
Division 9 Poster Session

21st PSJ Room 21pPSJ 16:00〜18:00

Division 9
Poster Session

Formation of nanoparticles with Ti-Si and Ti-SiO2 systems
Dept. Electr. Electron. Eng., Tohoku Gakuin Univ.
Hitoshi Suzuki, Shota Saito, Ryuta Kobara, Rikuto Tsuda
Effect of the Interaction Length on 2-dimensional Clusters Formed by Spherical One-Patch Particles with Kern-Frenkel potential
EMI, Kanazawa University
Masahide Sato
BiTeI crystal structure prediction and first-principles calculation of spin splitting
Kanazawa Univ.
Zhang Yaotang, Naoya Yamaguchi, Hikaru Sawahata, Fumiyuki Ishii
Characterizations of Hydrogen Boride Sheets by X-ray spectroscopies
Univ. TokyoA, Univ. Hyogo (LASTI)B, Univ. TsukubaC, Univ. TsukubaD
X. ZhangA, Y. TsujikawaA, M. NiibeB, N. T. CuongC, M. HorioA, S. OkadaC, T. KondoD, I. MatsudaA
Breaking of superconducting phase coherence in Pb atomic-layer superconductors formed on vicinal Si(111) substrates
ISSP, The Univ. of Tokyo
Yudai Sato, Masahiro Haze, Yukio Hasegawa
Development of ultra-low temperature, strong magnetic field ultra-high vacuum STM capable of simultaneous measurement of electrical resistance
Kanazawa Univ., Univ. Stuttgar
Inagaki Wataru, ErlinaTikMan, Denda Naoki, Tim Schweizer, Shimamura Kazutoshi, Yoshida Yasuo
Development of channeling auger electron method using high-speed ion beam
Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba
N.Kishi, Y.Sugisawa, D.Sekiba
Effects of substrate on electrical conduction of ultrathin Bi2Te3 films
Kyoto Univ.
S. Higaki, S. Hatta, H. Okuyama, T. Aruga
Thickness Dependence of Dielectric Constant of Alumina Films Based on First-principles Calculations II
Dept. of Phys., Kumamoto Univ., IINa, Kumamoto Univ.A, Univ. of Southern CaliforniaB
S. Fukushima, H. KumazoeA, S. TiwariB, K. Shimamura, A. Koura, F. Shimojo, A. NakanoB, R. K. KaliaB, P. VashishtaB
Mechanism of nanoscale contact at interfaces explained by two-dimensional adhesion force patterns and its effects on friction
Grad. Sch. Inform. and Eng., Univ. Electro-Commun.
Kanae Hirao
Analysis of adsorption states of DPh-BTBT on Ag(111) surfaces
Univ. of Wakayama, Univ. of TsukubaA
Anzu Nakama, Masato Oda, Hiroyuki IshiiA, Yoichi YamadaA, Masato IwasawaA, Yutaro OnoA
Development of atomic-resolution holography microscope using a new two-dimensional display analyzer CoDELMA
Toyota Riken, NIT Yonago CollegeA, IMSB, Univ. DebrecenC, APCO Ltd.D, NAISTE
Hiroshi Daimon, Hiroki MomonoA, Hiroyuki MatsudaB, Laszlo TothC, Yu MasudaD, Koichi MoriguchiD, Keiko OgaiD, Soichiro TakeuchiE, Yusuke HashimotoE, Tomohiro MatsushitaE
Bayesian optimization in 2DMAT, a measurement data analysis software for total reflection fast positron diffraction (TRHEPD)
Tottori U.A, ISSP, U. TokyoB, KEK-IMS-SPFC
Hayato IchinoseA, Yuichi MotoyamaB, Kazuyoshi YoshimiB, Takeo HoshicA,C
Improvement of multi-axes controlled RHEED system for reciprocal-space-mapping of three-dimensional structure surfaces
NARA Inst. Sci. Tech.A, Osaka Univ.B, Yonago CollegeC
T. ShimizuA, S. TakahashiA, L. N. PamasiA, A. N. HattoriB, H. TanakaB, H. MomonoC, K. HattoriA
3D Patterson map analysis of Si(111)7×7 structure by W-RHEED
IMRAM Tohoku Univ.A, SRIS Tohoku Univ.B
Hiroaki AoyamaA, Tadashi AbukawaA,B
Structure analysis of Pb/Si(111) superstructure by TRHEPD : The origin of structural phase transition of √3×√3⇔3×3
Waseda Univ., Tottori Univ.A, KEK-IMSS-SPF.B
M. Hamada, Y. Tujikawa T. Takeda, T. SakataA, I. MochizukiB, T. HoshiA,B, T. HyodoB, A. Takayama
Development of an equipment for in situ simultaneous measurements of electrical transport and tunneling spectroscopy
Dept. of Phys., Univ. of Tokyo
Shunsuke Sato, Ryota Akiyama, Rei Hobara, Kazumi Watanabe, Shuji Hasegawa
Electronic structure of Fe-adsorbed CuPc on Cu(111) surface with asymmetric Kondo effect.
Grad. Sch. Sci. Eng., Chiba Univ.
Koudai Nakayama, Satoru Sasaki, Toyokazu Yamada, Peter Krueger
Depth profiling of MoO3/MoS2 using angle-resolved x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy considering effects of acceptance angle
Y.Kaida, Y.Okajima, S.N.Takeda
Activation and spillover of hydrogen on the Pd-deposited MoS2 surface
ISSP, Univ. of Tokyo, IMSA, SRIS, Tohoku Univ.B
F. Ozaki, Y. Tsuchihara, W. Osada, H. Yoshioka, T. KoitayaA, S. YamamotoB, M. Horio, I. Matsuda, K. Mukai, S. Tanaka, J. Yoshinobu
AP-XPS of methane and carbon dioxide on the Pt(997) surface for dry reforming
ISSP, Univ. of Tokyo, IMSA, SRIS, Tohoku Univ.B
Y. Choi, H. Yoshioka, F. Ozaki, T. KoitayaA, S. YamamotoB, M. Horio, I. Matsuda, K. Mukai, S. Tanaka, J. Yoshinobu
LLG Simulation on the Damping Process of a Magnetic Material from a Magnetization Reversed State
ISSP, The Univ. of TokyoA, Nihon UniversityB
Tomoaki SenooA, Toshihide SumiA, Masafumi HorioA, Souliman EL MOUSSAOUIA, Arata TsukamotoB, Iwao MatsudaA
Adsorption Process of Organic Molecules onto Titania Nanosheets based on First-principles Molecular Dynamics Calculations
Dept. of Phys., Kumamoto Univ., Nagaoka Univ. Tech.A
D. Yoshitsugu, S. Fukushima, A. Koura, K. Shimamura, M. Hara, A. FunatsuA, F. Shimojo
Trail for CO Oxidation reaction induced by hot carriers on Pd-MOS structure
Grad. Sch. Mater. Sci. Nara Inst. Sci. Tech. (NAIST)
Haobang Yang, Mio Nishida, Aydar Irmikimov, Ken Hattori
Strain Induced Magnetic Moment detected by Observing Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) State in 1T-Phase Island on Cleaved NbSe2 Surface
Dept. of Chemistry, Grad. Sch. of Sci., Tohoku Univ., Inst. of Multidisciplinary Res. for Advanced Materials (IMRAM), Tohoku Univ.A, Center for Spintronics Res. Network, Tohoku Univ.B
Mohammad Ikram Hossain, Ferdous AraA, Syed Mohammad Fakruddin ShahedA, Zhipeng, WangB, Tadahiro KomedaA
Variation of the energy of spin flip excitation depending on the adsorption configuration of terbium phthalocyanine on superconducting substrate
IMRAM, Tohoku Univ., Dept. of Chemistry, Grad. Sch. of Sci., Tohoku Univ.A
Syed Mohammad Fakruddin Shahed, Mohammad Ikram HossainA, Ferdous Ara, Tadahiro Komeda
Local measurement of the magnetization dynamics by Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
ISSP, The University of Tokyo
Kotaro Taga, Masahiro Haze, Yukio Hasegawa
A novel measurement approach for X-ray Magnetic Linear Dichroism: 2nπ angular rotation of linear polarization
The Institute for Solid State Physics, the University of Tokyo, Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research InstituteA
Y. Kudo, M. Horio, T. Sumi, T. Wada, T. KinositaA, T. OhkouchiA, I. Matsuda
Preparation of Boron sheet on W surfaces
Kyushu Univ.
Hossain Shahadat, Farhana Jesmin Tuli, Takeshi Nakagawa, Seigi Mizuno
Growth modes and atomic structure of borophene studied by STM and TRHEPD
Waseda Univ.A, ISSP Univ. of TokyoB, KEK-IMSS-SPFC
Y. TsujikawaB, M. HamadaA, T. TakedaA, T. IimoriB, I. MochizukiC, F. KomoriB, I. MatsudaB, A. TakayamaA
The layer-number dependence on structure of graphene/SiC studied by TRHEPD
Waseda Univ., KEK-IMSS-SPFA, Tottori Univ.B
T. Takeda, M. Hamada, Y. Tsujikawa, I. MochizukiA, T. HoshiA,B, T.HyodoA, A. Takayama
Procedures for STM measurements on micro-sized samples
ISSP, the University of Tokyo
Toki Ren, Masayuki Hamada, Masahiro Haze, Yukio Hasegawa
The superconducting transition temperature change of Si(111)-(√7×√3)-In by organic molecular deposition
Hokkaido Univ., NIMSA, Osaka Univ.B
Kenta YokotaA, Takahiro KobayashiB, Wenxuan Qian, Syunsuke InagakiB, Kazuyuki SakamotoB, Takashi UchihashiA
Measurement of nano-sliding friction on gold and graphite substrates at low temperatureⅡ
Dept. of Engineering Science, University of Electro-communications, Dept. of Physics, Aichi University of EducationA
S. Fujitsuka, A. Takarabe, K. Kurihara, J. Taniguchi, M. Suzuki, N. Sasaki, M. IshikawaA, K. MiuraA
Detection of the magnetization direction on the surface of a magnetic sample by the 2D magnetic tip for the SP-STM
Hokkaido Univ.
M. Sato, G. Park, T. Eda, H. Matsuyama
STM/STS experiments of Pd nanoparticles on SrTiO3(100)reconstruction surface
Hokkaido Univ.
G. Park, M. Sato, T. Eda, H. Matsuyama
STM/STS experiments of Pd ultrathin film on SrTiO3(100) reconstruction surface
Hokkaido Univ.
T. Eda, G. Park, Μ. Sato, H. Matsuyama
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