Division 3,Division 4,Division 7,Division 8,Division 11,Division 12
Combination of Neural networks and quantum・spin・AI
Break (10:35〜10:45)
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Break (10:00〜10:15)
Break (10:15〜10:30)
12th K1 Room 12pK1 13:00〜16:45
Division 10,Division 9,Division 12
Materials science of mille-feuille structures
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Break (14:30〜14:45)
Break (14:45〜15:00)
Break (10:45〜11:00)
Break (10:45〜11:00)
Break (10:30〜10:45)
13th D2 Room 13pD2 13:30〜16:15
Division 4,Division 7,Division 8,Division 12
Twist graphene
(Theory, Experiment)
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Graphene, Twist, Super Conductor
13th K1 Room 13pK1 13:30〜17:10
Division 10,Division 3,Division 4,Division 9,Division 11,Division 12
Progress of JST-CREST Program "Revolutional Materials Development"
Break (15:35〜15:50)
13th M1 Room 13pM1 13:30〜17:05
Division 12
14th Young Scientist Award Lectures of the Physical Society of Japan
Break (15:10〜15:25)
Lecture of the Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan
Break (10:15〜10:30)
Break (10:15〜10:30)
14th J1 Room 14pJ1 13:30〜16:40
Division 9,Division 12
Development of nanoscopic research of surface and interface by advanced measurement and theory
Break (15:15〜15:25)
14th L1 Room 14pL1 13:30〜15:35
Division 11,Division 12
Lecture of the 14th young scientist award and Introduction of the student presentation award (2020)
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Break (15:00〜15:15)
14th S1 Room 14pS1 13:30〜16:45
Theoretical Particle Physics,Division 3,Division 4,Division 11,Division 12
Discrete Geometric Analysis for Materials Design
Break (15:10〜15:25)
15th M1 Room 15aM1 11:00〜11:40
Division 12,Division 11
Commemorative Lecture for Fumiko Yonezawa Memorial Prize
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Interface and phase separation