
Theoretical Nuclear Physics

12th S21 Room 12aS21 9:00〜11:45

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Neutron-rich nuclei
Cluster structure and decay pattern in Oxygen isotopes
Hokkaido Univ.
T.Baba and M.Kimura
Toroidal and compressive properties of isoscalar dipole excitations
Kyoto Univ.
Yoshiko Kanada-En'yo, Yuki Shikata
Appearance of toroidal mode in 10Be
Kyoto Univ.
Yuki Shikata, Yoshiko Kanada-En'yo
Low-lying states of Carbon-22
Tokyo Tech
Tomokazu Miyamoto
Study of shape coexistence phenomenon in N=27 isotones
Hokkaido Univ.
Yoshiki Suzuki, Masaaki Kimura
Break (10:15〜10:30)
Research of pf+sdg shell nuclei based on nuclear force
Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo,RIKENA, Sophia UniversityB, University of OsloC
Naofumi Tsunoda, Takaharu OtsukaA, Noritaka Shimizu, Kazuo TakayanagiB, Morten Hjorth-JensenC
Disappearance of closed-shell structure and coupling between pairing vibration and quadrupole vibration
University of Aizu
Masayuki Yamagami
Methods to evaluate spatial resolution of one-body wavefunctions expanded in basis of finite dimension
University of Fukui
Naoki Tajima
Study of quantum phase transition in the shape of Zr isotopes and their neighboring nuclei with Monte Carlo shell model
Univ.of Tokyo, RIKENA
Tomoaki Togashi, Yusuke Tsunoda, Takaharu OtsukaA, Noritaka Shimizu
Neutron-skin thickness determines density dependence of surface tension in a nuclear droplet
Hokkaido Univ., Kochi Univ.A
Wataru Horiuchi, Shuichiro Ebata, Kei IidaA

12th S23 Room 12aS23 9:00〜12:30

Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Experimental Nuclear Physics Joint
Exotic hadron・Hadron structure
Study of the d*(2160) dibaryon resonance via the γ d →π0 π0 d reaction
ELPH, Tohoku Univ., Dept. of Phys., Tohoku Univ.A, Dept. of Phys., Univ. TokyoB, IPNS, KEKC
T. Ishikawa, H. Fujimura, R. Hashimoto, Q. He, S. Kaida, H. KandaA, K. MaedaA, S. MasumotoB, M. Miyabe, N. Muramatsu, A. Nakamura, K. OzawaC, H. Shimizu, K. Suzuki, Y. Tsuchikawa, H. Yamazaki, R. Yamazaki for the FOREST collaboration
Investigation of d(γ,π+π-d) reaction around the sub-GeV photon energy
Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, Reserch Center for Electron Photon Science (ELPH), Tohoku UniversityA, Reserch Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP), Osaka UniversityB
Y. Muroi, G. Aida, T. IshikawaA, K. Itabashi, M. Kaneta, H. KandaB, T. Kimura, Y. Konishi, T. Gogami, H. Takeuchi, Y. Toyama, S. Nagao, S. Nakamura, A. Ninomiya, I. S. HASANAH, K. Maeda, for the NKS2 collaborations
Measurement of γp→φp reaction at SPring-8/LEPS experiment in the energy range 1.5 GeV < Eγ < 2.9 GeV
Kyoto Univ. Faculty of Science, Osaka Univ. RCNPA
K. Mizutani, M. Niiyama, T. NakanoA, M. YosoiA, Y. NozawaA, Sun Young RyuA, T. HiraiwaA, LEPS collaboration
π background evaluation for hyperon excited state study using 2.9 GeV photon beam at LEPS.
RCNP, Kyoto Univ.A
Yanai Yuka, Yosoi Masaru, Kohri Hideki, Mizutani KeigoA
Measurement of mass and width of Ξ(1690) at Belle
Gifu University-Education, Osaka University-RCNP
Mizuki Sumihama, and the Belle collaboration
Measurement of the branching fraction of B→KXcc at Belle
KMI, Nagoya UniversityA, Department of Science, Nagoya UniversityB
Yuji KatoA, Toru IijimaA,B
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Structure of hadron resonance with nearby CDD pole
Yuki Kamiya, Tetsuo Hyodo
Systematic Study of Charmed Baryon Decay
Res. Center for Nuclear Phys. (RCNP), Nara Woman's Univ.A
A.J Arifi, Hideko NagahiroA, Atsushi Hosaka
Decay of charm hybrid mesons
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Shigehiro Yasui
On 4-quark structure of the Y(4260) and the φ(2170) resonances I
Japan College of Social Work, Showa Pharmaceutical Univ.A
Sachiko Takeuchi, Makoto TakizawaA
On 4-quark structure of the Y(4260) and the φ(2170) resonances II
Showa Pharmaceutical Univ., Japan College of Social WorkA
Makoto Takizawa, Sachiko TakeuchiA
Hidden-charm meson-baryon molecules with a short-range attraction from five quark states
RIKEN Nishina Center, INFN GenovaA, Japan College of Social WorkB, Showa Pharmaceutical Univ.C, RCNP, Osaka Univ.D
Yasuhiro Yamaguchi, Alessandro GiachinoA, Sachiko TakeuchiB, Elena SantopintoA, Makoto TakizawaC, Atsushi HosakaD
Is the N Ω dibaryon system bound in a meson exchange model ?
Takayasu Sekihara, Yuki KamiyaA, Tetsuo HyodoA

12th S31 Room 12aS31 9:00〜12:45

Theoretical Particle Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics Joint
Finite temperature/density
Axial U(1) symmetry in 2-flavor lattice QCD at finite temperature
KEKA, YITPB, RIKEN BNLC, The University of EdinburghD, Osaka U.E
Kei SuzukiA, Sinya AokiB, Yasumichi AokiA,C, Guido CossuD, Hidenori FukayaE, Shoji HashimotoA (JLQCD Collaboration)
Topological susceptibility of the finite-temperature two-flavor QCD
KEKA, RBRCB, YITPC, U.EdinburghD, Osaka-UE
Yasumichi AokiA,B, Sinya AokiC, Guido CossuD, Hidenori FukayaE, Shoji HashimotoA, Kei SuzukiA (JLQCD Collaboration)
In-medium dispersion relation of charmonia on the lattice
Osaka University
Masakiyo Kitazawa, Atsuro Ikeda, Masayuki Asakawa
Lattice spacing dependence of critical mass in the heavy quark region of QCD
NiigataA, HiroshimaB, CiRfSE TsukubaC, OsakaD, CCS TsukubaE
Shota ItagakiA, Ryo IwamiA, Takashi UmedaB, Shinji EjiriA, Kazuyuki KanayaC, Masakiyo KitazawaD, Yusuke TaniguchiE
Properties of thermodynamic quantities near the first phase transition point observed using gradient flow method
Niigata, TsukubaA, OsakaB, KyushuC, HiroshimaD
Mizuki Shirogane, Shinji Ejiri, Ryo Iwami, Kazuyuki KanayaA, Masakiyo KitazawaB, Hiroshi SuzukiC, Yusuke TaniguchiA, Takashi UmedaD, Naoki Wakabayahi
Energy-momentum tensor correlation function in Nf=2+1 full QCD at finite temperature
CCS TsukubaA, NiigataB, HiroshimaC, CiRfSE TsukubaD, OsakaE, KyushuF
Yusuke TaniguchiA, Ryo IwamiB, Takashi UmedaC, Shinji EjiriB, Kazuyuki KanayaD, Masakiyo KitazawaE, Hiroshi SuzukiF, Naoki WakabayashiB
Approach to sign problem using path optimization method
Kyoto Univ., YITPA
Yuto Mori, Kouji Kashiwa, Akira Ohnishi
Break (10:45〜11:00)
Study of Finite Temperature and Density QCD Phase by Lattice QCD and High Energy Heavy Ion Collision Analysis
Atsushi Nakamura
Study of QCD phase structure by using Fugacity expansion
Yuge Technical College
Takahiro Makiyama
Large-scale Langevin simulation of QCD at low temperature and high density
Keio U., KEKB, SOKENDAIC, Shizuoka U.D
S. Shimasaki, Y ItoB, H. MatsufuruB, K. MoritakeC, J. NishimuraB,C, A. TsuchiyaD, S. TsutsuiB
Search for the QCD critical end point by the complex Langevin method
KEKA, Sokendai.B, Keio Univ.C, Shizuoka Univ.D
Shoichiro TsutsuiA, Yuta ItoA, Hideo MatsufuruA, Kanto MoritakeB, Jun NishimuraA,B, Shinji ShimasakiC, Asato TsuchiyaD
Solution to the singular drift problem in the complex Langevin method --- deformation of the Dirac operator and its comparative studies
Yuta ItoA, Jun NishimuraA,B
Complex Langevin analysis of the Chiral Random Matrix Theory
Kanto MoritakeA, Jun NishimuraA,B, Shinji ShimasakiC
Sign Problem in Effective Polyakov-line Model
Kyushu University, Saga UniversityA, JMAB
Takehiro Hirakida, Junpei Sugano, Hiroaki KounoA, Junichi TakahashiB, Masanobu Yahiro

12th S21 Room 12pS21 13:30〜16:45

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Nuclear reaction, fission, fusion
Problems of the contribution of microscopic effective tensor interaction in proton-nucleus elastic scattering
RCNP, Kyushu Univ.A
M. Kohno, M. ToyokawaA
Azimuthal angle distribution of an emitted neutron from 9Be through EM transition with linear polarized γ-ray
Osaka City Univ.A, RCNPB, QSTC, Tokyo Inst. Tech.D
Yuma KikuchiA, Kazuyuki OgataB,A, Takehito HayakawaC, Satoshi ChibaD
Spin dependence of nucleon-nucleon interaction and spin observables of nucleon knockout reaction
RCNP Osaka Univ.
Kazuki Yoshida, Kosho Minomo, Kazuyuki Ogata
Probing three-nucleon-force effects via spin observables of nucleon-knockout reactions
RCNP, Osaka University
Kosho Minomo, Kazuki Yoshida, Michio Kohno, Kazuyuki Ogata
The role of the breakup state of the emitted deuteron in (p,pd) reactions
RCNP, Osaka University
Yoshiki Chazono, Kazuki Yoshida, and Kazuyuki Ogata
Compton Scattering with Vortex Gamma Ray
BRS Nihon Univ., QST, Nao
Tomoyuki Maruyama, Takehito Hayakawa, Toshitaka Kajino
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Peripherality of alpha knockout reaction
RCNP Osaka Univ., Kyoto Univ.A
Kazuki Yoshida, Kazuyuki Ogata, Yoshiko Kanada-En'yoA
Extraction of the monopole transition strength of 12C by microscopic analysis
RCNP, Osaka University
Kosho Minomo, Kazuyuki Ogata
Incident energy dependence of the multiple scattering effect in the Glauber theory
Hokkaido Univ.
Taku Nagahisa
Estimation of fission fragment mass distributions by dynamical model including multi-chance fission
Faculty of Science and Engeneering, Kindai University, Japan Atomic Energy AgencyA, Faculty of Science and Engeneering, Konan UniversityB
Shoya Tanaka, Kentaro HiroseA, Katsuhisa NishioA, Masahisa OhtaB, Yoshihiro Aritomo, Nur Liyana, Yuya Miyamoto, Baku Yanagi, Ahmad Kushairi
Estimation for possibility of synthesizing superheavy element using Dynamical model.
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Nur Liyana Mohd Anuar, Yoshihiro Aritomo, Shoya Tanaka, Baku Yanagi, Yuuya Miyamoto, Ahmad Kushairi Mohd Shaladdin
Effects of the Broken Solenoidal Condition of a Perturbed Magnetic Field in a MHD Simulation for the LHD
Hokkaido Univ., NIFSA
Wataru Takado, Yutaka Matsumoto, Kiyomasa WatanabeA, Satoshi Tomioka, Shun-ichi Oikawa

12th S23 Room 12pS23 13:30〜16:30

Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Particle Physics Joint
Lattice QCD・Interactions
Baryon interactions from lattice QCD at the physical point [5] -- Nuclear forces and XiXi forces
Nishina Ctr., RIKEN
Takumi Doi for HAL QCD Collaboration
Baryon interactions from lattice QCD at the physical point [5]--S=-3 sector(XiSigma & XiLambda-XiSigma)--
RCNP, Osaka University
Noriyoshi Ishii for HAL QCD Coll.
Baryon Interactions from Lattice QCD with physical masses[5] --S=-2 sector--
YITP, Kyoto-U
Kenji Sasaki
ΛN and ΣN interactions from physical point lattice QCD with HAL method, and light hypernuclei
RCNP, Osaka Univ.
Hidekatsu NEMURA, for HAL QCD collaboration
Hyperonic matter from lattice QCD at the physical point
Takashi Inoue, for HAL QCD Collaboration
Nucleon-Omega interaction from HAL QCD method at the physical point
Takumi Iritani
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Λc N interaction from the lattice QCD and its applications to Λc-nuclei
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
Takaya Miyamoto for HAL QCD Collaboration
Charmonium-Nucleon Interactions from Lattice QCD II
RCNP, Osaka Univ.
Takuya Sugiura, Yoichi Ikeda, Noriyoshi Ishii
ρ resonance from the I=1 \pi\pi potential in lattice QCD
Kyoto Univ.
Daisuke KAWAI
Three-quark potential from lattice QCD II
Nihon University, Numazu College of TechnologyA
Miho Koma, Yoshiaki KomaA
Inter-glueball potential from lattice gauge theory
Hideaki Iida, Masayuki Wakayama, Atsushi Nakamura, Nodoka YamanakaA

12th T11 Room 12pT11 13:30〜16:30

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics Joint
Unstable nuclei (I)
To what extent the equation of state of nuclear matter is constrained from masses and radii of stable nuclei?
Aichi Shukutoku Univ., Kochi Univ.A, NAOJB
Kazuhiro Oyamatsu, Kei IidaA, Hajime SotaniB
Measurements of nucleon pick-up cross sections for nuclei around Z = 20 and 28
Osaka Univ., Niigata Univ.A, Saitama Univ.B, Tokyo City Univ.C, Tsukuba Univ.D, RIKENE, INP KazakhstanF, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National Univ.G, GSIH, RI Center Niigata Univ.I, Al-Farabi Kazakh National Univ.J, RNCPK
M. Fukuda, M. Tanaka, M. TakechiA, A. HonmaA, T. SuzukiB, Y. Tanaka, D. NishimuraC, T. MoriguchiD, D.S. AhnE, A.S. AimaganbetovF,G, M. AmanoD, H. ArakawaB, S. BagchiH, K.-H. BehrH, N. BurtebayevF, K. ChikaatoA, H. Du, T. FujiiB, N. FukudaE, H. GeisselH, T. Hori, S. HoshinoA, R. IgosawaB, A. IkedaA, N. InabeE, K. InomataB, K. ItahashiE, T. IzumikawaI, D. KamiokaD, N. KandaA, I. KatoB, I. KenzhinaJ, Z. KorkuluE, Ye. KukF,G, K. KusakaE, K. Matsuta, M. Mihara, E. MiyataA, D. NagaeE, S. Nakamura, M. NassurllaF, K. NishimuroB, K. NishizukaA, S. OhmikaB, K. Ohnishi, M. OhtakeE, T. OhtsuboA, H.J. OngK, A. OzawaD, A. ProchazkaH, S.K. SakhiyevF, H. SakuraiE, C. ScheidenbergerH, Y. ShimizuE, T. Sugihara, T. SumikamaE, S. SuzukiD, H. SuzukiE, H. TakedaE, Y.K. TanakaH, I. TanihataK, T. WadaA, K. WakayamaB, S. Yagi, T. YamaguchiB, R. Yanagihara, Y. YanagisawaE, K. YoshidaE, and T.K. ZholdybayevF
Measurements of charge-changing cross sections for nuclei around Z = 20 and 28
Osaka Univ., Niigata Univ.A, Saitama Univ.B, Tokyo Univ. Sci.C, Tsukuba Univ.D, RIKENE, INP KazakhstanF, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National Univ.G, GSIH, RI Center Niigata Univ.I, Al-Farabi Kazakh National Univ.J, RNCPK
M. Tanaka, M. TakechiA, A. HonmaA, M. Fukuda, N. KandaA, T. SuzukiB, D. NishimuraC, T. MoriguchiD, D.S. AhnE, A.S. AimaganbetovF,G, M. AmanoD, H. ArakawaB, S. BagchiH, K.-H. BehrH, N. BurtebayevF, K. ChikaatoA, H. Du, T. FujiiB, N. FukudaE, H. GeisselH, T. Hori, S. HoshinoA, R. IgosawaB, A. IkedaA, N. InabeE, K. InomataB, K. ItahashiE, T. IzumikawaI, D. KamiokaD, I. KatoB, I. KenzhinaJ, Z. KorkuluE, Ye. KukF,G, K. KusakaE, K. Matsuta, M. Mihara, E. MiyataA, D. NagaeE, S. Nakamura, M. NassurllaF, K. NishimuroB, K. NishizukaA, S. OhmikaB, K. Ohnishi, M. OhtakeE, T. OhtsuboA, H.J. OngK, A. OzawaD, A. ProchazkaH, S.K. SakhiyevF, H. SakuraiE, C. ScheidenbergerH, Y. ShimizuE, T. Sugihara, T. SumikamaE, S. SuzukiD, H. SuzukiE, H. TakedaE, Y. Tanaka, Y.K. TanakaH, I. TanihataK, T. WadaA, K. WakayamaB, S. Yagi, T. YamaguchiB, R. Yanagihara, Y. YanagisawaE, K. YoshidaE, and T.K. ZholdybayevF
Study of a novel resonance in 11Li via microscopic analysis of 11Li(p,p')
Kyushu Univ., GSIA, RCNPB
Takuma Matsumoto, Junki TanakaA, Kazuyuki OgataB
On the Z=6‘magic number’in neutron-rich carbon isotopes
RCNP, ORNLA, Beihang Univ.B, Kyoto Univ.C, Nihon Univ.D, HCM Univ. Sci.E, LBLF, Osaka Univ.G, GSIH, KVII, IBSJ, St. Mary’s Univ.K, VAST-IOPL, IMPM, Kochi Univ. Tech.N, RNCO, Dong Nai Univ.P, Tokyo City Univ.Q, Univ.TokyoR, Tsukuba Univ.S, Niigata Univ.T
H.J.Ong, D.T.Tran, G.HagenA, N.Aoi, S.TerashimaB, Y.Kanada-En'yoC, T.SuzukiD, L.S.GengB, I.TanihataB, T.T.NguyenE, Y.AyyadF, P.Y.Chan, M.FukudaG, H.GeisselH, M.N.HarakehI, T.HashimotoJ, T.H.Hoang, E.Ideguchi, A.Inoue, R.KanungoK, T.KawabataC, L.H.KhiemL, W.P.LinM, K.MatsutaG, M.MiharaG, S.MomotaN, D.NagaeO, N.D.NguyenP, D.NishimuraQ, T.OtsukaR, A.OzawaS, P.P.RenM, H.Sakaguchi, C.ScheidenbergerH, J.Tanaka, M.TakechiT, R.WadaM, and T.Yamamoto
Construction of global optical potential extended in unstable nuclear region for nucleon-nucleus systems
YNU, Tokyo TechA, Hokkaido Univ.B
T. Furumoto, K. TsubakiharaA, S. EbataB, W. HoriuchiB
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Reaction cross section of medium-mass nuclei by Glauber model and effect of Coulomb deflection
Res. Center for Nuclear Phys., Osaka Univ., Inst. of Phys., Vietnam Academy of Sci. and Tech.A, Dept. of Phys., Hokkaido Univ.B, Grad. Sch. of Sci. and Tech., Niigata Univ.C
D.T. TranA, H.J. Ong, W. HoriuchiB, M. TakechiC
Low-lying charge-exchange dipole states in neutron-rich nuclei
Kyoto Univ.
Kenichi Yoshida
E1 responses of 50,52Ca
Rikkyo Univ., TokyoTECHA, Tohoku Univ.B
Y. Togano, T. NakamuraA, T. KobayashiB, Y. KondoA, Y. Fujino, K. Ieki, for SAMURAI09 collaboration
In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy of the heaviest nuclei at the JAEA-Tokai Tandem accelerator: a test study of 252Fm
Advanced Sci. Res. Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai
Riccardo Orlandi, Hiroyuki Makii, Katsuhisa Nishio, Kentaro Hirose, Tsukada Kazuaki, Masato Asai, Yuichiro Nagame, Tetsuya Sato, Atsushi Toyoshima, Mark Vermeulen, Andrei Andreyev
A systematic study about beta decay in exotic nuclei with mass around 40
Department of Physics, the University of Tokyo, JAEAA, CNS, the University of TokyoB, RIKENC
Sota Yoshida, Yutaka UtsunoA,B, Noritaka ShimizuB, Takaharu OtsukaC,B

12th U11 Room 12pU11 13:30〜17:05

Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics,Experimental Particle Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Particle Physics Joint Symposium
Nuclear and Particle Physics and Astrophysics with Underground Laboratories
Tohoku Univ.
Koji Ishidoshiro
Status and prospects of neutrinoless double beta decay search
Osaka Univ.
Sei Yoshida
Status and prospects of direct dark matter search
Kobe Univ.
Kentaro Miuchi
Status and prospects of gravitational wave search
Osaka City Univ.
Nobuyuki Kanda
Break (15:05〜15:20)
Status and prospects of astroneutrino study
Okayama Univ.
Yusuke Koshio
Status and prospects of geoneutrino study
Univ. of Washington
Sanshiro Enomoto
Status and prospects of neutrino oscillation study
ICRR RCCN, Univ. of Tokyo
Kimihiro Okumura
Next generation large water Cherenkov detector
ICRR Kamioka Observatory, Univ. of Tokyo
Hidekazu Tanaka

13th S21 Room 13aS21 9:00〜12:30

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Medium-heavy nuclei, Mean field, Basics of many-body theory
Bogoliubov quasi-particle basis state in Monte Carlo shell model
Noritaka Shimizu, Takaharu OtsukaA, Yusuke Tsunoda, Yutaka UtsunoB
Shape transition in Sm isotopes by Monte Carlo shell model calculations
Univ. Tokyo, RIKENA
Yusuke Tsunoda, Takaharu OtsukaA, Noritaka Shimizu, Tomoaki Togashi
Large-scale shell-model calculation for life time of neutron-rich nuclei near N=82
Univ. of Tokyo, RIKENA, JAEAB
Tomoaki Togashi, Noritaka Shimizu, Takaharu OtsukaA, Yutaka UtsunoB
shell model calculations including core excitation
Saitama University, Chiba Institute of Technology
Naotaka Yoshinaga, Koji Higashiyama, Kota Yanase, Eri Teruya
Generator coordinate method analysis for even-even nuclei around mass 100
Chiba Institute of Technology, Saitama UniversityA
Koji Higashiyama, Naotaka YoshinagaA, Kota YanaseA
Schiff moment of nuclei around mass 200
Saitama University, Chiba Institute of TechnologyA
Eri Teruya, Naotaka Yoshinaga, Koji HigashiyamaA, Kota Yanase
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Nuclear matrix element calculations for two neutrino double beta decay using the nuclear shell model
Saitama University, Chiba Institute of Technology, Nippon Institute of Technology
Kota Yanase, Naotaka Yoshinaga, Koji Higashiyama, and Atsushi Umeya
Precise determination of pair energy density functional using pairing rotational moments of inertia
CCS, Univ. of Tsukuba
Nobuo Hinohara
Three-dimensional Finite-amplitude method QRPA and collective inertial masses
CCS, Univ. Tsukuba
Kouhei Washiyama, Takashi Nakatsukasa
Application of Self-consistent Collective Coordinate in Pairing Vibration
Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, Univ. of TsukubaA, Center for Computational Sciences, Univ. of TsukubaB
F. NiA and T. NakatsukasaA,B
Higher-order operators and aa terms in the adiabatic expansion in the Adiabatic SCC method
Osaka City Univ.
Koichi Sato
Analysis of the sign problem in the Onishi formula by means of antisymmetric matrices
Senshu Univ., Shanghai Jiao-ton Univ.A
Makito Oi, Takahiro Mizusaki, Yang Sun
Effects of particle-particle and hole-hole transitions in extended RPA theory
Kyorin Univ. Sch. of Med.
Mitsuru Tohyama

13th S23 Room 13aS23 9:00〜12:15

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Particle Physics,Experimental Particle Physics,Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics Joint
Double beta decay
Study of double beta decay with CANDLES (119)-Current status and detector stability-
Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Takaki Ohata for the CANDLES Collaboration
Study of double beta decay with CANDLES (120) -Current status-
RCNS, Tohoku University
Saori Umehara for the CANDLES Collaboration
Study of double beta decay with CANDLES(121) - Study of gamma ray backgrounds by simulation
Graduate school of Engineering, University of Fukui
H.Hiraoka, K.Nakajima, I.Ogawa, Y.Tamagawa, for the CANDLES collaboration
Study of double beta decay with CANDLES (122) -Study of cosmogenic backgrounds-
Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Tsuyoshi Maeda
Study of double beta decay with CANDLES(122)-1p.e. measurement by using LED-
Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Hidetoshi Kino
ZICOS - Neutrinoless double beta decay experiment using 96Zr in organic liquid scintillator - XI
Miyagi Univ. of Ed, ICRR Univ. of TokyoA, Fukui Univ.B, Tokyo Univ. of Sci.C
Y.Fukuda, Y.Kamei, S.MoriyamaA, I.OgawaB, T.GunjiC, S.TsukadaC, R.HayamiC
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Status of KamLAND-Zen 800 (3)
RCNS, Tohoku Univ.
Takahiko HACHIYA, for KamLND-Zen collaboration
New Liquid scintillator purification for KamLAND2-Zen
RCNS, Tohoku Univ.
Kohei Kamizawa
Status of Double Beta Decay Experiment DCBA-T3
Tokyo Metropolitan University School of Science Technology, KEK IPNSA, KEK CRCB, KEK RSCC, Fukuoka Institute of TechnologyD, Tokyo Metropolitan UniversityE, Tohoku Gakuin UniversityF, Hiroshioma Institute of TechnologyG, Niigata UniversityH, SSII, Smart EducationJ, SCTECK, HomeL
T.Yoshioka, T.Sumiyoshi, H.Kakuno, R.Hamatsu, N.IshiharaA, T.InagakiA, T.OhamaA, Y.KatoA, K.TakahashiA, Y.MakidaA, Y.YamadaA, M.KawaiA, Y.KondouA, G.IwaiB, H.IwaseC, T.IshizukaD, S.KitamuraE, Y.SakamotoF, Y.NagasakaG, N.TamaraH, K.TanakaI, R.ItoJ, M.TonookaK, N.UziieL
Evaluation of the prototype of high pressure xenon gas TPC, AXEL using 152Eu and 22Na gamma-ray source
Kyoto University
Ban Sei
AXEL experiment — Development of a calibration system for the evaluation of large amount of MPPCs under high intensity light
Kyoto University, ICRR The University of TokyoA, RCNS Tohoku UniversityB, Kobe UniversityC, Yokohama National UniversityD
K. Z. Nakamura, A. Ichikawa, T. Nakaya, A. MinaminoD, K. D. NakamuraC, S. Ban, S. Tanaka, M. Yoshida, M. Hirose, H. SekiyaA, Y. NakajimaA, K. UeshimaB, K. MiuchiC
XMASS: Sensitive search for double electron capture using particle identification
ICRR, the University of Tokyo
Katsuki Hiraide, for the XMASS Collaboration

13th T12 Room 13aT12 9:30〜12:00

Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Experimental Nuclear Physics,Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics
Nuclear Astrophysics
Neutron star matter EOS and hypernuclei in RMF with multi-body couplings
YITP, TITech IIR, Osaka EC U
Akira Ohnishi, Kohsuke Tsubakihara, Toru Harada
Observation of radii of neutron stars and hyperon mixing
RIKEN Nishina centerA, Chiba Institute of TechnologyB
Y. Yamamoto, T.Tamagawa, N. Yasutake
Mass of hybrid star including the effect of anomalous magnetic moment
Saitama University
Kaiyu Itokazu, Kota Yanase, Naotaka Yoshinaga
Break (10:45〜11:00)
Nuclear Physics Inputs for Core-Collapse Supernovae
Shun Furusawa
Nuetrino-Antineutrino Pair Production in Strong Magnetic Field and Cooling of Magnetars
BRS Nihon Univ., Nao, Soongsil Univ., Univ. of Notre Dame
Tomoyuki Maruyama, Toshitaka Kajino, Myung-Ki Cheoun, Grant J. Mathews
A Chiral Asymmetry Model for Magnetars
Tokyo Metropolitan University
Naoki Onishi, Tomoyuki Maruyama
Acceleration of the spherically symmetric neutrino transport-hydrodynamics for supernova explosion simulations on GPU
KEK, Numazu CTA
Hideo Matsufuru, Kosuke SumiyoshiA

13th S23 Room 13pS23 13:30〜17:15

Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Experimental Nuclear Physics
Nuclear matter・QCD phase(I)
Low-energy Effective Worldsheet theory of a non-Abelian vortex in high-density QCD Revisited: A regular gauge construction
Keio Univ.
Chandrasekhar Chatterjee, 新田宗土
Inhomogeneous chiral condensates under magnetic field
Aichi University of Education
Hiroaki Abuki
Relation between the inhomogeneous chiral phase and FFLO superconductivity phase
Kyoto U.
Ryo Yoshiike, Toshitaka Tatsumi
Numerical approach of inhomogeneous chiral condensation with current mass
Chiba Inst. of Tech.A, Kochi Univ.B, JAEAC, Kyoyo Univ.D
N. YasutakeA, T. G. LeeB, T. MaruyamaC, T. TatsumiD
ρ meson instability driven in inhomogeneous condensate phasuru
Nagoya Univ.
Mamiya Kawaguchi, Shinya Matsuzaki
Investigation of topological deconfinement transition at finite isospin chemical potential
Kouji Kashiwa, Akira Ohnishi
Chiral symmetry breaking by monopole condensation
Nishogakusha University
Aiichi Iwazaki
Break (15:15〜15:30)
High energy heavy ion collision(I)
Inclusive J/ψ measurement in p-Pb collisions with the ALICE detector
Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo
S Hayashi for the ALICE Collaboration
Study of particle correlations in p-Pb collisions with ALICE detector
University of Tokyo
Yuko Sekiguchi
Measurement of electrons from heavy-flavor hadron decay in p-Pb collision at ALICE
University of Tsukuba Graduated School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba CiRfSEA
Daichi Kawana for the ALICE collaboration
Status of direct photon measurement in small systems with ALICE
University of Tokyo
Hikari Murakami for the ALICE collaboration, the University of Tokyo
Measurement of di-hadron correlations with Event Shape Engineering in Au+Au collisions at the STAR experiment
Univ. Tsukuba
Ryo Aoyama for the STAR collaboration
Net-charge fluctuation using particle species dependent efficiency correction in Au+Au collisions from the Beam Energy Scan at the STAR experiment
University of Tsukuba
Tetsuro Sugiura for the STAR collaboration
New method for reconstructing the net-distribution for cumulants
Univ. Tsukuba
Toshihiro Nonaka

13th T11 Room 13pT11 13:30〜17:00

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics Joint
Hypernuclei, strangeness (I)
The pilot run of J-PARC E05: Spectroscopy of Ξ hypernucleus via the (K-,K+) reaction (3)
Kyoto University
Shunsuke Kanatsuki
Search for double-Lambda hypernuclei by means of sequential pionic decays
Kyoto Univ., RIKEN Nishina CenterA
Hiroyuki Fujioka, Tomokazu FukudaA, Emiko HiyamaA
Status of the experiment of Λn interaction measurement via final state interaction in γ + d → K++Λ+n in the threshold region
Dept. of Phys., Tohoku Univ.
Masashi Kaneta for the NKS2 collaboration
Precise spectroscopy of A=40,48-Lambda hypernuclei using electron scattering at JLab
Tohoku Univ., Tohoku Med. Pharm. Univ.A, INFNB, FIUC, Hampton Univ.D, JLabE
T. Gogami, G. Aida, M. Fujita, I. Hasanah, K. Itabashi, M. Kaneta, Y. Konishi, K. Maeda, Y. Muroi, S. Nagao, S.N. Nakamura, H. Takeuchi, Y. Toyama, Y. FujiiA, F. GaribaldiB, G.M. UrciuoliB, P.E.C. MarkowitzC, J. ReinholdC, L. TangD,E
(γ, K+) production cross sections of p-shell hypernuclei by parity-mixed model
Nippon Inst. of Tech., Osaka E-C Univ.A, Gifu Univ.B
Atsushi Umeya, Toshio MotobaA, Kazunori ItonagaB
Feasibility study of lifetime measurement of photo-produced hypernuclei
Tohoku Univ., RCNPA
Y. Toyama, G. Aida, M. Kaneta, H. KandaA, H. Takeuchi, S. Nagao, S.N. Nakamura, K. Maeda, Y. Muroi, I.S. Hasanah
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Effects of ΛNN-ΣNN 3-body interaction in Ch-EF
M. Kohno
Three-baryon force from the color-magnetic interaction in the flavor-SU(3) limit
National Institute of Technology, Suzuka College, Faculty of Science, Niigata UniversityA, RIKEN Nishina CenterB
Choki NAKAMOTO and Yasuyuki SUZUKIA,B
Analysis status of spectroscopic experiment of the Λ(1405) via the d(K-,N)“πΣ” reaction at J-PARC K1.8BR
Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP)A, Department of Physics, Osaka UniversityB, RIKEN Nishina CenterC, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)D, Department of Physics, The University of TokyoE, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of TokyoF, Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of TechnologyG, Department of Physics, Kyoto UniversityH, Laboratory of Physics, Osaka Electro-Communication UniversityI, INFN Sezione di TorinoJ, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell' INFNK, Stefan-Meyer-Institut für subatomare PhysikL, Seoul National UniversityM, xcellence Cluster Universe, Technische Universität MünchenN, Universita' di TorinoO, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of VictoriaP, Reserch Center for Electron Photon, Tohoku UniversityQ, Japan Atomic Energy AgencyR
K. InoueA, S. AjimuraA, S. KawasakiA, H. AsanoC, A. OhnishiQ, Y. SadaA, K. ShirotoriA, H. NoumiA, T. HiraiwaA, T. YamagaA, A. SakaguciB, K. YoshidaB, K. ItahashiC, M. IwasakiC,G, H. OutaC, S. OkadaC, F. SakumaC, M. SatoD, Q.ZhangC, T. HashimotoR, Y. MaC, T. YamazakiC,E, M. IioD, S. IshimotoD, M. IwaiD, S. EnomotoD, S. SuzukiD, M. SekimotoD, A. ToyodaD, T. IshikawaE, T. SuzukiE, R. HayanoE, Y. HujiwaraE, Y. MatsudaF, .KouG, M. TokudaG, M. TomonoA, T. NagaeH, H. HujiokaH, T. HukudaI, H. MizoiI, L.BussoJ,O, D.FasoJ,O, O.MorraJ, F.SirghiK, H. ShiL, H. TatsunoK, M.BragadireanuK, C.CurceanuK, C.GuaraldoK, M.IliescuK, D.PietreanuJ, D.SirghiJ,K, P.BüehlerK, M.CargnelliL, J.MartonL, K. SuzukiL, E.WidmannL, J.ZmeskalL, H.BhangM, S.ChoiM, H.YimM, P.KienleN, G.BeerP, K. TsukadaQ
Spectroscopic experiment of Λ(1405) via in-flight d(K-,n) reaction at J-PARC K1.8BR(2)
Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP)A, Department of Physics, Osaka UniversityB, RIKEN Nishina CenterC, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)D, Department of Physics, The University of TokyoE, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of TokyoF, Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of TechnologyG, Department of Physics, Kyoto UniversityH, Laboratory of Physics, Osaka Electro-Communication UniversityI, INFN Sezione di TorinoJ, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell' INFNK, Stefan-Meyer-Institut für subatomare PhysikL, Seoul National UniversityM, xcellence Cluster Universe, Technische Universität MünchenN, Universita' di TorinoO, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of VictoriaP, Reserch Center for Electron Photon, Tohoku UniversityQ,
S.KawasakiA, S. AjimuraA, K. InoueA, Y. SadaA, K. ShirotoriA, M. TomonoA, H. NoumiA, T. HiraiwaA, T. YamagaA, A. SakaguciB, K. YoshidaB, H. AsanoC, K. ItahashiC, M. IwasakiC,G, H. OutaC, S. OkadaC, F. SakumaC, M. SatoC, Q.ZhangC, T. HashimotoC, Y. MaC, T. YamazakiC,E, M. IioD, S. IshimotoD, M. IwaiD, S. EnomotoD, S. SuzukiD, M. SekimotoD, A. ToyodaD, T. IshikawaE, T. SuzukiE, R. HayanoE, Y. HujiwaraE, Y. MatsudaF, .KouG, M. TokudaG, T. NagaeH, H. HujiokaH, T. HukudaI, H. MizoiI, L.BussoJ,O, D.FasoJ,O, O.MorraJ, F.SirghiK, H. ShiL, H. TatsunoK, M.BragadireanuK, C.CurceanuK, C.GuaraldoK, M.IliescuK, D.PietreanuJ, D.SirghiJ,K, P.BüehlerK, M.CargnelliL, J.MartonL, K. SuzukiL, E.WidmannL, J.ZmeskalL, H.BhangM, S.ChoiM, H.YimM, P.KienleN, G.BeerP, H. OhnishiQ, K. TsukadaQ
“K-pp” investigated with a fully coupled-channel Complex Scaling Method
KEK Theory Center, Nihon Univ.A, Osaka Inst. Tech.B
Akinobu Dote, Takashi InoueA, Takayuki MyoB
6Li(π-, K+) reaction and properties of the Σ-nucleus potential
Osaka E-C Univ., Hokkaido Univ.A
Harada Toru, Hirabayashi YoshiharuA
Preparation status of the hypernuclear gamma-ray spectroscopy for g-factor of Λ in a nucleus (J-PARC E63)
Tohoku U., KEKA
H. Kanauchi, Y. Ishikawa, M. UkaiA, T. Koike, H. Tamura, M. Fujita, R. Honda, T. YamamotoA, for the J-PARC E63 collaboration

13th T12 Room 13pT12 13:30〜17:15

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Experimental Particle Physics,Theoretical Particle Physics,Division 1 Joint Symposium
Clustering as a window on the hierarchical structure of quantum systems
( )
Clustering and hierarchical structure of strongly-interacting systems
Tokyo Tech. (Exp. Nucl. Phys.)
Takashi Nakamira
quark correlation and cluster
ELPH, Tohoku U.
Hiroaki Ohnishi
Universal cluster science investigated by cold atom experiments
IPST, U. Tokyo
Munekazu Horikoshi
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Hadrons with colorful and colorless clusters
Tokyo Tech. (Theor. Nucl. Phys.)
Makoto Oka
Clustering aspects in nuclear systems
Kyoto U.
Yoshiko Kanada-En'yo
Clustering and percolation in nuclear and quark matter
U. Tokyo (Nucl. Phys. Theory)
Kenji Fukushima
Universal clustering in cold atoms
Pascal Naidon

14th S21 Room 14aS21 9:00〜12:15

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Light nuclei, cluster
2alpha + t cluster structures in 11B (II)
Inst. for Int’l. Collaboration & Fac. of Sci., Hokkaido Univ.A, Dept. of Phys., Hokkaido Univ.B
Bo ZhouA, Masaaki KimuraB
Study of cluster structure in 16O by microscopic cluster model
Kanto Gakuin University
Yasuro Funaki
Description of single particle excitations in the extended cluster model and application to 12C
Kyoto U., YITPA
Hideaki Matsuno, Naoyuki ItagakiA
Alpha cluster structures probed by inelastic scattering
Department of Pure and Applied Physics, Kansai University
Makoto Ito and Makoto Nakao
Numerical method of orthogonality condition model
Department of Pure and applied Physics, Kansai University
M. Nakao, H. Umehara, M. Ito, S. Ebata
EDM and Schiff moment of 19F in the cluster model
IPN OrsayA, Beihang UniversityB, RikenC, Kanto-Gakuin UniversityD
Nodoka YamanakaA,C, Yasuro FunakiB,C, Taiichi YamadaD
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Negative parity states in 12C
Hokkaido Univ.
T.Tada, M.Kimura
α+n cluster structure and cluster decay in 13C
Hokkaido University
Yohei Chiba, Masaaki Kimura
Low Energy Gamow-Teller Transitions and Proton-Neutron Correlations in N=Z=odd sd-shell Nuclei
Kyoto. Univ. Sci.
Hiroyuki Morita, Yoshiko Kanada-En'yo
Single particle structure and rotational motion of the rod-shaped nuclei
Kansai University of Welfare Sciences
Shoujirou Mizutori
The stability of linear alpha-chain state and ringed-alpha state.
YITP Kyoto University, RCNP Osaka UniversityA
Naoyuki Itagaki, Akihiro TohsakiA
Higher-nodal states of alpha- and t-cluster structure in 35Cl
NIT, Kagawa Campus

14th S23 Room 14aS23 9:00〜12:30

Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Experimental Nuclear Physics Joint
High energy heavy ion collision(II)
Event-by-event mean pT fluctuations and transverse size of color flux tube generated in p-p collisions at √s=0.90TeV
Tokyo City University, Koriyama Women’s University
Takeshi Osada, Masamichi Ishihara
Analysis of the multiplicity distributions in LHC by weighted probability distributions
National Institute of Technology, Toba College, Department of Physics, Shinshu UniversityA
Takuya Mizoguchi, Minoru BiyajimaA
Influences of initial transverse flow on event-plane in high-energy heavy-ion collisions
Sophia Univ., Central China Normal Univ.A
Michito Okai, Yasuki Tachibana, Tetsufumi Hirano
Elliptic Flow in pA Collisions due to Elliptic Gluon Distributions?
Dept. of Phys. Kyoto Univ., YITPA, CCNUB, LBLC
Yoshikazu Hagiwara, Yoshitaka HattaA, Bo-Wen XiaoB, Feng YuanC
Decay rate of quarkonium in quark-gluon plasma
Osaka Univ., Heidelberg Univ.A
Shiori Kajimoto, Yukinao Akamatsu, Masayuki Asakawa, Alexander RothkopfA
Classicalization of heavy quark quantum states in the quark-gluon plasma
Osaka Univ.
Takahiro Miura, Yukinao Akamatsu, Masayuki Asakawa
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Photon from CGC in pA collisions
Zagreb U, U. TokyoA, U. HeidelbergB, Brookhaven Natl. Lab.C
Benic Sanjin, Fukushima KenjiA, Garcia-Montero OscarB, Venugopalan RajuC
Fixed points and flow analysis of kinetic equations
The University of Tokyo
Koichi Murase, Shi Pu, Kenji Fukushima
Decoherence entropy production in classical Yang-Mills fields at relativistic heavy ion collisions
Hidefumi Matsuda
Hydro-kinetic theory for nonconformal fluid and bulk viscosity renormalization
Osaka University, Heidelberg UniversityA, Stony Brook UniversityB
Akamatsu Yukinao, Mazeliauskas AleksasA, Teaney DerekB
Anomaly-induced transport from projection operator method
Masaru Hongo
Model analysis for temperature dependence of meson pole masses and meson screening masses
Kyushu University, Saga UniversityA
Masahiro Ishii, Hiroaki Kouno, Masanobu Yahiro
Mixed Anomaly and Global Consistency
Kyoto University, Stony Brook UniversityA, RBRCB
Yuta KikuchiA, Yuya TanizakiB

14th T12 Room 14aT12 9:30〜12:15

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Particle Physics,Experimental Particle Physics
Tutorial Lecture
Tohoku Univ. ELPH
Toshimi Suda
Break (10:20〜10:40)
Memorial Lecture for KAKUDAN New face award
Tetsuo Noro
Yoshiki Tanaka
Sho Nagao
Takeshi Yamamoto

14th S23 Room 14pS23 13:30〜17:15

Theoretical Particle Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Hadron matrix elements and vacuum structure
Lattice calculation of inclusive B meson decay using analytic continuation
KEK, SOKENDAI, RIKEN BNL CenterA, Nara Womens UniversityB
Shoji Hashimoto, Taku IzubuchiA, Hiroshi OhkiB, Takashi Kaneko, Brian Colquhoun
|Vcd| and |Vcs| from D meson semileptonic decays
KEK, Osaka UniversityA
Takashi Kaneko, Brian Colquhoun, Shoji Hashimoto, Hidenori Fukaya (JLQCD Collaboration)
Unphysical modes of Moebius fermion and their dependence on the parameters
Columbia Univ.
Masaaki Tomii, RBC/UKQCD collaborations
Lattice QCD calculation of Dirac spectral density and the strong coupling determination
Nagoya Univ.A, KEKB, Osaka Univ.C
Katsumasa NakayamaA,B, Shoji HashimotoB, Hidenori FukayaC, (JLQCD Collaboration)
Break (15:15〜15:30)
Calculation of BK with Wilson fermion using gradient flow
University of Tsukuba
Asobu Suzuki, Yusuke Taniguchi
Nucleon structure from 2+1-flavor domain-wall lattice QCD
Shigemi OhtaA, B, C
Calculation of nucleon form factors in 2+1 flavor QCD with Wilson fermion action near physical point
Univ. of TsukubaA, Univ. of Tsukuba CCSB, RIKEN AICSC, Hiroshima Univ.D, Tohoku Univ.C
Takeshi YamazakiA,B,C, Ken-ichi IshikawaD, Yoshinobu KuramashiB,A,C, Shoichi SasakiD, Natsuki TsukamotoD for PACS Collaboration
A lattice study of energy-momentum tensor in quark-anti-quark systems using gradient flow
Ryosuke Yanagihara, Masayuki Asakawa, Takumi IritaniA, Masakiyo Kitazawa, Tetsuo HatsudaB,C,A
Instanton effects on CP-violating gluonic correlators
Mori Shingo
Double-winding Wilson loops in SU(N) Yang-Mills theory
Chiba Univ., KEKA, Oyama Col.B
Ryutaro Matsudo, Kei-Ichi Kondo, Akihiro ShibataA, Seikou KatoB
Lattice study of area law for double-winding Wilson loops
KEK, Oyama Col.A, Chiba Univ.B
Akihiro Shibata, Seikou KatoA, Kei-Ichi KondoB, Ryutaro MatsudoB

14th T12 Room 14pT12 13:15〜17:10

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics Joint Symposium
Future of Nuclear Physics Research in Japan
Opening address
Tomohiro Uesaka
Perspectives on physics of unstable nuclei
Low-E HIR G, CNS, Univ. Tokyo
Nobuaki Imai
Perspectives on high-precision nuclear spectroscopy
RCNP, Osaka Univ.
Atsushi Tamii
Perspectives on hypernuclei and strangeness nuclear physics
Toshiyuki Takahashi
Break (14:50〜15:05)
Perspectives on hadron physics
Kyoto Univ.
Megumi Naruki
Perspectives on physics with high-energy heavy-ion collisions
Quark Physics Group, CNS, Univ. Tokyo
Taku Gunji
Perspectives on physics of nucleon structure
Yamagata Univ.
Yoshiyuki Miyachi
Perspectives on fundamental physics with nuclear-physics techniques
KMI, Nagoya Univ.
Masaaki Kitaguchi
Concluding remarks
Hirokazu Tamura

15th S21 Room 15aS21 9:00〜11:45

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Nuclear force, few-body systems
Spin-isospin response functions of three-nucleon systems
Hosei University
Souichi Ishikawa
Analysis of excited resonance states in 4He by using the MRM
CAIS, Niigata Univ.
Shigeyoshi Aoyama
Study on the nonlocality of potential based on the inverse scattering theory
Dept. of Phys., Sophia Univ.
A.Taniguchi and K.Takayanagi
UMOA calculations from the two-plus-three-body forces.
Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo, Department of Physics, the University of TokyoA, Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka UniversityB, TRIUMFC, Senior Academy, Kyushu Institute of TechnologyD, Nishina Center, RIKEN
T. Miyagi, T. AbeA, M. KohnoB, P. NavratilC, R. OkamotoD, T. OtsukaE, N. Shimizu, S.R. StrobergC
Statistical consideration of nuclear shell model
Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo
Naofumi Tsunoda, Noritaka Shimizu
Break (10:15〜10:30)
Application of Time-Dependent Correlated Gaussian basis to electric multipole response
Department of Physics, Hokkaido University
Rie Sekine, Wataru Horiuchi
Two-nucleon momentum distributions and short-range correlations
Sapporo Gakuin University, CNR-IRPIA, University of PerugiaB
Morita Hiko, Alvioli MassimilianoA, Ciofi degli Atti ClaudioB
Comparison between tensor-optimized antisymmetrized molecular dynamics and Jastrow method in light nuclei
Osaka Inst. of Tech., RCNPA, RIKENB, Matsue Coll. of Tech.C
Takayuki Myo, Hiroshi TokiA, Hisashi HoriuchiA, Kiyomi IkedaB, Tadahiro SuharaC
Tensor Optimized Fermi Sphere and Nuclear Matter Calculation
Kanto Gakuin U., Osaka Institute of TechnologyA, National Institute of Technology, Matsue CollegeB, RCNP, Osaka U.C, RikenD
T.Yamada, T.MyoA, T.SuharaB, H.TokiC, H.HoriuchiC, K.IkedaD
Reweighting method for Nuclear Effective Field Theory on a Lattice on the basis of Renormalization Group Method
Faculty of Arts and Science, Kyushu Univ., Faculty of Science, Kyushu Univ.A
Koji Harada, Satoru SasabeA, Masanobu YahiroA

15th S23 Room 15aS23 9:00〜12:30

Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Experimental Nuclear Physics Joint
Mesic nuclei・Nuclear matter・Hadron structure
Nuclear Compression in Mesic Nuclei
Kyoto Sangyo Univ., Nara Women's Univ.A
J. Yamagata-Sekihara, S. HirenzakiA
Energy dependence of η’(958) mesic nucleus optical potential
Nara Women's Univ.
Ayano Kawamoto, Hideko Nagahiro, Satoru Hirenzaki
η’ mesonic null in a relativistic mean-field theory
Tokyo Metro. Univ.
Masutani Hanayo, Judo Daisuke
Effects of higher partial waves to pion wavefunction renormalization in nuclear medium
Tokyo Metro. Univ., Tottori Univ.A, Nara Women's Univ.B
K. Aoki, D. Jido, N. IkenoA, S. HirenzakiB
Search for a possible“pionic nuclear state”
Kyoto Univ., Univ. of TokyoA, RIKEN Nishina CenterB, RCNPC, Institute for Basic ScienceD, GSIE
Hiroyuki Fujioka, Tatsuya Furuno, Takahiro Kawabata, Shota Y. Matsumoto, Motoki Murata, Akane Sakaue, Miho Tsumura, Yuni N. WatanabeA, Kenta ItahashiB, Takahiro NishiB, Satoshi AdachiC, Azusa InoueC, Johann IsaakC, Nobuyuki KobayashiC, Atsushi TamiiC, Takashi HashimotoD, Yoshiki K. TanakaE
Experimental search for eta' mesic nuclei in FAIR
RIKEN Nishina Center
Kenta Itahashi
Future plan of precision spectroscopy of pionic atoms in RIBF for the piAF collaboration
Kyoto Univ., RIKEN Nishina Center, CNS, Univ. Tokyo, GSI
Shota Y. Matsumoto, Takahiro Nishi, Kenta Itahashi, Tomohiro Uesaka, Takahiro Kawabata, Juzo Zenihiro, Motonobu Takaki, Yoshiki K. Tanaka, Hiroyuki Fujioka, Kentaro Yako, Yuni N. Watanabe
Break (10:45〜11:00)
Mesic nuclei with a heavy antiquark
RIKEN Nishina Center, Tokyo TechA
Yasuhiro Yamaguchi, Shigehiro YasuiA
Decay width of N*(1535) in nuclear matter with partial restoration of chiral symmetry
Nagoya University
Daiki Suenaga
Quark confinement potential examined by excitation energy of the Λc and Λb baryons in a quark-diquark model
Tokyo Metro. Univ.
Daisuke Jido, Minori Sakashita
Heavy baryon spectrum in a finite-size diquark model
Tokyo Metro. Univ.
Kento Kumakawa, Daisuke Jido
Heavy hadron spectrum in a bag model
Tokyo Metro. Univ.
Kengo Tanaka, Daisuke Jido

15th T11 Room 15aT11 9:00〜12:45

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Particle Physics,Experimental Particle Physics,Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics Joint
Dark matter search(I)
XMASS: Identification of Pb210 and Po210 in the bulk of a copper sample with a low-background alpha particle counter
ICRR, the University of Tokyo
Kazuyoshi Kobayashi
XMASS experiment : background evaluation using fiducial volume analysis for dark matter search.
ICRR, The Univ. of Tokyo for XMASS collaboration
Hiroshi Ogawa for XMASS collaboration
XMASS: dark matter search using fiducial volume data with evaluation of background contributions
ICRR, The University of Tokyo, XMASS collaboration
Atsushi Takeda
XMASS experiment: annual modulation search for dark matter with 2.7 years of data and its future prospects.
ICRR, UTokyo for the XMASS Collaboration
Masaki Yamashita for the XMASS Collaboration
XMASS experiment: annual modulation search for dark matter using low threshold data
ICRR, for XMASS Collaboration
Masatoshi Kobayashi, for XMASS Collaboration
XMASS experiment: Search for Xe exciting inelastic WIMP nucleus scattering using particle identification
ICRR, The Univ. of Tokyo for XMASS collaboration
Takumi Suzuki for XMASS collaboration
XMASS: development research for a new two-phase Xe detector with low energy threshold to search for low mass dark matter.
ICRR, Univ. of Tokyo
Kazufumi Sato, for XMASS collaboration
Break (10:45〜11:00)
XMASS experiment: Search for solar Kaluza-Klein axion
ICRR, The University of Tokyo, for XMASS Collaboration
Koichi Ichimura
Study for improving XMASS by reading out proportional scintillations using wire electrode (3)
ISEE Nagoya University, ICRR University of Tokyo
Kayo Kanzawa, Yoshitaka Itow, Kimiaki Masuda, Hiroyuki SekiyaA
Development of direction-sensitive bolometric dark matter detectors with anisotropic-response scintillator
Hiroyuki Sekiya, Yong-Hamb KimA, Jin-A JeonA, Hyelim KimA, Shunsuke KurosawaB, Akihiro YamajiB
Feasibility Study of Anisotropic Scintillation Detecoter for Darkmatter Search V
Tohoku Univ. NICHeA, Yamagata Univ.B, Univ. of Tokyo ICRRC, Tohoku Univ. IMRD
S. KurosawaA,B, H. SekiyaC, A. YamajiD, M. TsukaharaB, T. HoriaiD, S. KodamaD, S. YamatoD, Y. ShojiD, Y. OhashiA, K. KamadaA, Y. YokotaA, A. YoshikawaA,D, A. OhnishiB, M. KitauraB
Study of columnar recombination in high pressure xenon gas for direction-sensitive dark matter search
Kobe University, Kyoto UniversityA, ICRRB, RCNSC, Yokohama National UniversityD
Kiseki Nakamura, Atsuko K. IchikawaA, Tsuyoshi NakayaA, Akihiro MinaminoD, Sei BanA, Yuki IshiyamaA, Shunsuke TanakaA, Kazuhiro NakamuraA, Masashi YoshidaA, Masanori HiroseA, Hiroyuki SekiyaB, Yasuhiro NakajimaB, Kota UeshimaC, Kentaro Miuchi
NEWAGE experiment 46 : direction-sensitive dark matter search with head-tail recognition method
Kobe Univ.
Ryota Yakabe, Kentaro Miuchi, Kiseki Nakamura, Takashi Hashimoto, Tomonori Ikeda, Miki Nakazawa, Hirohisa Ishiura
NEWAGE experiment 47 : The study of a property of minority carrier for NIμTPC
Kobe University, Kyoto UniversityA
Tomonori Ikeda, Kentaro Miuchi, Kiseki NakamuraA, Ryota Yakabe, Miki Nakazawa, Hirohisa Ishiura

15th T12 Room 15aT12 9:15〜12:00

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics Joint
High energy QCD, Nucleon structure
pT- and xF-dependent single spin asymmetry for very forward neutrons in proton—proton and proton—nucleus collisions
Gaku Mitsuka for the PHENIX collaboration
Very forward measurement of particle production in the RHICf experiment
RIKEN, JAEAA, Seoul National UniversityB, Korea UniversityC, ISEE Nagoya UniversityD, KMI Nagoya UniversityE, Dep. of Science Nagoya UniversityF, Waseda UniversityG, Tokushima UniversityH, INFN FirenzeI, INFN CataniaJ
Goto Y., Nakagawa I., Seidl R., Tanida K.A, Park J.B, Kim M.C, Sako T.D,E, Itow Y.D,E, Zhou Q.D, Ueno M.D, Shinoda M.D, Sato K.D, Menjo H.F, Torii S.G, Kasahara K.G, Suzuki T.G, Sakurai N.H, Adriani O.I, D'Alessandro R.I, Bonechi L.I, Tricomi A.J
Di-hadron fragmentation function measurements at Belle
Ralf Seidl for the Belle Collaboration
Generalized distribution amplitudes for pion in two-photon process
SokendaiA, KEKB, JINRC
Shunzo KumanoA,B, Qin-Tao SongA,B, Oleg TeryaevC
Determination of double parton scattering from J/ψ +W production in pp collision
IPN OrsayA, RikenB, LPTHE ParisC
Nodoka YamanakaA,B, Jean-Philippe LansbergA, Hua-Sheng ShaoC
Break (10:30〜10:45)
A status report of Polarized DY program in COMPASS at CERN part V
Yamagata Univ., KEKA, Academia SinicaB, Chubu Univ.C, Miyazaki Univ.D
Genki Nukazuka, Takahiro Iwata, Shigeru IshimotoA, Kaori Kondo, Takahiro SawadaB, Hajime SuzukiC, Norihiro Doshita, Naoaki HorikawaC, Tatsuro MatsudaD, Hiroki Matsuda, Yoshiyuki Miyachi and COMPASS Collaboration
Study of F2 structure function for inclusive γ*p and γ*A reactions at small Q2
Hiroyuki Kamano, Shunzo Kumano
Precise measurement of the proton charge radius at ELPH
ELPH, Tohoku Univ.
Y. Honda, H. Kigunaga, K. Manbu, M. Miyabe, T. Muto, T. Suda, K, Takahashi, T. Tamae, A. O. Tokiyasu and K. Tsukada
Twist-3 gluon fragmentation contribution to the polarized hyperon production in unpolarized proton-proton collision
Niigata Univ., Niigata Univ.A, LANL.B, Penn State Univ.C, Temple Univ.D
K. Yabe, Y. KoikeA, S. YoshidaB, D. PitonyakC, A. MetzD
Operator product expansion for the product of the electromagnetic and axial currents and light-cone QCD sum rules for hard exclusive pion collision/production amplitudes
Juntendo University
Kazuhiro Tanaka

15th S23 Room 15pS23 13:15〜16:00

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Hadron structure/Nuclear matter・QCD phase(II)
Study of the Λ(1405) in the Skyrme model
RCNP, Osaka University
Takashi Ezoe, Atsushi Hosaka
Radiative weak decay of pion π+ → e+νγ from the instanton vacuum
RCNP, Osaka University, Inha UniversityA
Shim Sangin, Kim Hyun-ChulA
Study of low-lying Λ and Σ resonances via the analysis of the N(π,K*)X reaction with high-momentum pion beam
Hiroyuki Kamano
Hadronic Paschen-Back effect in charmonia
Tokyo Tech. Sci.A, JAEAB, KEKC
S. IwasakiA, M. OkaA,B, K. SuzukiC, T. YoshidaA
Mass difference between charged and neutral vector mesons in finite temperature
Kyorin Univ.
Munehisa Ohtani
Break (14:30〜14:45)
Non-perturbative analysis of QCD Kondo effect for a heavy quark as a single impurity particle
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Shigehiro Yasui
Gross-Neveu on the interval: Casimir eect and attractive-repulsive transitions
Research and Education Center for Natural Sciences, Keio Univ.A, Earthquake Research Institute, The University of TokyoB, Department of physics, Hiyoshi, Keio Univ.C
Ryosuke YoshiiA, Satoshi TakadaB, Antonino FlachiA,C, Muneto NittaA,C
Density and momentum dependence of nuclear symmetry energy in the relativistic Hartree-Fock calculation
Dept. of Phys., Tokyo Univ. of Sci., Dept. of Phys., Soongsil Univ.A, Res. Lab. for Nucl. Reactors, Tokyo Tech.B, Sch. of Liberal Arts and Sci., Korea Aerospace Univ.C, Col. of Bioresour. Sci., Nihon Univ.D
Tsuyoshi Miyatsu, Myung-Ki CheounA, Chikako IshizukaB, Kyungsik KimC, Tomoyuki MaruyamaD, Koichi Saito
Strong coupling theory in a multi-component Fermi atomic gas and its application to an asymmetric nuclear matter
RIKEN Nishina CenterA, RIKEN iTHEMSB, RIKEN iTHESC, Keio UniversityD
Hiroyuki TajimaA, Tetsuo HatsudaA,B,C, Yoji OhashiD
Pauli blocking effects on pion production in central collisions of neutron-rich nuclei
Tottori Univ., Tohoku Univ.A, Akita International Univ.B, YITPC
Natsumi Ikeno, Akira OnoA, Yasushi NaraB, Akira OhnishiC

15th T11 Room 15pT11 13:30〜15:45

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Particle Physics,Experimental Particle Physics,Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics Joint
Dark matter search(II)
PICO-LON dark matter search; Impurity measurement and future prospect
Dept. Phys. Tokushima Univ., IMPU(WPI) Univ. TokyoA, RCNP Osaka Univ.B, Osaka Sangyo Univ.C, IAS Tokushima Univ.D, RCNS Tohoku Univ.E, I.S.C.Lab.F and Dept. Phys. Osaka Univ.G
K.Fushimi, D.ChernyakA, H.EjiriB, R.HazamaC, S.HirataD, H.IkedaE, K.ImagawaF, K.InoueE, Kozlov, R.Orito, T.ShimaB, Y.TakemotoB, Y.TeraokaE, S.UmeharaE, K.YasudaF and S.YoshidaG
PICO-LON Report : Measurement of 5inch large highly radio-pure NaI(Tl) for Dark Matter Search
Osaka-Univ-RCNPA, Tokushima-Univ-AdvancedTechnologyAndScienceB, Kavli-IPMU(WPI)C, OsakaSangyo-Univ-HumanLifeAndEnvironmentD, Tohoku-Univ-RCNSE, Osaka-Univ-ScienceF, I.S.C.LabG
Takemoto YasuhiroA,C, Fushimi Ken-IchiB, Orito ReikoB, Hirata AkikoB, Alexandre KozlovC, Dmitry ChernyakC, Hazama RyutaD, Ejiri HiroyasuA, Shima TatsushiA, Inoue KunioE, Ikeda HauroE, Umehara SaoriE, Yoshida SeiF, Imagawa KyoushiroG, Yasuda KensukeG
Measurement of the radioactive contamination for SK-Gd
Okayama University
Shintaro Ito
Directional Dark Matter Search Project NEWSdm(1) 〜report of scanning system and underground test experiment〜
Graduate School of Science Nagoya University, KMI Nagoya UniversityA, IMASS Nagoya UniversityB, Chiba UniversityC
Atsuhiro Umemoto, Tatsuhiro NakaA, Takashi Asada, Hiromasa Ichiki, Ryuuta Kobayashi,Satomi Tada, Seina Okada, Takuya Shiraishi, Osamu SatoB, Ken'ichi KugeC
Directional Dark Matter Search Project NEWSdm(2) 〜overall report〜
KMI Nagoya University, Graduate School of Science Nagoya UniversityA, IMASS Nagoya UniversityB, Chiba UniversityC
Tatsuhiro Naka, Atsuhiro UmemotoA, Takashi AsadaA, Ichiki HiromasaA, Ryuuta KobayashiA, Tada SatomiA, Seina OkadaA, Shiraishi TakuyaA, Osamu SatoB, Ken'ichi KugeC
Break (14:45〜15:00)
ANKOK 20: Understanding of Electron Recoil Background Rejection
Waseda University
M.Kimura, K.Aoyama, K.Iijima, T.Kikuchi, T.Takeda, Y.Takemura, M.Tanaka, T.Washimi, T.Yaguchi, K.Yorita
ANKOK21: Understanding of optical process for physics detector
Waseda University
T.Yaguchi, K.Aoyama, M.Tanaka, K.Iijima, T.Kikuchi, T.Takeda, M.Kimura, Y.Takemura, K.Yorita, T.Washimi
ANKOK 22: Current Status and Future Prospects
Waseda University
M.Tanaka, K.Aoyama, K.Iijima, T.Kikuchi, T.Takeda, M.Kimura, Y.Takemura, T.Yaguchi, K.Yorita, T.Washimi

JPS 2017 Autumn Meeting