
Theoretical Nuclear Physics

12th K14 Room 12pK14 13:45〜17:00

Division 1,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Division 8
Quantum Electronics
(Quantum Gases (Fermi System, Superfluidity))

From ultracold Fermi atomic gas to neutron star: Pairing fluctuations and superfluid/superconducting phase transition in asymmetric nuclear matter
RIKEN Nishina CenterA, RIKEN iTHEMSB, Keio UniversityC
Hiroyuki TajimaA, Tetsuo HatsudaB,A, Pieter van WykC, Yoji OhashiC
Phase structure in resonantly interacting SU(3) Fermi gases
RIKEN Nishina Center
Hiroyuki Tajima, Pascal Naidon
Specific features of the BCS-BEC crossover in a two-band superfluid/superconductor
RIKEN Nishina Center, University of CamerinoA, INFNA,B
Hiroyuki Tajima, Yuriy YerinA, Andrea PeraliA, Pierbiagio PieriA,B
first-principle calculation in imbalanced fermionic system by complex Langevin method
Takahiro Doi, Hiroyuki Tajima, Shoichiro Tsutsui
Strong Coupling Effects on the Isothermal Compressibility of an Ultra Cold Fermi Gas in the Superfluid Phase
Keio University, RHCA
Ryohei Sato, Hiroyuki TajimaA, Daichi Kagamihara, Koki Manabe, Yoji Ohashi
Strong-Coupling Effects on the Quantum Transport of an Interacting Fermi Gas
Keio Univ.
Koichiro Furutani, Daichi Kagamihara, Yoji Ohashi

Break (15:15〜15:30)

Pseudogap Phenomena of an Interacting Fermion System in Non-equilibrium Steady State
Keio University, Research and Education Center for Natural Sciences, Keio UniversityA
Taira Kawamura, Daichi Kagamihara, Daisuke InotaniA, Yoji Ohashi
Effect of interaction on the orbital current on two-leg ladder under synthetic gauge field
National Tsing Hua Univ.A, Kyoto Univ.B
Chen-How HuangA, Masaki TezukaB, Miguel A. CazalillaA
Parity mixing effects near a vortex core in a spin imbalanced s-wave superfluid
Department of Physics & Research and Education Center for Natural Sciences, Keio University
Daisuke Inotani, Shigehiro Yasui, Muneto Nitta
Nonequilibrium dynamics of Fermionic Hubbard model under resonant periodic driving
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Fribourg UniversityA, Erlangen UniversityB
Y. Murakami, A. HerrmannA, M. EcksteinB, P. WernerA
Higgs mode in a superfluid Fermi gas in the BCS-BEC crossover
Tokyo University of Science, Chuo UniversityA
Jun Tokimoto, Shunji TsuchiyaA, Tetsuro Nikuni
Z2lattice gauge theories coupled to fermions
Nagoya Inst. Tech.
Takashi Nakafuji, Ikuo Ichinose

17th S21 Room 17aS21 9:00〜12:15

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Hadron structure and interactions

The irreducible representation of hadron in the symmetry between s quark and ud anti-diquark.
Dept. of Phys., Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Dept. of Phys., Tokyo TechA
Taiju AMANO, Daisuke JIDOA
Structures of poles and amplitudes of coupled channels near thresholds
Res. Center for Nuclear Phys. (RCNP), Osaka Univ.A, Theoretical Phys. Group, Nat’l. Inst. of Phys., Univ. of the PhilippinesB, Dept. of Phys., Nara Women’s Univ.C, Advanced Sci. Res. Center, Japan Atomic Energy AgencyD
A. J. ArifiA, D. L.B. SombilloA,B, T. SatoA, Y. IkedaA, H. NagahiroA,B, A. HosakaA,C
Study of antikaon-nucleon interaction from the hadron-hadron correlation in high-energy collisions
Yuki Kamiya, Tetsuo HyodoA, Kenji MoritaB,C, Akira OhnishiD
Origin of SU(3) Flavor Symmetry Breaking in Bag Models
Tokyo Tech
Yudai Morita, Daisuke Jido
Strong interaction corrections to the B → D ℓν decays
Tottori Univ.A, Valencia Univ. IFICB, Liaoning Normal U.C
Natsumi IkenoA,B, Lianrong DaiC, Eulogio OsetB
Quarkonia in a time-dependent magnetic field
Tokyo Tech., JAEAA
S. Iwasaki, M. OkaA, K. SuzukiA

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Exotic hadrons in holographic QCD
Fujii D.A, Hosaka A.A,B
Heavy baryon productions from two-step processes with Reggeon exchanges
RCNP, Osaka University, Inha UniversityA
Sang-In Shim, Atsushi Hosaka, Hyun-Chul KimA
The behavior of S-matrix of meson-baryon scattering in chiral unitary model
UTokyoA, KEK Theory CenterB, SoukendaiC
Yamada KazukiA,B, Morimatsu OsamuA,B,C
Analysis of the masses of light scalar mesons based on the SU(3) liner sigma model including the explicit chiral symmtry breaking term associated with U(1)A anomaly
Nagoya Univ., Jilin Univ.A, Tokyo TechB
Yoshiki KURODA, Masayasu HARADA, Shinya MATSUZAKIA, Daisuke JIDOB
Flavor structure of negative parity Lambda baryons from lattice QCD and effective theory
JAEA, ASRC, Valencia Univ.A, Gumma Coll. Tech.B
Pedro Fernandez-SolerA, Philipp Gubler, Juan NievesA, Makoto Oka, Rafael PavaoA, Toru T. TakahashiB
Heavy flavor exchange in the meson-meson systems
RIKEN Nishina Center, NECA, Suma Gakuen High SchoolB, RCNP Osaka Univ.C
Yasuhiro Yamaguchi, Yukihiro AbeA, Kenji FukukawaB, Atsushi HosakaC

17th S22 Room 17aS22 9:00〜12:00

Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Experimental Nuclear Physics Joint
unstable nuclei(I)

Halo or anti-halo structure of 31F
Kitami Institute of Technology, Hokkaido UniversityA
Hiroshi Masui, Wataru HoriuchiA, Masaaki KimuraA
Suddenly shortened half-lives beyond 78Ni: N=50 magic number and high-energy non-unique first-forbidden transitions
Dep. Phys., Kyoto Univ.
Kenichi Yoshida
Structure of 30Mg studied by in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy
CNS, Univ. of Tokyo, Univ. of TokyoA
Noritaka Kitamura, Kathrin WimmerA for the e12003 collaboration
Density functional theory for describing halo structure in 31Ne and 37Mg: deformation, superfluidity, and time-reversal symmetry breaking
YITP, Kyoto Univ.A
Haruki Kasuya, Kenichi YoshidaA
Coexistence of low-energy isovector and isoscalar dipole modes
Tokyo Tech. LANE
Tsunnenori Inakura, Shuichiro Ebata
Measurement of alpha inelastic scattering of 10C
RCNP Osaka University, Osaka UniversityA, Kyushu UniversityB, FRIBC, Kyoto UniversityD, Universite Libre de BruxellesE
Tatsuya Furuno, Takahiro KawabataA, Satoshi AdachiB, Yassid AyyadC, Yuki FujikawaD, Kento InabaD, Motoki MurataD, Hooi Jin Ong, Michele SferrazzaE, Yu TakahashiD, Tomoya TakedaD, Dihn Trong Tran, Miho TsumuraD

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Cluster structure and decay mode in 18O
Kitami Institute of Technology, Hokkaido Univ.A
Tomoyuki Baba, Masaaki KimuraA
Alpha abundance in alpha decaying nuclei investigated by the knockout reaction
Japan Atomic Energy Agency, KTH Alba Nova University CenterA
Kazuki Yoshida, Chong QiA
Neutron-number dependence of charge-changing cross sections
Osaka Univ., Niigata Univ.A, Kyushu Univ.B, Tokyo City Univ.C, Saitama Univ.D, Niigata Univ. RIE, NIRSF
M. Fukuda, M. TakechiA, M. TanakaB, R. Wakabayashi, M. Fukutome, M. Mihara, K. Matsuta, D. NishimuraC, T. SuzukiD, T. YamaguchiD, M. SakaueD, T. OhtsuboA, M. TomitaA, K. MozumiA, K. YamaguchiA, T. IzumikawaE, S. SatoF, S. FukudaF, A. KitagawaF
Systematic analysis of one-nucleon knockout cross sections for oxygen isotopes
Phuc Tri Toan NGUYEN, Kazuki YoshidaA, Kazuyuki OgataB,C
Toward the construction of alpha-nucleus global optical potential
Tokyo Tech, Hokkaido Univ.A, YNUB
Kohsuke Tsubakihara, Shuichiro Ebata, Wataru HoriuchiA, Takenori FurumotoB

17th S32 Room 17aS32 10:00〜12:15

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Experimental Particle Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics
High Energy QCD・Nucleon Structure

Internal Structure of Hadrons Explored with High-Momentum Beams at J-PARC
Hiroyuki Noumi
Measurements of Anti-Quark Distributions in Nucleon and Nuclear Effects via Drell-Yan Process at FNAL-SeaQuest
Tokyo Tech, RIKEN Nishina CenterA, KEKB, Academia SinicaC, Yamagata U.D
K. Nakano, Y. GotoA, S. SawadaB, T.-A. Shibata, K. NagaiC, Y. MiyachiD, SeaQuest collaboration
Longitudinal double-spin asymmetries in polarized deep-inelastic scattering measured by HERMES
Yamagata University, Nihon UniversityA
Yoshiyuki Miyachi, Toshi-Aki ShibataA for the HERMES collaboration
Transverse momentum dependent fragmentation in Belle
RIKEN Nishina Center
Ralf Seidl, and the Belle collaboration

Break (11:15〜11:30)

Recent results from polarized proton + nucleus collisions at PHENIX
Y.Goto, for the PHENIX Collaboration
RHICf Experiment : Transverse single spin asymmetry measurement of neutral pion in the polarized proton+proton collision at the collision energy of 510 GeV
RikenA, ISEE, Nagoya Univ.B, KMI, Nagoya Univ.C, ICRR, Univ of TokyoD, JAEAE, Korea Univ.F, Waseda Univ.G, ShibaurakodaiH, Tokushima Univ.I, INFN FirenzeJ, INFN CataniaK
I.NakagawaA, Y.ItowB,C, H.MenjoB, M.UenoB, T.SakoD, K.SatoB, Y.GotoA, R.SaidlA, J.ParkA, M.KimA, K.TanidaE, B.HongF, S.ToriiG, K.KasaharaH, N.SakuraiI, O.AdrianiJ, R.D'AlessandroJ, L.BonechiJ, E.BertiJ, A.TricomiK
Study on single spin asymmetry for forward neutral pions at RHIC
Gaku Mitsuka

17th S21 Room 17pS21 13:30〜17:00

Theoretical Particle Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics
QCD phase diagram, sign problem

Phase diagram of finite temperature phase transition of QCD
Center for Computational Science, RIKEN
Y. Nakamura
Lattice calculation of Z3-QCD in finite density region
Kyushu University, Saga UniversityA, JMAB
Takehiro Hirakida, Hiroaki KounoA, Junichi TakahashiB, Masanobu Yahiro
Approach to sign problem in gauge theory by using path optimization
Kyoto Univ., Fukuoka Inst. Tech.A, YITPB
Yuto Mori, Kouji KashiwaA, Akira OhnishiB
On the quark density probability distribution function and the sign problem in finite density lattice QCD
Niigata Univ.
Shinji Ejiri
Topology in low-temperature and high-density regimes of two-color QCD
RECNS Keio U., Kochi U., RCNP Osaka U.
Etsuko Itou, Kei Iida, Tong-Gyu Lee
Study of thermodynamic properties of 2+1 flavor lattice QCD by gradient flow II
U.Tsukuba, Hiroshima Univ.A, Niigata Univ.B, Osaka Univ.C, Kyushu Univ.D
K. Kanaya, T. UmedaA, S. EjiriB, M. KitazawaC, T. ShimojoD, M. ShiroganeA, A. Suzuki, H. SuzukiD, Y. Taniguchi, A. Baba

Break (15:15〜15:30)

Symmetry in 2-flavor QCD at high temperature
S. Aoki, Y. AokiA, H. FukayaB, S. HashimotoC,D, C.RohrhoferB, K. SuzukiE
Ab initio analysis of the color-superconducting phase by the complex Langevin method
KEKA, Tokuyama National College of TechnologyB, SokendaiC, Dept. of Phys., Shizuoka Univ.D, RIKEN Nishina CenterE
Takeru YokotaA, Yuhma AsanoA, Yuta ItoB, Hideo MatsufuruA, Yusuke NamekawaA, Jun NishimuraA,C, Asato TsuchiyaD, Shoichiro TsutsuiE
geometric optimization of the tempering parameter in tempered Lefschetz thimble method
Dept. Phys., Kyoto Univ., PwCA
Nobuyuki Matsumoto, Masafumi Fukuma, Naoya UmedaA
Complex Langevin Analysis of two-dimensional U(1) gauge theory with the Θ term
Akira MatsumotoA, Jun NishimuraA,B, Mitsuaki HirasawaA, Atis YosprakobA
Complex Langevin simulation of the Lorentzian type IIB matrix model
SOKENDAIA, National Technical University of AthensB, Setsunan UniversityC, Tokuyama CollegeD, KEKE, Shizuoka UniversityF
Mitsuaki HirasawaA, Konstantinos N. AnagnostopoulosB, Toshihiro AokiA, Takehiro AzumaC, Yuta ItoD, Jun NishimuraA,E, Stratos Kovalkov PapadoudisB, Asato TsuchiyaF
Analysis of two-dimensional complex φ4 theory at finite density with tensor renormalization group
Chula U., U. TsukubaA, R-CCSB, Kanazawa U.C
D. Kadoh, Y. KuramashiA, Y. NakamuraB, R. SakaiC, S. TakedaC, Y. YoshimuraA

17th S22 Room 17pS22 13:30〜16:50

Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Experimental Nuclear Physics,Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics,Division 1
Science of the 7th period elements: physics and chemistry of superheavy elements

Kyoto University
Kouichi Hagino
Perspectives of new element chemistry
Hiromitsu Haba
Experimental elucidation of the electronic structure of heavy and superheavy elements influenced by strong relativistic effects
Tetsuya K. Sato
Fundamental physics with laser cooled heavy elements
Yasuhiro SAKEMI

Break (14:55〜15:10)

Synthesis of Period 7 Elements by the r-process in the Universe
Wako Aoki
Nuclear experiments with isotopes of the seventh periodic elements
Miyatake Hiroari
Development of production method of new isotopes in heavy region and reaction mechanism study
Kyushu University
Satoshi Sakaguchi
Super-heavy elements as quantum many-body problem
U. of Tokyo
Tomoya Naito

17th S31 Room 17pS31 13:15〜17:15

Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Experimental Nuclear Physics
Exotic Hadron・Mesic Nuclei

Determination of quantum numbers of Lambdac(2765)
Kiyoshi Tanida, Changwoo JooA, Yuji KatoB, Toru IijimaB
Pentaquark System sssc\bar{c}
Nanjing Univ.A, RIKENB, JAEAC, Osaka Univ.-RCNPD, Kyushu Univ.E
Qi MengA, Utku CanB, Philipp GublerC, Atsushi HosakaD, Makoto OkaC, Hongshi ZongA, Emiko HiyamaB,E
The preparation status for the pionic atom spectroscopy with the 136Xe(p, 2He) reaction at RCNP
Kyoto University, Tokyo TechA, Osaka UniversityB, The University of TokyoC, RCNPD, Kyushu UniversityE, Nishina CenterF
Akane Sakaue, Takanobu Doi, Yuki Fujikawa, Kento Inaba, Shintaro Okamoto, Hiroyuki FujiokaA, Takahiro KawabataB, Yuni N WatanabeC, Tatsuya FurunoD, Nobuyuki KobayashiD, Motoki MurataD, Atsushi TamiiD, Satoshi AdachiE, Kenta ItahashiF
Structure of Double Pionic Atoms
Tottori Univ.A, Valencia Univ.B, Nara Women's Univ.C, Tokyo TechD, RIKENE
Akari TaniA, Natsumi IkenoA,B, Satoru HirenzakiC, Daisuke JidoD, Hideko NagahiroC, Hiroyuki FujiokaD, Kenta ItahashiE
Feasibility study on search for a η'd bound state with the NKS2 spectrometer
Tokyo Tech, Tohoku Univ.A, GP-PUB
Hiroyuki Fujioka, Masashi KanetaA, Yuichi ToyamaA,B, Sho NagaoA, Satoshi N. NakamuraA
Mass spectra of η' mesonic nuclei in a relativistic nuclear mean-field theory
Tokyo Tech, Tokyo Metro. Univ.A, Nara Women's Univ.B
Daisuke Jido, Hanayo MasutaniA, Satoru HirenzakiB
Formation spectra of η(958) mesic nucleus by (p, d) reaction with nuclear deformation effects
Nara WU, Tokyo Inst. Tech.A
Suzuna Kinutani, Mai Hirao, Hideko Nagahiro, Daisuke JidoA, Satoru Hirenzaki
Formation of meson-nucleus bound state from anti-protnic atom
Nara WU, RikenA
Mai Hirao, Suzuna Kinutani, Hideko Nagahiro, Kenta ItahashiA, Satoru Hirenzaki

Break (15:15〜15:30)

“K-pp” investigated with a semi-relativistic version of a fully coupled-channel complex scaling method
KEK Theory Center, Nihon Univ.A, Osaka Inst. Tech.B
Akinobu Dote, Takashi InoueA, Takayuki MyoB
Dilepton spectra in the φ meson mass region for pA reations at 12 GeV
JAEA, Frankfurt U.A, GSIB
Philipp Gubler, Elena BratkovskayaA,B
Theoretical study of Λ(1405) production with K- beam and deuteron/3He target
Kyoto Sangyo Univ., RCNP Osaka Univ.A, Tokyo Inst. Tech.B
J. Yamagata-Sekihara, T. SekiharaA, D. JidoB
Lattice QCD study on spin-dependent J/ψ N interaction
Takuya Sugiura, Yoichi IkedaA, Noriyoshi IshiiA
On the strangeness pentaquark with a heavy quark-antiquark pair
Japan College of Social Work, Showa Pharmaceutical Univ.A, RIKENB, JAEAC, Univ. of GenovaD
Sachiko Takeuchi, Makoto TakizawaA, Yasuhiro YamaguchiB, Makoto OkaC, Alessandro GiachinoD, Elena SantopintoD
The hidden-charm pentaquarks in the heavy-quark effective model with the coupling to the 5 quark-core states
Showa Pharm. Univ., Nishina Center, RIKENA, RCNP Osaka Univ.B, Japan College of Social WorkC, UNAMD, Univ. of GenovaE
Makoto Takizawa, Yasuhiro YamaguchiA, Atsushi HosakaB, Sachiko TakeuchiC, H. Garcia-TecocoatziD, Alessandro GiachinoE, Elena SantopintoE
Spin-isospin Kondo effect for heavy hadrons in nuclear matter
Res. and Education Center for Natural Sci., Keio Univ.
Shigehiro Yasui, Tomokazu Miyamoto

18th S21 Room 18aS21 9:00〜12:00

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
medium-heavy nuclei

Triaxial superdeformed state and multiple shape coexistence in 42Ca
ASRC, JAEAA, CNS, U. TokyoB, Dept. Phys., U. TokyoC, RNC, RIKEND
Yutaka UtsunoA,B, Takatoshi IchikawaB, Noritaka ShimizuB, Takaharu OtsukaB,C,D
CP violation in the atomic nuclei and electric dipole moment
Center for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo
Kota Yanase, Noritaka Shimizu
Effective charge evaluated by shell model near 208Pb
Saitama University, Chiba Institute of Technology, Nippon Institute of Technology, Tokyo University CNS
N. Yoshinaga, K. Higashiyama, A. Umeya, K. Yanase
E1 transition rates for odd mass nuclei around mass 130
Chiba Institute of Technology, Saitama UniversityA, Tokyo University CNSB
Koji Higashiyama, Naotaka YoshinagaA, Kota YanaseB
Shiff moments by nuclear shell-model calculations with a realistic interaction
CNS U. Tokyo
Noritaka Shimizu, Kota Yanase
Shape transition in Sm isotopes by Monte Carlo shell model calculations
Univ. TokyoA, RIKENB
Yusuke TsunodaA, Takaharu OtsukaA,B, Noritaka ShimizuA

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Large-amplitude quadrupole shape mixing probed by the (p, p') reaction : a model analysis
Dept. of Phys., Osaka City Univ.A, NITEP, Osaka City Univ.B, Dept. of Edu., Yokohama Natl. Univ.C, NIT, Tokuyama Coll.D, RCNP, Osaka Univ.E
Koichi SatoA,B, Takenori FurumotoC, Yuma KikuchiD, Kazuyuki OgataA,B,E, Yukinori SakuragiA,B
Calculation of two-neutrino double-beta decay nuclear matrix elements using the finite-amplitude method
CCS, Univ. of Tsukuba
Nobuo Hinohara
Truncation scheme of coupled chain of reduced density matrices III
Kyorin Univ.
Mitsuru Tohyama
Wobbling motion in 135Pr, 105Pd, and Lu isotopes
Otsuma Women's University, RIKENA, Saitama UniversityB
Kazuko Sugawara-TanabeA, Kosai TanabeB
Attempt at describing triaxiality of 108,110,112Ru by the generalized triaxial rotor model with independent variable moments of inertia
Chiba Institute of Technology, Education Center
Masahiko Sugawara

18th S22 Room 18aS22 9:00〜12:00

Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Experimental Nuclear Physics
high energy heavy-ion reactions (I)

Coarse graining of dynamics based on the renoramlization group method and use of Husimi function
YITP, Kyoto University, RCNP, Osaka University
Teiji Kunihiro
Study of collective flows within the relativistic quantum molecular dynamics based on the relativistic mean-field theory
Akita International UniversityA, FIAS FrankfurtB
Yasushi NaraA, Horst StoeckerB
Space-time evolution of critical fluctuations in one-dimensionally expanding systems
Sophia Univ., The Univ. of TokyoA
Azumi Sakai, Tetsufumi Hirano, Hirotsugu FujiiA, Koichi Murase
Global polarization of Lambda at √sNN = 54 GeV in Au+Au at RHIC-STAR.
Graduated Sch. of Pure & Applied Sci., University of Tsukuba
Kosuke Okubo for the STAR collaboration

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Quarkonium dynamics with SU(3) colorful stochastic pontential
Osaka Univ., Univ. of StavangerA
Shiori Kajimoto, Yukinao Akamatsu, Masayuki Asakawa, Alexander RothkopfA
Measurement of J/psi production in p-Pb collisions
CNS, the University of Tokyo
ShinIchi Hayashi
Measurement of azimuthal anisotropy of electrons from heavy-flavour hadron decays in Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC
Graduated Sch. of Pure & Applied Sci., University of Tsukuba
Kenichi Tadokoro for the ALICE collaboration
Multiplicity dependence of transverse momentum spectra from dynamical core--corona initialization model
Sophia Univ., Wayne State Univ.A
Y. Kanakubo, Y. TachibanaA, T. Hirano
Pseudorapidity dependence of anisotropic flow in small system
Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo
Yuko Sekiguchi

18th S32 Room 18aS32 9:00〜12:30

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Particle Physics,Experimental Particle Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics Joint
Dark Matter Search (I)

A low mass dark matter search in XENON1T
Nagoya UniversityA, KMIB
Shingo KazamaA,B
Japan in the XENONnT Experiment: Overview
東大Kavli IPMU (WPI)A, 東大宇宙線研B, 神戸大C, 名大ISEED, 名大KMIE, 名大IARF
Kai MartensA, 山下雅樹B, A, 伊藤好孝D, E, 上野龍一C, 奥井樹D, 尾崎公祐D, 風間慎吾E, F, 加藤伸行B, 竹田敦B, A, 陳育勤B, 平出克樹B, A, 身内賢太朗C, 水越彗太C, 森山茂栄B, A, 山崎里奈D, 他 XENON Collaboration
Commissioning of liquid xenon purification system for XENONnT
ICRR The University of Tokyo
N.Kato for the XENON Collaboration
Evaluation for XENONnT nVETO via Monte Carlo simulation
Kobe University
Ryuichi Ueno
Background rejection using timing information in the neutron veto system in XENONnT
ICRR The University of TokyoA, Kavli IPMU (WPI) The University of TokyoB
K. HiraideA,B for the XENON Collaboration
PMTs test of nVeto system for XENONnT Experiment
Kobe Univ.
Keita Mizukoshi for the XENON Collaboration
Rn monitor for Gd water in XENONnT neutron veto system
ICRR The University of TokyoA, Kavli IPMU (WPI) The University of TokyoB
A. TakedaA,B for the XENON Collaboration

Break (10:45〜11:00)

Analysis and the simulation of the beta-ray's scintillation for rare events search in XMASS-I data
ICRR, The University of Tokyo
Takumi Suzuki, for the XMASS collaboration
Radioimpurity measurement of the PMT R13111
ICRR, The University of Tokyo
Koichi Ichimura, for the XMASS collaboration
Nuclear recoil measurement in high pressure xenon gas detector
Kobe University, Kyoto UniversityA
Kiseki D. Nakamura, Atsuko K. IchikawaA, Tsuyoshi NakayaA, Shuhei ObaraA, Sei BanA, Kazuhiro Z. NakamuraA, Masashi YoshidaA, Kentaro Miuchi
NEWAGE54: The current status of the underground measurement in 2019
Kobe Univ.
Tomonori Ikeda, Kentaro Miuchi, Hirohisa Ishiura, Takuma Nakamura, Takuya Shimada, Kiseki Nakamura
NEWAGE55: Development progress and future prospect of NIμ-TPC for NEWAGE
Kobe Univ.
Hirohisa Ishiura, Kentaro Miuchi, Tomonori Ikeda, Takuma Nakamura, Takuya Shimada, Kiseki Nakamura
Development of the database for low-background studies in Kamioka (5)
Kobe University, ICRRA, Tohoku UniversityB, Tokushima UniversityC
Y. Nakano, H. ItoA, K. TamaeB, Y. Takeuchi, H. SekiyaA, A. TakedaA, S. TasakaA, K. FushimiC

18th S21 Room 18pS21 13:30〜16:45

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
nuclear force, few-body system, nuclear reaction

Description of p-shell nuclei with tensor-optimized antisymmetrized molecular dynamics
Osaka Inst. of Tech.
Takayuki Myo
Three-Body Reaction near at the Three-Body Break up Threshold and Long Range Hadron Potential
Fac. of Sci. and Tech., Tokyo Univ. of Science, HLF Ltd.A
Shinsho Oryu, Takashi Watanabe, Yasuhisa Hiratsuka, Masayuki Takeda
Three-Nucleon Force Effects in the FSI configuration of the d(n,nn)p Breakup Reaction
Kyushu Inst. Tech., Jagiellonian Uni.A
H. Kamada, H. WitalaA, J. GolakA, R. SkibinskiA
Four-body Scattering Equations Including Three-body Force in Faddeev-Yakubovsky Theory
Kyushu Inst. Tech.
H. Kamada
Long-range attractive effects in 3-alpha system
Hosei Univ.
Souichi Ishikawa
Description of proton inelastic scattering with complex G-matrix folding model
Takenori Furumoto

Break (15:00〜15:15)

Microscopic analysis of resonance states for 6He + p reactions
Kyushu University
Shoya Ogawa, Masakazu Toyokawa, Takuma Matsumoto
Study of peak positions of the energy spectrum in 12C scattering and resonant energies
Kyushu Univ.
Takuma Matsumoto, Shoya Ogawa, Yushin Yamada
Spectrum-Representation of Green's Function in Complex Scaling Method
Nuclear Data-Center, Hokkaido Univ.A, National Univ. of MongoliaB, Nat. Inst. Tech., Tokuyama Col.C, Osaka Inst. of Tech.D
K. KatoA, M. OdsurenB, Y. KikuchiC, T. MyoD
Direct probing of the pn-pairing in 10B nucleus via deuteron-knockout reaction
RCNP, Osaka Univ.A, JAEAB, Osaka City Univ. & NITEPC
Yuen Sim NeohA, Mengjiao LyuA, Kazuki YoshidaB, Yoshiki ChazonoA, Kazuyuki OgataA,C
Theoretical analysis of the multi-nucleon transfer reactions in heavy-ion nucleus-nucleus collisions investigated using dynamical model
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Research, Kindai University
Yuuya Miyamoto, Shota Amano, Shimokawa Naoto, Yoshihiro Aritomo
Microscopic description of quantum tunneling in fusion reactions with a time-dependent generator coordinate mathod
Dept. Science, Tohoku Univ.
Hasegawa Naoto, Hagino Kouichi, Tanimura Yusuke

18th S22 Room 18pS22 13:45〜16:30

Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Experimental Nuclear Physics Joint
high energy heavy-ion reactions (II)

Nonlinear Quantum Effects in Glasma Dynamics (II) Expanding system
Kazunori Itakura
Saturation momentum scale extracted from semi-inclusive transverse spectra in high-energy pp collisions
Tokyo City University
Takeshi Osada
Quantitative evaluation of muon track matching efficiency for LHC-Run3 at ALICE
Nara Women's Univ.
Kaede Kamano for the ALICE Collaboration
Detectability of the modification of the mass spectrum of the forward light vector mesons in ALICE Run3
Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University
Kondo Takehito
Net-proton C4 Measurement at √sNN = 54 GeV in Au+Au Collisions at RHIC-STAR
Graduated Sch. of Pure & Applied Sci., University of Tsukuba
Yuri Sato for the STAR Collaboration

Break (15:00〜15:15)

Background effect on search of ultra-intense magnetic field in ALICE experiment
Hiroshima University
Takumi Osako for the ALICE Collaboration
Anomalous enhancement of dilepton production rate from color superconducting phase transition
Osaka University, YITP
Masakiyo Kitazawa, Teiji Kunihiro
photon production in high-energy heavy ion collisions
KEKA, KMI Nagoya UB, U TokyoC
Kazunori ItakuraA, Chiho NonakaB, Hirotsugu FujiiC
Measurement of neutral mesons and direct photon in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV
CNS, the University of Tokyo
Daiki Sekihata
Development and evaluation of new analysis methods of Si-W electromagnetic calorimeter for ALICE upgrade
Yoko Minato

18th S31 Room 18pS31 13:15〜17:15

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Particle Physics,Experimental Particle Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics Joint
Double Beta Decay

KamLAND-Zen 800: Estimation of background
RCNS, Tohoku Univ.
KamLAND-Zen 800: Estimation of background produced by cosmic-ray muon spallation
RCNS, Tohoku Univ.
Takahiko HACHIYA
KamLAND-Zen 800: Xe concentration measurement in liquid scintillator of KamLAND
RCNS, Tohoku Univ.
Hiroto Sambonsugi
KamLAND-Zen 800: Recent Results of Double Beta Decay Analysis
RCNS, Tohoku Univ.
Hideyoshi Ozaki, for KamLAND-Zen Collaboration
KamLAND-Zen 800: Study for development of energy resolution
RCNS, Tohoku Univ.
Haruhiko Miyake
KamLAND2-Zen: Pulse shape discrimination with scintillation film and liquid scintillator
RCNS, Tohoku Univ.
Rikuo Nakamura
Liquid Xenon detector R&D for the neutrinoless double beta decay search
Tohoku University RCNS
Kota Ueshima
XENONnT: Double beta decay search with a dark matter detector.
ICRR The University of TokyoA, Kavli IPMU (WPI) The University of TokyoB
Masaki YamashitaA,B for the XENON collaboration

Break (15:15〜15:30)

AXEL experiment: Topology evaluation of the large size prototype detector
Kyoto Univ., Kobe Univ.A
Shuhei Obara, Atsuko.K Ichikawa, Tsuyoshi Nakaya, Kiseki.D NakamuraA, Sei Ban, Kazuhiro Nakamura, Masashi Yoshida, and for the AXEL collaboration
AXEL experiment : Evaluation of the large size prototype detector
Kyoto University, Kobe UniversityA
Sei Ban, Atsuko.K Ichikawa, Tsuyoshi Nakaya, Kiseki.D NakamuraA, Syuhei Obara, Kazuhiro Nakamura, Masashi Yoshida
Study of neutrino-less double beta decay by CANDLES - Present status and future perspectives of the CANDLES experiment
Department of Physics Osaka Univ., RCNP Osaka Univ.A, Univ. of FukuiB, The Univ. of TokushimaC, Tsukuba UniversityD, Osaka Sangyo Univ.E, WERCF
S.Yoshida for the CANDLES collaboration
Study of neutrino-less double beta decay by CANDLES -Evaluation of energy spectrum and detector energy stability-
Department of Physics Osaka Univ., RCNP Osaka Univ.A, Tokyo Univ.B, Department of Physics Kobe Univ.C, CANDLES collaboration
I.Tomoki for the CANDLES collaboration
Bolometer Development using Neutron Transmutation Doped Ge in CANDLES for the study of Neutrinoless Double Beta decay
Grad. Sch. of Sci., Osaka Univ.
Ken Keong Lee for CANDLES collaboration
ZICOS Neutrinoless double beta decay experiment using 96Zr in organic liquid scintillator XV -Measurement of energy resolution for ZICOS liquid scintillator using high photocoverage light guide.
Miyagi Univ. of Edu., ICRR Univ. of TokyoA, Fukiui Univ.B, Tokyo Univ. of Sci.C, IMR Tohoku Univ.D
Y.Fukuda, S.MoriyamaA, K.HiraideA, I.OgawaB, T.GunjiC, S.TsukadaC, R.HayamiC, S.KurosawaD
Current status of double beta decay experiment DCBA
Tokyo Metropolitan Univ. Science, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.A, KEK IPNSB, KEK ComputingC, KEK RadiationD, ASSGE, Wakayama Univ.F, NAROG, Okayama Univ. of ScienceH, HomeI
Y. Hori, H. Kakuno, R. Hamatsu, T. Sumiyoshi, S. KitamuraA, N. IshiharaB, T. OhamaB, Y.KatoB, Y. MakidaB, M. KawaiB, R. KondoB, K. TakahashiB, G. IwaiC, H. IwaseD, K. TanakaE, N. ArakawaE, T. HasegawaF, K. TokudaG, T. KinugasaH, N. UjiieI, S. TeradaI

19 S22 Room 19aS22 9:00〜12:00

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
quark matter and nuclear matter

Critical exponents at critical point of neutron P-wave superfluidity in neutron stars
Res. and Education Center for Natural Sci., Keio Univ.A, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka Univ.B, Dept. of Phys. at Hiyoshi, Keio Univ.C
Shigehiro YasuiA, Takeshi MizushimaB, Muneto NittaA,C
Domain walls in neutron P-wave superfluidity in neutron stars
Res. and Education Center for Natural Sci., Keio Univ.A, Dept. of Phys. at Hiyoshi, Keio Univ.B
Shigehiro YasuiA, Muneto NittaA,B
Effects of pairing fluctuations in superfluidity in neutron stars
Department of Physics & Research and Education Center for Natural Sciences, Keio University
Daisuke Inotani, Shigehiro Yasui, Muneto Nitta
The singular drift problem in the complex Langevin analysis of finite density QCD and the eigenvalue distribution of the Dirac operator
Riken Nishina CenterA, NIT Tokushima CollegeB, KEKC, SOKENDAID, Keio U.E, Shizuoka U.F
Shoichiro TsutsuiA, Yuta ItoB, Hideo MatsufuruC, Jun NishimuraC,D, Shinji ShimasakiE, Asato TsuchiyaF
Finite-size effect for phase structure of nucleon parity doublet model
Tsutomu IshikawaA,B, Katsumasa NakayamaC, Kei SuzukiD
Casimir effect and spontaneous chiral symmetry braking in D mesons
Kei Suzuki, Tsutomu IshikawaA,B, Katsumasa NakayamaC, Daiki SuenagaD

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Quark-hadron continuity beyond Ginzburg-Landau paradigm
APCTP, POSTECH, North Carolina State Univ.A
Yuji Hirono, Yuya TanizakiA
Inhomogeneous η' condensation in rotating baryonic matter
Keio Univ.
Nishimura Kentaro, Yamamoto Naoki
Comprehensive study of mass modification of light mesons in nuclear matter with extended Linear Sigma Model
CCNU, Frankfurt U.A
Daiki Suenaga, Phillip LakaschusA, Dirk H. RischkeA, Jurgen Schaffner-BielichA
Gluon propagator in color superconductivity phase based on the massive Yang-Mills theory
Daiki Suenaga, Toru Kojo
Study of spontaneous symmetry breaking and fluctuations in the QCD Kondo effect
CCNU, JAEAA, Res. and Education Center for Natural Sci., Keio Univ.B
Daiki Suenaga, Kei SuzukiA, Shigehiro YasuiB

19 S32 Room 19aS32 9:00〜12:30

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Particle Physics,Experimental Particle Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics Joint
Dark Matter Search (II)

Searching for Dark Matter Axions by Josephson Junctions (II)
Nagoya Univ., AISTA, MSL-Tokyo Tech.B, Tohoku Univ. FRISC, Tohou Univ.D
Masahiro Yamamoto, Rikizo Yano, Hirotake YamamoriA, Masao Hishiro HiroseB, Takao SasagawaB, Naoya KitajimaC, Tatsuhiro NakaD, Yukio Tanaka, Satoshi Kashiwaya
R&D study on large scale microwave cavity for dark matter axion and dark photon -- mechanism for resonance frequency scan --
Tohoku Univ., U. of Fukui.A, U. of TokyoB
Y. Kishimoto, I. OgawaA, Y. MoriA, M. YamashitaB
PICOLON report: Search for dark matter by means of highly radiopure NaI(Tl) scintillator
Dept. Phys., Tokushima Univ., IPMU, Tokyo Univ.A, RCNP, Osaka Univ.B, IAS., Tokushima Univ.C, Osaka Sangyo Univ.D, RCNS Tohoku Univ.E, I.S.C. Lab.F, Osaka Univ.G
K.Fushimi, D.ChernyakA, H.EjiriB, K.HataC, R.HazamaD, H.IkedaE, K.ImagawaF, K.InoueE, Y.KanemitsuC, A.KozlovA, R.Orito, T.ShimaB, S.UmeharaB, K.YasudaF, S.YoshidaH
Purification of NaI(Tl) crystal for dark matter search
IAS. Tokushima Univ., IPMU Tokyo Univ.A, RCNP Osaka Univ.B, Dept. Phys. Tokushima Univ.C, Osaka Sangyo Univ.D, RCNS Tohoku Univ.E, I.S.C.Lab.F, Dept. Phys. Osaka Univ.G
Y.Kanemitsu, D.ChernyakA, H.EjiriB, K.FushimiC, R.HazamaD, H.IkedaE, K.ImagawaF, K.InoueE, K.Hata, A.KozlovA, R.OritoC, T.ShimaB, S.UmeharaB, K.YasudaF, S.YoshidaG
PICOLON report: A neutron response measurement of NaI(Tl) scintillator for dark matter search
IAS. Tokushima Univ., IPMU Tokyo Univ.A, RCNP Osaka Univ.B, Dept. Phys. Tokushima Univ.C, Osaka Sangyo Univ.D, RCNS Tohoku Univ.E, I.S.C.Lab.F, Dept. Phys. Osaka Univ.G
K.Hata, D.ChernyakA, H.EjiriB, K.FushimiC, R.HazamaD, H.IkedaE, K.ImagawaF, K.InoueE, Y.Kanemitsu, A.KozlovA, R.OritoC, T.ShimaB, S.UmeharaB, K.YasudaF, S.YoshidaG
Status of CaI2 scintillator development for study of the history of Universe - Particle identification capability -
University of Tsukuba
Takashi Iida

Break (10:30〜10:45)

ANKOK 33: Study of low energy electronic recoil events with radioisotopes including 37Ar
Waseda University
M.Kimura, K.Aoyama, Y.Honda, H.Morohoshi, R.Ozu, T.Takeda, M.Tanaka, K.Yorita
Radon / Radium measurement from Gd water
Kamioka Observatory, ICRR, Univ. of Tokyo
Guillaume Pronost
The measurement of impurities in the Gadolinium sulfate by ICP-MS and Ge detector for SK-Gd project.
ICRR, Okayama UniversityA, Institute for Environmental SciencesB
Takeshi Okada, Shintaro ItoA, Koichi Ichimura, Yuichi TakakuB, Kou Abe, Motoyasu Ikeda, Yasuhiro Nakajima, Masayuki HaradaA, Hiroyuki Sekiya, Yusuke KoshioA, Masayuki Nakahata, Super-Kamiokande Collaboration
Directional Dark Matter Search Project NEWSdm(1)〜developing status of high-speed scanning system〜
Graduate School of Science Nagoya University, Graduate School of Science Toho UniversityA, IMASS Nagoya UniversityB, Chiba UniversityC, University of NaplesD
Ryuta Kobayashi, Tatsuhiro NakaA, Toshiuki Nakano, Atsuhiro Umemoto, Takuya Shiraishi, Inori Todoroki, Kazami Hamano, Osamu SatoB, Ken'ichi KugeC, Takashi AsadaD, Ryosuke Komatani, and NEWSdm collaboration
Directional Dark Matter Search Project NEWSdm(2)〜status report for underground experiment〜
Graduate School of Science Nagoya University, Graduate School of Science Toho UniversityA, IMASS Nagoya UniversityB, Chiba UniversityC, University of NaplesD
Atsuhiro Umemoto, Tatsuhiro NakaA, Ryuta Kobayashi, Takuya Shiraishi, Inori Todoroki, Kazami Hamano, Osamu SatoB, Ken'ichi KugeC, Takashi AsadaD, and NEWSdm collaboration
Developing of analysis system for measurement of underground environmental sub-MeV neutrons with nuclear emulsion
Graduate School of Science Nagoya University, Graduate School of Science Toho UniversityA, IMASS Nagoya UniversityB, University of NaplesC
Inori Todoroki, Tatsuhiro NakaA, Atsuhiro Umemoto, Takuya Shiraishi, Ryuta Kobayashi, Kazami Hamano, Osamu SatoB, Takashi AsadaC, and Measurement of neutron consortium
Study on luminescence of AgBr:I crystals in the fine-grained nuclear emulsion by charged particles
Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University, Faculty of Science, Toho UniversityA
Takuya Shiraishi, Tatsuhiro NakaA

19 S21 Room 19pS21 13:30〜16:30

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
fusion, fission, superheavy nuclei, mean field theory, RPA, many-body foundation

Dominant fission modes in the superheavy nuclear mass region
ASRC, JAEA, Dept. of Phys., Tohoku Univ.A
Hiroyuki Koura, Fumitaka EndoA
Collective inertia along the fission path
Kyushu Univ.A, Univ. TsukubaB
Kouhei WashiyamaB, Takashi NakatsukasaB
Application of the Caldeira-Leggett model to a one dimensional barrier transmission problem
TohokuA, KyotoB
M.TokiedaA, K.HaginoB
Trajectory analysis of fission dynamics II
Kindai Univ., Konan Univ.A, JAEAB
Yoshihiro Aritomo, Ryota Yamasaki, Sena Hamagami, Masahisa OhtaA, Katsuhisa NishioB, Akira IwamotoB
Theoretical study of nuclear fission using multi-nucleon transfer reaction
Kindai Univ., JAEAA
Shoya Tanaka, Katsuhisa NishioA, Kentaro HiroseA, Yoshihiro Aritomo
Shape of fission fragments at scission studied by 4-D Langevin equation
Tokyo Tech., Malaysian Nuclear AgencyA, Institute of Nuclear Research KievB
Chiba Satoshi, Usang Mark DennisA, Ivanyuk Fedir A.B, Ishizuka Chikako, Zhang Xuan

Break (15:00〜15:15)

Influence of dineutron correlation on rotational excitation in neutron rich Mg isotopes
University of Aizu
Masayuki Yamagami
Systematical Calculation of beta-decay of neutron rich nuclei by QRPA method using a finite range pn pairing force
Futoshi Minato
On the mathematical nature of the overlap functions formed between many-body wave functions with the pairing correlations (Part. II)
Senshu, CNS U-TokyoA, ShanghaiB
M. Oi, M. Takahiro, N. ShimizuA, Y. SunB
Formalism of the functional-renormalization-group-aided density functional theory for superfluid systems
KEK, YITP, Kyoto Univ.A, Dept. of Phys., Kyoto Univ.B, RCNP, Osaka Univ.C
Takeru Yokota, Haruki KasuyaA, Kenichi YoshidaB, Teiji KunihiroA,C
Relation of the level statistics and the width statistics of the open quantum many-body systems II
Kansai University of Welfare Sciences, Kyoto Koka Women's CollegeA
Shoujirou Mizutori, Hirokazu AibaA

19 S22 Room 19pS22 13:45〜16:15

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
cosmological nuclear physics, neutron stars, and nuclear matters

Effects of pasta in neutron star crust on torsional oscillations and its importance
NAOJ, Kochi UniversityA, Aichi Shukutoku UniversityB
Hajime Sotani, Kei IidaA, Kazuhiro OyamatsuB
Low-energy 12C + 16O molecular resonance band
NIT Kagawa, Hokkaido Univ.A
Acceleration of the spherically symmetric Bolzmann equation for supernova explosion simulations on GPU, Pezy-SC, and SX-Aurora
KEK, Numazu CTA
Hideo Matsufuru, Kosuke SumiyoshiA
MR relation of Hybrid stars
Saitama University, Tokyo University CNSA
Watanabe Chinatsu, Yanase KotaA, Yoshinaga Naotaka
Identification of Hermite Gaussian Wave of Gamma-Ray with Compton Scattering
BRS, Nihon University, National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and TechnologyA, National Astronomical Observatory of JapanB
Tomoyuki Maruyama, Takehito HayakawaA, Toshitaka KajinoB

Break (15:00〜15:15)

Revisiting the lower bound on tidal deformability derived by AT 2017gfo
AEI, YITP, Kyoto U.A, U. RyukyusB
Kenta Kiuchi, Koutarou KyutokuA, Masaru Shibata, Keisuke TaniguchiB
The equation of state of hot nuclear matter by the variational method with explicit energy functionals taking account of tensor forces and the structure of proto-neutron stars
Dep. Phys., Waseda Univ., Dep. Phys., Kyushu Univ.A
Shoji Kaoru, Togashi HajimeA, Takano Masatoshi
Study on the cluster variational method for hyperonic nuclear matter with the coupled channel interactions
Kyushu Univ.A, Waseda Univ.B
H. TogashiA,B, M. TakanoB
ESC QQ interaction and quark phase in neutron star
Riken Nishina Center, Univ. of NijmegenA
Yasuo Yamamoto, Th.A. RijkenA

19 S32 Room 19pS32 13:20〜17:15

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Division 1
Strangeness・Hyper Nuclei (I)

Masahiko Iwasaki
Momentum transfer dependence of K-d reaction in the J-PARC E31 experiment
Hidemitsu Asano for the J-PARC E31 collaboration
The physics E31 experiment to search the Λ(1405) via the d(K-, πΣ) reaction at J-PARC K1.8BR.
RCNP, Osaka Univ., E31J-PARC collaboration
Omar Zh for the E31J-PARC collaboration
Repulsive shift and non-linear optical potential
TMU, Tokyo TechA, Tottori Univ.B, Kyoto Sangyo Univ.C, Nara Women's Univ.D
Yutaro Iizawa, Daisuke JidoA, Natsumi IkenoB, Junko Yamagata-SekiharaC, Satoru HirenzakiD

Break (15:00〜15:15)

Analysis of Sigma beam intensity in Sigma proton scattering experiment (J-PARC E40)
Tohoku Univ., Osaka Univ.A, RCNPB, Kyoto Univ.C, KEKD, JAEAE, RIKENF, Korea Univ.G
K. Matsuda, K. Miwa, R. Honda, N. Fujioka, H. Kanauchi, Y. Ishikawa, H. Tamura, T. Aramaki, T. Sakao, S. Kajikawa, S. Nagao, M. Fujita, M. Ikeda, Y. Matsumoto, S. Ozawa, T. Shiozaki, H. Umetsu, T. Rogers, Y. NakadaA, S. HoshinoA, R. NagatomiA, K. KobayashiA, K. ShirotoriB, T. NanamuraC, S. AshikagaC, M. IchikawaC, K. SuzukiC, T. GogamiC, T. HaradaC, T. TakahashiD, M. UkaiD, S. SuzukiD, Y. AkazawaD, M. IeiriD, S. Ishimoto, Y. IchikawaE, K. TanidaE, T. YamamotoE, S. HayakawaE, J. YoshidaE, H. EkawaF, S.H. KimG, B.M. KangG, W.S. JungG, S.W. ChoiG for the J-PARC E40 Collaboration
The Status of J-PARC E40: the Σ-p->Λn Inelastic Scattering Analysis
Osaka Univ., KEKA, Kyoto Univ.B, Tohoku Univ.C, JAEAD, RIKENE, RCNPF, Korea Univ.G
Y. Nakada, Y. AkazawaA, S. AshikagaB, T. AramakiC, M. IeiriA, M. IkedaC, Y. IshikawaC, S. IshimotoA, M. IchikawaB, Y. IchikawaD, M. UkaiA, H. UmetsuC, H. EkawaE, S. OzawaC, S. KajikawaC, H. KanauchiC, T. GogamiB, K. Kobayashi, T. SakaoC, T. ShiozakiC, K. ShirotoriF, K. SuzukiB, S. SuzukiA, T. ToshiyukiA, K. TanidaD, H. TamuraC, S. NagaoC, R. Nagatomi, N. TakuyaB, S. HayakawaD, T. HaradaB, N. FujiokaC, M. FujitaC, H. Suharu, R. HondaC, K. MatsudaC, Y. MatsumotoC, K. MiwaC, T.O. YamamotoD, J. YoshidaD, S.W. ChoiG, W.S. JungG, B.M. KangG, S.H. KimG, T. RogersC, J-PARC E40 Collaboration
Analysis status of Σ-p Scattering events in the J-PARC E40 experiment
KEK, Tohoku Univ.A, Osaka Univ.B, RCNPC, Kyoto Univ.D, JAEAE, RikenF, Korea Univ.G
Y. Akazawa, T. Takahashi, M. Ukai, S. Suzuki, M. Ieiri, S. Ishimoto, K. MiwaA, R. HondaA, N. FujiokaA, H. KanauchiA, Y. IshikawaA, H. TamuraA, K. MatsudaA, T. AramakiA, T. SakaoA, S. KajikawaA, S. NagaoA, M. FujitaA, M. IkedaA, Y. MatsumotoA, S. OzawaA, T. ShiozakiA, H. UmetsuA, Rogers TatyanaA, Y. NakadaB, S. HoshinoB, R. NagatomiB, K. KobayashiB, K. ShirotoriC, T. NanamuraD, S. AshikagaD, M. IchikawaD, K. SuzukiD, T. GogamiD, T. HaradaD, Y. IchikawaE, K. TanidaE, T. O. YamamotoE, S. HayakawaE, J. YoshidaE, H. EkawaF, S.H. KimG, B.M. KangG, W.S. JungG, S.W. ChoiG, and J-PARC E40 collaboration
Analysis status of Σ+p Scattering events in the J-PARC E40 experiment
Kyoto University, JAEAA, Tohoku UniversityB, Osaka UniversityC, RCNPD, KEKE, RIKENF, Korea UniversityG
T. NanamuraA, K. MiwaB, R. HondaB, N. FujiokaB, H. KanauchiB, Y. IshikawaB, H. TamuraB, K. MatsudaB, T. AramakiB, T. SakaoB, S. KajikawaB, S. NagaoB, M. FujitaB, M. IkedaB, Y. MatsumotoB, S. OzawaB, T. ShiozakiB, H. UmetsuB, Rogers AnyaB, S. Ashikaga, M. Ichikawa, K. Suzuki, T. Gogami, T. Harada, Y. IchikawaA, K. TanidaA, T. YamamotoA, S. HayakawaA, J. YoshidaA, Y. NakadaC, S. HoshinoC, R. NagatomiC, K. KobayashiC, K. ShirotoriD, T. TakahashiE, M. UkaiE, S. SuzukiE, Y. AkazawaE, M. IeiriE, S. IshimotoE, H. EkawaF, S.H. KimG, B.M. KangG, W.S. JungG, S.W. ChoiG J-PARC E40 collaboration
Study on the Method of Identifying Λ by π-p → ΛK0 Reaction for Λp Scattering Experiment
Tohoku Univ., Osaka Univ.A, RCNPB, Kyoto Univ.C, KEKD, JAEAE, RikenF, Korea Univ.G
T. Sakao, K. Miwa, R. Honda, N. Fujioka, H. Kanauchi, Y. Ishikawa, H. Tamura, K. Matsuda, T. Aramaki, S. Kajikawa, S. Nagao, M. Fujita, M. Ikeda, Y. Matsumoto, S. Ozawa, T. Shiozaki, H. Umetsu, T. Rogers, Y. NakadaA, S. HoshinoA, R. NagatomiA, K. KobayashiA, K. ShirotoriB, T. NanamuraC, S. AshikagaC, M. IchikawaC, K. SuzukiC, T. GogamiC, T. HaradaC, T. TakahashiD, M. UkaiD, S. SuzukiD, Y. AkazawaD, M. IeiriD, S. Ishimoto, Y. IchikawaE, K. TanidaE, T. YamamotoE, S. HayakawaE, J. YoshidaE, H. EkawaF, S.H. KimG, B.M. KangG, W.S. JungG, S.W. ChoiG and J-PARC E40 Collaboration
Precise measurement of binding energy of medium heavy hypernuclear at JLab
Kyoto Univ., Tohoku Univ.A, GP-PUB, Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical Univ.C,Istituto NazionaleD, Florida International Univ.E, JLabF, Hampton Univ.G
K.N. Suzuki, T. AkiyamaA, K. ItabashiA,B, K. UeharaA,B, K. OkuyamaA, M. KanetaA, T. Gogami,Y. ToyamaA,B, S. NagaoA,B, S. N. NakamuraA, Y. FujiiE, F. GaribaldiD, P.E.C. MarkowitzE, J. ReinholdE, L. TangF,G, G.M. UrciuoliD, for JLab Hypernuclear Collaboration
Structures and production cross sections of 9ΛLi, 9ΛBe calculated with extended shell-model wave functions
Nippon Inst. of Tech., Osaka E-C Univ.A, Gifu Univ.B
Atsushi Umeya, Toshio MotobaA, Kazunori ItonagaB
Structure of 19ΛF hypernucleus with AMD
Hosei University
Masahiro Isaka

20 S21 Room 20aS21 9:00〜12:30

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
light nuclei, neutron-rich nuclei

Container picture for negative-parity states of 12C
Hokkaido Univ.A, Kanto Gakuin Univ.B, Osaka Univ.C, Tongji Univ.D, Rostock Univ.E, Université Paris-SudF, Nanjing Univ.G
Bo ZhouA, Yasuro FunakiB, Hisashi HoriuchiC, Masaaki KimuraA, Zhongzhou RenD, Gerd RöpkeE, Peter SchuckF, Akihiro TohsakiC, Chang XuG, Taiichi YamadaB
Study on alpha-cluster structure from ab initio calculations of no-core Monte Carlo shell model
CNS, the University of TokyoA, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State UniversityB, RIKEN Nishina CenterC, Department of Physics, the University of TokyoD, JAEAE, RISTF
T. AbeA, P. MarisB, T. OtsukaC,D, N. ShimizuA, Y. TsunodaA, Y. UtsunoE, J. P. VaryB, T. YoshidaF
Research on excitation states of 16O using Real-time evolution method
Hokkaido Univ.
Hideaki Motoki
Study of excited states of 20Ne by using 12C+2α Orthogonality Condition Model
College of Science and Engineering, Kanto Gakuin University
Yasuro Funaki, Taiichi Yamada
Study of the Cluster Structures of 13C (3α+n) within the Real-time Evolution Method.
Hokkaido Univ.
SeungHeon SHIN, Bo ZHOU, Masaaki KIMURA
Structures of Light p-shell nuclei studied by real-time evolution method.
Hokkaido Univ.
Masaaki Kimura

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Isoscalar dipole strength and cluster excitation of 24Mg
Dept. of Phys. OCU, NITEP OCU
Yohei Chiba
Tensor-optimized High-momentum AMD with a bare interaction, and its applications to the 3H and 4He nuclei
RCNP Osaka Univ., Osaka Inst. of Tech.A, Hosei Univ.B, RIKENC, Matsue Coll. of Tech.D, Kanto Gakuin Univ.E
Mengjiao Lyu, Takayuki MyoA, Masahiro IsakaB, Hiroshi Toki, Kiyomi IkedaC, Hisashi Horiuchi, Tadahiro SuharaD, Taiichi YamadaE
Studies on alpha cluster structure and monopole transition in 18O
Kansai University, Tokyo Institute of TechnologyA
Makoto Ito, Makoto Nakao, Shuuichiro EbataA
Sensitivity of core+n potential in the ground state of neutron-rich exotic nuclei
Res. Center for Nuclear Phys. (RCNP), Osaka Univ., Dept. of Phys., Hokkaido Univ.A
Jagjit Singh, Wataru HoriuchiA
Microscopic Study on Di-Neutron Condensation
RCNP Osaka Univ., YITP Kyoto Univ.A
Akihiro Tohsaki, Naoyuki ItagakiA
The study of the cluster states using jj-coupling shell model wave functions
YITP, University of TokyoA, RCNPB
Naoyuki Itagaki, Tomoya NaitoA, Akihiro TohsakiB
Investigation of low-energy dipole excitation mode by K-projected AMD
Kyoto University
Yuki Shikata, Yoshiko-Kanada En'yo

20 S22 Room 20aS22 9:15〜11:30

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Hadron nucleus collisions

Chiral magnetic effect in the hadronic phase
The University of Tokyo
Shota Imaki
Magnetic response of the vacuum in the parallel electromagnetic field
Faculty of Science, Department of Physics, Tokyo University of Science
Hayato Aoi, Katsuhiko Suzuki
Construction of chiral kinetic theory including chirality flipping through the collisions
Dept. of Phys., Osaka Univ.
Takahiro Otsuka, Yukinao Akamatsu, Masayuki Asakawa
Shear viscosity and thermalization of classical fields in Yang-Mills theory
Hidefumi Matsuda, Akira OhnishiA, Teiji KunihiroA, T. T. TakahashiB
Hydrodynamics from local thermal pure quantum state and its application to small systems
RIKEN Nishina CenterA, RECNS Keio U.B, RIKEN iTHEMSC, Department of Applied Physics, The University of TokyoD, Advanced Science and Engineering, Waseda U.E
Shoichiro TsutsuiA, Masaru HongoB,C, Takahiro SagawaD, Shintaro SatoE

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Interrelation between Analyses of Multiplicity Distributions by Negative Binomial Distribution, and Bose-Einstein Correlation
National Institute of Technology Toba College, Department of Physics Shinshu UniversityA
Takuya Mizoguchi, Minoru BiyajimaA
Non-equilibrium photon production in quark matter
Akihiko Monnai
Schwinger mechanism with perturbations
Fudan University
Hidetoshi TAYA

20 S31 Room 20aS31 9:00〜12:30

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics Joint
Strangeness・Hyper Nuclei (II)

Status of the J-PARC E07
JAEA ASRC, RIKEN CPRA, Gifu Univ. Edu.B, Gifu Univ. Edu.M.C, Gifu Univ. M.Eng.D
Yoshida Junya, Hayakawa Shuhei, Ekawa HiroyukiA, Yoshimoto MasahiroB, Kasagi AyumiC, Ma Phyo Myat LinD, Aung Nay Lin NyawD, Nakazawa KazumaB,C,D, J-PARC E07 Collaboration
Production of S=-2 Hypernuclei with Ξ- capture at rest and Analysis of new Twin Single-Λ Hypernuclei
Aung Nay Lin Nyaw, Hiroyuki EkawaB, Shuhei HayakawaA, Ayumi Kasagi, Phyo Myat Lin, Kazuma Nakazawa, Junya YoshidaA, Masahiro Yoshimoto, and the J-PARC E07 collaboration.
Ξ- 12C atom X-ray spectroscopy at J-PARC E07
Tohoku. Univ., KEKA, RIKEN CPRB, Gifu Univ.C, JAEAD
M.Fujita, Y.Ishikawa, M.UkaiA, H.EkawaB, H.Kanauchi, T.Koike, H.Tamura, K.NakazawaC, S.HayakawaD, K.HosomiD, R.Honda, T.O.YamamotoD, J.YoshidaC, for the E07 collaboration
Preparation status of measurement of X-rays from Ξ- atom (J-PARC E03)
Tohoku Univ., KEKA, JAEAB
H. Kanauchi, Y. Ishikawa, M. UkaiA, T. Koike, K. TanidaB, H. Tamura, M. Fujita, R. Honda, K. Miwa, T. O. YamamotoB, for the J-PARC E03 Collaboration
Xi hyperons in the nuclear medium described by chiral NLO interactions
RCNP, Osaka Univ.
M. Kohno
K+ spectrum of (K-, K+) Xi production inclusive reactions on nuclei and Xi-nucleus potential
RCNP, Osaka Univ.
M. Kohno

Break (10:30〜10:45)

Spectroscopy of 7ΞH and 5ΛΛH
Tokyo Tech, Osaka E.-C. Univ.A, RKEN Nishina CenterB, Kyushu Univ.C, Kyoto Univ.D, KEKE, Tohoku Univ.F, ELPHG
Hiroyuki Fujioka, Tomokazu FukudaA,B, Emiko HiyamaC,B, Yosuke Taki, Toshiyuki GogamiD, Tomofumi NagaeD, Toshiyuki TakahashiE, Yuhei MorinoE, Sho NagaoF, Atsushi O. TokiyasuG, Toshio MotobaA
Study of Xi atom and Xi nucleus based on lattice QCD at the physical point II
Takashi Inoue, for HAL QCD Collaboration
ΞN-ΛΛ interaction in the K- d →K0ΛΛ reaction
Okayama Univ. of Sci.
Structure of Be9-Lambda with three body cluster model
Nanjing Univ., Kyshu Univ.A, RIKENB, Inst. of Theretical Phys.C, Kanto Gakuin Univ.D
Qian Wu, Nanjing Univ., Emiko HiyamaA,B, Yashio FunakiB,D, Hongshi ZongB,D
Three-body structure of NNΩ
Department of Physics, Kyushu Univ.A, RIKENB
T. YamamotoA, R. MiyamotoA, R. KimA, E. HiyamaA,B
Preparation status of the H dibaryon search experiment J-PARC E42
JAEA, Korea Univ.A, Ohio Univ.B
Hayakawa Shuhei, Sako Hiroyuki, Hasegawa Shoichi, Tanida Kiyoshi, Sato Susumu, Ichikawa Yudai, Ahn JungKeunA, Shinhyung KimA, Wooseung JungA, Byungmin KangA, Sungwook ChoiA, Kenneth HicksB

20 S12 Room 20pS12 13:30〜16:30

Theoretical Particle Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Various problems

Nuclear states and spectra in holographic QCD
Osaka U., Shizuoka U.A
Koji Hashimoto, Yoshinori Matsuo, Takeshi MoritaA
Excitations and interactions of Nuclear states in holographic QCD
Osaka U., Shizuoka U.A
Koji Hashimoto, Yoshinori Matsuo, Takeshi MoritaA
Kibble-Zurek Scaling in a Holographic p-wave Superconductor
Yanyan Bu, Mitsutoshi FujitaA, Shu LinA
Electrons on the honeycomb lattice and Calabi-Yau geometry
Rikkyo University, USTC
Yasuyuki Hatsuda, Yuji Sugimoto
On the physics around IR divergence
Nagoya U
Hideo Furugori
Effects of Gluons in radiations from oscilating charged particles
(formerly) Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Teikyo University
Sadataka FURUI

Break (15:00〜15:15)

Toward Uda Equation of Dirac Field
Yuichi Uda
Gauge Bosons
free lance
Hakaru Yoshida
Quark Confinement
free lance
Hakaru Yoshida
The GPT Invariance of the Probability Current Density
free lance
Hakaru Yoshida
Gravitational General Power「55」
SOUKA-city Silver Ability Now