiments
- Dept.Phys. UT
- Kazumasa Takeuchi
- ●7
- (共催シンポジウム講演)Mathematical Physics of Quantum Spin Chains: Haldane Phenomena, AKLT Model, and Topological Phase Transition
- Sci. Gakushuin Univ.
- Hal Tasaki
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- (共催シンポジウム講演)Cold Atom Quantum Simulator
- Dept. Sci., Kyoto Univ.
- Yoshiro Takahashi
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- (共催シンポジウム講演)60 years of PRL: looking back and forward
- Garisto Robert
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- (共催シンポジウム講演)The Calorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) Experiment on the International Space Station
- Sci. Eng., Waseda Univ.
- Shoji Torii
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- (共催シンポジウム講演)Lovely phase space
- Kavli-IPMU, Univ. Tokyo
- Melia Thomas Edward
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- (共催シンポジウム講演)Nuclear experimental approach toward the nuclesoynthesis in the universe
- Sci. Osaka Univ.
- Takahiro Kawabata
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- (共催シンポジウム講演)The SCRIT electron scattering facility: Toward the world's first study of unstable nuclei by electron scattering
- ELPH, Tohoku Univ.
- Kyo Tsukada
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- (共催シンポジウム講演)Observation of high-energy cosmic rays with the Tibet air shower array
- ICRR, Univ. Tokyo
- Masato Takita
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- (共催シンポジウム講演)From CP violation to XYZ particles
- Sci., Nara Women's Univ.
- Kenkichi Miyabayashi
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- (共催シンポジウム講演)Quest for CP violation in neutrino oscillation
- Sci., Kyoto Univ.
- Atsuko K. Ichikawa