
Division 9

21st J17 Room 21aJ17 9:00〜12:15

Division 9,Division 7,Division 5
Nanocrystals & Clusters, Nanotubes and Nanowires, Localized Surface Optical Phenomena
Surface Plasmon Polaritons Confined in The Si Cluster Superlattice Ⅰ
Yasushi Iwata, Takeyuki Uchida, Nozomi Orita
Ab initio Calculations of the Electronic Structure of Impurities in Silicon Cluster Superlattice II
Nozomi Orita, Yasushi Iwata, Takeyuki Uchida
Size dependence of atomic and electronic structures of gold nano particle catalysts: A large-scale DFT study
Ayako Nakata, Tsuyoshi Miyazaki
First-principles calculations of phonon and magnon coupling effects for thermoelectric properties of a magnetic semiconductor
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Univ. Tsukuba, NIMS MANAB, NIMS RCSMC, NEC Corp.D
Hirokazu Takaki, Kazuaki KobayashiB, Masato ShimonoC, Nobuhiko Kobayashi, Kenji HiroseD, Naohito TsujiiB, Takao MoriB
Surface potential modulation in carbon nanopot
Kumamoto Univ. Fac. Adv. Sci. & Technol.
First-principles electronic structure calculation of the FeN4 active site on carbon nanotube
Iwate Univ., Tohoku Univ.A
S.Aoyama, J.Kaiwa, T.YamashitaA, M.Hasegawa, K.Nishidate
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Hiroshi Imada
Selective phosphorescence emission from a PTCDA molecule on an ultrathin insulating film
The University of Tokyo, SISL RIKEN, Institute for Molecular Science
Kensuke Kimura, Hiroshi Imada, Kuniyuki Miwa, Miyabi Imai, Shota Kawahara, Junichi Takeya, Maki Kawai, Yousoo Kim
Electron Correlation Effects on Electroluminescence from Single Molecule
RIKEN, Univ. Tokyo, UC San Diego
Kuniyuki Miwa, Hiroshi Imada, Kensuke Kimura, Michael Galperin, Yousoo Kim
Formation of nanostructure on metal target by double-pulse femtosecond laser irradiation
GSS. Kyoto Univ.A, ICR. Kyoto Univ.B
Y. FurukawaA,B, K. TeramotoA,B, K. MoriA,B, Y. NakamiyaB, S. InoueA,B, M. HashidaA,B, S. SakabeA,B
Pump-probe STM light emission spectroscopy of chalcogenide alloys
AIST, Tohoku Univ.A, Tours Univ.B
M. Kuwahara, S. KatanoA, J. SakaiB, and Y. UeharaA

21st N13 Room 21aN13 9:00〜12:15

Division 9
Electronic Properties of Surfaces & Interfaces, Topological Surfaces
Temperature-dependent evolution of the Bi(111) surface electronic states and its possible topological phase transition
Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences, Osaka UniversityA, Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka UniversityB, Institute for Molecular ScienceC
Yoshiyuki OhtsuboA,B, Junichiro KishiB, Yuki YamashitaB, Hiroyuki YamaneC, Shin-ichiro IdetaC, Kiyohisa TanakaC, Shin-ichi KimuraA,B
Analysis of Rashba effect of Bi(111) around Gamma point
Graduate School of Material Science, University of Hyogo
Masaki Fujiwara, Nobuyuki Shima, Kenji Makoshi, Toru Sakai
Electronic structure of Bi ultrathin films on high-temperature cuprate superconductor studied by high-resolution ARPES
Dept. Phys., Tohoku Univ.A, CSRN, Tohoku Univ.B, WPI-AIMR, Tohoku Univ.C
N. ShimamuraA, Y. NakataA, S. SoumaB,C, K. SugawaraB,C, T. SatoA,C, and T. TakahashiA,B,C
Optical aging and surface photovoltaic effect in the topological insulator Bi2Te3
Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University, The Institute for Solid State Physics, University of TokyoA, Novosibirsk State UniversityB
T. Yoshikawa, Y. IshidaA, K. Sumida, J. Chen, K. A. KokhB, O. E. TereshchenkoB, S. ShinA, and A. Kimura
Electronic structure of topological superconductor candidate Tl0.5Bi2Te3 studied by ARPES
Dept. Phys., Tohoku Univ.A, Cologne Univ.B, WPI-AIMR, Tohoku Univ.C, and CSRN, Tohoku Univ.D
C. TrangA, Zhiwei WangB, D. TakaneA, K. NakayamaA, S. SoumaC,D, T. SatoA,D, T. TakahashiA,C,D, A.A. TaskinB, and Yoichi AndoB
Spectroscopic study of spin-valley effect in the inversion symmetric Na3Bi.
Hiroshima Synchrotron Radiation Center (HSRC), Hiroshima Univ.A, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima Univ.B
Shilong WuA, Teruo MatsudB, Koji MiyamotoA, Taichi OkudaA
Carrier-mediated ferromagnetism and ultrafast carrier dynamics in the magnetic topological insulator (Sb1-xVx)2Te3
Grad. Sch. of Sci., Hiroshima Univ., ISSP, Univ. of TokyoA, Novosibirsk State Univ.B, JAEAC
K. Sumida, Y. IshidaA, T. Yoshikawa, S. Higaki, K. KohkB, O. TereshchenkoB, Y. TakedaC, Y. SaitohC, S. ShinA, and A. Kimura
Break (10:45〜11:00)
STM on superconductor-ferromagnet proximity effect at Pb(111)/Mn5Ge3 interfaces
Yukio Hasegawa, Howon Kim, Yuki NagaiA,B, Takeo Kato
Superconductivity transition of Ge(111)-√3×√3-(Tl, Pb) observed by in situ four point probe measurement
Tomonori Nakamura, Satoru IchinokuraA, Akari Takayama, Ryota Akiyama, A. V. ZotovB,C,D, A. A. SaraninB,C, shuji Hasegawa
Superconductivity of SIC phase of Pb/Ge(111) surface studied by in-situ transport measurements
Dept. of Phys., Univ. of Tokyo
H. Huang, T. Nakamura, A. Takayama, S. Hasegawa
Abnormal reduction in electrical resistivity of Pd thin film by hydrogen ion implantation
Inst. Indust. Sci., Univ. of Tokyo, School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Tokyo TechA
Ozawa Takahiro, Shimizu RyotaA, Kawauchi Taizo, Ogura Shohei, Hitosugi TaroA, Fukutani Katsuyuki
Local Superconducting Properties of a Single Unit-Cell FeSe on SrTiO3
Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Tomoaki Tanaka, Ryo Yoshino, Kenta Akiyama, Toru Hirahara

21st C20 Room 21pC20 13:30〜17:00

Division 7,Division 4,Division 9
Graphene Related Materials
Tuning electronic structure of epitaxial graphene on Ru(0001) by Au intervalation
Iwate University, Ichinoseki College of TechnologyA
Kazume Nishidate, Satoshi Tanibayashi, Masayuki Hasegawa
Three-quarter-Dirac cones and Landau levels
Faculty of Education, Kumamoto University, Department of Material Science, Graduate School of Material Science, University of HyogoA
Keita Kishigi, Masato Ayabe, Yasumasa HasegawaA
Electronic states of a three-dimensional nano-porusgraphene in a magnetic field
Tohoku Univ., Osaka Univ.A
Toshiki Kiryu, Mikito KoshinoA
General theory on the stacking dependence of electronic states in layered materials
Dept. Phys., The Univ. of Tokyo, RISTA
Ryosuke Akashi, Yo Iida, Kohei Yamamoto, Kanako YoshizawaA
Gas adsorption to doped graphene layers
Tokyo Inst. Tech.
Yoshitaka Fujimoto, Saito Susumu
Electronic Properties of C-doped h-BN/graphene heterostructures
Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Taishi Haga
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Stable stacking structure and electronic states of trilayer h-BN
Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Yuuto Matsuura
Pairing Mechanism of Unconventional Superconductivity in Doped Kane-Mele Model
School of Engineering, Nagoya Univ.
Yuri Fukaya, Keiji Yada, Ayami Hattori, Yukio Tanaka
Andreev reflection in a bilayer graphene Junction
Hiroshima Univ., Tsukuba Univ.
Yositake Takane, Katsuhide Yarimizu, Akinobu Kanda
Band engineering and valley polarization of graphene-based systems under light irradiation
Kwansei Gakuin University
Liu Feng, Yudai Nakajima, Katsunori Wakabayashi
Theoretical calculation about the Seebeck effect in graphene nanoribbons
Kwansei Gakuin University
Nakajima Yudai, Liu Feng, Wakabayashi Katsunori

21st PSB Room 21pPSB 15:30〜17:30

Division 9
Poster Session
Study of surface orientation of polyimide chains giving high pretilt angle using optical second harmonic generation
Yousuke InomataA, Shinya AsakuraA, Khaut Thi Thu HienA, Goro MizutaniA, Yoshitaka MurakamiB, Takashi OkadaB
Direct observation on crystal formation of CaAl2Si2O8 ultrafine particles.
Dept. Phys., Fuel Cell Cent., Ritsumeikan Univ.
C.Kaito, Y.Saito
Stoichiometrically two-component materials: A Monte Carlo study of steps on the (001) surface inclined towards (111) surface
Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Electro-Communication Univ.
Naoya Murata, Noriko Akutsu
Production of Whisker Particles with Mn-SiO system
Dept. Electro. Eng., Tohoku-Gakuin Univ.
Suzuki Hitoshi, Kawamura Kouhei, Endo Hiromoto, Nishino Kazuhiko
Synthesis of hexagonal Boron Nitride (h-BN) by depositing Ammonia Borane molecule on Cu surfaces
Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of TechnologyA, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of TechnologyB
Tsuyoshi YamagamiA, Yuka TakagiB, Shiro YamazakiA, Kan NakatsujiB, and Hiroyuki HiraryamaA,B
Time-resolved two-photon photoemission spectroscopy of Ge(111)- Bi√3x√3
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saga Univ. Synchrotron Light Application Center, Saga Univ.
Kotaro Matsuishi, Masaki Imamura, Isamu Yamamoto, Junpei Azuma, Kazutoshi Takahashi
The STM observation of the surface structure of Mn3Sn
ISSP, U. Tokyo, Bandung Institute of TechnologyA
Ohara Kengo, Yang Hong-Shang, Yoshida Yasuo, Iklas Muhhamad, Tomita Takahiro, Agustinus Agung NugrohoA, Nakatsuji Satoru, Hasegawa Yukio
Deformation of band structures via surface electron doping from adsorbed alkali-metal atoms
ISSP Univ. of Tokyo, HiSORA, Schl. of Sci. Univ of TokyoB, NSRRCC
S. Ito, B. FengA, M. AritaA, T. Someya, A. TakayamaB, W.-C. ChenC, T. Iimori, H. NamatameA, M. TaniguchiA, C.-M. ChengC, S.-J. TangC, F. Komori, I. Matsuda
Electronic state and electrical conduction of ultrathin metal films covered with phthalocyanines
Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
Shinichiro Hatta, Hiroshi Okuyama, Tetsuya Aruga
Structure and electronic structure of Bi ultra-thin films by low temperature deposition
Sch. of Science, Tokyo Tech, Sch. of Mat. and Chem. Tech., Tokyo TechA
Kentaro Nagase, Shiro Yamazaki, Kan NakatsujiA and Hiroyuki Hirayama
Non-linear optical spectrometry of monolayer layered-semiconductors under a microscope
Yokohama National University, National Defense of AcademyA
Yuhei Kikuchi, Yoshihiro MiyauchiA, Takanori SuzukiA, Masatoshi Tanaka, Shinya Ohno
One-dimensional Rashba spin split on Si(111)5x2-Au
Grad. Sch. Sci. Hiroshima Univ., HSRC Hiroshima Univ.A
K. Taguchi, K. Sumida, Y. Okuda, A. Kimura, K. MiyamotoA, and T. OkudaA
Electronic properties of few-layer Bi(110) thin films on Si(111)√3×√3-B surfaces
Sch. of Mat. and Chem. Tech., Tokyo Tech., Dep. of Mat. Sci. and Eng., Tokyo Tech., Sch. of Sci., Tokyo Tech., Aichi SR, KEK-PF, SL Center, Saga Univ.
Y. Shimokawa, T. Fujiwara, K. Nagase, S. Yamazaki, Y. Watanabe, M. Nakatake, K. Mase, K. Takahashi, K. Nakatsuji, H. Hirayama
Carrier doping induced control of Metal-Insulator transition on Si(111)4×1-In surface
Sch. of Science, Tokyo Tech, Sch. of Mat. and Chem. Tech., Tokyo Tech
Takahiro Ogino, Shiro Yamazaki, Kan NakatsujiA, Hiroyuki Hirayama
Influence of slab thickness on the electronic structure of the Si(100)-p(2×2) surface in DFT calculations
Keisuke Sagisaka, Jun Nara, David BowlerA
Adsorption state of S2 over an O vacancy site on MoO3(010) surface
Dept. of Phys., Kumamoto Univ., Univ. of Southern CaliforniaA
Masaaki Misawa, Subodh TiwariA, Fuyuki Shimojo, Rajiv K. KaliaA, Aiichiro NakanoA and Priya VashishtaA
First-principles approach to Rashba states for surfaces and interfaces using Wannier functions
Kanazawa Univ.
Naoya Yamaguchi, Megumi Sugita, Fumiyuki Ishii
First-principles calculations of the Rashba effect at the Bi/M(M=Cu, Ag, and Au) interface
Kanazawa Univ.
Megumi Sugita, Naoya Yamaguchi, Fumiyuki Ishii
Local electrical conductivity measurements of Prussian blue analogues with various iron oxidation states by multi-probe method Ⅲ
Univ. of Yamanashi
Yoshiki OMURA, Kosuke MANO, Ichiro SHIRAKI
Theoretical Analysis of ARPES of fullerene thin film
Chiba University
Yuto Suzuki, Peter Krüger
Analysis of electronic states and reactivity of iron phthalocyanine thin films grown on passivated silicon surfaces
Yokohama Nat'l Univ., Saga UniversityA
Kohei Okanda, Shinya Ohno, Kazutoshi TakahashiA, Masatoshi Tanaka
Time-resolved two-photon photoemission spectroscopy of ultrathin Bi(110) films grown on graphene
SL Center, Saga Univ.
Kazutoshi Takahashi, Masaki Imamura, Isamu Yamamoto, and Junpei Azuma
Demonstration of carbon-nanotube tip preparation by probe microscope techniques
Univ. of Yamanashi
Takahiro TAKEUCHI, Takumi KAWABE, Syota TOGAWA, Ichiro SHIRAKI
First principle analysis on the magnetism of 3d transition metal atoms on insulator surface
Tomohiro Kitaguchi, Emi Minaminani, Satoshi Watanabe
Before and after the phase transition of In/Si(111)-4×1 surface measured by atomic force microscopy
Univ. of Tokyo, Osaka Univ., Tokyo Tech.
Kota Iwata, Shiro Yamazaki, Akitoshi Shiotari, Yoshiaki Sugimoto
Dewetting Process of Ag/Ti Bilayer Films on MgO(001) Substrates
Inst. of Indus. Sci., The Univ. of Tokyo, Kwangwoon Univ.A
M. Kamiko, Y. Mitusda, J.-G. HaA
Indium coverage of the Si(111)-√7×√3-In surface
Fukuoka UniversityA, University of WarwickB, University of Duisburg-EssenC, Diamond Light SourceD
T. SuzukiA,B, J. LawrenceB, M. WalkerB, J.M. MorbecC, P. BloweyB,D, K. YagyuA, P. KratzerC, G. CostantiniB
Self-assembly of sexiphenyl molecules on Ag(110)
Yokohama City Univ.
Naoko Suzuki, Takashi Yokoyama
First-principles calculations for Si(111)7×7 surface structures adsorbed with an Fe atom
Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST)
K. Tanimoto, K. Kataoka, H. Yang, K. Hattori, and H. Daimon
Si(111)-√21×√21-(Ag+Au) surface structure studied by the minimal-function
Tokyo Gagukei University, ISSP University of TokyoA, AISTB, JST-PRESTC, JASRI/SPring-8D
Toshio Takahashi, Yudai YamaguchiA, Tetsuroh ShirasawaB,C, Wolfgang Voegeli, Hiroo TajiriD
Development of the calibration method for three-dimensional reciprocal lattice mapping using azimuth-scanning RHEED
Grad. Sch. Mater. Sci. Nara. Inst. Sch. Tech. (NAIST)
S. Nishida, H. Nakao, H. Jimbo, N. Hirota, S. Takemoto, T. Ishida, K. Hattori and H. Daimon
Relationship among chemical, geometric, and electronic structures of nanocables formed in physisorbed monolayers
Grad. Sch. Engin., Tokyo Univ. Agric. & Technol., Fac. Engin., Tokyo Univ. Agric. & Technol.A, Sch. Sci., Kitasato Univ.B
Hayato Sanada, Hibiki Yanagisawa, Yuichiro AsomaA, Hiroyuki Ozaki, Osamu Endo, Hideaki Oike, Daisuke WatanabeB, Masashi HasegawaB, Yasuhiro MazakiB
Pentacene adsorption on anatase titanium dioxide studied by submolecular resolution atomic force microscopy
Tomoko K. Shimizu, Oscar Custance
Self-assembled structures of pairing non-planar dibenzochrysene molecules on Ag(110)
Yokohama City Univ.
D.Momiyama, T.Yokoyama
Direct STM investigation of biomolecules deposited on Au(111) using an electrospray method
Yokohama City University
Kohei Terasaki
Study on glass transition of Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) surface with surface sensitive grazing incident X-ray scatterings
Kwansei Gakuin University
Narukawa Keisuke, Takahashi Isao
Surface Crystal Structure of Magnetite clarified by Auger electron diffraction spectroscopy
Yusuke Hashimoto, Munetaka Taguchi, Fumihiko Matsui, Hiroyuki Matsuda, Tomohiro Matsushita, Hiroshi Daimon
Phononic Luburication at the MoS2(0001) Surface Nanoisland
Aichi University of Education, The University of Electro-CpmmunicationsA, The University of TokyoB
N.Wada, M.Ishikawa, M.SuzukiA, N.SasakiA, J.ShiomiB, T.ShigaB, K.Miura
Structural analysis of Li intercalated bilayer graphene by Total-reflection high-energy positron diffraction
Univ. of Tokyo, KEK-IMSSA, JAEAB
Y. Endo, I. MochizukiA, Y. FukayaB, A. Takayama, T. HyodoA, S. Hasegawa
Reactant effects on desorption and diffusion behavior of Pt catalysts supported on doped graphene
Grad. School. Eng., Hokkaido Univ.
S Hasegawa, Y Kunisada, N Sakaguchi
Adsorption of graphene and oxidation on Fe surfaces
Graduate School of Engineering, Gifu University for the Degree of Master
Ozeki Yasuhiro, Aoki Masato
Electronic structure of titania nanosheets with vacancies based on the first-principles calculations
Dept. of Physics, Kumamoto Univ., Dept. of Chemistry, Kumamoto Univ.A
Yuichi Uchida, Masahiro Hara, Asami FunatsuA, and Fuyuki Shimojo
Time-dependent first-principles calculation of field emission from doped diamond C(100) surfaces
Tokyo Univ. Sci., DENSO CORP.A
T.Shinozaki, S.Hagiwara, N.MoriokaA, Y.KimuraA, K.Watanabe
Temperature dependence of the nano-sliding friction of Au surface II
Dept. of Engineering Science, University of Electro-Communications, Dept. of Physics, Aichi University of EducationA
K. Kasahara, T. Kobayashi, J. Taniguchi, M. Suzuki, N. Sasaki, M. IshikawaA, K. MiuraA
Nanoscale sliding on C60 deposited film using a quartz tuning fork
Dept. of Engineering Science, University of Electro-Communications, Dept. of Physics, Aichi University of EducationA
Y. Yoshikawa, T. Suzuki, J. Taniguchi, M. Suzuki, N. Sasaki, M. IshikawaA, K. MiuraA
Simulation of time-resolved electron excitation dynamics of atomic monolayers upon electron impact
Tokyo University of Science
Yoshihiro Ueda, Yasumitsu Suzuki and Kazuyuki Watanabe
Study on 2D sensitive magnetic tip for spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy
Hokkaido Univ. Grad. Sch. of Sci.
Yuki Satoh, Kazuki Kusanagi, Jinwoo Park, Yoshinobu Ogawa, Masahiro Nakazawa, Hideo Matsuyama
Development of a compact electron-bombardment heating stage for W(110) surface cleaning in UHV
Hokkaido Univ. Grad. Sch. of Sci.
Jinwoo Park, Yuki Satoh, Kazuki Kusanagi, Yoshinobu Ogawa, Masahiro Nakazawa, Hideo Matsuyama
MOKE magnetometry on atomically layered Fe on saturated Cu2N/Cu(001)
Norikazu KawamuraA,B, Fumio KomoriA
Study of two-level Kondo phenomena observed for hydrogen atoms adsorbed on Fe nanocontacts
Kyushu Univ., Tokyo Inst. of Tech.A
Y. Kajiwara, H. Takata, K. IenagaA, Y. Inagaki, T. Kawae
Hydrogen diffusion induced by nonequilibrium phonons excited in metallic nano-contact
Department of Applied Quantum Physics, Kyushu University, Tokyo Institute of TechnologyA, Department of Education, Kanazawa UniversityB, Department of Advanced Energy Engineering Science, Kyushu UniversityC
H. Takata, K. IenagaA, Md. S. Islam, Y. Inagaki, H. TsujiiB, K. HashizumeC, T. Kawae
First-principles calculations of self-trapping of absorbed hydrogens in niobium
Fukuoka Inst. Tech., Info. Eng.
Koki Saido, Tomona Nakagawa, Isao:Maruyama
Development of a spin-polarized atomic hydrogen source: measurement of spin polarization
IIS Univ. Tokyo
Shohei Ogura, Katsuyuki Fukutani
Observation of spin-polarized double crossing band on W(111)
Grad. Sch. Sci., Hiroshima Univ., HSRC, Hiroshima Univ.A
Teruo Matsuda, Koji MiyamotoA, Taichi OkudaA, Awabaikeli RousuliA, Hitoshi SatoA, Akio Kimura
Electronic structure of a Topological Insulator/Magnetic insulator ultrathin film heterostructure: thickness dependence
Dept. of Phys. Tokyo Tech.
Yuma Okuyama, Toru Hirahara
First-principles study of electronic structure and thermoelectric properties in half-Heusler compound thin films
Kanazawa University
Fumiyuki Ishii, Susumu Minami, Hikaru Sawahata, Yo Pierre Mizuta
First principles calculation of lead phthalocyanine on graphene
Graduate School of Engineering
Hiroyuki Sawada, Sasfan Arman Wella, Yuji Hamamoto, Kouji Inagaki, Yoshitada Morikawa
dz/dV spectrum measurement in moire pattern of graphite surface
Tokyo Tech Department of Physics
Shigeru Ishiwata, Shiro Yamazaki, Kan Nakatsuji, Hiroyuki Hirayama
AFM imaging of titanium oxide nanosheet in water
Kumamoto Univ. GSST, Kumamoto Univ. FASTA
S. Miyamoto, Y. Naruo, A. FunatsuA, M. HaraA
Influence of graphene-substrate interactions studied by 4PP transport measurement
Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo, Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku UniversityA
A. Takayama, Y. Endo, K. S. KimA, G. H. ParkA, N. EndoA, R. Hobara, H. FukidomeA, M. SuemitsuA, S. Hasegawa
XMCD measurement of chemically exfoliated manganese oxide nanosheets
Kumamoto Univ. GSST, Hiroshima Univ. HiSORA, Kumamoto Univ. FASTB
Y. Naruo, K. Takaki, M. SawadaA, H. NamatameA, M. TaniguchiA, A. FunatsuB, M. HaraB
Humidity-dependent impedance of titanium oxide nanosheet
Kumamoto Univ. GSST, Kumamoto Univ. FASTA
Y. Kuroda, Y. Naruo, A. FunatuA, M. HaraA
Study of growth and conformational properties of nano-carbon sheet, produced by on-substrate agglutination reaction of organic molecules
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of MatterA
Shukichi TANAKA, Yukihiro TOMINARI, Hitoshi SUZUKIA
Appearance of Dirac cones in graphene and silicene : Group theoretical analysis
Grad. Sch. Nat. and Sci. Tech., Kanazawa Univ., Fac. Math. Phys., Kanazawa Univ.
Susumu Minami, M.Saito

22nd E31 Room 22aE31 9:00〜13:00

Division 3,Division 9 Joint
Magnetism of Surfaces and Interfaces
Observation of spin depolarization in half-metal CrO2 by high-resolution spin-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
Dept. of Natural Sciences Okayama Univ.A, RIIS Okayama Univ.B, ISSPC
Hirokazu FujiwaraA, Kensei TerashimaB, Masanori SunagawaA, Makoto OgataA, Koichiro YajiC, Ayumi HarasawaC, Shik ShinC, Takanori WakitaB, Yuji MuraokaA,B, Takayoshi YokoyaA,B
Fermi Surface Manipulation by External Magnetic Field for a Prototypical Ferromagnet: Approaches from Angle Resolved Photoemission and Band Calculation
ISIR, Osaka Univ., Peter Grünberg Institut PGI, Forschungszentrum Jülich, GermanyA, Fac. Phys. Appl. Computer Sci., AGH Univ. Sci. Tech. Kraków, PolandB, Dep. Chem, Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. München, GermanyC, New Tech.-Res. Centre, Univ. West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech RepublicD
S SugaA, E;MłyńczakA, M;EschbachA, S;BorekC, J; MinárC,D, J;BraunC, I;AguileraA, G;BihlmayerA, S; DöringA, M;GehlmannA, P; GospodaričA, L; PlucinskiA, S; BlügelA, H; EbertC, and C. M; SchneiderA
Electronic and magnetic properties of monatomic-layer iron nitride magnetically coupled with magnetic nano-clusters
T. Miyamachi, Y. Takahashi, S. Nakashima, Y. TakagiA,B, M. UozumiA,B, T. YokoyamaA,B, and F. Komori
Theoretical investigation of the competition between the Kondo effect and spin-orbit interaction in a single molecule adsorbed on surface
Univ. Tokyo, Univ. TokyoA, NIMSB
Emi Minamitani, Ryoichi Hiraoka, Ryuichi Arafune, Noriyuki Tsukahara, Satoshi Watanabe, Maki Kawai, Noriaki Takagi
Numerical study of large magneto-optical Kerr effect at Fe/insulator interfaces
ASRC JAEA, IMR Tohoku Univ.A
Bo Gu, Saburo TakahashiA, Sadamichi Maekawa
Resonant X-ray magnetic diffraction hysteresis of Fe layers in the double periodic Fe1/Au/Fe2/Au(001) multilayer with antiferromagnetic interlayer exchange coupling
NAIST, Wakasa Wan Energy Research CenterA
Nobuyoshi Hosoito, Ryuichiro YamagishiA, Shuho Hanasaka, Kazuki Fukui, Shinjiro Amasaki
Structure and magnetism of controlled interface in Mn/Fe heterostructure
S. Nakashima, T. Miyamachi, T. Hattori, Y. Takagi, T. Yokoyama, and F. Komori
Break (10:45〜11:00)
Local magnetic anisotropy of magnetic interfaces from first-principles study
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Shogo Nakamura, Yuta Ainai, Yoshihiro Gohda
Estimation of the magnetoelectric coefficient at Fe/BiFeO3 (001) heterointerfaces studied by first-principles calculations
Dept. Mater. Sci. Eng., Tokyo Tech
Kazuhiro Fujita, Yoshihiro Gohda
Spin-dependent scattering observed in Co nanostructures
IMRAM, Tohoku Univ.A, AIMR, Tohoku Univ.B
Hirofumi OkaA,B, Tadahiro KomedaA
Monte Carlo study of magnetic nucleation in rare-earth-based permanent magnets II
NIMSA, Univ. of Tokyo; Dept. Phys.B, Univ. of Tokyo; ISSPC, AISTD, Tohoku Univ.; Dept. Appl. Phys.E, ESICMMF
Yuta TogaA,F, Doi ShotaroC,F, Munehisa MatsumotoC,F, Seiji MiyashitaB,F, Hisazumi AkaiC,F, Takashi MiyakeD,F, Akimasa SakumaE
Dynamics of magnetization reversal in an atomistic model of neodymium magnets
NIMS, Univ. of TokyoA
Masamichi Nishino, Taichi HinokiharaA, Seiji MiyashitaA
Theoretical analysis on dipole-dipole effect in an atomistic model of neodymium magnets
Univ. of Tokyo, NIMS,A
Taichi Hinokihara, Masamichi NishinoA, Toga YutaA, Seiji Miyashita
Magnetic anisotropy analysis around the grain boundaries on Ga-doped Nd-Fe-B magnets by first-principles calculations
Dept. Mater. Sci. Eng., Tokyo TechA, Dept. Phys., Univ. TokyoB, ISSP, Univ. TokyoC, ESICMM, RCMSM, NIMSD
Yasutomi TatetsuA, Shinji TsuneyukiB,C, and Yoshihiro GohdaA,D
Ab-initio calculation of grain boundary phase of Nd-Fe-B sintered magnet (II)
Tokyo Tech
Terasawa Asako, Gohda Yoshihiro

22nd J17 Room 22aJ17 9:00〜12:00

Division 9,Division 7
Graphene and Nanosheets
Theoretical study of the image potential states in naphthalene adsorbed on graphene
Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Univ.
Yuji Hamamoto, Sasfan Arman Wella, Hiroyuki Sawada, Nana Kawaguchi, Fahdzi Muttaqien, Kouji Inagaki, Ikutaro Hamada, Yoshitada Morikawa
First-principles electronic structure calculation of the FeN4 active site on graphene
Iwate Univ., Tohoku Univ.A
J. Kaiwa, S. Aoyama, T. YamashitaA, M. Hasegawa, K. Nishidate
Interaction force between ultrathin multilayer films induced by quantum fluctuations
Univ. Hyogo
Norio Inui
Polymorphism in bilayer silicene
AIST, RMIT Uni., Toyota Central Lab
Tetsuya Morishita, Michelle J.S. Spencer, Ritsuko Yaokawa, and Hideyuki Nakano
Electronic and chemical state analyses of oxidizing graphene
Ritsumeikan Univ., QSTA
Kota Takaoka, Shiro EntaniA, Seiji SakaiA, Kei Mitsuhara, and Masaru Takizawa
Thermal stability of graphene oxide on metal surfaces
Hirosaki Univ., Univ. of TokyoA
K. Watanabe, S. ObataA, K. SaikiA, Y. Fujikawa
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Relation between SiC Step Structure and Graphene Growth Mechanism
(1x1)-Sn structure of Graphene/SiC interface
Kyushu Univ., Univ. of TokyoA, AISTB, Tokyo Tech.C, KEKD
Shingo Hayahi, Takashi Kajiwara, Anton Visikovskiy, Takushi IimoriA, Testuro ShiwasawaB, Kan NakastujiC, Toshio MiyamachiA, Syuhei NakashimaA, Kazuhiko MaseD, Fumio KomoriA, Satoru Tanaka
Flattening of h-BN/Rh(111) by Sn or Ge intercalation
Tokyo Tech, Univ. ZuerichA, UVSORB
Yuya Sugiyama, Yuma Okuyama, Carlo BernardA, Shin-ichiro IdetaB, Kiyohisa TanakaB, Thomas GreberA, Toru Hirahara
Electron-phonon coupling of graphene on the nanofacets on the vicinal 6H-SiC(0001) surfaces
ISSP, Univ. of Tokyo, Dep. of Phys., Tokyo Institute of TechnologyA, Dep. of Material Sci. and Eng., Tokyo Institute of TechnologyB, KEK-IMSSC, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Univ.D
T. Iimori, K. IenagaA, T. Miyamachi, S. Nakashima, F. Takahashi, K. Yaji, K. NakatsujiB, K. MaseC, K. FukumaD, S. HayashiD, T. KajiwaraD, A. VisikovsliyD, S. TanakaD, F. Komori

22nd N12 Room 22aN12 9:00〜12:30

Division 9
Dynamics at Surfaces and Interfaces, Hydrogen Dynamics
High-resolution imaging of water monolayers on Cu(110) by atomic force microscopy
Univ. of Tokyo
Akitoshi Shiotari, Yoshiaki Sugimoto
Effect of Photo irradiation on H2O/Cu junction
Tokyo Tech
Yu Li, Satoshi Kaneko, Manabu Kiguchi
Adsorption and reaction on Zn-deposited Cu model catalysts: the roles of step sites and Zn
ISSP, Univ. of Tokyo
Y. Shiozawa, T. Koitaya, K. Mukai, S. Yoshimoto and J. Yoshinobu
HCHO dissociation on Pt(111) and Rh(111)
Nat’l. Inst. of Tech., Akashi Col., Osaka Univ.A, Univ. of TokyoB
Bhume Chantaramolee, Susan Meñez Aspera, Ryan Lacdao Arevalo, Hiroshi NakanishiA, Hideaki KasaiA,B
Rh-free catalyst design for NO reduction
NITACA, Osaka Univ.B
Hiroshi NakanishiA, Hideaki KasaiA,B
STM study for Si(001) surfaces adsorbed with NO at initial stage
H. Yang, K. Tanimoto, K. Hattori, H. Daimon
Assignment of H-Si stretching modes on the hydrogen-terminated Si(110)-(1×1) surface studied by infrared absorption spectroscopy II
Tohoku Univ., ISSPA
J. Kono, E. Kawamoto, T. Eguchi, J. Yoshinobu, Shozo Suto
Break (10:45〜11:00)
2-dimensional electron conducting layer on SrTiO3 surface induced by hydrogenation
Y. Takeuchi, R. Akiyama, R. Hobara, A. Takayama, S. Ichinokura, R. YukawaA, I. MatsudaB, S. Hasegawa
Rotational state of molecularly chemisorbed H2 investigated by photostimulated desorption
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo
Dmitry Ivanov, Satoshi Ohno, Katsuyuki Fukutani
H2 nuclear spin isomers transition on a stepped metal surface
Osaka Univ.A, Nat’l. Inst. of Tech.B, The Univ. of TokyoC
Arguelles Elvis F.A, Kasai HideakiB,C, Fukutani KatsuyukiC, Dino Wilson A.A
Molecular Adsorption, Hindered Rotation, and Species Separation of H2/SrTiO3(001)
Osaka Univ.A, Center for Atomic and Molecular TechnologiesB, Akashi CollegeC, Univ. TokyoD, Kawasaki Heavy IndustriesE
Koji Shimizu, Wilson Agerico DiñoA,B, Hiroshi NakanishiC, Hideaki KasaiA,C,D, Katsuyuki FukutaniD, Ayako YajimaE
Status report about channeling HERDA toward clarification of hydrogen desorption mechanism at the Pd(110) surface
Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences
Junichi Kikuda, Daiichiro Sekiba
Morphology Effect on Proton Dynamics in Nafion® 117, Sulfonated Polyether Ether Ketone, and Graphene Oxide-Sulfonated Polyether Ether Ketone
FCI-UKMA, Appl. Phys. Osaka Univ.B, CAMT Osaka Univ.C, FST-UKMD, FEBE- UKME, NITACF
Jun Xing LeongA,B, Wilson Agerico DiñoB,C, Azizan AhmadA,D, Wan Ramli Wan DaudA,E, Hideaki KasaiB,F

22nd J17 Room 22pJ17 13:30〜17:20

Division 9,Division 11 Joint Symposium
Theoretical Prediction of Microscopic Structures and Properties of Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures: Current Status and Prospect
School of Eng., UTokyo
Satoshi Watanabe
Absolute Binding Energies of Core Levels in Solids from First Principles
ISSP, UTokyo
Taisuke Ozaki
van der Waals inclusive density functional: Towards accurate description of surfaces and interfaces
School of Eng. Osaka Univ.
Ikutaro Hamada
Rotational states of physisorbed hydrogen molecules on metal surfaces
Faculty of Eng., Hokkaido Univ.
Yuji Kunisada
Break (15:05〜15:20)
Interface structure searching via machine learning
IIS, UTokyo
Teruyasu Mizoguchi
Organic material research by large-scale electronic state calculation and machine learning
School of Eng., Tottori Univ.
Takeo Hoshi
First-principles study on electronic structure and carrier conduction of device interfaces
CCS., Univ. Tsukuba
Tomoya Ono
Metallic magnetic domain walls in pyrochlore transition metal oxides
School of Eng., UTokyo
Youhei Yamaji

23rd B32 Room 23aB32 9:15〜12:00

Division 4,Division 7,Division 9
Graphene Related Materials
(Transports and Spectroscopies)
The effective theory of electronic states on graphene with a topological defect
Tohoku Univ., Osaka Univ.A
Tomohiro Hayashi, Mikita KoshinoA
Electromagnetic response of honeycomb lattice model for Dirac electron
Univ. of Tokyo
Takao Sangawa, Yusuke Masaki
Applications of negative refraction in bilayer graphene
Univ. of TokyoA, Univ. of LeicesterB, AISTC
P. A. MaksymA,B and H. AokiC,A
Thermal carriers in disordered graphene with hexagonal-Boron Nitride and multi-layer graphene
Grad. Sch. of Engin., Chiba Univ.A, Grad. Inst. of Appl. Phys., Nat. Taiwan Univ.B, Sch. of Electronic & Electrical Engin.C, Dept. of Electrophys., Nat. Chiayi Univ.D
Chuang ChiashainA, Mineharu M.A, Matsunaga M.A, Liu C.-W.B, Wu B.-Y.B, Kim G.-H.C, Lin L.-H.D, Ochiai Y.A, Liang C.-T.B, Aoki N.A
Field effect quantum confinement in bi-layer graphene
Chiba Univ., NIMSA, SKKUB, ASUC, Univ. at BuffaloD
N. Matsumoto, M. Mineharu, T. Arakawa, M. Matsunaga, R. WatanabeA, T. TaniguchiA, G.-H. KimB, D.K. FerryC, J.P. BirdD, N. Aoki
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Effect of High-Gate-bias on Molecular adsorption on Graphene
Dept. of Chem. Sci. Tech., Hosei Univ.
Taichi Umehara, Yasushi Ishiguro, Kazuyuki Takai
Fabrication of Nanopits with Zigzag Edges on Exfoliated Graphene and its Transport Measurements
Dept. of Phys. UTokyoA, CRC UTokyo B
Kazuma KitaA, Andre E.B. AmendA, Tomohiro MatsuiB, Hiroshi FukuyamaA,B
Spin-orbit interaction in Pt- or Bi2Te3-nano particle decorated graphene
Aoyama Gakuin Univ.A, The Univ. Tokyo(ISSP)B
H. KudoA, H. MineA, T. NambaA, R. TamuraA, M. HtsudaA, C. OhataA, J. HaruyamaA,B
Electron-phonon coupling of alkali metal-adsorbed monolayer graphene studied by high-resolution ARPES
Dept. Phys., Tohoku Univ.A, WPI-AIMR, Tohoku Univ.B, and CSRN, Tohoku Univ.C
M.SatoA, K. SugawaraB,C, T. SatoA,C, and T. TakahashiA,B,C
Spin-polarization of graphene and boron nitride on Co(0001) observed by spin-polarized positron beam technique
A. Kawasuso, M. Maekawa, K. Wada, A. Miyashita, S. Entani, S. Sakai

23rd N12 Room 23aN12 9:00〜12:30

Division 9
Crystal Growth
Effects of Alkyl chain length of Thin-Film Growth of Organic Semiconducting Materials
Iwate Univ., JASRIA
N. Yoshimoto, S. Miura, D. Kusuhara, M. Kikuchi, T. KoganezawaA, I. HirosawaA
Microscopic analysis of chemical vapor deposition process of graphene, II. Nucleation
Grad. Sch. Frontier Sciences, Sch. ScienceA, The Univ. Tokyo
Koichiro Saiki, Takanobu TairaA, Seiji Obata
Surface melting of polycrystalline ice
ILTS, Hokkaido Univ.
Jialu Chen, Ken Nagashima, Ken-ichiro Murata, Gen Sazaki
Fluid inclusions of hydrochloric acid within ice crystals embedded by vapor growth
Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University
Ken Nagashima, Gen Sazaki, Hama Tetsuya, Kenichiro Murata, Yoshinori Furukawa
In situ observation of crystal-melt interfaces by advanced optical microscopy
Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University
Ken-ichiro Murata and Gen Sazaki
Three-Dimensional Lattice Structure Formed in a Binary System with DNA Nanoparticles
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University, Department of Physical Sciences, Ritsumeikan UniversityA, Information Media Center, Kanazawa UniversityB
Keno Kawasaki, Hiroyasu KatsunoA, and Masahide SatoB
Effect of Difference in Interaction Strength on Two-Dimensional Lattice Structure in a Binary System with DNA Nanoparticles
Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Kanazawa University, Department of Physical Sciences, Ritsumeikan UniversityA, Information Media Center, Kanazawa UniversityB
Keita Tanaka, Hiroyasu KatsunoA, and Masahide SatoB
Break (10:45〜11:00)
Grain growth prediction utilizing large-scale phase filed models based on data assimilation
ERI, The Univ. of Tokyo, Grad. School of Eng., The Univ. of TokyoA, RCAST, The Univ. of TokyoB
Shin-ichi ITO, Hiromichi NAGAO, Tadashi KASUYAA, Junya INOUEB
Effects of infrared convergent heating condition on the grown crystal shape and the interface shape
Univ. of Yamanashi
Satoshi Watauchi, Md. Mukter Hossain, Masanori Nagao, Isao Tanaka
Faceted Macrosteps in the non-equilibrium steady-state I: step droplet zone
Fac. Eng., Osaka Electro-Communication Univ.
Noriko Akutsu
Faceted Macrosteps in the non-equilibrium steady-state II: step-faceting zone
Fac. Eng., Osaka Electro-Communication Univ.
Noriko Akutsu
Effect of evaporation of impurities on a step instability induced by impurities
Information Media Center, Kanazawa University
Masahide Sato
Crystal size distribution on enantiomeric excess amplification under grinding
Ritsumeikan Univ., Aichi Inst. Tech.A
Hiroyasu Katsuno, Makio UwahaA

23rd N13 Room 23aN13 9:00〜11:45

Division 9
Electronic Properties of Surfaces and Interfaces
The development of the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy under the real ambient pressure condition.
Institute for Molecular ScienceA, SOKENDAIB, The Univ. of Electro-CommunicationsC, JASRI/SPring-8D, Nagoya Univ.E
Yasumasa TakagiA,B, Nakamura TakahiroA, Yu LiweiA, Suwilai ChaveanghongA, Tomoyuki SakataC, Oki SekizawaC, Tomoya UrugaC,D, Mizuki TadaE, Yasuhiro IwasawaC, Toshihiko YokoyamaA,B
On asymmetry in photoemission intensity
Department of Physics, Ochanomizu University
Katsuyoshi Kobayashi
Spin-orbital entanglement of Shockley-type surface states on noble metals (111) studied by laser-SARPES
ISSP, The Univ. of Tokyo, Weizmann Institute of Science
K. Yaji, A. Harasawa, K. Kuroda, B. Yan, F. Komori, S. Shin
Raman and fluorescence components in soft X-ray resonance inelastic scattering on LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures
ISIR, Osaka Univ., PGI-6,Forschungszentrum JuelichA, Grad. Sch. Engineer. Sci., Osaka Univ.B, ISSP Univ. TokyoC, Röntgen Center for Complex Material Systems (RCCM) and Physik. Inst. Univ. Würzburg, GermanyD
S SugaA, H FujiwaraB, J MiyawakiC, Y HaradaC, A SekiyamaB, F PfaffD, G BernerD, O KirilmazD, M SingD and R ClaessenD
Electronic states of Pt atom and Pt cluster supported on graphene : core level photoelectron spectroscopy study
ISSP, Univ. of Tokyo, Hokkaido Univ.A
K. Mukai, Y. Shiozawa, Y. Yoshikura, R. Miyahara, S. Yoshimoto, K. Yamazaki, Y. Maehara, K. Gohara and J. Yoshinobu
Electronic state and particle size analyses of Cu nanoparticles on rutile TiO2(110)
Ritsumeikan Univ.
Toshitaka Aoki, Kei Mitsuhara, Masaru Takizawa
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Study on the effect of field adsorbed atom species on electric field distributions above a single atom site of W surface using a microprobe-field ion microscope
Graduate School of Eng., Osaka City Univ.
Yasushi Ohta, Yusuke Hattori, Ataru Kobayashi
Atomic scale modulation of electronic states of iron nitride monolayer film by lattice distortion
The Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo
Takuma Hattori, Takushi IImori, Toshio Miyamachi, Fumio Komori
PdRuRh Ternary Metal Alloy as NO Reduction Catalyst: A DFT-based First Principles Analysis
Nat’l. Inst. of Tech., Akashi Col., Osaka Univ.A, Univ. of TokyoB
Susan Meñez Aspera, Ryan Arevalo, Bhume Chantaramolee, Hiroshi Nakanishi, and Hideaki Kasai
Ethylene Decomposition on Different Transition Metal Catalyst
De La Salle Univ.A, Nat’l. Inst. of Tech., Akashi Col.B, Osaka Univ.C, Univ. of TokyoD
Carlo Angelo PeloteniaA,B, Susan AsperaB, Hiroshi NakanishiB,C, Melanie DavidA, Hideaki KasaiB,C,D

23rd C20 Room 23pC20 13:30〜16:50

Division 7,Division 4,Division 9 Joint Symposium
New development in transition metal dichalcogenides
Tokyo Univ. of Sci.
Satoru Konabe
Growth and characterization of functional 2D chalcogenides
Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.
Yasumitsu Miyata
Polymorphic structures and properties of 2D materials
Kazutomo Suenaga
Symmetry protected type II Dirac fermions in transition metal dichalcogenides
QPEC, Univ. of Tokyo
Mohammad Saeed Bahramy
Break (15:05〜15:20)
Excitonic Hall Effect in 2D chalcogenide
QPEC, Univ. of Tokyo
Yoshihiro Iwasa
Photophysics in 2D transition metal dichalcogenide and its artificial hetero-structure
Kyoto Univ.
Kazunari Matsuda
Electroluminescence in 2D chalcogenide
Nagoya Univ.
Taishi Takenobu

23rd N12 Room 23pN12 13:30〜16:00

Division 9
Atomic Structures of Surfaces & Interfaces
Atomic structure of the low temperature 1.5x1.5 phase of CO/Cu(111) revealed by STM and DFT
Chiba University, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Materials Science Course
Peter Krueger, Tetsushi Yamada, Nana Nasriq, Toyokazu Yamada
Diode structure of Donor-Acceptor molecular stacking on Cu(111) studied by STM/STS.
Yokohama City Univ.
Yuriko Tsumura, Hideyuki Tsukada, Takashi Yokoyama
Analysis of Ti deposition on BaO thin film on Pt (111) surface
School of Eng., Nagoya Univ.
R. Sugiura, K. Horiba, T. Yamada, J. Yuhara
STM, STS and DFT on Si(111)-(√7×√3)-In
Shunsuke Yoshizawa, Keisuke Sagisaka, Daisuke Fujita, and Takashi Uchihashi
Break (14:30〜14:45)
Appearance of quantum size effect on Ag island growth process I: deposition-rate dependence
Tohoku Univ., Polish Acad. Sci.A, Poznan Univ. Tech.B, JEOL Ltd.C
J. Kang, T. Eguch, E. Kawamoto, S. Y. Matsushita, K. Haga, S. Kanagawa, A. WawroA, R. CzajkaB, H. KatoC, S. Suto
Appearance of quantum size effect on Ag islands growth process Ⅱ : deposition-amount dependence
Tohoku Univ.
R. Nagata, J. Kang, K. Haga, T. Eguchi, S. Suto
Morphology and the structure of the hydrogen-terminated Si(110)-(1×1) surface studied by STM
Tohoku Univ.
K. Fukui, E. Kawamoto, K. Haga, T. Eguchi, Shozo Suto
Study of in-plane strain of a β-FeSi2(100) nano-carpet on a Si(001) substrate
Grad. Sch. Mater. Sci. Nara Inst. Sch. Tech. (NAIST), Inst. Sci. Ind. Rec. (ISIR) Osaka Univ.A
S. Takemoto, S. Nishida, H. Yang, M. Someta, K. Hattori, H. Daimon, A. N. HattoriA and H. TanakaA
Study of out-of-plane changing of a β-FeSi2(100) nano-carpet on a Si(001) substrate in STM observation
Grad. Sch. Mater. Sci. Nara Inst. Sch. Tech. (NAIST)
Ken Hattori, Masaaki Someta, Nozomu Hirota, Keisuke Ohta, Shohei Takemoto, Haoyu Yang, Kei Tanimoto, Hiroshi Daimon

23rd N13 Room 23pN13 13:30〜16:15

Division 9
Electronic Properties of Surfaces and Interfaces
The role of disorder on the density of states of Au-induced chains on Si(001)
Dept. of Chemistry, Grad. Sch.of Sci., Kyoto Univ.
P. Thomas, S. Hatta, H. Okuyama, T. Aruga
Electronic structure and phase transition of In/Si(111)√7×√3-hex surface
Grad. School of Sci., Kyoto Univ.
Shigemi Terakawa, Shinichiro Hatta, Hiroshi Okuyama, Tetsuya Aruga
First-principles calculations of Bi adsorption on the In/Si(111)-4×1 surface
Dept. Mater. Sci. Eng., Tokyo Tech
Tomonori Tanaka & Yoshihiro Gohda
Anisotropic electronic band structure of the intrinsic Si(110)-(1×1) surface: Experiment and theory
Tohoku Univ., Univ. TokyoA, Tokyo Univ. of Sci.B
S.Y. Matsushita, T. TakayamaA, E. Kawamoto, S. HuB, K. WatanbeB, T. Takahashi, Shozo Suto
2D triangular Sn and Pb metallic layers on SiC(0001) and at graphene/SiC(0001) interface
Kyushu Univ.A, Univ. of TokyoB
Anton VisikovskiyA, Shingo HayashiA, Takashi KajiwaraA, Fumio KomoriB, Satoru TanakaA
Symmetry-breaking induced band-splitting in GaAs thin film by first-principles calculations
Univ. of Fukui
Mary Clare Escano, Masahiko Tani
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Hydrogen-induced electronic states of the Fe3O4 (111) surfaces
Inst. Ind. Sci., Univ. Tokyo, Kyoto Inst. Tech.A
Kanta Asakawa, Naoki Nagatsuka, Yoshio MiuraA, Katsuyuki Fukutani
Observation of the electronic excited states of rutile TiO2(110) surfaces by two-photon photoemission spectroscopy
Yuki Ohashi, Naoki Nagatsuka, Kanta Asakawa, Atsunori Sakurai, Shohei Ogura, Satoshi Ashihara, Katsuyuki Fukutani
two photon photoemission sepectroscopy on reduced anatase TiO2(101) surfaces
Inst. Indus. Sci.
Naoki Nagatsuka, Yuki Ohashi, Atsunori Sakurai, Satoshi Ashihara, Katsuyuki Fukutani
Electronic structure of Sn intercalated TiS2 compound
School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Aichi Synchrotron Radiation CenterA
Naoki Isobe, Kazuki Nishino, Junji Yuhara, Masashi NakatakeA

24th J17 Room 24aJ17 9:00〜11:00

Division 9
Atomic Structures of Surfaces & Interfaces
Determination of the anatase-TiO2(001) (1x4) structure using rocking-curve analysis of total-reflection high-energy positron diffraction (TRHEPD)
I. Mochizuki, R. Yukawa, Y. Fukaya, K. Wada, M. Minohara, H. Kumigashira, A. Ichimiya, and T. Hyodo
Fast phase retrieval algorithm from RHEED intensities during growth
IIS, Univ. Tokyo
Takaaki Kawamura
Auger intensity excited by RHEED for graphite surface
Daido Univ., Nagoya Univ.A, IMRAM Tohoku Univ.B, Toyota Inst. Tech.C
Yoshimi Horio, Ryo Yamazaki, Junji YuharaA, Yuji TakakuwaB, Masamitsu YoshimuraC
Creation of atomically-ordered reconstructed tilt surfaces on Si using lithographic technique
A. N. Hattori1,2, S. Takemoto3, K. Hattori3, H. Daimon3, H. Tanaka1
Break (10:00〜10:15)
Real-time transmission X-ray diffraction study of the initial growth stage of an ultrathin Bi film on Si(111)-7×7 and a structure at the interface
Hiroo Tajiri
First-principles exploration of two-dimensional AB2 structures
ISSP, the Univ. of Tokyo
Taisuke Ozaki, Yung-Ting Lee
Li ion distribution and effect of electric field at the interface of Li3PO4/Au(111)
Univ. Tokyo
Koji Shimizu, Wei Liu, Satoshi Watanabe

JPS 2017 Autumn Meeting