
Theoretical Nuclear Physics

17th H21 Room 17aH21 9:00〜12:30

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics Joint
Unstable nuclei(I)
S-matrix analysis of pairing correlation effects on low-energy s-wave scattering
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University, Faculty of Science, Niigata UniversityA
Yoshihiko Kobayashi, Masayuki MatsuoA
Measurement of Interaction Cross Sections for Neutron-rich Ni Isotopes
Niigata Univ., Osaka Univ.A, Saitama Univ.B, Tokyo Univ. Sci.C, Tsukuba Univ.D, RIKENE, INP KazakhstanF, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National Univ.G, GSIH, RI Center Niigata Univ.I, Al-Farabi Kazakh National Univ.J, RNCPK
A. Homma,M. Takechi, T. Ohtsubo, M. TanakaA, M. FukudaA, T. SuzukiB, D. NishimuraC, T. MoriguchiD, D.S. AhnE, A.S. AimaganbetovF,G, M. AmanoD, H. ArakawaB, S. BagchiH, K.-H. BehrH, N. BurtebayevF, K. Chikaato, H. DuA, T. FujiiB, N. FukudaE, H. GeisselH, T. Hori,A S. Hoshino, R. IgosawaB, A. Ikeda, N. InabeE, K. InomataB, K. ItahashiE, T. IzumikawaI, D. KamiokaD, N. Kanda, I. KatoB, I. KenzhinaJ, Z. KorkuluE, Ye. KukF,G, K. KusakaE, M. MiharaA, E. Miyata, D. NagaeE, S. NakamuraA, M. NassurllaF, K. NishimuroB, K. Nishizuka, S. OhmikaB, K. OhnishiA, M. OhtakeE, H.J. OngK, A. OzawaD, A. ProchazkaH, H. SakuraiE, C. ScheidenbergerH, Y. ShimizuE, T. SugiharaA, T. SumikamaE, S. SuzukiD, H. SuzukiE, H. TakedaE, Y. TanakaA, Y.K. TanakaH, T. Wada, K. WakayamaB, S. YagiA, T. YamaguchiB, R. YanagiharaA, Y. YanagisawaE, K. YoshidaE, and T.K. ZholdybayevF
Interaction cross section measurements for nuclei in Ni region on proton target
Osaka Univ., Niigata Univ.A, Saitama Univ.B, Tokyo Univ. Sci.C, Tsukuba Univ.D, RIKENE, INP KazakhstanF, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National Univ.G, GSIH, RI Center Niigata Univ.I, Al-Farabi Kazakh National Univ.J, RNCPK
S. Nakamura, M. TakechiA, A. HonmaA, T. SuzukiB, M. Fukuda, D. NishimuraC, T. MoriguchiD, D.S. AhnE, A.S. AimaganbetovF,G, M. AmanoD, H. ArakawaB, S. BagchiH, K.H. BehrH, N. BurtebayevF, K. ChikaatoA, H. Du, T. FujiiB, N. FukudaE, H. GeisselH, T. Hori, S. HoshinoA, R. IgosawaB, A. IkedaA, N. InabeE, K. InomataB, K. ItahashiE, T. IzumikawaI, D. KamiokaD, N. KandaA, I. KatoB, I. KenzhinaJ, Z. KorkuluE, Ye. KukF,G, K. KusakaE, K. Matsuta, M. Mihara, E. MiyataA, D. NagaeE, M. NassurllaF, K. NishimuroB, K. NishizukaA, S. OhmikaB, K. Ohnishi, M. OhtakeE, T. OhtsuboA, H.J. OngK, A. OzawaD, A. ProchazkaH, S.K. SakhiyevF, H. SakuraiE, C. ScheidenbergerH, Y. ShimizuE, T. Sugihara, T. SumikamaE, S. SuzukiD, H. SuzukiE, H. TakedaE, M. Tanaka, Y.K. TanakaH, Y. Tanaka, I. TanihataK, T. WadaA, K. WakayamaB, S. Yagi, T. YamaguchiB, R. Yanagihara, Y. YanagisawaE, K. YoshidaE, and T.K. ZholdybayevF
Study of quantum phase transition in the shape of Zr isotopes and their neighboring nuclei with Monte Carlo shell model
Center for Nuclear Study, Univ. of Tokyo, Dept. of Phys., Univ. of TokyoA
T.Togashi, Y.Tsunoda, T.OtsukaA, N.Shimizu
Measurements of charge-changing cross sections for Ca and Ni isotopes
Osaka Univ., Niigata Univ.A, Saitama Univ.B, Tokyo Univ. Sci.C, Tsukuba Univ.D, RIKENE, INP KazakhstanF, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National Univ.G, GSIH, RI Center Niigata Univ.I, Al-Farabi Kazakh National Univ.J, RNCPK
M. Tanaka, M. TakechiA, A. HonmaA, T. SuzukiB, Y. Tanaka, M. Fukuda, D. NishimuraC, T. MoriguchiD, D.S. AhnE, A.S. AimaganbetovF,G, M. AmanoD, H. ArakawaB, S. BagchiH, K.-H. BehrH, N. BurtebayevF, K. ChikaatoA, H. Du, T. FujiiB, N. FukudaE, H. GeisselH, T. Hori, S. HoshinoA, R. IgosawaB, A. IkedaA, N. InabeE, K. InomataB, K. ItahashiE, T. IzumikawaI, D. KamiokaD, N. KandaA, I. KatoB, I. KenzhinaJ, Z. KorkuluE, Ye. KukF,G, K. KusakaE, K. Matsuta, M. Mihara, E. MiyataA, D. NagaeE, S. Nakamura, M. NassurllaF, K. NishimuroB, K. NishizukaA, S. OhmikaB, K. Ohnishi, M. OhtakeE, T. OhtsuboA, H.J. OngK, A. OzawaD, A. ProchazkaH, S.K. SakhiyevF, H. SakuraiE, C. ScheidenbergerH, Y. ShimizuE, T. Sugihara, T. SumikamaE, S. SuzukiD, H. SuzukiE, H. TakedaE, Y.K. TanakaH, I. TanihataK, T. WadaA, K. WakayamaB, S. Yagi, T. YamaguchiB, R. Yanagihara, Y. YanagisawaE, K. YoshidaE, and T.K. ZholdybayevF
Interaction cross sections for Ca isotopes and their nuclear structure
Osaka Univ., Niigata Univ.A, Saitama Univ.B, Tokyo Univ. Sci.C, Tsukuba Univ.D, RIKENE, INP KazakhstanF, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National Univ.G, GSIH, RI Center Niigata Univ.I, Al-Farabi Kazakh National Univ.J, RNCPK
Y. Tanaka, M. TakechiA, M. Tanaka, A. HonmaA, T. SuzukiB, M. Fukuda, D. NishimuraC, T. MoriguchiD, D.S. AhnE, A.S. AimaganbetovF,G, M. AmanoD, H. ArakawaB, S. BagchiH, K.-H. BehrH, N. BurtebayevF, K. ChikaatoA, H. Du, T. FujiiB, N. FukudaE, H. GeisselH, T. Hori, S. HoshinoA, R. IgosawaB, A. IkedaA, N. InabeE, K. InomataB, K. ItahashiE, T. IzumikawaI, D. KamiokaD, N. KandaA, I. KatoB, I. KenzhinaJ, Z. KorkuluE, Ye. KukF,G, K. KusakaE, K. Matsuta, M. Mihara, E. MiyataA, D. NagaeE, S. Nakamura, M. NassurllaF, K. NishimuroB, K. NishizukaA, S. OhmikaB, K. Ohnishi, M. OhtakeE, T. OhtsuboA, H.J. OngK, A. OzawaD, A. ProchazkaH, S.K. SakhiyevF, H. SakuraiE, C. ScheidenbergerH, Y. ShimizuE, T. Sugihara, T. SumikamaE, S. SuzukiD, H. SuzukiE, H. TakedaE, Y.K. TanakaH, I. TanihataK, T. WadaA, K. WakayamaB, S. Yagi, T. YamaguchiB, R. Yanagihara, Y. YanagisawaE, K. YoshidaE, and T.K. ZholdybayevF
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Foundation of deformed Kurotama model based on the diffraction theory
RIKEN Nishina Cen., Kochi Univ.A, Aichi-Shukutoku Univ.B, JAEAC
A. Kohama, K. IidaA, K. OyamatsuB, and H. KouraC
Reaction cross sections for 10Be at medium energies and its structure
Osaka Univ., Tokyo Univ. SciA, Niigata Univ.B, RI Center Niigata Univ.C, NIRSD, Saitama Univ.E, Univ. of TsukubaF
S. Yagi, M. Fukuda, D. NishimuraA, M. TakechiB, K. Iwamoto, T. IzumikawaC, T. OhtsuboB, J. Oono, Y. Kamisho, K. Kosuke, A. KitagawaD, J. KounoE, S. SatoD, Y. ZhuA, S. SuzukiF, T. SuzukiE, K. TashiroB, M. Tanaka, M. NagashimaB, A. HonmaB, M. Mihara, Y. Morita, S. YamakiE, T. YamaguchiE, M. Wakabayashi, and D. WatanabeA
Coulomb multipole excitations in total reaction cross section
Hokkaido Univ., Niigata Univ.A, RIKENB
Wataru Horiuchi, Shinya Hatakeyama, Shuichiro Ebata, Yasuyuki SuzukiA,B
1 proton removal cross sections for 12N at intermediate energies
Osaka Univ., Tokyo Univ. Sci.A, Niigata Univ.B, RI Center Niigata Univ.C, Saitama Univ.D, NIRSE
K. Ohnishi, M. Fukuda, D. NishimuraA, M. TakechiB, Y. Morita, K. AokiA, A. IkedaB, T. IzumikawaC, H. OikawaA, T. OhtsuboB, I. KatoD, Y. KankeA, A. KitagawaE, S. SatoE, T. Sugihara, T. SuzukiD, H. TakahashiB, Y. TakeiA, A. TakenouchiA, N. TadanoD, M. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, K. ChikaatoB, H. Du, T. NagaiA, K. NishizukaB, S. FukudaE, M. MachidaA, M. Mihara, E. MiyataB, S. Yagi, S. Yamaoka, T. YamaguchiD, K. YokoyamaB
Study of octupole correlation in even-even nuclei by the the constrained three-dimensional Hartree-Fock plus BCS model
Hokkaido Univ., Univ. of TsukubaA
Shuichiro Ebata, Takashi Nakatsukasa
Study for negative muon capture by stable Pd isotopes at RCNP MuSIC
the University of Tokyo, RIKENA, J-PARC/KEKB, Tokyo Institute of TechnologyC, International Christian UniversityD, Osaka UniversityE, Kyoto UniversityF
Takeshi Saito, Megumi Niikura, Hiroyoshi SakuraiA, Teiichiro MatsuzakiA, Yasushi WatanabeA, Hiroshi ImaoA, Katsuhiko IshidaA, Yasuhiro MiyakeB, Patrick StrasserB, Koichiro ShimomuraB, Masayuki IgashiraC, Tatsuya KatabuchiC, Kenya KuboD, Kazuhiko NinomiyaE, Akira SatoE, Dai TomonoE, Yoshitaka KawashimaE, Akihiro TaniguchF, Yoshiharu MoriF
On the possibility of a search experiment for tetraneutron with a !LaTeX${\pi}-$ beam at J-PARC
Kyoto Univ., Osaka Electro-Communication Univ.A, RIKEN Nishina CenterB
Hiroyuki Fujioka, Shunsuke Kanatsuki, Tomofumi Nagae, Takuya Nanamura, Tomokazu FukudaA, Toru HaradaA, Emiko HiyamaB, Kenta ItahashiB, Takahiro NishiB

17th H22 Room 17aH22 9:00〜12:35

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics Joint Symposium
16 years of QCD physics at RHIC-PHENIX -- centering on discovery of quark gluon plasma and its physics --
History and Overview of PHENIX Experiment at RHIC
Yasuyuki Akiba
Discovery of Quark-Gluon Plasma Fluid
Chiho Nonaka
Experimental results on collective and bulk properties of QGP
Univ. of Tsukuba, Inst. of Physics, CiRfSE
ShinIchi Esumi
Spin Physics Results from RHIC-PHENIX
Yuji Goto
Break (10:40〜10:55)
Theoretical Developments in Hard Probes for QGP
Osaka University
Yukinao Akamatsu
RHIC/PHENIX Outcomes via Rare Probes
Hiroshima Univ., Physics
Kenta Shigaki
Past, present and future of physics at Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider
Sophia Univ.
Tetsufumi Hirano
Outlook for future plan
Nara Women's
Maya Shimomura

17th K22 Room 17aK22 9:00〜12:15

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Nuclear Astrophysics
Two dimensional simulations of core-collapse supernova employing neutrino emission and absorption reactions of deuterons
NAOJ, FIAS, Osaka U., Numazu CT
T. Takiwaki, S. Furusawa, S. X. Nakamura, K. Sumiyoshi
Neutron star crust structure explored with empirical EOS family
Aichi Shukutoku Univ., NAOJA, Kochi Univ.B
Kazuhiro Oyamatsu, Hajime SotaniA, Kei IidaB
New Cooling Processes from Magnetar
BRS Nihon University, NaoA, Sooncgil UniversityB, University of Notre DameC
T. Maruyama, T.KajinoA, M.-K. CheounB, G.J. MathewsC
A Chiral Asymmetry Model for Magnetars V
Tokyo Metroporitan Univ., Coll. Bioresource Sci. Nihon Univ.A
Naoki Onishi, Tomoyuki MaruyamaA
FFLO states in the neutron superfluid of magnetar crusts
Dept. of Nat. Sci., Kochi Univ., Dept. of Phys., Kyoto Univ.A
Lee Tong-Gyu, Yoshiike RyoA, Tatsumi ToshitakaA
Time evolution of chiral chemical potential and magnetic field in the early universe
Dept. of Phys. Tokyo Univ. of Science
Yositugu Atumi, Katsuhiko Suzuki
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Systematic calculation of collective excitation of inner crust using density functional theory
Dep. of Physics, Niigata Univ.
Tsunenori Inakura, Masayuki Matsuo
Λ-Superfluidity in Neutron Stars,(II)
Nishina Center, RIKEN, Fac. Sci. and Eng., Iwate-Univ.A
Tatsuyuki TAKATSUKA, Shigeru NISHIZAKIA and Yoshinori AKAISHI
Fully self-consistent calculations for the slab state nuclei in neutron star inner crusts
Tsukuba Univ., Tsukuba Cent. for Comp. SciA
Yu Kashiwaba, Takashi NakatsukasaA
Constraints on the Neutron Star Matter EOS Based on the Mass-Radius Observations (II)
Gifu University
Ngo Quang Thin, Shoji Shinmura
Imprint of the existence of nuclear bubble structure in neutron star and giant flare activity
NAOJ, Kochi Univ.A, Aichi Shukutoku Univ.B
Hajime Sotani, Kei IidaA, Kazuhiro OyamatsuB
Low energy dynamics of a vortex in 3P2 superfluids in neutron stars
Keio Univ., Hiyoshi Campus
Chandrasekhar Chatterjee, Mareike Haberichter, Muneto Nitta

17th K35 Room 17aK35 9:00〜12:00

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Nuclear force, effective interaction
Towards UMOA calculations with three-body forces
Department of Physics, the University of Tokyo, Senior Academy, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University
Takayuki Miyagi, Takashi Abe, Ryoji Okamoto, Mchio Kohno, and Takaharu Otsuka
Shell model calculation for medium-mass nuclei
Department of Physics, Tokyo Univ., CNS, Tokyo Univ.A, RCNP, Osaka Univ.B
Sota Yoshida, Takayuki Miyagi, Takashi Abe, Takaharu Otsuka, Naofumi TsunodaA, Noritaka ShimizuA, Michio KohnoB
A new aspect of "island of inversion" by the shell model calculation with microscopic effective interaction starting from nuclear force
Naofumi Tsunoda
Baysian analysis of nuclear shell-model calculatsions
CNS U. Tokyo, Dept. Phys. U.TokyoA, JAEAB
Noritaka Shimizu, Tomoaki Togashi, Takaharu OtsukaA, Yutaka UtsunoB, Sota YoshidaA
effective interaction and linked diagram theorem
Department of Physics, Sophia University
Kazuo Takayanagi
Inverse scattering problem in three dimensional space
Dept. of Phys., Sophia Univ.
A.Taniguchi and K.Takayanagi
Break (10:30〜10:45)
A theoretical treatment of four-body resonances by using the complex scaling method
CAIS, Niigata University
Shigeyoshi AOYAMA
Analysis of light nuclei in tensor-optimized antisymmetrized molecular dynamics with multiple correlation functions
Osaka Inst. of Tech., RCNPA, RIKENB, Matsue Coll. of Tech.C
Takayuki Myo, Hiroshi TokiA, Hisashi HoriuchiA, Kiyomi IkedaC, Tadahiro SuharaC
Tensor optimized antisymmetrized molecular dynamics for the study of hypernuclei
RCNP, Osaka Inst. of TechA, RIKENB, Matsue I.T.C
M. Isaka, T. MyoA, H. Toki, K. IkedaB, H. Horiuchi, T. SuharaC
The effects of finite-range three-body interaction and tensor force on the cluster-shell competition
YITP Kyoto U., RCNP Osaka U.A
Naoyuki Itagaki, Akihiro TohsakiA
Relative motion wave function of two clusters with supersymmetric transformed potential
Hokkaido Univ.
Toshiki Arai, Wataru Horiuchi

17th H21 Room 17pH21 13:30〜17:00

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Particle Physics,Experimental Particle Physics,Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics Joint
Double beta decay
Study of double beta decay with CANDLES (114) -Current status-
RCNP, Osaka University
Saori Umehara for the CANDLES Collaboration
Study of double beta decay with CANDLES (115) - (n,gamma) background reduction by shielding -
Osaka University, RCNP
Takashi Iida
Study of double beta decay with CANDLES (116) -Background reduction and estimation-
Osaka University
Takaki Ohata
Study of double beta decay with CANDLES (117) -Energy calibration of liquid scintillator-
Osaka University
Seiya Katagiri, Sei Yoshida, others for the CANDLES Collaboration
Development of Scintillating Bolometer for Neutrinoless double beta decay of 48Ca.
Osaka University, Graduate School of Science
Li Xiaolong
Break (15:00〜15:15)
The status of KamLND-Zen 800
RCNS, Tohoku Univ.
OBARA Shuhei
The status of KamLAND-Zen 800 (2)
RCNS, Tohoku Univ.
Takahiko HACHIYA, for KamLAND-Zen collaboration
Evaluation of radium contamination removal performance by ion exchanger resin for SK-Gd
Tokai U, ICRRA, Kobe UB, Gifu UC
K.Ito, K.Nishijima, H.SekiyaA, M.IkedaA, S.TasakaA, G.PronostA, Y.NakanoB, T.NakamuraC for the Super-Kamiokande Collabration
Measurement of the radioactive contamination for SK-Gd
Okayama University
Shintaro Ito
XMASS: Sensitive search for double electron capture on 124Xe (2)
ICRR, the University of Tokyo
Katsuki Hiraide
AXEL experiment : Demonstrate of a prototype detector of AXEL and Construction of a next upsizing prototype chamber
Kyoto Univ.
Ban Sei
AXEL experiment: The development of the calibration system for a prototype detecter.
Kyoto Univ.

17th H31 Room 17pH31 13:30〜16:55

Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Experimental Nuclear Physics Joint Symposium
Perspective of super heavy element sciences
Tohoku Univ.
Kouichi Hagino
‘Island of stability' of super heavy nuclei
Hiroyuki Koura
Present status and prospects of GARIS
Kyushu Univ.
Kunihiro Fujita
Possibility of comprehensive mass measurements of heavy elements and applications
Michiharu Wada
New energy degraded beam line at RIBF - OEDO
CNS, University of Tokyo
Susumu Shimoura
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Tests of Fundamental Symmetries and Physics Beyond the Standard Model Using Superheavy Atoms and Molecule
Tokyo Tech.
Bhanu Das
Chemical effect on the nuclear decays of 229mTh and 235mU
Osaka Univ.
Yoshitaka Kasamatsu
The First Ionization Potentials of Heavy Actinide Elements
Tetsuya Sato
Present status and perspectives of superheavy element chemistry
Hiromitsu Haba
Perspective of heavy element sciences
Niigata Univ.
Hisaaki Kudo

17th K22 Room 17pK22 13:30〜16:45

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Hadron Nucleus collisions
Reconsideration of the method for analysis on nucleon form factors towards highly accurate determination of the proton radius.
Dept. of Phys., Tohoku Univ.
N. Tsukamoto and S. Sasaki
Single spin asymmetry in forward pA collisions
Yoshitaka Hatta, Bowen XiaoA, Shinsuke YoshidaB, Feng YuanC
Operator Constraints for Twist-3 Functions and Lorentz Invariance Properties of Twist-3 Observables
Niigata Univ., Temple Univ.A, Penn State Univ.-BerksB, Tubingen Univ.C
Yuji Koike, Koichi KanazawaA, Andreas MetzA, Daniel PitonyakB, Marc SchlegelC
Twist-3 fragmentation contribution to the polarized hyperon production in unpolarized proton-proton collisionⅡ
Niigata Univ., Niigata Univ.A, LANL.B, Penn State Univ.C, Temple Univ.D
K. Yabe, Y. KoikeA, S. YoshidaB, D. PitonyakC, A. MetzD
!LaTeX Light-cone sum rule estimate of the $\gamma \to \rho0$ impact factors for QCD calculations of the exclusive process $\gamma \gamma \to \rho0 \rho^0$
Juntendo University
Kazuhiro Tanaka
Break (14:45〜15:00)
Anomalous scaling in the chiral kinetic theory applied to longitudinally expanding chiral plasma
Dept. Physics, Univ. Tokyo
Shu Ebihara, Kenji Fukushima
Chiral gravito-magnetic effect
Chuo Univ., RIKENA
Tomoya Hayata, Yoshimasa HidakaA
Quark and Gluon Production from a Boost-invariantly Expanding Color Electric Field with Backreaction
The Univ. of Tokyo
Hidetoshi Taya, Hirotsugu Fujii
Inhomogeneous thermalization in heavy-ion collisions
Akihiko Monnai
Entropy production in relativistic heavy ion collisions -Analysis in expanding geometry-
Kyoto U YITP, Kyoto UA, Gunma Col.B
Hidekazu Tsukiji, Teiji KunihiroA, Akira Ohnishi, Toru T. TakahashiB
Time Evolution of Heavy Quarkonium in the Bjorken-Expanding Quark-Gluon Plasma
Osaka U., Heidelberg U.
Shiori Kajimoto, Yukinao Akamatsu, Masayuki Asakawa, Alexander Rothkopf
The yield number calculation of harm dybaryon and charm tribaryon for heavy ion collision
Tokyo Tech, Kangwon Univ.A, YITPB, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.C, Texas A&M Univ.D, Yonsei Univ.E, Kyoto Univ.F, Uni. de Sao PauloG, JAEAH, FIASI, RIKENJ
S. Maeda, S. Yasui, S. ChoA, T. HyodoB, D. JidoC, C. -M. KoD, S.H.LeeE, K.MiyaharaF, K.MoritaB, M. NielsenG, A. OhnishiB, T. SekiharaH, T. SongI, K. YazakiJ for the ExHIC Collaboration

17th K35 Room 17pK35 13:30〜16:30

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
A virtual state in 9Be
Nuclear Data Centre, Hokkaido University, Department of Physics, Osaka City UniversityA, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka Institute of TechnologyB, National University of MongoliaC, Department of Physics and Technology, Al-Farabi Kazakh National UniversityD, Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kiev, UkraineE
Kiyoshi Kato, Yuma KikuchiA, Takayuki MyoB, Myagmarjav OdsurenC, Victor VasilevskyD, Nurgali TakibayevE
2α + t cluster structures in 11B
Hokkaido Univ.
Bo Zhou, Masaaki Kimura
2α+t cluster structure in 11B with a microscopic cluster model
Kyoto University
Ryohei Kimura, Yoshiko Kanada-En'yo
Cluster state in $^{12}$C by time-evolution method
Hokkaido Univ.
Ryosuke Imai, Masaaki Kimura
Study of light nuclei based on the real-time evolution method combined with antisymmetrized molecular dynamics
Hokkaido University
Masaaki Kimura
3alpha-cluster structure and monopole transition in 12C and 14C
Kyoto Univ.
Yuta Yoshida, Yoshiko Kanada-En'yo
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Alpha cluster structure and inelastic scattering
Department of Pure and Applied Physics, Kansai University
Makoto Ito, Makoto Nakao
Weak coupling between the 1- states of 16O in the vicinity of alpha-particle threshold
Masahiko Katsuma
Tetrahedral structure and E3 transition in 16O
Kyoto Univ., RNCA
Yoshiko Kanada-En'yo, Yoshimasa HidakaA
Study of alpha cluster structure in mirror system of 18O and 18Ne
Department of Pure and Applied Physics, Kansai University, Department of Physics School of Science, Hokkaido University
M.Nakao, H.Umehara, S.Sonoda, S.Ebata, M.Ito
Luneburg-lens-like universal structural Pauli attraction in nucleus-nucleus interactions - origin of emergence of cluster structures
RCNP Osaka U.
Shigeo Ohkubo

18th H22 Room 18aH22 9:00〜11:45

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics Joint
High-energy heavy-ion reactions(I)
Collective flow of quark gluon plasma in small colliding systems
Sophia Univ., The Univ. of TokyoA
Koji Kawaguchi, Koichi MuraseA, Tetsufumi Hirano
Collective flow of quark gluon plasma induced by mini-jets
Sophia Univ., Central China Normal Univ.A
Michito Okai, Yasuki TachibanaA, Tetsufumi Hirano
Influences of hydrodynamic fluctuations on event-plane
correlations in high-energy heavy-ion collisions
Sophia Univ., The Univ. of TokyoA
Azumi Sakai, Koichi MuraseA, Tetsufumi Hirano
Analysis of primordial cumulants using factorial cumulants
Osaka University
Masakiyo Kitazawa
Measurement of centrality and acceptance dependence of the sixth order cumulant of the net-proton multiplicity distribution at \sqrt{s_{NN}}=200GeV at the STAR experiment
Univ. Tsukuba
Toshihiro Nonaka for the STAR collaboration
Break (10:15〜10:30)
Systematic analysis of particle productions by an event generator in high energy heavy ion collision
Akita International University
Yasushi Nara
New mechanism of photon emission in high-energy heavy-ion collisions
KEK Theory Center, U. of Tokyo, Nagoya U.
Kazunori Itakura, Hirotsugu Fujii, Chiho Nonaka
Time evolution of correlation function of conserved charge around the critical point in heavy ion collisions
Dept. of Phys. Osaka Univ., The Univ. of TokyoA
Miki Sakaida, Masayuki Asakawa, Masakiyo Kitazawa, Hirotsugu FujiiA
Delta eta dependence of net-charge fluctuation in Au+Au collision at RHIC-STAR experiment.
Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences University of Tsukuba
Tetsuro Sugiura
Measurements of azimuthal anisotropy for high pT charged hadrons at !LaTex$sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200GeV in Au+Au at RHIC-PHENIX
Nara Women's Univ.
Akari Takeda for the PHENIX collaboration

18th H31 Room 18aH31 9:00〜12:20

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Beam Physics
Lecture of the Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan
Young scientist award in theoretical nuclear physics
Tohoku U.
Kouichi Hagino
One-dimensional α condensation of α-linear-chain states in 12C and 16O
Matsue College of Technology
Tadahiro Suhara
Novel shape evolution in exotic Ni isotopes and configuration- dependent shell structure
U. of Tokyo
Yusuke Tsunoda
Vacuum birefringence in strong magnetic fields
Fudan U., RBRC
Koichi Hattori
Break (10:40〜10:50)
Invited talk
Young scientist award in experimental nuclear physics
Kyushu U.
Tetsuo Noro
Search for doubly charmed baryons at Belle
Nagoya U.
Yuji Kato
Photons for Food and Medicine
U. of Saskatchewan
Rangacharyulu Chary

18th K22 Room 18aK22 9:00〜12:15

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Lattice QCD
Baryon interactions from lattice QCD at the physical point [4] -- General overview and S = 0, -4 sectors
Nishina Ctr., RIKEN
Takumi Doi for HAL QCD Collaboration
Baryon interactions from lattice QCD at the physical point [4]--S=-3 sector--
RCNP, Osaka Univ.
Noriyoshi Ishii for HAL QCD Coll.
Baryon interactions from lattice QCD at the physical point [4] --S=-2 sector--
YITP, Kyoto U.
Kenji Sasaki for HAL QCD Coll.
Lambda-N and Sigma-N interactions studied by HAL QCD method and its application to light hypernuclei
CCS, Univ of Tsukuba
Hidekatsu NEMURA, for HAL QCD collaboration
Hyperon chemical potentials from lattice QCD at the physical point
Takashi Inoue, for HAL QCD Collaboration
Spin-dependent interaction of !LaTeX${\Lambda_c N}$ from lattice QCD
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
Takaya Miyamoto for HAL QCD Collaboration
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Current Matrix Elements in Wave function equivalent potential method(2)
Faculty of Science Osaka University, RCNP Osaka UniversityA
Kai Watanabe, Noriyoshi IshiiA
Charmonium-Nucleon Interactions from Lattice QCD
RCNP, Osaka Univ.
Takuya Sugiura, Yoichi Ikeda, Noriyoshi Ishii
Determination of the charm quark mass from Bethe-Salpeter amplitudes on lattice
Tohoku Univ., Forschungszentrum JülichA
Kazuki Nochi, Taichi KawanaiA, Shoichi Sasaki
A comparison between BB potentials by LQCD and OBEP
Gifu Univ.A, Yadanabon Univ.B
Shoji ShinmuraA, Wai Mu Mu PhyoB, Ngo Quang ThinA
Study of the axial-vector meson with domain wall fermions
FEFUA, RIKENB, Kyoto Univ.C, Matsumoto Univ.D, RCNPE, Hiroshima Univ.F, Nagoya Univ.G, KMIH, Kokushikan Univ.I
Masayuki WakayamaA,B, Teiji KunihiroC, Shin MuroyaD, Atsushi NakamuraA,B,E,F, Chiho NonakaG,H, Motoo SekiguchiI, Hiroaki WadaI
Infinite summation of non-perturbative effect and application to QCD sum rules
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Ken-Ji Araki, Makoto Oka

18th H21 Room 18pH21 13:30〜16:45

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Hypernuclei & strangeness
Kaon wavefunction renormalization in nuclear medium using chiral perturbation theory
K. Aoki and D. Jido
Three-body calculation for level shifts of kaonic atoms
Hokkaido Univ.
Tsubasa Hoshino, Shota Ohnishi, Wataru Horiuchi
Nuclear matter calculations for hyperons including effective YN interactions from YNN forces in Ch-EFT
Michio Kohno
Structure and Production Rates of p-shell hypernuclei on Parity-Mixed Model
Nippon Inst. of Tech., Osaka E-C Univ.A, Gifu Univ.B
Atsushi Umeya, Toshio MotobaA, Kazunori ItonagaB
Production of a neutron-rich !LaTeX${6} {\Lambda}$H hypernucleus in the 6Li(π-, K+^) reaction
Osaka E-C Univ., Hokkaido Univ.
Toru Harada, Yoshiharu Hirabayashi
Faddeev calculation of K^- d →πΣn reaction in the Λ(1405) resonance region : Effects of higher-order scattering processes
Okayama Univ. of Science, IKP FZ JuelichA, Kyushu Institute of TechnologyB
K.Miyagawa, J.HaidenbauerA, H.KamadaB
Search for the excited states of !LaTeX$4_{\Sigma}$He via !LaTeX$(K{-},\pi^{-})$ reaction in J-PARC E13 experiment (4)
Osaka University
M. Nakagawa, for the J-PARC E13 collaboration
Break (15:15〜15:30)
Analysis status of Σ0π0 final state with respect to spectroscopic experiment of Λ(1405) via in-flight d(K-,n) reaction at J-PARC K1.8BR
Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP)A, Department of Physics, Osaka UniversityB, RIKEN Nishina CenterC, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)D, Department of Physics, The University of TokyoE, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of TokyoF, Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of TechnologyG, Department of Physics, Kyoto UniversityH, Laboratory of Physics, Osaka Electro-Communication UniversityI, INFN Sezione di TorinoJ, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell' INFNK, Stefan-Meyer-Institut für subatomare PhysikL, Seoul National UniversityM, xcellence Cluster Universe, Technische Universität MünchenN, Universita' di TorinoO, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of VictoriaP, Reserch Center for Electron Photon, Tohoku UniversityQ,
S.KawasakiA, S. AjimuraA, K. InoueA, OhnishiA,B, Y. SadaA, K. ShirotoriA, H. NoumiA, T. HiraiwaA, T. YamagaA, A. SakaguciB, K. YoshidaB, K. ItahashiC, M. IwasakiC,G, H. OutaC, S. OkadaC, F. SakumaC, M. SatoC, Q.ZhangC, T. HashimotoC, Y. MaC, T. YamazakiC,E, M. IioD, S. IshimotoD, M. IwaiD, S. EnomotoD, S. SuzukiD, M. SekimotoD, A. ToyodaD, T. IshikawaE, T. SuzukiE, R. HayanoE, Y. HujiwaraE, Y. MatsudaF, .KouG, M. TokudaG, M. TomonoH, T. NagaeH, H. HujiokaH, T. HukudaI, H. MizoiI, L.BussoJ,O, D.FasoJ,O, O.MorraJ, F.SirghiK, H. ShiL, H. TatsunoK, M.BragadireanuK, C.CurceanuK, C.GuaraldoK, M.IliescuK, D.PietreanuJ, D.SirghiJ,K, P.B¨ehlerK, M.CargnelliL, J.MartonL, K. SuzukiL, E.WidmannL, J.ZmeskalL, H.BhangM, S.ChoiM, H.YimM, P.KienleN, G.BeerP, K. TsukadaQ
Outline of Lifetime Measurement for !LaTeX$^{3}_{\Lambda}$H at ELPH
Tohoku Univ.
S. Nagao, G. Aida, M. Kaneta, H. Kanda, Y. Konishi, H. Takeuchi, S. Tomita, Y. Toyama, S.N. Nakamura, A. Ninomiya, T. Hayashi, K. Maeda, Y. Muroi, I.S. Hasanah
Design of an experiment for !LaTeX$^{3}_{\Lambda}$H lifetime measurement
Tohoku Univ.
Y. Toyama, G. Aida, M. Kaneta, H. Kanda, Y. Konishi, H. Takeuchi, S. Tomita, S. Nagao, S.N. Nakamura, A. Ninomiya, T. Hayashi, K. Maeda, Y. Muroi, I.S. Hasanah
Particle identification by multiple scattering in hypernucleus production experiments
Toho Univ. and Gifu Univ.A
T. Inoh, H. Shibuya, S. Ogawa, Y. Ariga, S. Fukunaga, K. NakazawaA, J. YoshidaA, and E07 collaborators
Development of the Trigger System Using Particle Flight Information for the J-PARC E40 Experiment
Osaka Univ.A, Tohoku Univ.B, JAEAC
Y. NakadaA,C, Y. AkazawaB, N. FujiokaB, S. HasegawaC, R. HondaA, M. IkedaB, K. KobayashiA, K. MiwaB, S. OzawaB, A. SakaguchiA

18th H22 Room 18pH22 13:30〜16:55

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics Joint Symposium
Japan-Korea Symposium: Structure of nucleon and nuclei
Kiyoshi Tanida
A Perspective on Structure of the nucleon
Inha U.
Hyun Chul KIm
Recent RHIC spin results
Seidl Ralf
Overview of pPb results from CMS at LHC
Korea U.
Hong Byungsik
Break (15:10〜15:25)
Study of Spin Structure of Nucleons at Jefferson Lab
Seoul Nat. U.
Seonho Choi
Recent progress in the study of the evolution equations for the twist-3 functions
Shinsuke Yoshida
Overview and future plans of Drell-Yan experiments
U. Michigan
Takahiro Sawada

18th K22 Room 18pK22 13:30〜17:00

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Quark matter
Instanton number distributions in the chiral random matrix theory
Kyorin Univ.
Munehisa Ohtani
Application of quark-hadron hybrid model to finite temperature and baryon chemical potential
Kyushu University, Saga UniversityA
Akihisa Miyahara, Yuuhei Torigoe, Hiroaki KounoA, Masanobu Yahiro
Change of nature of soft mode at the QCD critical point associated with change of current quark mass
Department of Physics, Kyoto University, YITP, Kyoto UniversityA
Takeru Yokota, Teiji Kunihiro, Kenji MoritaA
Effects of repulsive vector-type interaction for Lefschetz thimbles
Kouji Kashiwa, Akira Ohnishi
Effect of the fluctuation on the inhomogeneous chiral phase transition
Kyoto University, Kochi UniversityA
Ryo Yoshiike, Tong-Gyu LeeA, Toshitaka Tatsumi
Spin polarization and color superconductivity at finite temperature
Kochi Univ.
Hiroaki Matsuoka, Yasuhiko Tsue
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Effect of omega meson on the heavy-light mesons with chiral partner structure in dense medium
Nagoya Univ., Jilin Univ.A
Masayasu Harada, Yong-Liang MaA, Daiki Suenaga, Yusuke Takeda
Spectral function for excited Dbar meson in nuclear matter and partial restoration of chiral symmetry with chiral partner structure
Nagoya UniversityA, Tokyo Institute of TechnologyB
Daiki SuenagaA, Shigehiro YasuiB, Masayasu HaradaA
An analysis of heavy baryons in nuclear matter from QCD sum rules
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Keisuke Ohtani, Araki Kenji and Makoto Oka
Deformation of P-wave Charmonia In a Magnetic Field
Dept. Phys., Tokyo Inst. Tech.
QCD Kondo effect from conformal field theory
Keio Univ.
Sho Ozaki, Taro Kimura
Competition between Kondo and chiral condensates in quark matter
Tokyo Inst. Tech.A, KEK-IPNSB
Kei SuzukiA, Shigehiro YasuiA, Kazunori ItakuraB
Excited modes in Kondo phase in quark matter
Tokyo Institute to Technology, KEK IPNSA
S. Yasui, K Suzuki, K. ItakuraA

18th K35 Room 18pK35 13:30〜16:30

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Nuclear force, effective interaction
Microscopic study of the stability of infinite di-neutron matter.
YITP Kyoto Univ., RCNP Osaka Univ.
Naoyuki Itagaki, Akihiro Tohsaki
Isoscaler dipole response of two-neutron halo nucleus 11Li
Osaka City Univ., Osaka Inst. Tech.A, RCNPB, Hokkaido Univ.C
Yuma Kikuchi, Takayuki MyoA,B, Kiyoshi KatoC
Decay pattern of linear-chain state in carbone isotope
Hokkaido Univ.
T. Baba, M. Kimura
Quasi deuteron model in the core nucleus for oxygen isotopes
Kitami Inst. Tech., HokudaiA, RIKENB
Hiroshi Masui, Kiyoshi KatoA, Kiyomi IkedaB
Study of friction coefficient in the calculations of O20 + O20 by Gogny-TDHFB method
CCS, Univ. of Tsukuba
Yukio Hashimoto
Interference Effect between Neutron Direct and Resonance Capture Reactions for Neutron-Nucleus Reactions
F. Minato, T. FukuiA
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Study of quadrupole vibrations in neutron-rich Mg isotopes by means of cranked Skyrme-QRPA calculation
University of Aizu
Masayuki Yamagami
Charge-exchange dipole excitations in deformed nuclei
Grad. Sch. of Sci. and Tech., Niigata U.
Kenichi Yoshida
Efficient evaluation of giant resonances toward nuclear energy density functional optimization
CCS, Univ. of Tsukuba, Univ. of JyvaskylaA, FRIB/MSUB
Nobuo Hinohara, Markus KortelainenA, Witold NazarewiczB
Gauge symmetry breaking in the Adiabatic SCC method
Osaka City Univ.
Koichi Sato
Development of finite amplitude method for QRPA in three-dimensional coordinate
CCS, Univ. Tsukuba
Kouhei Washiyama, Takashi Nakatsukasa

18th C-PS Room 18pC-PS 13:30〜15:30

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Poster Session
(Poster session for undergraduate students)
Performance evaluation of non-contact infrared radiation thermometer as a monitor of temperature of measuring instrument.
Tokyo Tech Faculty of Science
Kurihara Atsushi, Nakano Kenichi, Shibata Toshiaki
Consideration of safety interlock for a new detector at large accelerator experiment.
Hiroshima University, School of Science
Yuta Shingo, Kenta Shigaki, Yamakawa Kosei, Tomoki kobayashi
The method of dimuon measurement in LHC energy region
Hiroshima Univ. School of Science
Yuji Kawamoto, Kenta Shigaki, Satoshi Yano
Performance study of Si PAD and pixel integrated Si-W electro-magnetic calorimeter prototype
for the measurement of forward direct photons in the LHC-ALICE experiment
Univ. of Tsukuba Sch. of Sci. and Engineering, Univ. of Tsukuba Grad. School of Pure and Applied SciencesA, Tsukuba Univ. of Tech.B, Nara Women’s University Grad. School of Humanities and SciencesC
Daichi Kawana for the ALICE Focal collaboration, Motoi InabaB, ShinIchi EsumiA, Yota Kawamura, Singo SakaiA, Tomoko SakamotoC, Hojun Jeong, Maya ShimomuraC, Toma Suzuki, Tatsuya ChujoA, Takuya Nishimatsu, Oliver BuschA, Yasuo MiakeA
Evaluation of Neutron Detection Efficiency by Liquid Scintillator for 4He(α, n)7Be Reaction Measurement
Kyoto University Faculty of Science, Kyoto University Graduate School of ScienceA
Itsushi Sakata, Shintaro OkamotoA, Tatsuya GotoB, Yuichi SakaguchiC, Chisato TakimotoD, YUki FujikawaE, Takahiro KawabataF, Keiko EnyoG, Keigo MizutaniH, Tomoya TakedaI, Akame SakaueJ, Ami KoshikawaK, Tatsuya FurunoL, Miho TsumuraM
Improvement of the laser-induced fluorescence detection system for the atoms in superfluid helium towards the nuclear structure study of low production yield nuclei
Hosei Univ.A, RNCB, Meiji Univ.C, Osaka Univ.D, QSTE, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.F
W.KobayashiA,B, K.ImamuraC,B, T.EgamiA,B, T.NishizakaA,B, A.TakamineB, T.FujitaB,D, D.TominagaA,B, M.SanjoA,B, Y.NakamuraB,C, T.WakuiE,B, T.FurukawaF,B, H.UenoB, Y.MatsuoA,B
Optimization of the measurement conditions of the laser-microwave double resonance signal from the atoms in superfluid helium for the study of the nuclear structure of low production yield nuclei
Hosei Univ.A, RNCB, Meiji Univ.C, Osaka Univ.D, QSTE, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.F
M. SanjoA,B, K. ImamuraC,B, A. TakamineB, T. FujitaB,D, T. EgamiA,B, D. TominagaA,B, W. KobayashiA,B, Y. NakamuraC,B, T. WakuiE,B, T. FurukawaF,B, H. UenoB, Y. MatsuoA,B
Development of a readout system of a wavelength shifting fiber
embedded in a scintillation counter
Tohoku Univ., Osaka Univ.A
Norina Fujioka, Koji Miwa, Yuya Akazawa, Shotaro Ozawa, Michihiko Ikeda, Ryotaro HondaA, Yoshiyuki NakadaA, Kazuya KobayashiA
Constraction of a scintillation counter to measure time of flight and fiber detecter for position measurement in the K1.1 beam line
Tohoku Univ., KEKA
Y.Ishikawa, M.UkaiA, T.Koike, H.Tamura, M.fujita, K.Miwa, T.YamamotoA
Performance evaluation of new gamma-ray detector array CATANA for experiments using unstable nuclei
Tokyo Tech, Riken Nishina CenterA
Hiroki Yamada, Takashi Nakamura, Yasuhiro Togano, Yousuke Kondo, Satoshi Takeuchi, Takato Tomai, Akihiro Hirayama, Tomoyuki Ozaki, Astumi Saito, Mizuki Shikata, Masahiro Yasuda, Nobuyuki ChigaA, Hideaki OstuA, Panin ValeriiA, Yang ZaihongA
Development of a two-dimensional beam profile monitor toward the search of the electron electric dipole moment
CYRIC, Tohoku Univ.A, FRIS, Tohoku Univ.B, CNS, Univ. of TokyoC
R. YoshiokaA, K.S. TanakaA, U. DammalapatiA, K. HaradaA, T. InoueA,B, S. ItoA, M. ItohA, H. KawamuraA,B, K. SakamotoA, A. UchiyamaA, Y. SakemiA,C
High Count Rate Neutron Detector for Search of T-Violation
Nagoya University, Nagoya University KMIA, Kyusyu UniversityB, Kyusyu University RCAPPC, KEKD, Tokyo Institute of TechnologyE, University of British ColumbiaF, Yamagata UniversityG, JAEAH, KURRII, Osaka University RCNPJ, RIKENK
S. Endo, T. Okudaira, H.M.Shimizu, M.KitaguchiA, K.Hirota, A.Okada, I. Ito, T. Yamamoto, S.TakadaB, J.KogaB, T.YoshiokaC, T.InoD, K.AsahiE, T. MomoseF, T. IwataG, K.SakaiH, A.KimuraH, M.HinoI, T.ShimaJ, Y.YamagataK
Development of triton target for measurement of a two neutron transfer reaction in inverse kinematics.
Univ. Tokyo, Toyama Univ.A
Takuma Koiwai, Taku Kumon, Yuma Shimizu, Mugumi Niikura, Nobuaki Imai, Yuji Hatano, Kathrin Wimmer
Development of demonstration experiment for measuring the lifetime of positive and nagative muons
Tokyo Tech Faculty of Science
Iuzumi Naoya, Tamamushi Suguru, Nakano Kenichi, Shibata Toshiaki
Neutron Spin Interference Experiment Using Thermal Neutron at KUANS
Kyoto Univ.
Kazuki Suzuki, Haruki Kasuya, Hiroki Kondo, Ryo takenaka, Ryohei Fujii, Akira Mamiya, Syunsuke Kanatsuki, Sakiko Ashikaga, Megumi Naruki
Measurement of the cross section of neutron resonance in 139La
Department of Physics, Nagoya University
Hayato Takeshita, Hirohiko Shimizu, Masaaki Kitaguchi, Katsuya Hirota, Go Ichikawa, Takuya Okudaira, Anju Okada, Fumiya Goto, Kosuke Nagamoto, Tomoki Yamamoto, Shusuke Takada, Tamaki Yoshioka, Takashi Ino, Koichiro Asahi, Takamasa Momose, Takahiri Iwata, Kenji Sakai, Masahiri Hino, Tatsushi Shima, Yutaka Yamagata, Atsushi Kimura
Proton elastic scattering of unstable nuclei 132Sn in inverse kinematics
RIKEN, Beijing Univ.A, Tohoku Univ. CYRICB, Osaka Univ. RCNPC, Kyoto Univ.D, Tokyo Univ. CNSE, Kyusyu Univ.F, Miyazaki Univ.G, Toho Univ.H, Hong Kong Univ.I
Juzo Zenihiro, Tomohiro Uesaka, Satoru TerasimaA, Yohei MatsudaB, Harutaka SakagutiC, Miho TsumuraD, Tetsuya MurakamiD, Shinsuke:OtaE, Shinitiro MichimasaE, Masanori DozonoE, Motonobu TakakiE, Satoshi SakagutiF, Yukie MaedaG, Tomoya HaradaH, Yu NasuB, Jun OkamotoB, Kosei TaniueG, YANG:Zaihong, CHEBOTARYOV:Sergey, MILMAN:Evgeniy V., KRASZNAHORKAY Attila, Leblond SylvainI, Lokotko TarasI, Hiroshi TokiedaE, Keita KawataE, Noritaka KitamuraE, Shoichiro MasuokaE, SCHROCK PhilippE, Rin YokoyamaE, Masahumi MatsusitaE, Yuki YamaguchiE, Chihiro IwamotoE
In-beam γ-ray spectroscopy of F,Ne isotopes close to the neutron drip line
Tokyo Tech
Masahito Yasuda
Measurement of the !LaTeX${40}$Ca(!LaTeX$¥alpha$,!LaTeX$¥gamma$)!LeTeX${44}$Ti
reaction cross section with a high-sensitivity activation method
Faculty of Science, Osaka Univ., RCNPA
Ryo Wakabayashi, Tatsushi ShimaA, Keiji TakahisaA, Mayuri KobayashiA, Kazuyuki OgataA, Nori AoiA
Production of 24Na and 22Na from 27Al by 50MeV electron beam
Tohoku University
C.Yoshida, K.Ishikubo, T.Ueda, T.Komatsu, S.Ninomiya, K.Tsukada
Influence of tensor force on deformed single particle orbits
Chiba U.
R.Tsunoda, H.Nakada

19th H21 Room 19pH21 13:30〜16:50

Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Experimental Nuclear Physics Joint Symposium
New aspects of direct reactions in probing exotic nuclei
RCNP, Osaka Univ.
Kazuyuki Ogata
Complementary direct reaction techniques for single particle spectroscopy
Jeffrey A. Tostevin
Nucleon removal reactions and in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy
Univ. of Tokyo
Kathrin Wimmer
Description of transfer reactions with coupled-channels Born approximation
Tokuro Fukui
Break (15:05〜15:20)
Single particle structure studies with the transfer reaction and the resonance elastic reaction
CNS, Univ. of Tokyo
Nobuaki Imai
Two-neutron correlations in breakup and knockout reactions of halo nuclei
Osaka City Univ.
Yuma Kikuchi
Two-neutron correlation in Borromean nuclei via the quasi-free (p,pn) reaction
RIKEN Nishina Center
Yuki Kubota

19th K22 Room 19pK22 13:30〜17:00

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Hadron structure and reaction
\eta n scattering studied through analyzing \gamma d\to \eta pn reaction
Osaka Univ., KEKA, Tohoku Univ.B
Nakamura Satoshi, Kamano HiroyukiA, Ishikawa TakatsuguB
Study of YY interaction via (K-,K0) reaction on the deuteron
H. Kamano, T.-S.H. LeeA
The study of the kaon-nucleon potentials in the Skyrme model
RCNP, Osaka University
Takashi Ezoe and Atsushi Hosaka
Effect of the final state interaction of eta'N on the eta' photoproduction off nucleon
Valencia Univ.A, RCNPB, Nara WUC
Shuntaro SakaiA,B, Hideko NagahiroC,B, Atsushi HosakaB
Structure of Lambda(1405) resonance with finite volume effect
Kyoto Univ., YITPA
Yujiro Tsuchida, Tetsuo HyodoA
Could strong CP violation be probed by pion in chiral magnetic medium?
Nagoya Univ., Jilin Univ.A
Mamiya Kawaguchi, Masayasu Harada, Shinya Matsuzaki, Ruiwen OuyangA
P-wave charmed baryons in a constituent quark model coupled with meson-baryon dynamical states
Tetsuya YoshidaA,B, Oka MakotoA,D, Juan NievesC, Shigehiro YasuiA
Break (15:15〜15:30)
Hadronic molecules of anti-D meson and charmed baryon
RIKEN Nishina Center, INFN Genova
Yasuhiro Yamaguchi
Quark model analysis of charmed pentaquark including 3-body interaction through instanton
Tokyo Tech
Irie Yoya, Oka Makoto, Yasui Shigehiro
Baryon-meson interaction for the !LaTeX$q^{3}c\overline{c}$ Pentaquarks derived from a quark model
Japan College of Social Work, Showa Pharmaceutical Univ.A
Sachiko Takeuchi, Makoto TakizawaA
Structure of Y(4260)
Showa Pharmaceutical Univ., Japan College of Social WorkA
Makoto Takizawa, Sachiko TakeuchiA
Systematic Study of Charmed Baryon Decay
Res. Center for Nuclear Phys. (RCNP), Nara Woman's Univ.A
Ahmad J. Arifi, Hideko NagahiroA, Atsushi Hosaka
Three-meson KKKbar resonances by the complex scaling method
Gifu Univ.
Yamada Tatsuya, Shinmura Shoji

19th K35 Room 19pK35 13:30〜17:00

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Light nuclei, medium heavy nuclei, fission
proton-neutron pair correlation in high-spin states of proton-rich sd-shell nuclei
Kyoto. Univ. Sci.
Hiroyuki Morita, Yoshiko Kanada-En'yo
Gamow-Teller strengths in two-nucleon configurations and proton-neutron pairing
Yutaka UtsunoA,B, Yoshitaka FujitaC
Effective charge in the orbital
Saitama Univ., Chiba Institute of Technology, Nihon Institute of Technology
Naotaka Yoshinaga, Eri Teruya, Koji Higashiyama, Atushi Umeya
Theoretical estimation of the nuclear Schiff moment
Saitama University, Chiba Institute of TechnologyA
Eri Teruya, Naotaka Yoshinaga, Koji HigashiyamaA
Shell model analysis for even-even, odd-mass and doubly-odd nuclei around mass 100
Chiba Institute of Technology, Saitama UniversityA
Koji Higashiyama, Naotaka YoshinagaA, Eri TeruyaA
Nuclear matrix elements for neutrino-less double beta decay in the mass 130 region
Saitama University, Chiba Institute of Technology
Kota Yanase, Naotaka Yoshinaga, Koji Higashiyama, Eri Teruya
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Single particle structure and rotational motion of the rod-shaped nuclei
Kansai University of Welfare Sciences
Shoujirou Mizutori
Search for 4p-4h deformed states in nuclei around $A=40$ using large-scale shell-model calculations
CNS, Univ. of TokyoA, JAEAB, and Univ. of TokyoC
Takatoshi IchikawaA, Noritaka ShimizuA, Yutaka UtsunoB,A, and Takaharu OtsukaC,A
Application of top-on-top model to 11/2- band in 135Pr
RIKENA, Dept. of Physics, Saitama UniversityB
Kazuko Sugawara-TanabeA, Kosai TanabeB
E2 transitions between rotational bands by means of 5D collective quadrupole Hamiltonian
Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, Univ. of Tsukuba, Center for Computational Sciences, Univ. of TsukubaA
Kyosuke Yaoita, Takashi NakatsukasaA
Analysis of fusion-fission process in super-heavy and heavy mass region using dynamical model
Faculty of Science and Engendering, Kindai University
Yoshihiro Aritomo, Shouya Tanaka, Taiki Tanaka, Yoshiki Hayashi, Shouta Kobayashi,Jin Nakagawa, Shou Sawada, Nur Liyana Binti Mohd Anuar
Study of multi-chance fission in Langevin calculation
Kindai Univ. Department of Science and Engineering
Tanaka Shoya
Fragment shell structures and periodic orbits in nuclear fission processes
Nagoya Inst. Tech., CNS U. TokyoA, YITP Kyoto U.B, Nishina C. RIKENC
Arita Ken-ichiro, Ichikawa TakatoshiA, Matsuyanagi KenichiB,C

20th K22 Room 20aK22 9:00〜12:15

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
nuclear matter
Universal physics of two neutrons with one heavy meson
IIT Guwahati, YITPA, Sunmoon Univ.B
Udit Raha, Yuki KamiyaA, Shung-Ichi AndoB, Tetsuo HyodoA
The "K-pp" studied with a Fully coupled-channel Complex Scaling Method
KEK Theory Center, Nihon Univ.A, Osaka Inst. Tech.B
Akinobu Dote, Takashi InoueA, Takayuki MyoB
η-nucleus interaction from the d + d reaction around the η production threshold
Tottori Univ., Nara Women's Univ., Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Nara Women's Univ.
N. Ikeno, H. Nagahiro, D. Jido, S. Hirenzaki
eta'(958)-nucleon interaction by coupled channel calculation
Nara WU
Ayano Kawamoto, Hideko Nagahiro, Satoru Hirenzaki
Break (10:15〜10:30)
Dense matter EOS with RMF model including multi-body couplings
Tokyo Tech, YITPA, OECUB
Kohsuke Tsubakihara, Akira OhnishiA, Toru HaradaB
We will present a formulation of the nuclear matter calculation with the Tensor Optimized Fermi Sphere (TOFS). Then we will show the calculated results with the AV4 and AV8 interactions as the bare NN interaction.
Kanto Gakuin U., Osaka Institute of TechnologyA, National Institute of Technology, Matsue CollegeB, RCNP, Osaka U.C, RikenD
T.Yamada, T.MyoA, T.SuharaB, H.TokiC, H.HoriuchiC, K.IkedaD
Effect of mass modification of $¥Delta$ and $N$ in cold nuclear medium to $¥pi-/¥pi+$ ratio in heavy ion collisions
based on a parity doublet model
Nagoya University
Yusuke Takeda, Msayasu Harada
Excluded-Volume Effects of Baryons on the Equation of State with Kaon Condensation
Chiba Inst.Tech., JAEAA, Kyoto Univ.B
Takumi Muto, Toshiki MaruyamaA, Toshitaka TatsumiB
Hyperon equation of state with the variational method and its application to proto-neutron stars
RIKENA, RISE, Waseda Univ.B, Adv. Sci. Eng., Waseda Univ.C
H. TogashiA,B, E. HiyamaA, M. TakanoB,C
Variational method with an explicit energy functional for neutron matter taking into account the two-pion-exchange three-nucleon force
Dep., Phys., Waseda Univ.A, RISE, Waseda Univ.B
Yokota ReikoA, Takano MasatoshiA,B
Refinement of the variational method with explicit energy functionals for nuclear matter taking into account the spin-orbit force
RISE, Waseda Univ.A, Dep. Phys., Waseda Univ.B
Masatoshi Takano and Takahiro Horikawa

20th K24 Room 20aK24 9:00〜12:45

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Particle Physics,Experimental Particle Physics,Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics Joint
Dark matter search(I)
XMASS: Search for solar Kaluza-Klein axion
Kobe University
Naoya Oka, for the XMASS collaboration
XMASS: Systematic error evaluation of background into fiducial volume for dark matter search.
ICRR, The University of Tokyo, XMASS collaboration
Hiroshi Ogawa
XMASS: Search for hidden photon dark matter
ICRR, Univ. of Tokyo
Kazufumi Sato
Study for improving XMASS by reading out proportional scintillations using wire electrode (2)
ISEE Nagoya University, ICRR University of Tokyo
Kayo Kanzawa, Yoshitaka Itow, Kimiaki Masuda, Hiroyuki SekiyaA
XMASS experiment: dark matter search from fiducial volume data
Kamioka Observatory, Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, The University of Tokyo
Atsushi Takeda
XMASS experiment: Annual modulation analysis for dark matter
ICRR, for XMASS collaboration
Masatoshi Kobayashi, for XMASS collaboration
XMASS : R & D for low energy neutron calibration source
ICRR, The University of Tokyo
Koichi Ichimura
Break (10:45〜11:00)
XMASS experiment : Study of XMASS detector energy calibration for electron recoil
Byeongsu Yang
XMASS: Status of Rn removal R&D for direct dark matter search experiment
ICRR, UTokyo, (XMASS collaboration)
Masaki Yamashita, (XMASS collaboration)
XMASS: Research for surface background removal
ICRR, the University of Tokyo
Kazuyoshi Kobayashi
Directional dark matter search with nuclear emulsion NEWS(1)〜improvement of optical analysis system for high speed scanning and noise reduction〜
Graduate School of Science Nagoya University, KMI Nagoya UniversityA, IMaSS Nagoya UniversityB, Graduate School of Advanced Integration Science Chiba UniversityC
Atsuhiro Umemoto, Tatsuhiro NakaA, Takashi Asada, Takayoshi Katsuragawa, Masahiro Yoshimoto, Hiromasa Ichiki, Seina Okada, Ryuta Kobayashi, Satomi Tada, Osamu SatoB, Kenichi KugeC, NEWS collaboration
Directional dark matter search with nuclear emulsion NEWS(2)〜underground activity report and the future plan〜
KMI Nagoya University, Graduate School of Science Nagoya UniversityA, IMaSS Nagoya UniversityB, Graduate School of Advanced Integration Science Chiba UniversityC
Tatsuhiro Naka, Atsuhiro UmemotoA, Takayoshi KatsuragawaA, Masahiro YoshimotoA, Takashi AsadaA, Hiromasa IchikiA, Seina OkadaA, Ryuta KobayashiA, Satomi TadaA, Osamu SatoB, Kenichi KugeC, NEWS collaboration
Directional dark matter search with nuclear emulsion NEWS(3)〜device sensitivity and long term characterization〜
Graduate School of Science Nagoya University, KMI Nagoya UniversityA, IMaSS Nagoya UniversityB, Graduate School of Advanced Integration Science Chiba UniversityC
Seina Okada, Tatsuhiro NakaA, Takashi Asada, Takayoshi Katsuragawa, Masahiro Yoshimoto, Atsuhiro Umemoto, Hiromasa Ichiki, Ryuta Kobayashi, Satomi Tada, Osamu SatoB, Kenichi KugeC, NEWS collaboration
Feasibility Study of Anisotropic Scintillation Detecoter for Darkmatter Search IV
Tohoku Univ. NICHeA, Univ. of Tokyo ICRRB, Tohoku Univ. IMRC
S. KurosawaA, H. SekiyaB, T. HoriaiC, Y. ShojiC, Y. OhashiC, K. KamadaA, Y. YokotaA, A. YoshikawaA,C

20th K35 Room 20aK35 9:00〜12:15

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Nuclear reaction
Elastic alpha-cabon-12 scattering at low energies in cluster effective field theory
Sunmoon University
Shung-Ichi Ando
Analysis of alpha elastic scattering by double folding model
Department of Pure and Applied Physics, Kansai University, Department of Physics School of Science, Hokkaido University
H.Umehara, M.Nakao, S.Sonoda, S.Ebata, M.Ito
Quantum tunneling with friction and heavy-ion fusion reactions
Tohoku Univ.
M. Tokieda, K. Hagino
Description of heavy-ion elastic scattering with density matrix
YNU, HokkaidoA, RIKENB
Takenori Furumoto, Wataru HoriuchiA, Yasuo YamamotoB
Nonlinear transport phenomena in heavy-ion reactions
Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of TechnologyA, Department of Mathematics, Shibaura Institute of TechnologyB
Yoritaka IwataA,B
Nuclear diffuseness probed by elastic differential cross section
Hokkaido Univ., RIKEN Nishina CenterA
Shinya Hatakeyama, Wataru Horiuchi, Akihisa KohamaA, Shuichiro Ebata
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Probing spin dependence of in-medium nucleon-nucleon scattering with nucleon knockout reaction
RCNP, Osaka University
Kazuki Yoshida, Kosho Mnomo, Kazuyuki Ogata
Probing chiral three-nucleon-force effects by using proton knockout reactions
RCNP, Osaka University
Kosho Minomo, Michio Kohno, Kazuki Yoshida, and Kazuyuki Ogata
Examination of the adiabatic approximation to (d,n) reactions
RCNP, Osaka University
Yoshiki Chazono
Role of the tensor interaction in charge-exchange reactions
Res. Center For Nuclear Phys., Osaka Univ.
Yuen Sim Neoh, Kosho Minomo, Kazuyuki Ogata
Core excitation effects on one-neutron halo nuclei
RIKEN, RCNPA, Kyushu UniversityB
Shin Watanabe, Kazuyuki OgataA, Takuma MatsumotoB
Nuclear Coulomb effect for !LaTeX$\mu-e-\rightarrow e-e-$ transition in a muonic atom
Osaka U., Saitama U.A, Kyoto Sangyo U.B
Y. Uesaka, Y. Kuno, J. SatoA, T. Sato, M. YamanakaB

20th H21 Room 20pH21 13:15〜16:15

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics Joint Symposium
Progress and prospect of the Kaonic clusters
History of the Kaonic cluster research
Yoshinori Akaishi
K-meson cluster with the d(π+, K+) reactions
Kyoto Univ.
Tomofumi Nagae
Break (14:30〜14:45)
Kaonic clusters with the 3He(K-, Λp)n reactions
RCNP, Osaka Univ.
Takumi Yamaga

20th K24 Room 20pK24 13:30〜16:15

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Particle Physics,Experimental Particle Physics,Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics Joint
Dark matter search(II)
Dark matter search by NaI(Tl) scintillator (PICO-LON)
Inst. Sci. & Tech.Tokushima Univ., RCNP Osaka Univ.A, IPMU Univ. of TokyoB, Osaka Sangyo Univ.C, I.S.C.Lab.D, RCNS Tohoku Univ.E, Grad. School of Integ. Arts & Sci. Tokushima Univ.F, Dept. of Sci. Osaka Univ.G
Ken-Ichi Fushimi, Yasuhiro TakemotoA, Alexandre KozlovB, Dimitry ChernyakB, Hiroyasu EjiriA, Ryuta HazamaC, Kyoshiro ImaagawaD, Haruo IkedaE, Gakuji KanzakiF, Reiko Orito, Tatsushi ShimaA, Yuri TeraokaE, Saori UmeharaA, Kensuke YasudaD, Sei YoshidaG
Dark matter search with ultrapure NaI(Tl) scintillator: Status of MC simulation development
Inst. Sci. & Tech.Tokushima Univ., Arts & Sci. Tokushima Univ.A, IPMU Univ. of TokyoB, RCNP Osaka Univ.C, Osaka Sangyo Univ.D, I.S.C.Lab.E, RCNS Tohoku Univ.F, Grad. School of Integ. Dept. of Sci. Osaka Univ.G
Reiko Orito, Gakuji KanzakiA, Dimitry ChernyakB, Hiroyasu EjiriC, Ken-Ichi Fushimi, Ryuta HazamaD, Kyoshiro ImaagawaE, Haruo IkedaF, Alexandre KozlovB, Tatsushi ShimaC, Yasuhiro TakemotoC, Yuri TeraokaF, Saori UmeharaC, Kensuke YasudaE, Sei YoshidaG
Upgrade and Basic Properties of ANKOK-Teststand
Waseda University
T.Washimi, K.Ebina, K.Iijima, T.Kikuchi, M.Kimura, Y.Mizue, S.Naka, Y.Suzuki, T.Takahashi, Y.Takemura, M.Tanaka, T.Yaguchi, K.Yorita
ANKOK17: Reduction of environmental γ ray by shield and understanding ofinner background
Waseda University
S.Naka, K.Ebina, K.Iijima, T.Kikuchi, M.Kimura, Y.Mizue, Y.Suzuki, T.Takahashi, Y.Takemura, M.Tanaka, T.Washimi, T.Yaguchi, K.Yorita
ANKOK18: Understanding of Low Energy Electron Recoil Events
Waseda University
M.Kimura, K.Ebina, K.Iijima, T.Kikuchi, Y.Mizue, S.Naka, Y.Suzuki, T.Takahashi, Y.Takemura, M.Tanaka, T.Washimi, T.Yaguchi, K.Yorita
Towards the Construction of the 30kg Detector and Future Prospects
Waseda University
M.Tanaka, K.Ebina, K.Iijima, T.Kikuchi, M.Kimura, Y.Mizue, S.Naka, Y.Suzuki, T.Takahashi, Y.Takemura, T.Yaguchi, K.Yorita, T.Washimi
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Radiation response for slow ions in dark matter detectors 11
Res. Inst. Sci. Eng. Waseda Univ.
Akira Hitachi
NEWAGE experiment 44 : Head-tail recognition of recoiled nuclear track in μ-TPC
Kobe Univ., Kyoto Univ.A
Ryota Yakabe, Kentaro Miuchi, Takashi Hashimoto, Tomonori Ikeda, Ryosuke Taishaku, Miki Nakazawa, Kiseki NakamuraA
The absolute Z measurement by the negative ion micro TPC.
Kobe University
Tomonori Ikeda
Takayuki Tamura, The Hitomi Collaboration

20th K35 Room 20pK35 13:30〜14:45

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Many-body fundamental theory
Alignment of wave functions for angular momentum projection
Nihon Inst. Med. Sci.
Relation of density-matrix theory and couled-cluster theory
Kyorin Univ. Sch of Med
Mitsuru Tohyama
Mechanism for frequent appearance of equi-distance sequences in the Gaussian orthogonal random matrix spectrum
Univ. of Fukui
Naoki Tajima
Influence of Nambu-Goldstone modes on energy-weighted sum in RPA
Chiba U.
Hitoshi Nakada
Relation between the determinant formula of Neergaard-Wust and the pfaffian formula of Robledo in the HFB norm overlap calculation
Senshu UA, Shanghai Jiao-Tong UB
Makito OiA, Takahiro MizusakiA, Yang SunB

JPS 72nd Annual Meeting