Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Theoretical Nuclear Physics
mean field theory, RPA
Ab-initio description of excited states with renormalization group based density functional theory
Dept. of Phys., Kyoto Univ.
Takeru Yokota, Kenichi Yoshida, Teiji Kunihiro
Hindrance of the coriolis effect in the rotating rod-shaped nuclei
Kansai University of Welfare Sciences, Niigata UniversityA
Shoujirou Mizutori, Tsunenori InakuraA
S-matrix analysis of pairing correlation effects on low-energy s-wave scattering II
Faculty of Arts and Science, Kyushu University, Faculty of Science, Niigata UniversityA
Yoshihiko Kobayashi, Masayuki MatsuoA
Disappearance of closed-shell structure and consequent change of microscopic structure of quadrupole vibrations in N=40 isotones
University of Aizu
Masayuki Yamagami
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Collective inertial functions of the quadrupole collective Hamiltonian with three-dimensional Skyrme-QRPA
CCS, Univ. Tsukuba
Kouhei Washiyama, Takashi Nakatsukasa
Solution of the HFB equations in three-dimensional Cartesian mesh
Univ. Tsukuba, Fac. of Pure and Appl. Sci.A, Univ. Tsukuba, Cent. For Comp. Sci.B
Yu Kashiwaba, Takashi Nakatsukasa
Inertial mass with the higher-order adiabatic expansion for large-amplitude collective motion
Osaka City Univ.
Koichi Sato
Truncation scheme of density-matrix theory II
Kyorin Univ. Sch. of Med.
Misturu Tohyama
Systematical calculation of beta-delayed fission probabilities in the neutron-rich super heavy nuclear mass region
Hiroyuki Koura
Effects of pairing correlation in calculations of reactions 20O,34Mg + 20O by the Gogny-TDHFB method
CCS, Univ. of Tsukuba
Yukio Hashimoto
Theoretical Particle Physics, Theoretical Nuclear Physics Joint
Matrix elements, algorithm
αs determination via QCD potential
Tohoku Univ., KEKA, JuntendoB
Hiromasa Takaura, Yukinari Sumino, Takashi KanekoA, Yuichiro KiyoB
Form factors of B → Dℓν decays from lattice QCD
KEK, Osaka UniversityA
Takashi Kaneko, Brian Colquhoun, Shoji Hashimoto, Hidenori FukayaA (JLQCD Collaboration)
B → πlν from Lattice QCD
High Energy Accelerator Res. Organization (KEK)A, Sch. of High Energy Accelerator Sci., SOKENDAIB
Brian ColquhounA, Shoji HashimotoA, B, Takashi KanekoA
Lattice calculation of B meson inclusive decay and its comparison with perturbative calculation
KEK, Sokendai, Riken BNLA, Nara Women's UB, Osaka UC
Shoji Hashimoto, Yasumichi Aoki, Brian Colquhoun, Taku IzubuchiA, Hiroshi OhkiB, Hidenori FukayaC
calculation of pion form factor reducing wrapping around effect
Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, CCS, University of TsukubaA, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima UniversityB, RIKEN AICSC
J.Kakazu, K.-I. IshikawaB,C, N. IshizukaA, Y. KuramashiA,C, Y. NakamuraC, Y. Namekawa, Y. TaniguchiA, N. UkitaA, T. YamazakiA,C, and T. YoshiéA for PACS Collaboration
Break (10:45〜11:00)
Fully numerical method of Feynman integral: Higher-order electroweak corrections by DCM
KEK, Kogakuin Univ.A, Hitotsubashi Univ.B, Univ. of AizuC, Western Michigan Univ.D
Fukuko Yuasa, Kiyoshi KatoA, Tadashi Ishikawa, Hiroshi DaisakaB, Naohito NakasatoC, Elise de DonckerD
Fully numerical method of Feynman integral: acceleration of multi precision calculation on GRAPE9-MPX and PEZY-SC, and its application
Hitotsubashi Univ., Aizu Univ.A, KEKB, Kogakuin Univ.C, RIKEN/AICSD
Hiroshi Daisaka, Naohito NakasatoA, Tadashi IshikawaB, Fukuko YuasaB, Kiyoshi KatoC, Keigo NitadoriD
Application of many-core processors to Lattice QCD
YITP, Hiroshima UA, KEKB
Tatsumi Aoyama, Ken-ichi IshikawaA, Tadashi IshikawaB, Hideo MatsufuruB
Algebraic multigrid solver for Lattice QCD
Grad. School of Science, Hiroshima Univ.
Ken-Ichi Ishikawa, ◯Issaku Kanamori
Experimental Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Nuclear Physics Joint
strangeness nuclear physics
Preparation status of the Σp scattering experiment(J-PARC E40)
Tohoku Univ., Osaka Univ.A
Norina Fujioka, Koji Miwa, Yuya Akazawa, Shotaro Ozawa, Yoshiyuki NakadaA, Ryotaro Honda
Three-baryon force in a quark model in the flavor-SU(3) limit
National Institute of Technology, Suzuka College, Faculty of Science, Niigata UniversityA, RIKEN Nishina CenterB
Choki NAKAMOTO and Yasuyuki SUZUKIA,B
Baryon interactions in strangeness S=-2 sector from Lattice QCD with physical masses
YITP, Kyoto-U
Kenji Sasaki
Strangeness S=-1 systems from physical point lattice QCD
RCNP, Osaka Univ.
NEMURA Hidekatsu for HAL QCD Collaboration
Electro-production spectroscopy of Λ hypernuclei to investigate the isospin dependence of the ΛNN interaction
Tohoku Univ., Tohoku Med. Pharm. Univ.A, INFNB, FIUC, Hampton Univ.D, JLabE
G. Aida, M. Fujita, T. Gogami, K. Itabashi, M. Kaneta, Y. Konishi, K. Maeda, Y. Muroi, S. Nagao, S. N. Nakamura, H. Takeuchi, Y. Toyama, Y. FujiiA, F. GaribaldiB, G. M. UrciuoliB, P. E. C. MarkowitzC, J. ReinholdC, L. TangD,E, for the JLab Hypernuclear Collaboration
Preparation status of the nnΛ search experiment at JLab
Tohoku Univ., Tohoku Med. Pharm. Univ.A, INFNB, FIUC, Hampton Univ.D, JLabE
K. Itabashi, G. Aida, M. Kaneta, T. Gogami, Y. Konishi, H. Takeuchi, Y. Toyama, S. Nagao, S.N. Nakamura, K. Maeda, Y. Muroi, Y. FujiiA, F. GaribaldiB, G.M. UrciuoliB, P.E.C. MarkowitzC, J. ReinholdC, and L. TangD,E for the JLab Hypernuclear Collaboration
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Production of hypernuclear excited states by (pi,K+) reactions
Osaka E-C Univ., Hokkaido Univ.A
Toru Harada, Yoshiharu HirabayashiA
Structures and photoproduction of hypernuclei by parity-mixed model
Nippon Inst. of Tech., Osaka E-C Univ.A, Gifu Univ.B
Atsushi Umeya, Toshio MotobaA, Kazunori ItonagaB
Excitation energy shift and size difference of low-energy levels in p-shell Lambda hypernuclei
Kyoto Univ.
Yoshiko Kanada-En'yo
Weak decay spectra of 3ΛH and 4ΛH
Yoshinori Akaishi
Measurement of lifetime for light hyper nuclei in J-PARC E07 experiment
Gifu Univ.ed.MA, Gifu Univ.edB, Gifu Univ.eng.MC
Naohiro MuramotoA, Kazuma NakazawaA,B,C, Masahiro YoshimotoA,B, May SweetC
Calibration of range energy relation using π+→μ+→e+ event of nuclear emulsion
Gifu, Gifu Univ.eduB, Gifu Univ.eng.C
Kuzuya RyotaA, Nakazawa KazumaA,B,C, Yoshimoto MasahiroB,C
Experimental Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Particle Physics, Experimental Particle Physics, Division 11
Cooperative development of high-energy heavy-ion physics and other fields
Kazunori Itakura
Status and prospects of high-energy heavy-ion experiments
Tsukuba U.
Yosuke Watanabe
Chiral transport phenomena in quark-gluon plasma
Masaru Hongo
Spin connection in spintronics and hadron physics
AIMR, Tohoku U.
Mamoru Matsuo
Break (10:35〜10:50)
Light-by-light scattering in ultra-peripheral collisions
Kyushu U.
Susumu Oda
What we can study by collaborating with exotic hadron research activities
Science division, Nara-WU
Kenkichi Miyabayashi
Mystery of collective behavior in small system collisions
Itaru Nakagawa
Gauge/gravity duality and its "application"
YITP, Kyoto U.
Masanori Hanada
Experimental Particle Physics, Experimental Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Nuclear Physics
High Energy QCD, Positronium
electron scattering on proton with polarized electron and proton.
Osaka U.A, Universidade CruzeriroB
A. ImaiA, S. X. NakamuraB, T. SatoA
Twist-3 gluon fragmentation contribution to the polarized hyperon production in unpolarized proton-proton collision Ⅱ
Niigata Univ., Niigata Univ.A, LANL.B, Penn State Univ.C, Temple Univ.D
K. Yabe, Y. KoikeA, S. YoshidaB, D. PitonyakC, A. MetzD
Impact of the B-factory data on the FF global analysis
NIT, JuntendoA, KEKB, TUSC
M. Hirai, H. KawamuraA, S. KumanoB, and K. SaitoC
Generalized distribution amplitudes and gravitational form factors for pion
KEKA, SokendaiB, JINRC
Shunzo KumanoA, B, ◯Qin-Tao SongA, B, Oleg TeryaevC
The contribution of gluonic subprocesses for lepton flavor violating DIS process μN(eN)→τX
Osaka U., Kavli IPMUA, Kyoto Sangyo U.B
Y.Uesaka, M.TakeuchiA, M.YamanakaB
Precise measurement of the proton charge radius at ELPH 2
ELPH, Tohoku Univ., Dept. of Tec. Miyazaki Univ.A, Dept. of Phys., Tohoku Univ.B
Y. Honda, T. Aoyagi, K. Kasama, H. Kikunaga, Y. MaedaA, M. Miyabe, T. Muto, K. Namba, K. Nanbu, S. SasakiB, T. Suda, K. Takahashi, S. Takayama, T. Tamae, A. O. Tokiyasu, K. Tsukada and N. TsukamotoB
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Measurement of Anti-Quark Flavor Asymmetry in Proton via Drell-Yan Process at FNAL SeaQuest
Tokyo Tech, RIKEN-Nishina CenterA, KEKB, Michigan State U.C, Academia SinicaD, Yamagata U.E
K. Nakano, Y. GotoA, S. SawadaB, T. SawadaC, T.-A. Shibata, K. NagaiD, Y. MiyachiE, and SeaQuest collaboration
Plan of a polarized Drell-Yan experiment at FNAL
Tokyo Tech, RIKEN-Nishina CenterA, KEKB, Michigan State U.C, Academia SinicaD, Yamagata U.E
T.-A. Shibata, Y. GotoA, S. SawadaB, T. SawadaC, K. Nakano, K. NagaiD, Y. MiyachiE, and E1039 collaboration
Future program of CERN-COMPASS experiment - the polarized proton Drell-Yan measurement and the polarized deuteron transversity measurement -
Yamagata Univ., KEKA, Academia SinicaB, Chubu Univ.C, Miyazaki Univ.D
Genki Nukazuka, Takahiro Iwata, Shigeru IshimotoA, Kaori Kondo, Takahiro SawadaB, Hajime SuzukiC, Norihiro Doshita, Naoaki HorikawaC, Tatsuro MatsudaD, Yoshiyuki Miyachi and COMPASS Collaboration
Cooling of positronium for realizing Bose-Einstein condensation I
School of Science UTokyo, ICEPP UTokyoA, School of Engineering UTokyoB, AISTC, GIC Kyushu Univ.D, KEKE, QSTF
A. Ishida, K. Shu, T. Murayoshi, T. NambaA, S. Asai, E. ChaeB, K. YoshiokaB, M. Kuwata-Gonokami, N. OshimaC, B. E. O'RourkeC, K. MichishioC, K. ItoC, K. KumagaiC, R. SuzukiC, S. FujinoD, T. HyodoE, I. MochizukiE, K. WadaF
Cooling of positronium for realizing Bose-Einstein condensation II
School of Science UTokyo, ICEPP UTokyoA, School of Engineering UTokyoB, AISTC, GIC Kyushu Univ.D, KEKE, QSTF
K. Shu, T. Murayoshi, A. Ishida, T. NambaA, S. Asai, E. ChaeB, K. YoshiokaB, M. Kuwata-Gonokami, N. OshimaC, B. E. O'RourkeC, K. MichishioC, K. ItoC, K. KumagaiC, R. SuzukiC, S. FujinoD, T. HyodoE, I. MochizukiE, K. WadaF
Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Particle Physics
Hadron interaction, spectral function
New calculation method of scattering phase shift with Bethe-Salpeter wave function in lattice QCD
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Yamazaki Takeshi
Two-baryon systems from lattice QCD: Problems of the direct method and the Solution by the HAL QCD method
Nishina Center, RIKEN
Takumi Iritani
Scattering length from BS wave function inside the interaction range by lattice QCD
Univ. of TsukubaA, Univ. of Tsukuba, CCSB, Riken AICSC
Yusuke NamekawaA, Takeshi YamazakiA,B,C
Theoretical Foundation of the HAL QCD Method
Tetsuo Hatsuda
Difficulties of two baryon systems in lattice QCD
YITP, Kyoto University
Sinya Aoki
Two-baryon systems from Lattice QCD: Do Plateaux Dream of Ground State ?
Nishina Ctr., RIKEN
Takumi Doi
Break (15:15〜15:30)
Derivative expansion of wave function equivalent potentials for time-dependent HAL QCD method
RCNP, Osaka University
Zenjirou Hoshi, Takuya Sugiura, Hidekatsu Nemura, ◯Noriyoshi Ishii
Charmed baryon interaction from lattice QCD
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
Takaya Miyamoto, Kenji Sasaki, for HAL QCD Collaboration
Stress distribution in quark-anti-quark systems : lattice study vs. model analysis
Yanagihara Ryosuke, Kitazawa Masakiyo, Iritani TakumiA, Asakawa Masayuki, Hatsuda TetsuoB,C,A
Quark confinement in the higher representation
KEK, Oyama CollegeA, Chiba Univ.B
Akihiro Shibata, Seikou KatoA, Kei-Ichi KondoB, Ryutaro MatsudoB
Type of dual superconductor in SU(2) and SU(3) Yang-Mills theory
Chiba Univ., Oyama NTCA, KEKB
Shogo Nishino, Seikou KatoA, Kei-Ichi Kondo, Takaaki Sasago, Akihiro ShibataB
Reconsidering the spectral reconstruction method in lattice QCD
Dept. of Phys., Tohoku Univ.
N. Tsukamoto, S. Sasaki
Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Experimental Nuclear Physics Joint
High energy heavy ion collision
Decoherence entropy production in classical Yang-Mills fields in relativistic heavy ion collisions
Hidefumi Matsuda, Teiji Kunihiro, Akira Ohnishi, Toru Takahashi, Hideaki Iida, Hidekazu Tsukiji
Numerical analysis for calssicalization of heavy quark quantum states in the quark-gluon plasma
Osaka Univ.
Takahiro Miura, Yukinao Akamatsu, Masayuki Asakawa
Classicalization Problem of Quarkonium Time Evolution
Osaka University, Heidelberg UniversityA
Shiori Kajimoto, Yukinao Akamatsu, Masayuki Asakawa, Alexander RothkopfA
Nonlinear stochastic Schroedinger equation for quantum dissipation of a heavy quark
Dept. of Phys., Osaka Univ., Heidelberg UniversityA
Yukinao Akamatsu, Masayuki Asakawa, Shiori Kajimoto, Alexander RothkopfA
Product of two probability distributions, Poisson×NBD, and multiplicity distributions in the pseudorapidity intervals in LHC experiments
Matsumoto University, Department of Physics, Shinshu UniversityA, National Institute of Technology, Toba CollegeB
Naomichi Suzuki, Minoru BiyajimaA, Takuya MizoguchiB
Unified analysis of multiplicity distribution and BE correlation in proton-proton collision at LHC
National Institute of Technology, Toba College, Department of Physics, Shinshu UniversityA
Takuya Mizoguchi, Minoru BiyajimaA
High density nuclear medium formed in low and medium energy heavy ion collisions
Tokyo Institute of TechnologyA, University of OxfordB, The University of Tennessee, KnoxvilleC, Michigan State UniversityD
Yoritaka IwataA, Jirina StoneB,C, Pawel DanielewiczC
P-wave charmonium as a probe of strong magnetic field
Tokyo TechA, JAEAB, KEKC
S. IwasakiA, M. OkaA,B, K. SuzukiC, T. YoshidaA
Break (15:15〜15:30)
Enhancement of v4 as a signature of a first-order phase transition
Akita International University
Yasushi Nara
Effects of the multi-parton distribution to the collective flow in pA collisions in pA collision
Dept. of Phys. Kyoto Univ., YITPA
Yoshikazu Hagiwara, Yoshitaka HattaA
Study of azimuthal anisotropy of charged particles in Au + Au at √sNN=200 GeV at RHIC-PHENIX
Nara Women's University
Risa Nishitani for the PHENIX collaboration
Influences of hydrodynamic fluctuations on correlations of momentum anisotropy event-plane correlations in high-energy heavy-ion collisions
Sophia Univ., The Univ. of TokyoA
Azumi Sakai, Koichi MuraseA, Tetsufumi Hirano
Investigating the temperature dependence of transport coefficients of QGP from phenomenological analysis of the LHC experiment
Nagoya Univ.A, KMIB
Kazuhisa OkamotoA, Chiho NonakaA,B
Time evolution of higher-order cumulants of conserved charges near QCD critical point
Osaka University
Taiga Murata, Masakiyo Kitazawa
Theoretical Nuclear Physics
nuclear reaction, nuclear fission
Analysis of evaporation residue cross section in synthesizing superheavy element region
Faculty of Science and Engineering Kindai University
Nur Liyana Mohd Anuar, Yoshihiro Aritomo, Shoya Tanaka, Baku Yanagi
Coupled-channels method with quantum friction for heavy-ion fusion reactions
Tohoku Univ.
M. Tokieda, K. Hagino
Application of the entangled trajectry method to heavy-ion fusion reactions at energies around the Coulomb barrier
Faculty of Science of Tohoku University
Hasegawa Naoto
Study on properties of optical potential for Nucleus-Nucleus scattering based on Glauber model
Kyushu University
Shoya Ogawa, ◯Ryo Horinouchi, Masakazu Toyokawa, Takuma Matsumoto
Benchmark test of knockout reaction theories
RCNP Osaka Univ., Departamento de FAMN Universidad de SevillaA
K. Yoshida, M. Gomez-RamosA, K. Ogata, A. M. MoroA
Probing the pn correlation in nuclei predicted by density functional theory
RCNP, Osaka University, Kyoto UniversityA
Yoshiki Chazono, Kenichi YoshidaA, Kazuki Yoshida, Kazuyuki Ogata
Triggering of photonuclear reactions by a lightning discharge
Kyoto University, The University of TokyoA, RIKENB, Hokkaido UniversityC, Nagoya UniversityD, JAEAE
Teruaki Enoto, Yuuki WadaA,B, Yoshihiro FurutaA, Kazuhiro NakazawaA, Takayuki YuasaB, Kazufumi OkudaA, Kazuo MakishimaB, Mitsuteru SatoC, Yousuke SatoD, Toshio NakanoB, Daigo UmemotoB, Harufumi TsuchiyaB,E
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Analysis of the fragment shell effect in nuclear fission processes with periodic-orbit theory
Nagoya Inst Tech, CNS U TokyoA, YITP Kyoto UB, Nishina C RIKENC
Arita Ken-ichiro, Ichikawa TakatoshiA, Matsuyanagi KenichiB,C
Effect of nuclear structure on fusion process in super heavy mass region.
Kindai Univ.
Yoshihiro Aritomo, Hiroki Hachikubo, Syouya Tanaka, Liyana Anuar, Yuya Miyamoto, Baku Yanagi
Estimation of Surrogate reaction process using Dynamical model and Statistical model
Kindai Univ., JAEAA, Konan Univ.B
Shoya Tanaka, Katsuhisa NishioA, Kentaro HiroseA, Masahisa OhtaB, Yuya Miyamoto, Yoshihiro Aritomo
Mechanism of fusion-fission process in superheavy mass region by dynamical model
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Kindai University
Hachikubo Hiroki, Nur Liyana, Tanaka Shoya, Yanagi Baku, Miyamoto Yuya, Aritomo Yoshihiro
Systematic estimation of evaporation residue cross sections for superheavy elements using the dynamical model
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Kindai University, Faculty of Science, Tohoku UniversityA
Yanagi Baku, Nur Liyana Mohd Anuar, Hagino KouichiA, Aritomo Yoshihiro
Evaluation of charge polarization of the fissioning nucleus based on our 4D-Langevin model
Chikako IshizukaA, Satoshi ChibaA, Kohsuke Tsubakihara, Nicolae CarjanB
Independent Yields Derived from Nuclear Shell Correction and Boltzmann Weight and Their Validation
LANE, Tokyo Tech
Experimental Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Nuclear Physics Joint
meson in nuclei
Analysis of spectroscopy of pionic atoms using (p,2He) reaction at RCNP (1)
Kyoto University, The University of TokyoA, RCNPB, Nishina CenterC, GSID
Akane Sakaue, Takahiro Kawabata, Yu Takahashi, Tomoya Takeda, Miho Tsumura, Hiroyuki Fujioka, Yuuki Fujikawa, Tatsuya Furuno, Motoki Murata, Yuni WatanabeA, Satoshi AdachiB, Azusa InoueB, Nobuyuki KobayashiB, Atsushi TamiiB, Shoken NakamuraB, Johann IsaakB, Agnieszka CzeszumskaB, Kenta ItahashiC, Yoshiki TanakaD, Hans GeisselD
Spectroscopy of pionic atoms using (d,3He) reaction at RIKEN
RIKEN, Nishina Center, JINA and Department of Physics, University of Notre DameA, Department of Physics, Kyoto UniversityB, GSIC, Department of Physics, University of TokyoD, Department of Physics, Nara Women's UniversityE, Faculty of Residual Sciences, Tottori UniversityF, CNS, University of TokyoG, Department of Physics, Tohoku UniversityH, SMII
Takahiro Nishi, DeukSoon Ahn, Georg P.A. BergA, Masanori Dozono, Hiroyuki FujiokaB, Naoki Fukuda, Nobuhisa Fukunishi, Hans GeisselC, Emma HaettnerC, Tadashi Hashimoto, Ryugo S. HayanoD, Satoru HirenzakiE, Hiroshi HoriiD, Natsumi IkenoF, Naoto Inabe, Kenta Itahashi, Sathoshi ItohD, Masahiko Iwasaki, Daisuke Kameda, Shouichiro KawaseG, Keichi KisamoriG, Yu KiyokawaG, Toshiyuki Kubo, Kensuke Kusaka, Hiroaki MatsubaraG, Masafumi MatsushitaG, Shin'ichiro MichimasaG, Kenjiro MikiD, Go MishimaD, Hiroyuki MiyaG, Daichi Murai, Yohei MurakamiD, Hideko NagahiroE, Masaki Nakamura, Megumi NiikuraD, Shumpei NojiD, Kota OkochiD, Shinsuke OtaG, Naruhiko Sakamoto, Kimiko SekiguchiH, Hiroshi Suzuki, Ken SuzukiI, Motonobu TakakiG, Hiroyuki Takeda, Yoshiki K. TanakaD, Koichi TodorokiD, Kyo Tsukada, Tomohiro Uesaka, Yuni N. WatanabeD, Helmut WeickC, Hiroyuki YamadaD, Hiroki YamakamiB, Yoshiyuki Yanagisawa and Koichi Yoshida
Pion wavefunction renormalization effects to the structure and formation of deeply bound pionic atoms
Tottori Univ., Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.A, Nara Women's Univ.B
Natsumi Ikeno, Kenji AokiA, Daisuke JidoA, Satoru HirenzakiB
η’(958) mesic nucleus with coupled-channel calculation
NaraWU, Phys.
Ayano Kawamoto, Hideko Nagahiro, Satoru Hirenzaki
Towards understanding the in-medium φ meson at finite momentum
Keio U., Yonsei U.A
Gubler Philipp, Kim HyungJooA, Lee Su HoungA
Break (14:45〜15:00)
Studying for KbarNN bound state in the Λpn final state at J-PARC E15 experiment
Takumi Yamaga for the E15 collaboration
Search for the KNN bound state via πΣp decay channel at J-PARC E15
Fuminori Sakuma for the J-PARC E15 collaboration
Study of KNN bound state using forward nucleons in the J-PARC E15 experiment.
T. Hashimoto for the E15 collaboration
“K-pp” in a semi-relativistic treatment
KEK Theory Center, Nihon Univ.A, Osaka Inst. Tech.B
Akinobu Dote, Takashi InoueA, Takayuki MyoB
Experimental Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Experimental Particle Physics, Theoretical Particle Physics, Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics
Quantum Phenomena and Nucleosynthesis in Peculiar Astrophysical Conditions
Purpose of the symposium
CNS, Univ. of Tokyo
Hidetoshi Yamaguchi
Current Status of Cosmological Li Problem
Kyoto Univ.
Takahiro Kawabata
Impact of Supernova vs. Neutron Star Merger on Explosive Nucleosynthesis and Neutrino Physics
Toshitaka Kajino
Nucleosynthesis and Gamma-Ray Bursts in Neutron-star Mergers
Shigehiro Nagataki
Break (14:40〜15:00)
Quantum reaction theory incorporating environment dependence
RCNP, Osaka Univ. (Theory)
Kazuyuki Ogata
Nuclear Reactions in First-generation Stars
RCNP, Osaka Univ. (Experiment)
Atsushi Tamii
Quantum Amplification Effect and Search for New Fundamental Physics
Nagoya Univ.
Hirohiko M. Shimizu
Astrophysical Nuclear Reactions in Strong Field
Takehito Hayakawa
Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Experimental Nuclear Physics
Lecture of the Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan
Award reason (theory)
Osaka U.
Masayuki Asakawa
Microscopic description of nuclear fission with stochastic initial fluctuations
Tohoku U.
Yusuke Tanimura
Multi-shell effective interactions based on realistic nuclear forces and application to neutron-rich nuclei
Naofumi Tsunoda
Nuclear equation of state for core-collapse supernova simulations with realistic nuclear forces
Hajime Togashi
Award reason (experiment)
Masahiko Iwasaki
Electron-beam spectroscopy of Lambda hypernuclei
Tohoku U.
Toshiyuki Gogami
Break (11:20〜11:35)
Tutrial talk
Medical and industrial innovations powered by beam accelerators
Takashi Nakano
Experimental Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Particle Physics, Experimental Particle Physics, Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics Joint
Dark matter search (I)
XMASS: Search for Hidden Photon and Axion-Like Particles Dark Matters
ICRR, the University of Tokyo, Kavli IPMU, the University of TokyoA, Kobe UniversityB, Tokai UniversityC, Yokohama National UniversityD, Miyagi University of EducationE, Korea Research Institute of Standards and ScienceF, Institute for Basic ScienceG, ISEE, Nagoya UniversityH, Tokushima UniversityI
M. Nakahata, S. Moriyama, M. Yamashita, Y. Kishimoto, H. Sekiya, A. Takeda, K. Abe, H. Ogawa, K. Kobayashi, K. Hiraide, B. Yang, K. Ichimura, S. Tasaka, ◯K. Sato, M. Kobayashi, T. Suzuki, N. Kato, Y. SuzukiA, K. MartensA, B.D. XuA, A. MasonA, Y. TakeuchiB, K. MiuchiB, K. NishijimaC, S. NakamuraD, Y. FukudaE, Y.H. KimF, M.K. LeeF, K.B. LeeF, Y.D. KimG, N.Y. KimG, Y. ItowH, K. MasudaH, K. KanzawaH, R. IshiiH, K. FushimiI
XMASS: Dark matter search using annual modulation
Masatoshi Kobayashi for XMASS collaboration
XMASS: Search for inelastic WIMP-nucleus scattering on 129Xe using particle identification
ICRR, The University of Tokyo
Takumi Suzuki, for the XMASS collaboration
XMASS: Search for event bursts associated with gravitational-wave events
ICRR, The University of Tokyo
Katsuki Hiraide, for the XMASS Collaboration
XMASS: a measurement of the scintillation decay time constant of nuclear recoil in liquid xenon by using neutron calibration source
ICRR, The University of Tokyo, XMASS collaboration
Koichi Ichimura
XMASS: Study of the detector response to neutrons
ISEE, Nagoya University
Kayo Kanzawa, for the XMASS Collaboration
Break (10:30〜10:45)
XMASS: New activity for future dark matter experiment.
ICRR, UTokyo
Masaki Yamashita for the XMASS collaboration
XMASS: Evaluation of new low background photomultiplier
ICRR, UTokyo
Nobuyuki Kato, for the XMASS Collaboration
XMASS experiment: Simulation for the test bench of single phase LXe TPC
ISEE, Nagoya University
Ryo Ishii
The Japanese Participation in and Contribution to the XENONnT Experiment
Kavli IPMU Univ. of Tokyo, ICRR Univ. of TokyoA, KMI Nagoya Univ.B, Kobe Univ.C
K. Martens, K. HiraideA, Y. ItowB, N. KatoA, K. MiuchiC, S. MoriyamaA, A. TakedaA, M. YamashitaA
Neutron veto system aiming improvement of sensitivity for XENONnT dark matter search experiment
ICRR, KMI Nagoya UniversityA, Kavli IPMU (WPI) The University of TokyoB, Kobe UniversityC
A. Takeda, K. Hiraide, Y. ItowA, K. MartensB, N. Kato, K. MiuchiC, S. Moriyama, M. Yamashita
Theoretical Nuclear Physics
medium-heavy nuclei, heavy nuclei
Structure of chiral bands in 128Cs studied with large-scale shell-model calculations
Yutaka UtsunoA,B, Noritaka ShimizuB, Michio HonmaC
Shape transition in Sm isotopes by Monte Carlo shell model calculations
Univ. TokyoA, RIKENB
Yusuke TsunodaA, Takaharu OtsukaA,B, Noritaka ShimizuA, Tomoaki TogashiA
Effective charges depending on the specific orbit around 208Pb
Saitama Univ., Chiba Inst. of Tech., Nippon Inst. of Tech.
Naotaka Yoshinaga, Kota Yanase, Koji Higashiyama, Atsushi Umeya
Nuclear Shiff moment of 199Hg in the nuclear shell model
Saitama Univ., Chiba Inst. of Tech., Nippon Inst. of Tech.
Kota Yanase, Naotaka Yoshinaga, Koji Higashiyama, Atsushi Umeya
Shell model study of even-even nuclei around mass 100
Chiba Institute of Technology, Saitama UniversityA
Koji Higashiyama, Naotaka YoshinagaA, Kota YanaseA
Analysis of shell-model effective Hamiltonians based on Bayesian inference
Department of Physics, UTokyo, CNS, UTokyoA, RIKEN Nishina CenterB
Sota Yoshida, Noritaka ShimizuA, Tomoaki TogashiA, Takaharu OtsukaB
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Role of the tensor force on the proton-neutron correlation in N=Z nuclei
Kitami Inst. of Tech., Hokkaido Univ.A
Hiroshi Masui, Masaaki KimuraA
Search for regular series in neutron resonance spectrum and comparison with GOE
Univ. Fukui
Hijiri Futamura, Honoka Yuguchi, Naoki Tajima
Boson expansion method without closed-algebra approximation by means of Boson mapping with restricting phonon excitation number
Kimikazu Taniguchi
On the Coulomb energy with uniform distribution of alpha-clusters on a sphere
YITP, Kyoto Univ., RCNP, Osaka Univ.A
Naoyuki Itagaki, ◯Akihiro TohsakiA
Nuclear fission properties of Fermium isotopes calculated by dynamical model
Facul. Sci. Eng., Kindai Univ. ASRC JAEAA
Y.Miyamoto, K.Nishio, K.Hirose, S.Tanaka, Y.Aritomo
Division 11, Division 10, Division 9, Theoretical Particle Physics, Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics
Joint invited talk
Order in disorder –persistent homology and its applications–
Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University
Break (10:15〜10:45)
Kyoto Univ.
Shin-ichi Sasa
Development of the first-principles wave function theory for solid-state
Osaka Univ.
Masayuki Ochi
The maximum efficiency of heat engines from the viewpoint of
stochastic thermodynamics
stochastic thermodynamics
Keio Univ.
Naoto Shiraishi
Studies on collective motion of self-propelled particles through
short-range alignment interaction
short-range alignment interaction
Ken H. Nagai
Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Experimental Nuclear Physics, Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics, Theoretical Particle Physics
Nuclear Astrophysics
Table of equation of state for supernovae: its development and wide applications
School of Physics, Nankai University, China
Hong Shen
The internal structure of neutron stars
Graduate School of Engineering Gifu University
Ngo Quang Thin and Shoji Shinmura
Baryon Superfluidity in Neutron Stars--under the Equation of State Compatible with Observations--
Nishina Center, RIKEN, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Iwate UniversityA
Tatsuyuki Takatsuka, Shigeru NishizakiA
Effects of Universal Three-Body Forces between Baryons on the Coexistent Phase of Kaon Condensation and Hyperon-mixed Matter
Chiba Inst.Tech., JAEAA, Kyoto Univ.B, Riken Nishina CenterC
Takumi Muto, Toshiki MaruyamaA, Toshitaka TatsumiB, Tatsuyuki TakatsukaC
Approximate nuclear force from lattice QCD at the physical point and its application
Takashi Inoue, for HAL QCD Collaboration
Break (15:15〜15:30)
Methodology study of machine learning for the neutron star equation of state
U. Tokyo (Nucl. Phys. Theory)
Fujimoto Yuki, Fukushima Kenji, Murase Koichi
Systematic analysis of crustal oscillations: the effect of the cylindrical nuclei phase and the constraint on the neutron star mass and radius
NAOJ, Kochi UniversityA, Aichi Shukutoku UniversityB
Hajime Sotani, Kei IidaA, Kazuhiro OyamatsuB
Calculations of neutron-star pasta structure with Skyrme interactions
Aichi Shukutoku Univ., Kochi Univ.A, NAOJB
Kazuhiro Oyamatsu, Kei IidaA, Hajime SotaniB
Equation of state for quark matter in strong magnetic field and hybrid stars
Osaka Sangyo Univ., NAOJA, Kyoto Univ.B
Tomoki Endo, Hajime SotaniA, Toshitaka TatsumiB
A Chiral Asymmetry Model for Magnetars VII
Tokyo Metropolitan University, College of Bioresource Science Nihon University
Naoki Onishi, Tomoyuki Maruyama
Progress of supernova research by neutrino radiation hydrodynamics under spherical symmetry
Numazu CT, KEKA
Kosuke Sumiyoshi, Hideo MatsufuruA
Acceleration of the spherically symmetric neutrino transport-hydrodynamics for supernova explosion simulations on GPU (II)
KEK, Numazu CTA
Hideo Matsufuru, Kosuke SumiyoshiA
Experimental Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Particle Physics, Experimental Particle Physics, Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics Joint
Dark matter search (II)
Directional Dark Matter Search Project NEWSdm(1) ~progress report of underground experiment in LNGS~
Graduate School of Science Nagoya University, KMI Nagoya UniversityA, IMASS Nagoya UniversityB, Chiba UniversityC, University of NaplesD
Atsuhiro Umemoto, Tatsuhiro NakaA, Hiromasa Ichiki, Ryuta Kobayashi, Satomi Tada, Yuya Fukuzawa, Takuya Shiraishi, Inori Todoroki, Osamu SatoB, Ken'ichi KugeC, Takashi AsadaD, and NEWSdm collaboration
Directional Dark Matter Search Project NEWSdm(2)~progress report of developing high speed scanning system~
Graduate School of Science Nagoya University, KMI Nagoya UniversityA, IMASS Nagoya UniversityB, Chiba UniversityC, University of NaplesD, Faculty of Education Gifu UniversityE
Ryuta Kobayashi, Tatsuhiro NakaA, Toshiyuki Nakano, Masahiro YoshimotoE, Atsuhiro Umemoto, Hiromasa Ichiki, Satomi Tada, Yuya Fukuzawa, Takuya Shiraishi, Inori Todoroki, Osamu SatoB, Ken'ichi KugeC, Takashi AsadaD, and NEWSdm collaboration
Directional Dark Matter Search Project NEWSdm(3) ~R&D study of optical response of emulsion detector for next underground experiments~
Graduate School of Science Nagoya University, KMI Nagoya UniversityA, IMASS Nagoya UniversityB, Chiba UniversityC, University of NaplesD
Yuya Fukuzawa, Tatsuhiro NakaA, Atsuhiro Umemoto, Satomi Tada, Ryuuta Kobayashi, Takuya Shiraishi, Hiromasa Ichiki, Inori Todoroki, Osamu SatoB, Ken'ichi KugeC, Takashi AsadaD, and NEWSdm collaboration
Status of CaI2 scintillator development for study of the history of Universe
University of Tsukuba
Takashi Iida
Neutron measurement and energy spectrum estimation in Kamioka underground
Dept. of Physics, Osaka Univ.
Mizukoshi Keita
Development of low-background liquid scintillator for measurement of environmental neutron
Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Enki Kinoshita
Break (15:00〜15:15)
R&D of large resonant cavity with photonic crystal technique for the dark matter axion, ALPs, and hidden photon
ICRR, the Univ. of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering, Fukui Univ.A
Yasuhiro Kishimoto, Masaki Yamashita, Izumi OgawaA, Youth MoriA
NEWAGE48:underground measurement
Kobe University
Kentaro Miuchi, Ryota Yakabe, Takashi Hashimoto, Tomonori Ikeda, Miki Nakazawa, Hirohisa Ishiura, Kiseki Nakamura, Hiroshi Ito
NEWAGE49:The 3-D Tracking and absolute Z measurement using Negative Ion micro TPC
Kobe University
Tomonori Ikeda, Kentaro Miuchi, Ryota Yakabe, Takashi Hashimoto, Miki Nakazawa, Hirohisa Ishiura, Kiseki Nakamura, Hiroshi Ito
Measurement of anisotropy of dark matter velocity distribution using directional detector
Niihama College, Kobe U.A, Nagoya U.B
Keiko Nagao, Ryota YakabeA, Tatsuhiro NakaB, Kentaro MiuchiA
Study of the correlation between photon and charge yield of the columnar recombination for direction-sensitive dark matter search
Kobe University, Kyoto UniversityA, ICRR The University of TokyoB, RCNS Tohoku UniversityC, Yokohama National UniversityD
K. D. Nakamura, A. IchikawaA, T. NakayaA, A. MinaminoD, S. BanA, S. TanakaA, K. Z. NakamuraA, M. YoshidaA, M. HiroseA, H. SekiyaB, Y. NakajimaB, K. UeshimaC, K. Miuchi
Feasibility Study of Anisotropic Scintillation Detecoter for Darkmatter Search VI
Tohoku Univ. NICHeA, Yamagata Univ.B Univ. of Tokyo ICRRC, Tohoku Univ. IMRD
S. KurosawaA,B, H. SekiyaC, A. YamajiD, M. TsukaharaB, Pedersen JuanC, T. HoriaiD, S. KodamaD, S. YamatoD, Y. ShojiD, Y. OhashiA, K. KamadaA, Y. YokotaA, A. YoshikawaA,D, A. OhonishiB, M. KitauraB
Theoretical Nuclear Physics
cluster model, molecular dynamics
Studies of nuclear radius of 3α+Λ state through 13ΛC production
Department of Pure and Applied Physics, Kansai University, College of Science and Engineering, Kanto Gakuin UniversityA
M. Ito, M. Nakao, Y. FunakiA, T. YamadaA
Study of α cluster structures in 18O by Orthogonality Condition Model
Depart. of Pure and Applied Phys., Kansai Univ., School of Science, Osaka Univ.A, Res. Lab. for Nucl. Reactors, Tokyo Inst. of Tech.B
M. Nakao, H. UmeharaA, M. Ito and S. EbataB
Strength function and structure of continuum states
Hokkaido Univ., National Univ. of MongoliaA, Osaka City Univ.B, Kitami Inst. of Tech.C, Osaka Inst. of Tech.D
Kiyoshi Kato, Myagmarjav OdsurenA, Yuma KikuchiB, Hiroshi MasuiC, Takayumi MyoD
Gaslike 2alpha+12C cluster state in 20Ne
College of Science and Engineering, Kanto Gakuin University
Yasuro Funaki
Four-body CDCC analyses for resonant and non-resonant states in 12C scattering
Kyushu University
Yushin Yamada
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Expansion of Deformed-basis Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics Wave functions
NIT, Kagawa
Low Energy Gamow-Teller Transitions in deformed N=Z=odd Nuclei
Kyoto Univ. Sci.
Hiroyuki Morita, Yoshiko Kanada-En'yo
12C+12C cluster state and its decay mode of 24Mg
Hokkaido Univ.
Yohei Chiba, Masaaki Kimura
The structure of low-lying states in N≈28 neutron-rich nuclei
Hokkaido Univ.
Yoshiki Suzuki, Masaaki Kimura
Linear-chain states and decay pattern of 16C
Hokkaido Univ.
T.Baba and M.Kimura
Study of multi-nucleon transfer reactions on heavy elements
Tokyo Tech, Tohoku University
Y. Ishii, A. Etori, A. Ono and S. Chiba
Study of nuclear fission by antisymmetrized molecular dynamics
Tokyo Tech, Tohoku University, Hokkaido University
Atsuhiko Etori, Akira Ono, Masaaki Kimura, Chikako Ishizuka, Satoshi Chiba
Experimental Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Particle Physics, Experimental Particle Physics, Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Investigation of the mysteries and puzzles of the proton in various methods
Tohoku University
Shoichi Sasaki
Solving the proton spin puzzle by collider experiments
Yuji Goto
Solving the proton spin puzzle using polarized targets
Yamagata University
Yoshiyuki Miyachi
Investigation on origins of proton spin and mass by tomography hydrogen
Shunzo Kumano
Break (15:10〜15:25)
Electron scattering at lowest-ever momentum transfer and proton radius puzzle
Tohoku University
Toshimi Suda
New approach to proton radius puzzle by hyperfine structure spectroscopy of muonic hydrogen
Katsuhiko Ishida
Lattice QCD approach to the proton radius puzzle
Univ. of Tsukuba/RIKEN-AICS
Yoshinobu Kuramashi
Experimental Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Nuclear Physics
posters by undergraduates
Developments of aerogel Cherenkov counters with MPPC readouts
Faculty of Science, Tohoku University
K. Uehara, G. Aida, K. Itabashi, M. Kaneta, T. Gogami, Y. Konishi, H. Takeuchi, Y. Toyama, Y. Muroi, S. Nagao, S. N. Nakamura, K. Maeda
Explorability of intense magnetic field via polarization of di-muons from virtual photon decays in non-central Pb-Pb collisions at high energy
Faculty of Science, Hiroshima University
Takumi Osako, Kenta Shigaki
Sensitivity evaluation of hadron mass modification in high energy nucleus-nucleus collisions via dimuon decay measurement
Hiroshima Univ. Sci.
Kazuki Yoshikawa, Kenta Shigaki, Satoshi Yano
Measurement of Photon Interaction Cross Sections with Matter and Their Atomic Number Dependence (1)
Faculty of Science, Kyoto University
Ryohei Sekiya, Yuki Kawada, Kosuke Sakami, Kazuki Suzuki, Takuya Nanamura, Daiju Hayashi, Hiroyuki Fujioka, Keiichiro Hori
Measurement of Photon Interaction Cross Sections with Matter and Their Atomic Number Dependence (2)
Faculty of Science, Kyoto University
Keiichiro Hori, Yuki Kawada, Kosuke Sakami, Kazuki Suzuki, Ryohei Sekiya, Takuya Nanamura, Daiju Hayashi, Hiroyuki Fujioka
Design of tritium target for the spectroscopy of tri-neutron system
Tohoku Univ., RIKEN Nishina Center
D.Sakai, K.Miki, H.SakaiA, M,SasanoA, K.Sekiguchi, T.MatsuzakiA
Measurement of neutron two-dimensional scintillation detector
Nagoya University
T. akagi, H. M. Simizu, M. Kitaguchi, K. Hirota, H. Okabe, Y. Niinomi, S. Hukumura
Simulations of upstream optics for neutron lifetime measurement at J-PARC
Dept. of Phys., Kyushu Univ., RCAPP, Kyushu Univ.A, ICEPP, The Univ. of TokyoB, Dept. of Phys., The Univ. of TokyoC, Dept. of Basic Sci., The Univ. of TokyoD, Dept. of Phys., Nagoya Univ.E, KMI, Nagoya Univ.F, ICR, Kyoto Univ.G, Dept. of Phys., Kyoto Univ.H, RCNP, Osaka Univ.I, Inst. of Appl. Phys., Univ. of TsukubaJ, J-PARC Center, JAEAK, INFN-GenovaL, KEKM
Hiroki OkabeE, Yusuke NakanoE, Tatsuhiko Tomita, Hideaki Uehara, Jun Koga, Naoyuki Sumi, Hidetoshi OtonoA, Tamaki YoshiokaA, Satoru YamashitaB, Sei IekiC, Naoki NagakuraC, Takahito YamadaC, Hiroshi SuminoD, Hirohiko M.ShimizuE, Katsuya HirotaE, Masaaki KitaguchiF, Yoshihisa IwashitaG, Ryunosuke KitaharaH, Tatsushi ShimaI, Daiichiro SekibaJ, Yoshichika SekiK, Hideyuki OideL, Takashi InoM, Kaoru TaketaniM, Kenji MishimaM
Production of neutron-rich nuclei via two-proton knockout reaction with deuterium target
Toho University, RIKEN Nishina CenterA, CEA SaclayB, Rikkyo UniversityC
Midori Miwa, Tomohiro UesakaA, Yuki KubotaA, He WangA, Valerii PaninA, Pieter DoornenbalA, Masaki SasanoA, Hideaki OtsuA, Alexandre ObertelliB, Anna CorsiB, Alain GillibertB, Jean-Marc GhellerB, Valerie LapouxB, Jean-Yves RousseB, Yelei SunB, Yasuhiro ToganoC
Measurement of isomeric ratio of energy–degraded 107Pd and 77Se beams produced by inflight fission of 238U
Tokyo Institute of Technology, The University of Tokyo CNSA, RIKEN Nishina CenterB
H.Miki, S.Takeuchi, K.KawataA, S.OtaA, H.Yamada, N.ImaiA, T.Nakamura, S.MichimasaA, N.KitamuraA, R.TsunodaA, H.TakedaB, T.SumikamaB, for oedo-day0 collaboration
Measurement of efficiency of detect using BC-501A liquid scintillation detector
Kyoto Univ.
H. Furuta, T. Kawabata, Y. Enyo, K. Yoshida, T. Takeda, T. Doi, K. Katayama, G. Takai, Y. Nakamori, T. Nishihara, T. Harada
Study of excitation states near the threshold of proton decay of 60Zn
Dep. of Phys., Kyoto Univ., RIKEN Nishina CenterA
T. Harada, Y. Enyo, S. Okamoto, K. Katayama, T. Kawabata, S. KubonoA, G. Takai, T. Doi, Y. Nakamori, T. Nishihara, Y. Fujikawa, H. Furuta, T. Furuno, K. Yoshida
Development of Extraction System for 10 GHz Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source Toward the Higher Beam Current
CYRIC, Tohoku Univ.
K. Kasamatsu, M. Itoh, Y. Matsuda, Y. Ishibashi, J. Okamoto, K, Karasudani, S. Ishida
Development of an aerogel cherenkov counter with efficient light collection
Tohoku Univ. lns
Hiroki Yamada, Masahiro Okabe, Kunpei Matsuda, Nozomu Morita, Norihito Murakami
Development of a pulsed Ti:Sapphire laser for generating spin polarization of In atoms in superfluid helium.
RNCA, Hosei Univ.B, Okayama Univ.C, Nagoya Univ.D, Ohsaka Univ.E, RAPF, QSTG,Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.H
T. YadaA,B, K. ImamuraA,C, H. TomitaD, V. SonnenscheinD, M. SanjoA,B, T. FujitaA,E, W. KobayashiA,B, K. TozukaA,B, K. DoiA,B,T. KobayashiF, A. TakamineA, T. WakuiA,G, T.FurukawaA,H, H. UenoA, Y. MatsuoA,B
Response of GAGG Scintillator to Charged Particles
Dep. of Phys., Kyoto Univ., IMR, Tohoku Univ.A
T. Doi, Y. En'yo, K. Katayama, H. Kawabata, A. Koshikawa, G. Takai, M. Tsumura, Y. Nakamori, T. Nishihara, T. Harada, Y. Hujikawa, H. Huruta, T. Huruno, K. Yoshida, M. Murata, S. KurosawaA, A. YamajiA, R. MurakamiA, T. HoriaiA, H. TibaA
Search for the unbound neutron-rich nucleus 30F
Dept. of Phys., Tokyo Tech, Dept. of Phys., Rikkyo Univ.B, Osaka Univ. RCNPB
T.Shimada, T.Nakamura, Y.ToganoA, Y.Kondo, T.Tomai, S.Takeuchi, N.KobayashiB, H.Yamada, M.Matsumoto, M.Yasuda, J.Steinhauser, and SAMURAI27 collaboration
Development of the collinear laser spectroscopy apparatus for measurements of charge radii for short-lived nuclides
RNCA, Hosei Univ.B, Meiji Univ.C, JAEAD, KEKE, Sophia Univ.F, Texas A&M Univ.G
T. AsakawaA,B, Y. SasakiA,B, Y. NakamuraA,C, M. TajimaA, A. TakamineA, H. IimuraA,D, M. WadaA,E, K. OkadaA,F, T. SonodaA, H. A. SchuesslerA,G, H. OdashimaC, Y. MatsuoB, H. UenoA
Improvement of the optical cryostat for nuclear structure study of low production yield isotopes in superfluid helium
RNCA, Hosei Univ.B, Okayama Univ.C, Osaka Univ.D, QSTE, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.F
K. DoiA,B, K. TozukaA,B, W. KobayashiA,B, K. ImamuraA,C, T. FujitaA,D, M. SanjoA,B, T. YadaA,B, A. TakamineA, T. WakuiA,E, T. FurukawaA,F, H. UenoA, Y. MatsuoA,B
Development of a gas scintillation counter for RI beams
CYRIC, RIKENA, Toho Univ.B, RCNPC, Beihang Univ.D, CNSE, NIRSF
S. Ishida, Y. Matsuda, M. Itoh, Y. Ishibashi, J. Okamoto, K. Karasudani, K. Kasamatsu, J. ZenihiroA, T. HaradaB, H. SakaguchiC, S. TerashimaD, S. OtaE, M. DozonoE, K. KawadaE, E. TakadaF
Dark-matter axion-search experiment CARRACK-Development of laser for bunched atomic beam-
Fukui Univ., Fukui Univ.A, Osaka Univ. RCNPB, Tohoku Univ. ELPHC
Haizuka Atsushi, Ogawa IzumiA, Matsuki SeishiB, Tokiyasu AtsushiC
Shell model study of nuclei in the mass 200 region
Saitama University
Uehara Ai
Calculation of finite size correction on resonance energy of muonic molecule in muon-catalyzed fusion
Tohoku University
Motoaki Niiyama, Takuma Yamashita, Yasushi Kino
The equation of state for uniform nuclear matter at finite temperature obtained by the variationlal method with explicit energy functionals and its application to proto-neutron stars.
Dep., Phys., Waseda Univ.A, RIKENB, WISE, Waseda Univ.C
Shoji KaoruA, Togashi HajimeB,C, Takano MasatoshiA,C
Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics, Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Experimental Nuclear Physics
Dawn of Gravitational Wave Astronomy
Overview of this Symposium
Univ. Tokyo
Masaki Ando
Gravitational-Wave Observatories
ICRR, Tokyo Univ.
Seiji Kawamura
How to extract physical information from gravitational wave signals
Osaka City Univ.
Yousuke Itoh
GW170817: modeling based on numerical relativity and its implication
YITP、Kyoto Univ.
Masaru Shibata
Back story of GW170817 and Electromagnetic follow-up observations
RESCEU, Univ. Tokyo
Kipp Cannon
Break (15:05〜15:20)
Counterpart Search for gravitational-wave events in X-ray and gamma-ray
Aoyama Gakuin Univ.
Takanori Sakamoto
Electromagnetic follow-up observations of GW170817
Konan Univ.
Nozomu Tominaga
Neutron Star Mergers and Kilonovae
Masaomi Tanaka
Theoretical Particle Physics, Theoretical Nuclear Physics Joint
Finite temperature
Scale setting and Measuring observables in SU(2) pure gauge theory
Kyushu University, Kochi University, Osaka University, Saga University
Takehiro Hirakida, Etsuko Itou, Hiroaki Kouno, Masanobu Yahiro
The order of QCD phase transition dependence on magnetic field with highly improved staggered quarks
CCNUA, BNLB, Bielefeld UniversityC
Akio TomiyaA, Heng-Tong DingA, Xiao-Dan WangA, Swagato MukherjeeB, Christian SchmidtC for Bielefeld-Brookhaven-CCNU collaboration
Topological susceptibility of the finite-temperature two-flavor QCD -- Volume study
Yasumichi AokiA,B, Sinya AokiC, Guido CossuD, Hidenori FukayaE, Shoji HashimotoA,F, Kei SuzukiA (JLQCD Collaboration)
Axial U(1) symmetry at high temperature in Nf=2 lattice QCD
Kei SuzukiA, Sinya AokiB, Yasumichi AokiA,C, Guido CossuD, Hidenori FukayaE, Shoji HashimotoA,F
Critical endline of finite temperature phase transition for 2+1 flavor QCD
RIKENA, University of TsukubaB, Kanazawa UniversityC
Yoshifumi NakamuraA, Yoshinobu KuramashiB,A, Shinji TakedaC
Critical endpoint of 4-flavor QCD at finite temperature
CCS Univ. of Tsukuba, RIKEN AICSA, Kanazawa Univ.B
Hiroshi Ohno, Yoshinobu Kuramashi, Yoshifumi NakamuraA, Shinji TakedaB
Break (14:45〜15:00)
Equation of state in (2+1)-flavor QCD from the gradient flow - first test at the physical point
Univ. Tsukuba, Niigata Univ.A, Hiroshima Univ.B, Osaka Univ.C, Kyushu Univ.D
Kazayuki Kanaya, Ryo IwamiA, Tkashi UmedaB, Shinji EjiriA, Masakiyo KitazawaC, Hiroshi SuzukiD, Yusuke Taniguchi (WHOT-QCD Collaboration)
Detailed analysis of thermodynamic quantities near the first-order phase transition of lattice gauge theory
Niigata, JR-EASTA, TsukubaB, OsakaC, KyusyuD, HiroshimaE
M Shirogane, ◯S Ejiri, R IwamiA, K KanayaB, M KitazawaC, H SuzukiD, Y TaniguchiB, T UmedaE, N Wakabayashi
Study of QGP viscosities in Nf=2+1 full QCD
CCS TsukubaA, HiroshimaB, NiigataC, TsukubaD, OsakaE, KyushuF
Yusuke TaniguchiA, Takashi UmedaB, Shinji EjiriC, Kazuyuki KanayaD, Masakiyo KitazawaE, Takanori ShimojoF, Hiroshi SuzukiF, Atsushi BabaD
Testing the linear response relation for energy-momentum tensor correlation function
TsukubaA, HiroshimaB, NiigataC, OsakaD, KyushuE, CCS TsukubaF
Atsushi BabaA, Takashi UmedaB, Shinji EjiriC, Kazuyuki KanayaA, Masakiyo KitazawaD, Takanori ShimojoE, Hiroshi SuzukiE, Yusuke TaniguchiF
Determination of critical mass in the heavy quark region of SU (3) gauge theory using reweighting method
Niigata Univ.A, JR EastB, Hiroshima Univ.C, Tsukuba Univ.D, Osaka Univ.E
Shota ItagakiA, Ryo IwamiB, Takashi UmedaC, Shinji EjiriA, Kazuyuki KanayaD, Masakiyo KitazawaE, Mizuki ShiroganeA
Experimental Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Particle Physics, Experimental Particle Physics, Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics Joint
Dark matter search (III)
ANKOK 23: Dark Matter Search with Double Phase Argon TPC Detector
Waseda University
M.Tanaka, K.Aoyama, K.Iijima, T.Kikuchi, M.Kimura, A.Taira, T.Takeda, Y.Takemura, T.Washimi, T.Yaguchi, K.Yorita
ANKOK 24: Environment in The Detector Dependence of Secondary Scintillation in Gas
Waseda University
T.Takeda, K.Aoyama, K.Iijima, T.Kikuchi, M.Kimura, A.Taira, Y.Takemura, M.Tanaka, Y.Yaguchi, K.Yorita, T.Washimi
ANKOK 25 : Argon Scintillation Properties under High Electric Field
Waseda University
T.Kikuchi, K.Aoyama, K.Iijima, M.Kimura, A.Taira, T.Takeda, Y.Takemura, M.Tanaka, T.Washimi, T.Yaguchi, K.Yorita
ANKOK 26 : Electron Recoil / Nuclear Recoil Discrimination under High Electric Field
Waseda University
M.Kimura, K.Aoyama, K.Iijima, T.Kikuchi, A.Taira, T.Takeda, Y.Takemura, M.Tanaka, T.Washimi, T.Yaguchi, K.Yorita
ANKOK 27 : Reduction and Understanding of Background
Waseda University
Y.Takemura, K.Aoyama, K.Iijima, T.Kikuchi, M.Kimura, A.Taira, T.Takeda, M.Tanaka, T.Washimi, T.Yaguchi, K.Yorita
ANKOK28: Extension of TPC and future prospects
Waseda University
T.Yaguchi, K.Aoyama, K.Iijima, T.Kikuchi, M.Kimura, A.Taira, T.Takeda, Y.Takemura, M.Tanaka, T.Washimi, K.Yorita
Break (14:45〜15:00)
Research of separation of radon from xenon with nanomaterials
Takeshi Okada, Yasuo Takeuchi, Hiroyuki SekiyaA, Masaki YamashitaA, Yuuki NakanoA
Report on PICOLON project: Current status of dark matter search with a highly radio pure NaI(Tl).
Tokyo-Univ. K-IPMUA, Osaka-Univ. RCNPB, Tokushima-Univ. Grad. Sch. of Arts and Sci.C, Tokushima-Univ. Dept. Phys.D, Osaka-Sangyo-Univ.E, Tohoku-Univ. RCNSF, I.S.C.Lab.G, Osaka-Univ. Dept. Phys.H
Y. TakemotoA,B, A. HirataC, K. FushimiD, R. OritoD, K. HataC, A. KozlovA, D. ChernyakA, R. HazamaE, H. EjiriB, T. ShimaB, S. UmeharaB, K. InoueF, H. IkedaF, K. ImagawaG, K. YasudaG, S. YoshidaH
Report on PICOLON project: Search for dark matter by means of 5-inch NaI(Tl) detector.
Grad. Sch. of Arts and Sci. Tokushima Univ., IPMU Univ. of TokyoA, RCNP Osaka Univ.B, Dept. Phys. Tokushima Univ.C, Osaka Sangyo Univ.D, RCNS Tohoku Univ.E, I.S.C. Lab.F, Dept. Phys. Osaka Univ.G
S.Hirata, D. ChernyakA, H.EjiriB, K.FushimiC, K.Hata, H.HazamaD, H.IkedaE, K.ImagawaF, K.InoueE, A. KozlovA, R.Orito, T.ShimaB, Y.TakemotoB, S.UmeharaB, K.YasudaF, S.YoshidaG
Anisotropy Measurements of ZnWO4 Crystals for Developing the Direction-Sensitive Dark Matter Detector
Institute for Cosmic Ray Research University of Tokyo, New Industry Creation Center Tohoku UniversityA, Institute for Materials Research Tohoku UniversityB, Faculty of Science Yamagata UniversityC
Pedersen Juan, Sekiya Hiroyuki, Kurosawa ShunsukeA,C, Yoshikawa AkiraA,B, Yamaji AkihiroB, Horiai TakehikoB, Kodama ShoheiB, Yamato ShinnosukeB, Tsukahara MisaC, Shoji IkuhiroB, Ohashi YujiA, Kamata KeiA, Yokota YuiA, Onishi AkimasaC, Kitaura MamoruC
Measurement of radioactivity for SK-Gd
Okayama University, Institute of Environmental SciencesA, University of TokyoB
Shintaro Ito, Yuichi TakakuA, Koichi IchimuraB, Motoyasu IkedaB, Yasuhiro KishimotoB
Dark matter search with superconducting detector
RCNS Tohoku University, RIKENA, ICRR Tokyo UniversityB
Keishi Hosokawa, Koji Ishidoshiro, Atsushi Suzuki, Atsushi Ohno, Satoru MimaA and Yasuhiro KishimotoB
Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Experimental Nuclear Physics Joint
Strangeness・Exotic hadron
Study of the Λ(1405) in the Skyrme model Ⅱ
RCNP, Osaka University
Takashi Ezoe and Atsushi Hosaka
Analysis result on study of Λ(1405) via the d(K-,n)Σ{\pm}π{\mp}$
K. InoueA, for the J-PARC E31 Collaboration
Study of Lambda(1405) via the d(K-,n)Σ0π0 with higher statistics
Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP)
S.Kawasaki for the J-PARC E31 collaboration
Toward a study of Λ(1405) via the d(K- ,πΣ) reactions
Res. Center for Nuclear Phys. (RCNP)
Omar Zhadyra for the J-PARC E31 collaboration
Possible existence of a broad resonance state in the K+N scattering process
Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.
K. Aoki, D. Jido
Decays from excited quarkonia --emission by light mesons--
Tokyo Tech
Shigehiro Yasui, Tomokazu Miyamoto
Break (15:00〜15:15)
five-body stcructure of heavy pentaquark
Kyushu Univ.A, Osaka Univ.B, TITC, Lyon Univ.D
Emiko HiyamaA, Atsushi HosakaB, Makoto OkaC, Jean-Marc RichardD
Hidden charm pentaquark and doubly charmed pentaquark as hadronic molecule states
Nagoya Univ.
Yuki Shimizu, Masayasu Harada
Hidden-charm pentaquarks from lattice QCD
RCNP, Osaka University
Takuya Sugiura, Yoichi Ikeda, Noriyoshi Ishii
Lattice QCD study for ΩΩ and ΔΔ interactions
Shinya Gongyo, Kenji SasakiA for HAL QCD Collaboration
Search for dibaryons via the 2H(γ,dπ+π-) reaction
Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, Research Center for Electron Photon Science (ELPH). Tohoku UniversityA, Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP), Osaka UniversityB
Y. Muroi, G. Aida, T. IshikawaA, K. Itabashi, M. Kaneta, H. KandaB, T. Kimura, T. Gogami, Y. Konishi, H. Takeuchi, Y. Toyama, S. Nagao, S. N. Nakamura, Brian O. Beckford, T. Fuji, K. Maeda, F. Yamamoto, for the NKS2 collaborations
η and ω photoproducion on the proton in LEPS2/BGOegg experiment
Department of Physics, Kyoto University, Research Center for Electron Photon Science, Tohoku UniversityA, Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka UniversityB,Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)C
Toshikazu Hashimoto, Norihito MuramatsuA, Nam TranB, Yuji MatsumuraA, Natsuki TomidaB, Hajime ShimizuA, Masaru YosoiB, Kyoichiro OzawaC, Takatsugu IshikawaA, Masayuki Niiyama, Manabu MiyabeA, Keigo Mizutani, and BGOegg collaboration
Theoretical Nuclear Physics
nuclear force, few-body system
Responses of light nuclei studied by real time evolution method
Hokkaido Univ.
Masaaki Kimura
Electric-dipole excitation mechanism of 6Li with 6-body calculation
Hokkaido Univ.
Shuji Satsuka, Wataru Horiuchi
A realistic spectral function on the basis of two-nucleon momentum distributions
Sapporo Gakuin University, University of PerugiaA
Hiko Morita, Claudio Ciofi degli AttiA
Description of the response function without explicit angular momentum projection using correlated Gaussian
Hokkaido Univ.
Rie Sekine, Wataru Horiuchi
Comparison of high-momentum AMD with tensor-optimized AMD and tensor-optimized shell model
Osaka Inst. of Tech., RCNPA, RIKENB, Matsue Coll. of Tech.C, Kanto Gakuin Univ.D
Takayuki Myo, Mengjiao LyuA, Masahiro IsakaA, Hiroshi TokiA, Hisashi HoriuchiA, Kiyomi IkedaB, Tadahiro SuharaC, Taiichi YamadaD
s-shell nuclei with antisymmetrized molecular dynamics including high-momentum component using nuclear force
RCNP, Osaka Inst. of Tech.A, RIKENB, Matsue Coll. of Tech.C, Kanto Gakuin Univ.D
Masahiro Isaka, Mengjiao Lyu, Takayuki MyoA, Hiroshi Toki, Kiyomi IkedaB, Hisashi Horiuchi, Tadahiro SuharaC, Taiichi YamadaD
Hybridization of tensor-optimized and high-momentum antisymmetrized molecular dynamics for light nuclei with bare interaction
RCNP, Osaka Univ., Osaka Inst. of Tech.A, RIKENB, Matsue Col. of Tech.C, Kanto Gakuin Univ.D
Mengjiao Lyu, Masahiro Isaka, Takayuki Myo, Hiroshi Toki, Kiyomi Ikeda, Hisashi Horiuchi, Tadahiro Suhara, Taiichi Yamada
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Effects of nuclear force and annihilation on resonant molecular states of antihydrogen and hydrogen atoms
Tohoku Univ., Kyushu Univ.A, Warszawa Univ.B, Uppsala Univ.C
Takuma Yamashita, Yasushi Kino, Emiko HiyamaA, Konrad PiszczatowskiB, Piotr FroelichC
Relativistic Faddeev Calculations of pd scattering with Kharkov Potential
Kyushu Ins. Tech., Kharkov Ins. Phys.A, Jagiellonian Uni.B
H. Kamada, O. ShebekoA, A. ArslanalievA, H. WitalaB, J. GolakB, R. Skibinski
Repulsive three-nucleon forces and three-nucleon observables
Hosei Univ.
Souichi Ishikawa
Universality and its failure in identical three bosons
Torii Keisuke, Shinmura Shoji
A New Feature of the Efimov-like Structure in the Hadron system
Shinsho Oryu, Takashi Watanabe, Yasuharu Hiratsuka, Akio Kodama
Eigenvalue problem of screened Coulomb-like potential.
B-beau, TUS-Science & Tech.A, Happy LifeB, TUSC
Akio Kodama, Takashi WatanabeA, Yasuhisa HiratsukaB, Shinsho OryuC
Experimental Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Nuclear Physics Joint
Unstable Nuclei (II)
Neutron skin thickness of Ca isotopes
Osaka Univ., Niigata Univ.A, Saitama Univ.B, Tokyo City Univ..C, Tsukuba Univ.D, RIKENE, INP KazakhstanF, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National Univ.G, GSIH, RI Center Niigata Univ.I, Al-Farabi Kazakh National Univ.J, RNCPK
M. Tanaka, M. TakechiA, A. HonmaA, T. SuzukiB, Y. Tanaka, M. Fukuda, D. NishimuraC, T. MoriguchiD, D.S. AhnE, A.S. AimaganbetovF,G, M. AmanoD, H. ArakawaB, S. BagchiH, K.-H. BehrH, N. BurtebayevF, K. ChikaatoA, H. Du, T. FujiiB, N. FukudaE, H. GeisselH, T. Hori, S. HoshinoA, R. IgosawaB, A. IkedaA, N. InabeE, K. InomataB, K. ItahashiE, T. IzumikawaI, D. KamiokaD, N. KandaA, I. KatoB, I. KenzhinaJ, Z. KorkuluE, Ye. KukF,G, K. KusakaE, K. Matsuta, M. Mihara, E. MiyataA, D. NagaeE, S. Nakamura, M. NassurllaF, K. NishimuroB, K. NishizukaA, S. OhmikaB, K. Ohnishi, M. OhtakeE, T. OhtsuboA, H.J. OngK, A. OzawaD, A. ProchazkaH, S.K. SakhiyevF, H. SakuraiE, C. ScheidenbergerH, Y. ShimizuE, T. Sugihara, T. SumikamaE, S. SuzukiD, H. SuzukiE, H. TakedaE, Y.K. TanakaH, I. TanihataK, T. WadaA, K. WakayamaB, S. Yagi, T. YamaguchiB, R. Yanagihara, Y. YanagisawaE, K. YoshidaE, and T.K. ZholdybayevF
Interaction Cross Sections and Neutron skin thickness for Neutron-rich Ni and Cu Isotopes
Niigata Univ., Osaka Univ.A, Saitama Univ.B, Tokyo City Univ.C, Tsukuba Univ.D, RIKENE, INP KazakhstanF, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National Univ.G, GSIH, RI Center Niigata Univ.I, Al-Farabi Kazakh National Univ.J, RNCPK
A Homma,M Takechi, T Ohtsubo, M TanakaA, M FukudaA, T SuzukiB, D NishimuraC, T MoriguchiD, D.S AhnE, A.S. AimaganbetovF,G, M AmanoD, H ArakawaB, S. BagchiH, K.-H. BehrH, N. BurtebayevF, K Chikaato, H DuA, T FujiiB, N FukudaE, H. GeisselH, T Hori,A S Hoshino, R IgosawaB, A Ikeda, N InabeE, K InomataB, K ItahashiE, T IzumikawaI, D KamiokaD, N Kanda, I KatoB, I. KenzhinaJ, Z. KorkuluE, Ye. KukF,G, K KusakaE, M MiharaA, E Miyata, D NagaeE, S NakamuraA, M. NassurllaF, K NishimuroB, K Nishizuka, S OhmikaB, K OhnishiA, M OhtakeE, H.J OngK, A OzawaD, A. ProchazkaH, H SakuraiE, C. ScheidenbergerH, Y ShimizuE, T SugiharaA, T SumikamaE, S SuzukiD, H SuzukiE, H TakedaE, Y TanakaA, Y.K TanakaH, T Wada, K WakayamaB, S YagiA, T YamaguchiB, R YanagiharaA, Y YanagisawaE, K YoshidaE, and T.K. ZholdybayevF
Neutron removal cross sections of neutron-rich light nuclei
Osaka Univ., Niigata Univ.A, Saitama Univ.B, Tokyo Univ. Sci.C, Tokyo City Univ.D, RI Center Niigata Univ.E, NIRSF
M. Fukuda, M. Takechi, K. Ohnishi, D. Nishimura, T. Sugihara, S. Yagi, M. Mihara, R. Kehl, M. Tanaka, K. Matsuta, A. Honma, A. Ikeda, N. Kanda, K. Chikaato, K. Yamaguchi, M. Tomita, K. Mozumi, M. Furihara, T. Miyase, T. Ohtsubo, K. Suzuki, T. Fujii, K. Yokota, M. Sakaue, T. Yamaguchi, M. Machida, T. Izumikawa, S. Fukuda, S. Sato, A. Kitagawa
The total reaction cross sections of 22C and the nuclear radius
Hokkaido Univ.
Taku Nagahisa, Wataru Horiuchi
In-beam γ spectroscopy of 56Ca via one nucleon knockout reaction
Dept. of Phys., The Univ. of Tokyo, RIKEN Nishina CenterA, CEA SaclayB
T. Koiwai, K. Wimmer, P. DoornenbalA, A. ObertelliB, et al. for the SEASTAR collaboration
In-beam spectroscopy on 79Cu via one-proton knockout reaction
Univ. Tokyo, IPN OrsayA, ATOMKIB, RIKENC, CEA SaclayD, CNSE
L. OlivierA, S. FranchooA, ◯M. Niikura, Z. VajtaB, D. SohlerB, P. DoornenbalC, A. OberteliD, T. TsunodaE, T. OtsukaE, for the SEASTAR collaboration
In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy of 43S using one-neutron knockout reaction
Univ. of Tokyo, NSCLA, Michigan State Univ.B, Florida State Univ.C, CNSD
S. Momiyama, K. Wimmer, D. BazinA, J. BelargeA, P. BenderA, B. ElmanA,B, A. GadeA,B, K. W. KemperC, N. KitaburaD, E. LunderbergA,B, M. Niikura, S. OtaD, P SchrockD, D. WeisshaarA
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Study of Sn isotopes with systematic calculation of Monte Carlo shell model
Univ. of TokyoA, RIKENB
Tomoaki TogashiA, Yusuke TsunodaA, Takaharu OtsukaA,B, Noritaka ShimizuA
In-Beam γ-ray spectroscopy of Ne isotopes near the island-of-inversion
Tokyo TechA
M.YasudaA, Y.KondoA, T.NakamuraA, SAMURAI21 Collaboration
Coulomb breakup reaction of 31Ne
Tokyo Tech Dept. of Phys., Rikkyo U. Dept. of Phys.A, Osaka U. RCNPB
T. Tomai, T. Nakamura, Y. ToganoA, Y. Kondo, S. Takeuchi, H. Yamada, M. Matsumoto, T. Shimada, N. KobayashiB, for SAMURAI 27 Collaboration
Search for unbound states of the neutron rich nucleus 32Ne
Dept. of Phys. Tokyo Tech, Dept. of Phys. Rikkyo Univ.A, Osaka Univ. RCNPB
M.Matsumoto, T.Nakamura, Y.Togano, Y.Kondo, S.Takeuchi, T.Tomai, H.Yamada, T.Shimada, N.Kobayashi, and SAMURAI27 collaboration
Search for the bound 1- state of 50,52Ca
Rikkyo University, Tohoku UniversityA, Tokyo Institute of TechnologyB
Y.Fujino, Y.Togano, T.KobayashiA, T.NakamuraB, Y.KondoB, K.Ieki
Photo absorption cross sections of 79,80Se and 93,94Zr via Coulomb breakup reactions
Tokyo Tech, RNCA, Kyushu Univ.B
S.Takeuchi, T.Nakamura, A.Hirayama, H.OtsuA, H.WangA, Y.WatanabeB, S.KawaseB, and ImPACT-RIBF collaboration
Beam Physics, Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics, Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Experimental Nuclear Physics, Division 1, Division 2, Division 5
New frontier of physics explored by optical vortex
Ryoichi Hajima
Optical vortices as a tool for the study of material properties
Hokkaido Univ.
Yasunori Toda
Vortex Radiation from Charged Particles
Masahiro Katoh
Physics of Gamma Vortex
Tomoyuki Maruyama
Break (15:10〜15:25)
Application of XUV Vortex to atomic and molecular physics
Tatsuo Kaneyasu
Transformation dynamics of spatio-temporal coherence in high-harmonic generation
Dept.Physical Science, Osaka Prefecture Univ.
Satoshi Tanaka
Vortex Nature of Cyclotron Radiation and Prospects for Plasma Physics
Shin Kubo
Trajectory of Optical Vortex in Gravitational Field
Faculty of Science, Osaka City Univ.
Hideki Ishihara
Theoretical Particle Physics, Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Experimental Nuclear Physics
award ceremony
Tokyo Univ.
Mitsuhiro Kato
Multinucleon transfer reactions with time-dependent density functional theory
University of Washington
Kazuyuki Sekizawa
Break (9:35〜9:45)
Yoshimasa Hidaka
Exploring the QCD phase diagram at low temperature and high density based on the complex Langevin method
Keio U.A, KEKB, SOKENDAIC, Shizuoka U.D
S. ShimasakiA,B, Y ItoB, H. MatsufuruB, K. MoritakeC, J. NishimuraB,C, A. TsuchiyaD, S. TsutsuiB
Exploring the finite density region of the QCD phase diagram with four flavors of quarks based on the complex Langevin method
KEKA, Sokendai.B, Keio Univ.C, Shizuoka Univ.D
Shoichiro TsutsuiA, Yuta ItoA, Hideo MatsufuruA, Kanto MoritakeB, Jun NishimuraA,B, Shinji ShimasakiC, Asato TsuchiyaD
Solution to the singular-drift problem in the complex Langevin method---demonstration in the chiral Random Matrix Theory
Kanto MoritakeA, Jun NishimuraA,B, Shinji ShimasakiC
Break (11:15〜11:30)
A way to solve the sign problem by modifying partition function
Takahiro M. Doi, Shoichiro Tsutsui
Application of path optimization method to SU(2) Yang-Mills theory
Kyoto Univ., YITPA
Yuto Mori, Kouji Kashiwa, Akira Ohnishi
Study of distributions of Lee-Yang zeros from the canonical approach at finite density in lattice QCD
FEFUA, RIKENB, Kurchatov Institute
Masayuki WakayamaA,B, V.G. BornyakovA, D.L. BoydaA, V.A. GoyA, Hideaki IidaA,B, A.V. MolochkovA, Atsushi NakamuraA,B, V.I. ZakharovA
Phase structure of two-color QCD at finite temperature and density
Fac. of Sci. and Tech. Kochi Univ., RCNP Osaka Univ.A
Tong-Gyu Lee, Etsuko ItouA, Kei Iida
Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Experimental Nuclear Physics
Hadron structure・Exotic hadron
Excitation energies of heavy baryons and diquark masses in quark-diquark models
Tokyo Metro. Univ.
Kento Kumakawa, Daisuke Jido
Analysis of Λc(2595), Λc(2625), Λb(5912), Λb(5920) based on a chiral partner structure
Dept. of Physics, Nagoya Univ.
Masayasu Harada
Positive and negative parity heavy baryons in the HQET sum rule with NLO perturbative correction
Ryotokuji Univ., Kokugakuin Univ.A
Tetsuo Nishikawa, Yoshihiko KondoA
Hyperon and charmed baryon productions with an instanton interaction
Osaka Univ., Inha Univ., KoreaA
Sang-In Shim, Atsushi Hosaka, Hyun-Chul KimA
The research of spectrum of light scalar mesons based on the extended Liner Sigma Model
Nagoya Univ.
Yoshiki Kuroda, Masayasu Harada, Shinya Matsuzaki
Exploring origin of mass by means of spectral function for anti-D meson in nuclear matter
Department of Physics, Nagoya University
Daiki Suenaga, Masayasu Harada
Break (10:30〜10:45)
A systematic study for Zc(3900) in a coupled channel approach with open and hidden charm mesons
Osaka Univ. RCNP, Kogakuin Univ.A, RIKEN Nishina CenterB
Yukihiro Abe, Kenji FukukawaA, Atsushi Hosaka, Yasuhiro YamaguchiB
DD*-J/ψπ potential from quark exchange diagrams
RCNP Osaka Univ., Kogakuin Univ.A, RIKEN Nishina CenterB
Yukihiro Abe, Kenji FukukawaA, Atsushi Hosaka, ◯Yasuhiro YamaguchiB
Exotic Doubly Charmed Ds0*(2317)D and Ds1*(2460)D* Molecules
Paris-Sud Univ.A, Beihang Univ.B, YITP Kyoto Univ.C
Mario Sanchez SanchezA, Li-Sheng GengB, Jun-Xu LuB, ◯Tetsuo HyodoC, Manuel Pavon ValderramaB
On the structure of the JP=1- qqbar-QQbar systems
Japan College of Social Work, Showa Pharmaceutical Univ.A
Sachiko Takeuchi, Makoto TakizawaA
Charmonium hybrid interpretation of Y(4260)
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Tomokazu Miyamoto and Shigehiro Yasui
Experimental Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Particle Physics, Experimental Particle Physics, Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics
Korea-Japan symposium on non-accelerator nuclear and particle physics
Osaka U.
Sei Yoshida
Neutrinoless double beta decay and physics beyond the Standard Model
Niigata U.
Takehiko Asaga
Calculation of nuclear matrix elements for double beta decay
Saitama U.
Naotaka Yoshinaga
KamLAND-Zen and Experimental approach of 0vbb decay in Japan
RCNS, Tohoku U.
Yoshihito Gando
AMoRE neutrinoless double beta decay experiment
Double-beta Group, IBS
Moo Hyun Lee
Break (10:55〜11:10)
Overview of dark matter theories
Yonsei U.
Seongchan Park
XMASS Experiment
ICRR, U. Tokyo
Byeongsu Yang
COSINE dark matter search
Dark Matter Group, IBS
Eunju Jeon
Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Quark matter・Nuclear matter
Effect of Fock terms on nuclear matter in a relativistic framework
Dept. of Phys., Tokyo Univ. of Sci., Dept. of Phys., Soongsil Univ.A, Res. Lab. for Nucl. Reactors, Tokyo TechB, Sch. of Liberal Arts and Sci., Korea Aerospace Univ.C, Col. of Bioresour. Sci., Nihon Univ.D
Tsuyoshi Miyatsu, Myung-Ki CheounA, Chikako IshizukaB, Kyungsik KimC, Tomoyuki MaruyamaD, Koichi Saito
Magnetic response of skyrmion crystal
Nagoya Univ., Jilin Univ.A
Mamiya Kawaguchi, Shinya Matsuzaki, Yong-Liang MaA
Chiral soliton lattice in a rotating and dense baryonic matter
Fudan Univ., Keio Univ.A
Xu-Guang Huang, ◯Kentaro NishimuraA, Naoki YamamotoA
Current conservation and axial anomaly under strong electromagnetic fields in gauge invariant way
Hayato Aoi, Katsuhiko Suzuki
Electric conductivity of hot and dense quark matter in a magnetic field
RIKEN, Univ. of TokyoA
Yoshimasa Hidaka, Kenji FukushimaA
Break (14:30〜14:45)
Superfluid phase transition of asymmetric nuclear matter and strong coupling theory in an ultracold Fermi gas
RIKEN Nishina CenterA, Keio UniversityB, RIKEN iTHESC, RIKEN iTHEMSD
Hiroyuki TajimaA, Pieter van WykB, Tetuo HatsudaC, Yoji OhashiD
Variational method with explicit energy functionals for nuclear matter taking into account the two-pion-exchange three-nucleon force
Dep., Phys., Waseda Univ.A, WISE, Waseda Univ.B
Yokota ReikoA, Takano MasatoshiA,B
Refinement of explicit energy functionals for Helium-3 atomic systems and its application to nuclear equation of state
Dep. Phys. Appl. PHys., Waseda Univ.A, WISE, Waseda Univ.B, Ochanomizu Univ.C
Masatoshi TakanoA,B, Naoyuki SakumichiC
Nuclear Matter Calculation with the Tensor Optimized Fermi Sphere
Kanto Gakuin U., Osaka Institute of TechnologyA, National Institute of Technology, Matsue CollegeB, RCNP, Osaka U.C, RikenD
T.Yamada, T.MyoA, T.SuharaB, H.TokiC, H.HoriuchiC, K.IkedaD
Experimental Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Particle Physics, Experimental Particle Physics, Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics Joint
Double beta decay
Study of double beta decay by CANDLES (124)-Study of 49Ca background-
Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Tsuyoshi Maeda
Study of neutrino-less double beta decay by CANDLES (125). Development of new calibration method using 24Na source.
Grad. Sch. of Sci., Osaka Univ.
V. T. T. Trang for the CANDLES Collaboration
Study of double beta decay by CANDLES (126)-Study of rejection ratio for consecutive decay of 212Bi212Po using 10inch PMT-
Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Masahiro Ishikawa
Study of double beta decay with CANDLES (127) Development of scintillating bolometer for double beta decay
Osaka Univ.
Konosuke Tetsuno
Search for lepton number violation events with DCBA/MTD
Nobuhiro Ishihara, Taro Ohama, Yoshiaki Kato, Kasuke Takahashi, Yasuhiro Makida, Masanori Kawai, Yoshinari Kondou, Go IwaiA, Hiroshi IwaseB, Takayuki SumiyoshiC, Hidekazu KakunoC, Ryosuke HamatsuC, Teruaki YoshiokaC, Shoichi KitamuraD, Koichi TanakaE, Norihiko UjiieF
Break (14:30〜14:45)
ZICOS - Neutrinokess double beta decay experiment using 96Zr in organic liquid scintillator - XII
Miyagi Univ. of Ed, ICRR Univ. of TokyoA, Fukui Univ.B, Tokyo Univ. of Sci.C
Y.Fukuda, D.Anzai, S.MoriyamaA, I.OgawaB, T.GunjiC, S.TsukadaC, R.HayamiC
Status of KamLAND-Zen 800 (4)
RCNS, Tohoku Univ.
Takahiko HACHIYA, for KamLAND-Zen collaboration
Evaluation and understanding of the prototype of high pressure xenon gas TPC, AXEL for 500keV gamma-ray events.
Kyoto Univ., Kobe Univ.A, Univ. of TokyoB, Tohoku Univ.C, Yokohama National Univ.D
Sei Ban, A. K. Ichikawa, T. Nakaya, K. D. NakamuraA, M.Yoshida, S. Tanaka, K. Nakamura, M. Hirose, H. SekiyaB, Y. NakajimaB, K. UeshimaC, K. MiuchiA, A. MinaminoD
Development of radioactivity database on low radioactive material used in Kamioka underground experiment
Kobe Univ.A, ICRR Univ. of TokyoB, Tokushima Univ. SASC
Hiroshi ItoA, Yasuo TakeuchiA, Yuki NakanoB, Shigeki TasakaB, Hiroyuki SekiyaB, Atsushi TakedaB, Ken-Ichi FushimiC