
Experimental Nuclear Physics & Theoretical Nuclear Physics

PSV Room

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Poster session for undergraduate students

Detector development for the 3H(t,3He)3n experiment at RIBF
Tohoku Univ., RIKEN Nishina CenterA, CNS Univ. of TokyoB, Univ. of MiyazakiC, IBS KoreaD, Univ. of ToyamaE
Koki Kameya, Yuta Utsuki, Kenjiro Miki, NP1712-SHARAQ11 collaborationA,B,C,D,E
Development of new beta-delayed neutron detector to study nuclear structure of neutron-rich nuclei
Department of Physics, Osaka University
A. Yoshioka, A. Odahara, S. Iimura, Y. Okami, D. Maejima, Nurhafiza M. Nor
Dynamic Nuclear Polarization for Glycerol-water mixture for Neutron Spin Contrast Variation Method in Polarized Neutron Diffraction.
School of Science in Yamagata University
Yuka Nagano, Takahiro Iwata, Yoshiyuki Miyachi, Daisuke Miura
Theory and Experimental Results of Intensity in Dynamics Diffraction
Department of Physics, Nagoya University
Hiroaki Akatsuka, Ryota Takemori, Mayu Hishida, Shigeyasu Itoh, Seiso Fukumura, Masaaki kitaguchi, Hirohiko Shimizu
Ion trap experiments with the Paul Trap, which is a particles capturing device using an RF electric field
Sch. Sci. Tohoku Univ., CYRIC. Tohoku Univ.A
Ryuta Saito, Kazuo Tanaka
Development of particle identification method by waveform analysis of GAGG scintillator
Osaka University, RCNP Osaka UniversityA, Kyoto UniversityB, CYRIC Tohoku UniversityC, IMR Tohoku UniversityD, NICHe Tohoku UniversityE
S.Tsuji, T.Kawabata, T.Furuno, K.Sakanashi, S.Adachi, K.Himi, M.MurataA, Y.FujikawaB, K.InabaB, S.OkamotoB, M.ItohC, Y.MatsudaC, S.KurosawaD, A.YamajiD
Measurement of the reaction cross section of 12C(n,n')12C(0+2) for determining the triple-alpha reaction rate in a high-density environment
Department of Physics, Osaka Univ., Department of Physics, Kyoto Univ.A, RCNP Osaka Univ.B, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Univ.C
Kanako Himi, Takanobu Doi, Takahiro Kawabata, Tatsuya Furuno, Satoshi Adachi, Kohsuke Sakanashi, Motoki MurataB, Yuki FujikawaA, Kento InabaA, Shintaro OkamotoA, Yuto Hijikata, Shiyo Enyo, Isao Murata, Shingo Tamaki
Development of a range counter for gamma-weak coincidence in the E63 experiment at J-PARC
F. OuraA, M. FujitaB, Y. IshikawaA, K. MiwaA, T. RogersA, H. TamuraA, M. UkaiC, T. O. YamamotoB
The development of the proton total energy detector to research multi neutron cluster.
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Science, Physics, Nakamura Lab.
Tomoki Matsui
Proposed variational wavefunction of the Cooper triple in a three-component fermion system
Kochi U
Sora Akagami, Hiroyuki Tajima, Kei Iida
Radon concentration measurement by PINdiode-based detector 〜relationship with Radon concentration and earthquakes〜
Osaka Uni. Faculty of Science
Trigger System for K+ Identification for the next JLab Lambda hypernuclear experiment
Faculty of Science Tohoku Univ., Department of Physics Tohoku Univ.A, GP-PUB, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto Univ.C, Tohoku Med. Pharm. Univ.D
S. Nagano, K. ItabashiA,B, K. UeharaA,B, E. UmezakiC, K. OkuyamaA,B, K. KatayamaC, M. KanetaA, T. GogamiC, K. N. SuzukiC, Y. ToyamaA,B, T. ToyodaC, S. NagaoA, T. AkiyamaA,B, S. N. NakamuraA, Y. R. NakamuraA, Y. FujiiD, T. FujiwaraA, M. MizunoA, for the JLab Hypernuclear Collaboration
Development of a recoil proton detector for short-range correlation experiments in neutron-rich nuclei
Tokyo TechA, Riken High Energy Nuclear Physics LabB
K.HorikawaA, T.NakamuraA, Y.KondoA, K.TakahashiA, H.WangB
Analysis of collective flow and its correlation in high-energy heavy-ion collisions
Department of Physics Nagoya UniversityA, Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute Nagoya UniversityB
Akihiro MasukuraA, Sora NakadaA, Kazuki OshimaA, Kouki NakamuraA, Chiho NonakaA,B
Performance evaluation of the polarized 3He single-cell target for the p-3He scattering measurement
Tohoku Univ., KEKA
Y. Maruta, K. Sekiguchi, A. Watanabe, S. Nakai, T. Mukai, M. Inoue, S. Kitayama, Y. Saito, T. InoA
Measurement of gamma-rays from neutron-oxygen reaction for neutrino-nucleus interaction
Okayama University, Kyoto UniversityA, Padova UniversityB, Toronto UniversityC, TRIUMFD, Stanford UniversityE, RCNPF
Tomohiro TANO, Yuki SHIRAISHI, Yusuke KOSHIO, Toshiaki HORAI, Yosuke ASHIDAA, Tsuyoshi NAKAYAA, Roger WENDELLA, Masamitsu MORIA, Gianmaria COLLAZUOLB, Fabio IACOBB, Corina NANTAISC, Akira KONAKAD, Hiro TANAKAE, Shima TATSUSHIF
Development of a Positioning Extraction Method for Position-Sensitive Ge Detector GRAPE Using Machine Learning
Tokyo City Univ.A, CNS, Univ. of TokyoB
S. SugawaraA, D. NishimuraA,B, N. ImaiB, H. TakahashiA, and S. ShimouraB
Design of cherenkov detector applying TOF-PET technology for lifetime measurement of double Λ hypernuclei
Tokyo Tech
Ryosuke Negishi, Hiroyuki Fujioka
Particle transport simulation of kinetic energy selection and detection of muon after muon catalyzed fusion reaction
Tohoku Univ., Chubu Univ.A, JAEAB, KEK-IMSSC, RIKEND
R. Nakashima, K. Okutsu, Y. Kino, K. Miyashita, K. Yasuda, T. Yamashita, S. OkadaA, M. SatoA, T. OkaB, N. KawamuraC, S. KandaC, K. ShimomuraC, P. StrasserC, S. TakeshitaC, M. TampoC, S. DoiuchiC, Y. NakataniC, H. NatoriC, S. NishimuraC, A. D. PantC, Y. MiyakeC, K. IshidaD
Performance evaluation of ion chamber for measurement of beam intensity and development of polyethylene target for low-energy e+p experiment
Miyazaki Univ., ELPHA, Dept. of Tec. Hampton Univ.B, Dept. of Phys. Tohoku Univ.C, ICR, Kyoto Univ.D
H. Zhao, Y. Maeda, K IshizakiA, T. AoyagiA, Clement LegrisA, T. GokeA, Y. HondaA, H. KikunagaA, K. MichaelB, S. MiuraA, M. MiyabeA, T. MutoA, K. NanbuA, S. SasakiC, T. SudaA, K. TakahashiA, D TakiA, T. TamaeA, A. O. TokiyasuA, K. TsukadaD, and H. WaukeA
Performance evaluation of prototype ring image Cherenkov detector using MPPC array
Osaka University, RCNPA
T.Toda, Y.Kimura, A.Sakaguchi, K.ShirotoriA, R.Tatsumi, M.Tokuda and for the J-PARC E50 collaboration
The study of the DNP target of 139La on crystal growth for the indirect search of the new T-violation
Nagoya Univ., Nagoya Univ. KMIA, Hiroshima Univ. AdSEB, Tohoku Univ. IMRC, Osaka Univ. RCNPD
Y.Ito, K. Ishizaki, H.M. Shimizu, M. Kitaguchi, T. MatsushitaA, M. IinumaB, M. FujitaC, Y. IkedaC, T. TaniguchiC, H. KohriD, and NOPTREX collaboration
Determining the resonance parameters of the compound-nuclear state in the n+131Xe reaction
Tokyo Tech
K. Kameda, Y. Tani, H. Fujioka, NOPTREX collaboration
Development of a Small Beta-NMR System Using Halbach Alignment Magnets
Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, IRP, Niigata University1, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University2, Tokyo City University3, Kochi University of Technology4, Tsukuba University5, QST6
Y.Kimura, M. Mihara, K. Matsuta, M. Fukuda, Y.Otani G.Takayama, T. Izumikawa1, N. Noguchi2, M. Ogose2, Y.Sato2, K.Takatsu2, T. Ohtsubo2, H. Takahashi3, S.Momota4, H.Okumura4, T.Moriguchi5, and A.Ozawa5, A. Kitagawa6, S, Shinji6
Feasibility study of Λp scattering in a wide momentum range by a simulation
Tohoku UniversityA, KEKB
T. MorinoA, K. MiwaA, R. HondaB
Performance evaluation of MPPC array for the ring image Cherenkov detector
Osaka University, RCNPA
M.Tokuda, A.Sakaguchi, K.ShirotoriA, Y.Kimura, R.Tatsumi, T.Toda and for the J-PARC E50 collaboration
Study of double beta decay by CANDLES -Background reduction using pulse shape analysis by deep learning -
Department of Physics, Osaka University, RCNP Osaka UniversityA
Toshiki Sakai, Sei Yoshida, Tomoki Iga, Saori UmeharaA, Temuge BatpurevA, others CANDLES Collaborator
Proton and neutron radii of Be isotopes
Osaka Univ., Tokyo City Univ.A, Kyushu Univ.B, Saitama Univ.C, Niigata Univ. RID, Niigata Univ.E, Tsukuba Univ.F, Kochi Univ. Tech.G, NIRSH
G. Takayama, M. Fukuda, M. Mihara, M. Fukutome, Y. Otani, Y. Kimura, D. NishimuraA, H.TakahashiA, S. SugawaraA, M. TanakaB, T. SuzukiC, T. YamaguchiC, S. HarayamaC, T. IzumikawaD, T. MoriguchiE, S. MomotaF, S. SatoG, S. FukudaG, A. KitagawaG
Forward muon track reconstruction at ALICE in LHC Run 3 with proper handling of multiple scattering
Hiroshima Univ.
Ren Ejima, Kenta Shigaki, Satoshi Yano, Yorito Yamaguchi for the ALICE MFT Collaboration
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