Division 7
Division 7,Division 4 Joint
Transition Metal Chalcogenides
Carrier concentration dependence of band structure in TiSe2 ultrathin film
WPI-AIMR, Tohoku Univ.A, CSRN, Tohoku Univ.B, and Dept. Phys., Tohoku Univ.C
K. SugawaraA,B, Y. NakataC, Y. UmemotoC, T. SatoB,C, and T. TakahashiA,B,C
High-resolution ARPES study of NbSe2 atomic layer breaking space-inversion symmetry
Dept. Phys., Tohoku Univ.A, WPI-AIMR, Tohoku Univ.B, CSRN, Tohoku Univ.C, Dept. Phys., Univ. of TokyoD, and Dept. Appl. Chem., Tokyo Tech. Univ.E
Y. NakataA, K. SugawaraB,C, S. IchinokuraD, Y. OkadaB, T. HitosugiE, T. KoretsuneA, S. HasegawaD, T. SatoA,C, and T. TakahashiA,B,C
High-resolution ARPES study of atomic layer 1T-VSe2
Dept. Phys., Tohoku Univ.A, WPI-AIMR, Tohoku Univ.B, CSRN, Tohoku Univ.C
Y. UmemotoA, Y. NakataA, K. SugawaraB,C, T. SatoA,C, and T. TakahashiA,B,C
Transition-metal dichalcogenide van der Waals epitaxy
Dept. of Appl. Phys., Univ. of Tokyo, RIKEN-CEMSA
Masaki Nakano, Yue Wang, Yuta Kashiwabara, Yoshihiro IwasaA
Transport properties of single-crystalline 1T-TiSe2 epitaxial thin films
Dept. of Appl. Phys., Univ. of Tokyo, RIKEN CEMSA
Y. Wang, M. Nakano, Y. Kashiwabara, M. YoshidaA, and Y. IwasaA
Electrical conduction at group IV-VI transition-metal dichalcogenide heterointerfaces
Dept. of Appl. Phys., Univ. of Tokyo, RIKEN-CEMSA
Yuta Kashiwabara, Masaki Nakano, Yue Wang, Yoshihiro IwasaA
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Theory for nonlinear optical response in transition metal dichalcogenidesⅡ
AISTA, CRESTB, Tokyo Univ. of ScienceC
Tomohiro TamayaA,B, Satoru KonabeC, Shiro KawabataA,B
Optoelectronic Properties in WS2 Nanotubes
University of TokyoA, Osaka UniversityB, Max Planck InstituteC, Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryD, Holon Institute of TechnologyE, Weizmann Institute of ScienceF, RIKEN CEMSG
M. OngaA, Y. J. ZhangB,C, F. QinA, W. ShiD, A. ZakE, R. TenneF, Y. IwasaA,G
Diameter dependence of superconductivity by ionic liquid gating in WS2 nanotube
The University of TokyoA, Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryB, Holon Institute of TechnologyC, Weizmann Institute of ScienceD, RIKEN CEMSE
F. QinA, T. IdeueA, W. ShiB, M. YoshidaA, A. ZakC, R. TenneD, T. KikitsuE, D. InoueE, D. HashizumeE, Y. IwasaA,E
Transition metal dichalcogenide monolayer light-emitting devices based on ion gels
Nagoya Univ., Kyoto Univ.A, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.B, KAUSTC
Kou Ho, Wenjin ZhangA, Hirofumi Matsuoka, Yu KobayashiB, Yuhei TakaguchiB, Yasumitsu MiyataB, Lain-Jong LiC, Kazunari MatsudaA, Yuhei MiyauchiA, Taishi Takenobu
Spin-orbit interaction in graphene induced by transition metal dichalcogenides2
University Paris-Sud, Imperial College LondonA, C2NB
Taro Wakamura, Sophie Gueron, Cecilia MatteviA, Abdelkarim OuerghiB, Helene Bouchiat
Magnetism arising from pore-edge spins of few-layer MoS2 nanomesh
Aoyama Gakuin Univ.A, The Univ. Tokyo(ISSP)B
H. MineA, H. KudoA, Y. HashimotoB, G. KondoA, N. YokoyamaA, M. HatsudaA, C. OhataA, S. KatsumotoB, J. HaruyamaA,B
Superconductivity in two-dimensional IrTe2 crystals
Univ. of TokyoA, RIKEN CEMSB, Okayama Univ.C
Masaro YoshidaA,B, Kazutaka KudoC, Minoru NoharaC, Yoshihiro IwasaA,B
Division 7
Organic Dirac systems
Magnetism of α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3
University of Tokyo, Tokyo University of ScienceA
K. Miyagawa, Y. Inagaki, N. Kato, M. Tamura, K. Kanoda
Massive Dirac fermion in charge-ordered phase of organic conductor α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3
ISSP, UTokyo
Kenta Yoshimura
High-field NMR study of in-plane magnetic field effects in the organic Dirac electron system
IMR, Tohoku Univ., Tokyo Univ. of Sci.A, CNRS-GrenobleB, The Univ. of TokyoC
Michihiro Hirata, Masafumi TamuraA, Claude BerthierB, Kazuya MiyagawaC, Kazushi KanodaC
Massless Dirac fermion system close to charg ordered insulating phase
T. GoshimaA, Y. AkitaA, K. OgawaA, ○N. TajimaA,B, Y. KawasugiB, M. SudaC, H. M. YamamotoB,C, R. KatoB, Y. NishioA and K. KajitaA
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Surface State of Multilayer Dirac Fermion Systems
Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo
Toshihito Osada
The dynamical spin fluctuation and single particle spectrum in Dirac fermion system \alpha-(BEDT-TTF)2I3
Nagoya Univ.
Genki Matsuno and Akito Kobayashi
Charge Order Transition and Merging Transition in Organic Dirac Electron Systems
Nagoya University, National Institute of Technology, Toyota CollegeA
Akito Kobayashi, Genki Matsuno, Yukiko OmoriA
Charge order and zero-gap state in α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 under hydrostatic pressure
Chuo Univ. and Univ. TokyoA
Yasuhiro Tanaka and Masao OgataA
Band structure and magnetism of three-dimensional Dirac electron system (ET)Ag4(CN)5
Nagoya Univ., Kyoto Univ. CROSS, Meijo Univ.
Y. Shimizu, M. Tsuchiizu, A. OtsukaA, M. MaesatoA, H. YamochiA, A. NakaoB, T. HiramatsuC, Y. YoshidaA,C, G. SaitoC,D
Anisotropic Conductivity of Nodal Line Semimetal in Single-component Molecular Conductor [Pd(dddt)2]
Nagoya Univ., RIKENA
Y. Suzumura, R. KatoA
Division 9,Division 7,Division 5
Nanocrystals & Clusters, Nanotubes and Nanowires, Localized Surface Optical Phenomena
Surface Plasmon Polaritons Confined in The Si Cluster Superlattice Ⅰ
Yasushi Iwata, Takeyuki Uchida, Nozomi Orita
Ab initio Calculations of the Electronic Structure of Impurities in Silicon Cluster Superlattice II
Nozomi Orita, Yasushi Iwata, Takeyuki Uchida
Size dependence of atomic and electronic structures of gold nano particle catalysts: A large-scale DFT study
Ayako Nakata, Tsuyoshi Miyazaki
First-principles calculations of phonon and magnon coupling effects for thermoelectric properties of a magnetic semiconductor
Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Univ. Tsukuba, NIMS MANAB, NIMS RCSMC, NEC Corp.D
Hirokazu Takaki, Kazuaki KobayashiB, Masato ShimonoC, Nobuhiko Kobayashi, Kenji HiroseD, Naohito TsujiiB, Takao MoriB
Surface potential modulation in carbon nanopot
Kumamoto Univ. Fac. Adv. Sci. & Technol.
First-principles electronic structure calculation of the FeN4 active site on carbon nanotube
Iwate Univ., Tohoku Univ.A
S.Aoyama, J.Kaiwa, T.YamashitaA, M.Hasegawa, K.Nishidate
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Hiroshi Imada
Selective phosphorescence emission from a PTCDA molecule on an ultrathin insulating film
The University of Tokyo, SISL RIKEN, Institute for Molecular Science
Kensuke Kimura, Hiroshi Imada, Kuniyuki Miwa, Miyabi Imai, Shota Kawahara, Junichi Takeya, Maki Kawai, Yousoo Kim
Electron Correlation Effects on Electroluminescence from Single Molecule
RIKEN, Univ. Tokyo, UC San Diego
Kuniyuki Miwa, Hiroshi Imada, Kensuke Kimura, Michael Galperin, Yousoo Kim
Formation of nanostructure on metal target by double-pulse femtosecond laser irradiation
GSS. Kyoto Univ.A, ICR. Kyoto Univ.B
Y. FurukawaA,B, K. TeramotoA,B, K. MoriA,B, Y. NakamiyaB, S. InoueA,B, M. HashidaA,B, S. SakabeA,B
Pump-probe STM light emission spectroscopy of chalcogenide alloys
AIST, Tohoku Univ.A, Tours Univ.B
M. Kuwahara, S. KatanoA, J. SakaiB, and ○Y. UeharaA
Division 7,Division 4,Division 9
Graphene Related Materials
Tuning electronic structure of epitaxial graphene on Ru(0001) by Au intervalation
Iwate University, Ichinoseki College of TechnologyA
Kazume Nishidate, Satoshi Tanibayashi, Masayuki Hasegawa
Three-quarter-Dirac cones and Landau levels
Faculty of Education, Kumamoto University, Department of Material Science, Graduate School of Material Science, University of HyogoA
Keita Kishigi, Masato Ayabe, Yasumasa HasegawaA
Electronic states of a three-dimensional nano-porusgraphene in a magnetic field
Tohoku Univ., Osaka Univ.A
Toshiki Kiryu, Mikito KoshinoA
General theory on the stacking dependence of electronic states in layered materials
Dept. Phys., The Univ. of Tokyo, RISTA
Ryosuke Akashi, Yo Iida, Kohei Yamamoto, Kanako YoshizawaA
Gas adsorption to doped graphene layers
Tokyo Inst. Tech.
Yoshitaka Fujimoto, Saito Susumu
Electronic Properties of C-doped h-BN/graphene heterostructures
Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Taishi Haga
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Stable stacking structure and electronic states of trilayer h-BN
Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Yuuto Matsuura
Pairing Mechanism of Unconventional Superconductivity in Doped Kane-Mele Model
School of Engineering, Nagoya Univ.
Yuri Fukaya, Keiji Yada, Ayami Hattori, Yukio Tanaka
Andreev reflection in a bilayer graphene Junction
Hiroshima Univ., Tsukuba Univ.
Yositake Takane, Katsuhide Yarimizu, Akinobu Kanda
Band engineering and valley polarization of graphene-based systems under light irradiation
Kwansei Gakuin University
Liu Feng, Yudai Nakajima, Katsunori Wakabayashi
Theoretical calculation about the Seebeck effect in graphene nanoribbons
Kwansei Gakuin University
Nakajima Yudai, Liu Feng, Wakabayashi Katsunori
Division 7
Mott transition
Low-temperature electronic conduction of κ-(BO)2CF3SO3
Nagoya Univ., Meijo Univ.A, Kyoto Univ.B, Toyota Phys. Chem. Res. Inst.C
Hiroshi Ito, Hiromi HayamaA, Yukihiro YoshidaA,B, Gunzi SaitoA,C
Magnetic susceptibility of (BEDT-TTF)Cu[N(CN)2]2 with 1D antiferromagnetic chain structure
Univ. Yamanashi, CCST Univ. YamanashiA, IMR Tohoku Univ.B
N. Yoneyama, K. Akaike, K. Tezuka, T. TakeiA, N. KumadaA, T. SasakiB
Theory of metal-insulator transition in TMTSF salt with electric dipole moment
Department of Physics, Gakushuin Univ.
Tomonari Mizoguchi, Masafumi Udagawa
NMR study of λ-(BETS)2FeCl4
Dept. Phys. Gakushuin U., RIKENA
Ko-ichi HIRAKI, Toshihiro TAKAHASHI and Reizo KATO
ESR Investigation for Q1D Organic Conductor (TTT)2I3
Institute for Molecular ScienceA, SOKENDAIB, Graduate School of Science, Osaka City UniversityC
Toshikazu NakamuraA,B, Mizue AsadaA, Akifumi HasegawaC, Natsuki KurodaC, Masatoshi KozakiC, Harukazu YoshinoC
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Electric Resistivity Measurements on Quasi-Two-Dimensional Organic Mott Transition Material, β-(BDA-TTP)2I3, under Pressure
Department of Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo, Department of Material Science, Graduate School of Material Science, University of HyogoA
R. Takehara, K. Nakada, K. Miyagawa, T. KadoyaA, J. YamadaA, K. Kanoda
Dimensionality of electronic states in the strongly correlated organic conductors (BPDT-TTF)2X
IMR, Tohoku Univ., Univ. of YamanashiA, Saitama Univ.B, ISSP, Univ. of TokyoC
R. Kobayashi, K. Hashimoto, N. YoneyamaA, H. TaniguchiB, K. YoshimiC, Y. MotoyamaC, and T. Sasaki
Quantum critical scaling analysis of resistivity of x-ray-irradiated κ-(ET)2Cu[N(CN)2]Cl under pressure
Univ. of Tokyo, Tokyo Univ. Sci.A, Saitama Univ.B, Tohoku Univ.C
M. Urai, T. FurukawaA, K. Miyagawa, M. ItoB, H. TaniguchiB, M. SaitoC, T. SasakiC, K. Kanoda
Electronic Structure and Optical Response in Dimer-type Organic System studied by variation cluster approach.
Dept. of Phys. Tohoku. Univ., WIASA
H. Li, M. NakaA, J. Otsuki, S. Ishihara
Division 7,Division 8
Molecular magnetism・Conducting polymer・Cage compound
Reversible magnetic phase control in the neutral complex framework by lithium-ion battery system
Kouji Taniguchi, Keisuke Narushima, Hajime SagayamaA, Nanami Shito, Wataru Kosaka, Hitoshi Miyasaka
Quantum Spin Liquid State in Organic Hyper-Kagome Lattice of a Triangular π Radical
Nagoya Univ., Nara Women’s Univ.A, IRCCS(Nagoya Univ.)B
Asato Mizuno, Yoshiaki Shuku, Michio M. Matsushita, Masahisa TsuchiizuA, Yuuki Hara, Taku Matsushita, Nobuo Wada, Yasuhiro Shimizu, Kunio AwagaB
Molecular and electronic states under high magnetic field in solid oxygen
Dept. of Phys. Tohoku Univ., WIASA
Naomichi Sato, Makoto NakaA, Sumio Ishihara
Metallic states induced by non-adiabatic quantum lattice fluctuations - Theory on conductivity of polyacetylene -
Yamagata University, Nagoya Institute of TechnologyA
Norikazu Tomita, Keisuke Shida, Akira TakahashiA
Break (14:30〜14:45)
Hierarchy on the charge transport in PEDOT/PSS films
IMR Tohoku Univ.
K. Itoh, Y. Honma, S. Iguchi, T. Sasaki
Improvement of Thermoelectric Properties of PEDOT/PSS Films by a Novel Film Forming Process
Tokyo Gakugei Univ.A, NIMSB, NEDOC
Maeda RyotaA,B, Kawakami HiroshiC, Shinohara YoshikazuB, Takagiwa YoshikiB, Kanazawa IkuzoA
Huge enhancement of spin-orbit interaction in Rb clusters in zeolite A
Osaka Univ.
Takehito Nakano, Shota Suzuki, Truong Cong Duan, Yasuo Nozue
Effect of low density loading of external Na on cationic motion of Na-LSX zeolite
National Inst. Tech Gunma College, Osaka Univ.A, Institute Jozef StefanB, Univ. LjubljanaC
Mutsuo Igarashi, Takehito NakanoA, Yasuo NozueA, Peter JeglicB, Tadej MeznarsicB, Denis ArconB,C
Cage volume dependence of the rattling in type-I clathrate Ba8Ga16Sn30 studied by the specific-heat measurement under pressures
N-BARD, ADSMA, Hiroshima Univ., IGSESB, Kyushu Univ.
K. Umeo, K. SuekuniB, T. TakabatakeA
Division 9,Division 7
Graphene and Nanosheets
Theoretical study of the image potential states in naphthalene adsorbed on graphene
Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka Univ.
Yuji Hamamoto, Sasfan Arman Wella, Hiroyuki Sawada, Nana Kawaguchi, Fahdzi Muttaqien, Kouji Inagaki, Ikutaro Hamada, Yoshitada Morikawa
First-principles electronic structure calculation of the FeN4 active site on graphene
Iwate Univ., Tohoku Univ.A
J. Kaiwa, S. Aoyama, T. YamashitaA, M. Hasegawa, K. Nishidate
Interaction force between ultrathin multilayer films induced by quantum fluctuations
Univ. Hyogo
Norio Inui
Polymorphism in bilayer silicene
AIST, RMIT Uni., Toyota Central Lab
Tetsuya Morishita, Michelle J.S. Spencer, Ritsuko Yaokawa, and Hideyuki Nakano
Electronic and chemical state analyses of oxidizing graphene
Ritsumeikan Univ., QSTA
Kota Takaoka, Shiro EntaniA, Seiji SakaiA, Kei Mitsuhara, and Masaru Takizawa
Thermal stability of graphene oxide on metal surfaces
Hirosaki Univ., Univ. of TokyoA
K. Watanabe, S. ObataA, K. SaikiA, Y. Fujikawa
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Relation between SiC Step Structure and Graphene Growth Mechanism
(1x1)-Sn structure of Graphene/SiC interface
Kyushu Univ., Univ. of TokyoA, AISTB, Tokyo Tech.C, KEKD
Shingo Hayahi, Takashi Kajiwara, Anton Visikovskiy, Takushi IimoriA, Testuro ShiwasawaB, Kan NakastujiC, Toshio MiyamachiA, Syuhei NakashimaA, Kazuhiko MaseD, Fumio KomoriA, Satoru Tanaka
Flattening of h-BN/Rh(111) by Sn or Ge intercalation
Tokyo Tech, Univ. ZuerichA, UVSORB
Yuya Sugiyama, Yuma Okuyama, Carlo BernardA, Shin-ichiro IdetaB, Kiyohisa TanakaB, Thomas GreberA, ○Toru Hirahara
Electron-phonon coupling of graphene on the nanofacets on the vicinal 6H-SiC(0001) surfaces
ISSP, Univ. of Tokyo, Dep. of Phys., Tokyo Institute of TechnologyA, Dep. of Material Sci. and Eng., Tokyo Institute of TechnologyB, KEK-IMSSC, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Univ.D
T. Iimori, K. IenagaA, T. Miyamachi, S. Nakashima, F. Takahashi, K. Yaji, K. NakatsujiB, K. MaseC, K. FukumaD, S. HayashiD, T. KajiwaraD, A. VisikovsliyD, S. TanakaD, F. Komori
Division 7
Poster Session
Uniaxial strain effects on the triangular lattice spin liquid κ-(ET)2Ag2(CN)3
Division of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto UniversityA, Faculty of Agriculture, Meijo UniversityB, Toyota Physical and Chemical Research InstituteC
Shinya TomenoA, Mitsuhiko MaesatoA, Yukihiro YoshidaA,B, Takaaki HiramatsuB, Gunzi SaitoB,C, Hiroshi KitagawaA
Vortex phase diagram of β”-(ET)2SF5CH2CF2SO3
Univ. of TsukubaA, NIMSB, ANLC, HITD
S. SugiuraA,B, N. Kikugawa, T. TerashimaB, J. A. SchlueterC, S. YasuzukaD, S. UjiA,B
Studies on antiferromagnet-superconductor transition with variation of temperaturein κ-(d8-BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Br by AC/DC susceptibility measurements
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama Univ., Shibaura Institute of TechnologyA
N. Okano, Y. Kuriki, H. Taniguchi, K. Satoh, Y. IshiiA
13C-NMR study of x-ray-irradiated κ-(ET)2Cu[N(CN)2]Cl
Tokyo Univ. Sci., Univ. of TokyoA, Tohoku Univ.B
R. Yamamoto, A. Yoshida, T. Furukawa, T. Itou, K. MiyagawaA, T. SasakiB, K. KanodaA
Thermal properties of α-ET2I3 under pressure
Toho Univ.
Yasuhiro Takasu
X-ray irradiation effect in BEDT-TTF molecule based charge ordering insulators
IMR, Tohoku Univ., SPring-8/JASRIA
T. Sasaki, R. Kobayashi, S. Ohkura, Y. Karakane, K. Hashimoto, K. Itoh, S. Iguchi, T. MoriwakiA, Y. IkemotoA
Quench dynamics in frustrated charge ordered system
Dept. of Phys. Tohoku Univ., WIASA
Kitagawa Kouya, Ono Atsushi, Naka Atsushi, Ishihara Sumio
Magnetic Susceptibility in Organic Dirac Fermion System
T. Konoike, T. Terashima, N. Kikugawa, S. Sugiura, H. Hirose, S. Uji
Studies on cant antiferromagnetism of κ-(BEDT-TTF)2X by angle-rotation magnetization measurement
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama Univ., Shibaura Institute of TechnologyA
R. Ishikawa, T. Tsuchiya, H. Taniguchi, K. Satoh, Y. IshiiA
Mott Insulator-metal transition induced by a terahertz electric-field pulse in κ-BEDT-TTF salts
Dep. of Adv. Mat. Sci, Univ. of TokyoA, AISTB, IMSC, RIKEND, Dep. of Appl. Phys, Univ. of TokyoE
H. YamakawaA, T. MiyamotoA, T. TerashigeB, T. MorimotoA, N. KidaA, H. YamamotoC, M. SudaC, R. KatoD, K. MiyagawaE, K. KanodaE, H. OkamotoA,B
Ultrafast control of electronic states by a terahertz electric-fields pulse in a quasi-one-dimensional organic ferroelectric (TMTTF)2PF6 II
Dep. of Adv. Mat. Sci, Univ. of TokyoA, AISTB, IMSC
K. AsadaA, H. YamakawaA, J. HirataA, T. MorimotoA, T. TerashigeB, T. MiyamotoA, N. KidaA, T. NakamuraC, H. OkamotoA,B
Anomalous anti-ferromagnetic resonance of λ-(BETS)2FeCl4 in anti-ferromagnetic insulating phase.
Hokkaido Univ.A, RIKENB
Taehoon LeeA,B, Yugo OshimaA,B, Hengbo CuiB, Reizo KatoB
Paramagnetic-Antiferromagnetic Transition and Metal-Superconducting Transition in λ-(BETS)2FexGa1-xCl4
Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University
Metal-insulator transition and strain of λ-(BETS)2FeCl4
Toho Univ. Science, RIKENA
Sota Yahagi, Humiya Minesawa, Naoya Tajima, Yutaka Nishio, Reizo KatoA
Thermal study of Valence Bond Order and Superconductivity in EtMe3P[Pd(dmit)2]2
Toho Univ.
Yukimaru Mitsuya
Coherence length parallel and perpendicular to the conducting plane in the superconducting state realized in the triangular lattice system EtMe3P[Pd(dmit)2]2 under pressure
Tokyo University of Science, University of HyogoA, RIKENB
Y. Yanagita, M. Suzuki, T. Namaizawa, T. Furukawa, T. Itou, K. KuboA, and R. KatoB
Possible triplet superconductivity in the triangular lattice system EtMe3P[Pd(dmit)2]2II
Tokyo University of Science, University of HyogoA, RIKENB
T. Namaizawa, Y. Yanagita, M. Suzuki, T. Furukawa, T. Itou, K. KuboA, R. KatoB
π-d interaction and metal-insulator transition with magnetic orderⅡ
Toho Univ.
Fumiya Minezawa
Spin counting analysis of spin liquid material EtMe3Sb[Pd(dmit)2]2
Hokkaido Univ.A, RIKENB
Sunghyun KimA,B, Yugo OshimaA,B, Reizo KatoB
Dynamics of Spin Soliton in One-Dimensional Quarter-Filled Electron-Lattice Systems
Department of Applied Physics, Osaka City University
Akira Yamashita, Kenichi Hirokawa, Akira Terai
Band-filling control and thermoelectric properties in conducting polymer
Waseda Univ., Nagoya Univ.A, Dongguk Univ.B, Hokkaido Univ.C
Kaito Kanahashi, Naoya TakekoshiA, Yong-Young NohB, Hiromichi OhtaC, Hisaaki TanakaA, Taishi TakenobuA
Control of Thermoelectric Properties of Conducting Polymer PBTTT in Ionic-Liquid-Gated Transistors
Nagoya Univ. Waseda Univ.
Naoya Takekoshi, Kaito Kanahashi, Hisaaki Tanaka, Hiroshi Ito, Taishi Takenobu
Metal-Insulator Transition of Conjugated Polymer Doped by Ionic Liquid Gating
Nagoya Univ.
Hiroaki Mada, Hiroshi Ito, Hisaaki Tanaka, Taishi Takenobu
Superconducting wires of light weight alkali-metal doped fullerene
NIMS, Tokyo Univ. of ScienceA
Theoretical Analysis of Bandgap and I-V Characteristics in CNT/BNNT heterojunctions
Seikei University Faculty of Science and Technology
S. Yoshida, S. Sakamoto, M. Tomiya
Dynamics of charge carriers on graphene nanoribbons
Osaka City University, University of BrasiliaA
Yushi Sakai, G.M.e SilvaA, Akira Terai
Functional group dependence of Spin magnetism of Graphene Oxide
Graduate School of Science and Engineering Hosei University, Chemical Science and Technology Hosei UniversityA, Graduate School of Engineering University of HyogoB
Kentaro Tajima, Takuya Isaka, Tomoki Yamashina, Yutaka OhtaA, Yoshiaki MatsuoB, Kazuyuki TakaiA
Optical responses of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon coronene dispersed in a PMMA polymer film
Nagoya Univ.A, Meijo Univ.B, Kyoto Univ.C, Toyota Phys. Chem. Res. Inst.D
R. OhashiA, Y. NakamuraA, H. KishidaA, Y. YoshidaB,C, G. SaitoB,D
Thickness control and raman spectroscopy in rotationally faulted multilayer graphene
Hirosaki Univ.
H. J. Im, H. Kato, N. Itagaki
Theory of πd electoron system based on an extended Kondo lattice model
ADSM, Hiroshima University
Yuki Kono, Hiroshi Shimahara
Structure search for sulfur hydride based on imaginary phonon modes
Sch. of Sci., Univ. of TokyoA, ISSPB
Seiji YoshikawaA, Ryosuke AkashiA, Shinji TsuneyukiA,B
Quantum Fluctuations of Ionic Domains in the Neutral Phase of TTF-CA: A Non-Adiabatic Resonating HF Study
Grad. Sch. Yamagata Univ., Yamagata Univ.A, NitechB
Y. Watanabe, H. AndoA, A. TakahashiB, N. TomitaA
Study of the Precise Charge Density Analysis of Molecular Crystals using Synchrotron X-ray Diffraction
Nagoya Univ., JASRIA, IMSB
S. Kitou, K. SugimotoA, T. NakamuraB, H. Sawa
Crystal structure and luminescence properties of luminescent compound C32H33N3O3S including pyridine
Muroran Inst. of Tech.
Keiki Takeda, Makoto Akabane, Junichi Hayashi
Research on proton dynamics of a hydrogen-bonded dielectric [H-55DMBP][Hia] by infrared spectroscopy under electric field
Dep. of Adv. Mat. Sci. Univ. of TokyoA, AISTB
J. HirataA, T. MorimotoA, H. YamakawaA, T. TerashigeB, T. MiyamotoA, N. KidaA, S. HoriuchiB, H. OkamotoA,B
Local structure control of TMDC thin films using electric field-effect near-field optical microscopy techniques
Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Saitama Univ.A
Junji Nozaki, Hiroyuki Nishidome, Keiji UenoA, Yutaka Maniwa, Yohei Yomigida, Kazuhiro Yanagi
Division 10,Division 7 Joint Symposium
Development and properties of organic ferroelectrics
Nagoya City Univ.
Shinobu Aoyagi
Development of Donor-Acceptor -Type Organic Ferroelectrics for High Polarization
Sachio Horiuchi
Paintable Soft-Matter Ferroelectrics via Self-Organization Based on Columnar Liquid Crystals
Fumito Araoka
Exploration of new optical functionalities in organic ferroelectrics
Dep. of Adv. Mat. Sci, Univ. of Tokyo
Tatsuya Miyamoto
Break (15:05〜15:20)
Multi-functionality from hydrogen-bonding π-electron system
IMRAM,Tohoku Univ.
Tomoyuki Akutagawa
Development of plastic/ferroelectric molecular crystals
Hokkaido Univ.
Jun Harada
Functional properties of ferroelectric polymers and their device application
Tokyo Univ. of Sci.
Takashi Nakajima
Ferroelectric orientational ordering in heteroepitaxial ice films: thermodynamic properties and isotope effect
Kyoto Univ.
Toshiki Sugimoto
Division 5,Division 7
Photo-induced phase transition
High-Frequency Expansion in Floquet Theory for Extended Hubbard Models and Electron Correlations after 1-Cycle Pulse Excitation
Dept. Phys., Chuo Univ.
Kenji Yonemitsu
Photoinduced charge-order melting triggered by 6 fs single-cycle infrared pulses in α-(ET)2I3
Tohoku Univ.A, Okayama Univ. of ScienceB, Nagoya Univ.C, IMRD, Chuo Univ.E
Y. KawakamiA, T. AmanoA, Y. YoneyamaA, H. ItohA, K. YamamotoB, Y. NakamuraC, H. KishidaC, T. SasakiD, S. IshiharaA, K. YonemitsuE, S. IwaiA
Dressed state driven by 6 fs single-cycle infrared pulses in κ-type ET salts
Tohoku Univ.A, Yamanashi Univ.B, IMRC, Chuo Univ.D
Y. YoneyamaA, T. AmanoA, Y. KawakamiA, H. ItohA, N. YoneyamaB, K. ItohC, T. SasakiC, K. YonemitsuD, S. IshiharaA, S. IwaiA
Terahertz-wave emission spectroscopy of electronic ferroelectrics (TMTTF)2X (X=AsF6, PF6, SbF6)
Tohoku Univ.A, Okayama Univ. of ScienceB, Stuttgart Univ.C
H. ItohA, R. FujiwaraA, T. MurakamiA, Y. KawakamiA, K. YamamotoB, M. DresselC, S. IwaiA
Terahertz-wave generation microscopy in organic electronic dielectrics
Tohoku Univ.A, Okayama Univ. of ScienceB, Univ. of YamanashiC, IMRD, Nagoya Univ.E, Univ. of StuttgartF
R. FujiwaraA, T. MurakamiA, H. ItohA, Y. KawakamiA, K. YamamotoB, N. YoneyamaC, R. KobayashiD, K. HashimotoD, S. IguchiD, T. SasakiD, Y. NakamuraE, H. KishidaE, M. DresselF, S. IwaiA
Paraelectric - ferroelectric transition induced by a terahertz electric-field pulse in organic Mott insulators of κ-BEDT-TTF salts
Dep. of Adv. Mat. Sci, Univ. of TokyoA, AISTB, Dep. of Appl. Phys, Univ. of TokyoC, IMSD
H. YamakawaA, H. TobeA, T. MiyamotoA, T. TerashigeB, T. MorimotoA, N. KidaA, K. MiyagawaC, K. KanodaC, M. SudaD, H. YamamotoD, H. OkamotoA,B
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Theory of two-dimensional Dirac electrons in oscillating magnetic fields
Max-Planck Inst.
Sota Kitamura, Chi-Hui Chou, Tanay Nag, Leda Bucciantini, Kush Saha, Alexandra Landsman, Takashi Oka
Femtosecond Nonlinear Spectroscopy and Electric Field Effect in Organic Ferroelectric [H-66dmbp][Hca]
Tokyo TechA, AISTB
T. UmanodanA, Y. OkimotoA, Y. AkutsuA, T. IshikawaA, S. KoshiharaA and S. HoriuchiB
Proton Dynamics and Terahertz Electric Effect in Organic Ferroelectric [H-dppz][Hca]
Tokyo TechA, ISSP. UTokyoB, iCeMS. Kyoto Univ.C, Dept. of Phys. Kyoto Univ.D, AISTE
T. UmanodanA, Y. OkimotoA, T. IshikawaA, S. KoshiharaA, K. KaneshimaB, K. TakeuchiB, N. IshiiB, H. HiroriC, K. TanakaD, J. ItataniB and S. HoriuchiE
Photoinduced melting of ferroelectric charge order and terahertz radiation in an organic ferroelectric α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 II
Adv./Univ. TokyoA, ISSPB, AISTC
Yuto KinoshitaA, Noriaki KidaA, Hiromichi YamakawaA, Tatsuya MiyamotoA, Hatsumi MoriB, and Hiroshi OkamotoA,C
6 fs near infrared spectroscopy in an anti-ferromagnetic Mott insulator V2O3 II
Tohoku Univ.A, Nagoya Univ.B, Univ. of Nantes/CNRSC, Univ. of Rennes/CNRSD
T. AmanoA, Y. YoneyamaA, Y. KawakamiA, H. ItohA, Y. NakamuraB, H. KishidaB, S. IshiharaA, L. CarioC, E. JanodC, B. CorrazeC, M. LorencD, S. IwaiA
Emission of terahertz wave from shift-current in semiconductor ferroelectrics
RIKEN, CEMSA, School of Engineering, Univ. of TokyoB
Masato SotomeA, Makiko OginoB, Yoshio KanekoA, Yoshinori TokuraA,B, Naoki OgawaA
Division 7,Division 8
Anisotropy of the Superconducting Gap mediated by Spin Fluctuation in a Model for λ-(BETS)2GaCl4
Kanagawa Univ., Tohoku Univ.A, JST-PRESTOB, Osaka Univ.C, RIKEND, RIKEN-CEMSE
Hirohito Aizawa, Takashi KoretsuneA,B, Kazuhiko KurokiC, Hitoshi SeoD,E
13C‒NMR study of superconducting gap symmetry in λ‒(BETS)2GaCl4
Hokkaido Univ.
Takuya Kobayashi, Yoshihiko Ihara, Atsushi Kawamoto
Effects of superconducting fluctuation on interlayer magnetoreresistance in organic superconductor β-(BEDT-TTF)2I3
Toho Univ.A, RIKENB
Y. SakamotoA, ○N. TajimaA,B, R. KatoB, Y. NishioA and K. KajitaA
Superconducting gap function of organic conductors
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Takehiko Mori
Break (15:00〜15:15)
ESR study for charge ordering in b''-(BEDT-TTF)4[(H3O)Ga(C2O4)3]C6H5NO2
Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University
Yoshihiko Ihara, Shuhei Fukuoka, Atsusi Kawamoto
D-NMR study in the Organic Superconductor β”-(ET)4[(H3O)Ga(C2O4)3]Z(Z = CH2Cl2 , PhNO2)
Dept. of Materials Engineering Science, Osaka Univ., Dept. of Physics, Osaka Univ.A
M. Yashima, K. Yoshida, H. Mukuda, Y. Kitaoka, S. ImajoA, H. AkutsuA, and Y. NakazawaA
Superconducting state of β”-(ET)2SF5CH2CF2SO3 in high magnetic field
Univ. of TsukubaA, NIMSB, ANLC, HIT D
S. SugiuraA,B, N. KikugawaB, T. TerashimaB, J. A. SchlueterC, S. YasuzukaD, S. UjiA,B
Investigation of superconductivity in κ-type ET salts by the control of electric-double-layer doping and strain
RIKENA, SISSAB, Nagoya Univ.C, RIKEN AICSD, RIKEN CEMSE, Institute for Molecular ScienceF
Y. KawasugiA, K. SekiB, J. PuC, T. TakenobuC, S. YunokiA,D,E, H. M. YamamotoF, R. KatoA
Theoretical study of electron-hole asymmetry in carrier-doped molecular conductor system κ-(ET)2X
Waseda Institute for Advance Study, RIKEN CEMSA, RIKENB, RIKEN AICSC
Hiroshi Watanabe, Hitoshi SeoA,B, and Seiji YunokiA,B,C
Division 7,Division 4
Preparation of platinum nanoparticles on C60 fullerene nanowhiskers using arc plasma gun
Tokyo Univ. of Sci.
Kun'ichi Miyazawa, Masaru Yoshitake, Yumi Tanaka
Electronic structure and charge transfer of Lu encapsulated fullerenes
Okayama University, Nagoya University, Ehime University
Takafumi Miyazaki, Takanori Wakita, Takayoshi Yokoya, Hisanori Shinohara, Shojun Hino
Electoric states in Mott insulating phases of C603- under pressure
Tohoku UniversityA, University of HyogoB, AIMR Tohoku UniversityC
Satoshi HeguriA,B, Yuki MatsudaA, Shimpei OikawaA, Katsumi TanigakiA,C
Charge transport calculations of carbon nanotubes and organic semiconductors using wave-packet diffusion method
Univ. of Tsukuba, NECA
Hiroyuki Ishii, Nobuhiko Kobayashi, Kenji HiroseA
Electronic structure and donor and acceptor states in doped BN nanotubes
Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Susumu Saito, Yoshitaka Fujimoto, and Taishi Haga
Physical properties of binary-elements intercalated-graphite, CaxSr1-xCy
RIIS/Okayama Univ., RLSS/Okayama Univ.A, RIKENB, NSRRCC
Xiaofan Yang, Takahiro Terao, Xiao Miao, Ritsuko Eguchi, Hidenori Goto, Takafumi MiyazakiA, Hitoshi YamaokaB, Hirofumi IshiiC, Yen-Fa LiaoC, Yoshihiro Kubozono
Atomic and electronic structure of graphite-like BC2 layer in Sc2B1.1C3.2
Wataru Hayami, Takaho Tanaka
Break (15:15〜15:30)
Raman spectroscopy of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon benzo[ghi]perylene complexes
Grad. Sch. Eng., Nagoya Univ.A, Grad. Sch. Sci., Kyoto Univ.B, LTM. Kyoto Univ.C, Fac. Agr., Meijo Univ.D, Toyota Phys. Chem. Res. Inst.E
S. TangoA, Y. NakamuraA, H. KishidaA, Y. NakanoB,C, H. YamochiB,C, Y. YoshidaB,D, G. SaitoD,E
Strong transverse-polarized optical absorption in gated single-wall carbon nanotubes at high carrier densities
Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Rice Univ.A
Kazuhiro Yanagi, Fumiya KatstsutaniA, Weilu GaoA, Junichiro KonoA
GW + Bethe-Salpeter equation approach to the optical properties of carbon nanotubes with adsorbed water
Tokyo University of Science
Yasumitsu Suzuki, Daisuke Iwasaki, Kazuyuki Watanabe
Optical absorption in collapsed carbon nanotubes
Dept. Phys. Tokyo Tech
T. Ando
Longitudinal and transverse dielectric functions of a doped carbon nanotube
NTT Basic Research Labs.
Ken-ichi Sasaki
Thermoelectric properties of impurity-doped carbon nanotubes
Tokyo University of Science
Takahiro Yamamoto, Hidetoshi Fukuyama
Fluctuation of electronic current in carbon nanotubes at finite temperature
Dept. of Elect. Eng. Tokyo Univ. of Sci, RIST Tokyo Univ. of Sci.A, Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Eng. Kobe Univ.B, Dept. of Elect. Eng. Tokyo Univ. of SciC
Keisuke Ishizeki, Kenji SasaokaA, Satoru KonabeA, Satofumi SoumaB, Takahiro YamamotoC
Division 4,Division 7,Division 9
Graphene Related Materials
(Transports and Spectroscopies)
The effective theory of electronic states on graphene with a topological defect
Tohoku Univ., Osaka Univ.A
Tomohiro Hayashi, Mikita KoshinoA
Electromagnetic response of honeycomb lattice model for Dirac electron
Univ. of Tokyo
Takao Sangawa, Yusuke Masaki
Applications of negative refraction in bilayer graphene
Univ. of TokyoA, Univ. of LeicesterB, AISTC
P. A. MaksymA,B and H. AokiC,A
Thermal carriers in disordered graphene with hexagonal-Boron Nitride and multi-layer graphene
Grad. Sch. of Engin., Chiba Univ.A, Grad. Inst. of Appl. Phys., Nat. Taiwan Univ.B, Sch. of Electronic & Electrical Engin.C, Dept. of Electrophys., Nat. Chiayi Univ.D
Chuang ChiashainA, Mineharu M.A, Matsunaga M.A, Liu C.-W.B, Wu B.-Y.B, Kim G.-H.C, Lin L.-H.D, Ochiai Y.A, Liang C.-T.B, Aoki N.A
Field effect quantum confinement in bi-layer graphene
Chiba Univ., NIMSA, SKKUB, ASUC, Univ. at BuffaloD
N. Matsumoto, M. Mineharu, T. Arakawa, M. Matsunaga, R. WatanabeA, T. TaniguchiA, G.-H. KimB, D.K. FerryC, J.P. BirdD, ○N. Aoki
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Effect of High-Gate-bias on Molecular adsorption on Graphene
Dept. of Chem. Sci. Tech., Hosei Univ.
Taichi Umehara, Yasushi Ishiguro, Kazuyuki Takai
Fabrication of Nanopits with Zigzag Edges on Exfoliated Graphene and its Transport Measurements
Dept. of Phys. UTokyoA, CRC UTokyo B
Kazuma KitaA, Andre E.B. AmendA, Tomohiro MatsuiB, Hiroshi FukuyamaA,B
Spin-orbit interaction in Pt- or Bi2Te3-nano particle decorated graphene
Aoyama Gakuin Univ.A, The Univ. Tokyo(ISSP)B
H. KudoA, H. MineA, T. NambaA, R. TamuraA, M. HtsudaA, C. OhataA, J. HaruyamaA,B
Electron-phonon coupling of alkali metal-adsorbed monolayer graphene studied by high-resolution ARPES
Dept. Phys., Tohoku Univ.A, WPI-AIMR, Tohoku Univ.B, and CSRN, Tohoku Univ.C
M.SatoA, K. SugawaraB,C, T. SatoA,C, and T. TakahashiA,B,C
Spin-polarization of graphene and boron nitride on Co(0001) observed by spin-polarized positron beam technique
A. Kawasuso, M. Maekawa, K. Wada, A. Miyashita, S. Entani, S. Sakai
Division 7,Division 8
Outstanding Paper Award Lecture
Direct observation of electronic states in molecular crystals starting from the study on charge order in α-ET2I3
名大 院工
Hiroshi Sawa
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Charge ordering transitions in two δ type (BEDT-TTF)2TaF6 conductors
Dept. of Mater. Sci. & Eng., Tokyo Tech., Dept. of Org. & Poly. Mater., Tokyo Tech.A, KEKB
Tadashi Kawamoto, Kohei KurataA, Takehiko Mori, Reiji KumaiB
Inhomogeneous electronic state in the charge-frustrated system β-(meso-DMBEDT-TTF)2PF6 under pressures
Dept. of Appl. Phys., Univ. of Tokyo, RIKENA, ISSPB
Keishi Sunami, Himuro Hashimoto, Kazuya Miyagawa, Kazushi Kanoda, Takayuki IsonoA, Akira UedaB, Hatsumi MoriB
Low-temperature thermal conductivity in the charge-glass organic compound θ-(BEDT-TTF)2CsZn(SCN)4
IMR, Tohoku University, ISSP, University of TokyoA
K. Hashimoto, R. Kobayashi, J. KondoA, M. ShimozawaA, M. YamashitaA, T. Sasaki
Charge orders in organic charge-transfer salts
ISSP, Politecnico di TorinoA, Goethe University FrankfurtB, SISSAC
Ryui Kaneko, Luca F. TocchioA, Roser ValentiB, Federico BeccaC
Electric Resistivity Measurements on Organic Ferroelectric Material, TTF-BA, under Pressure
Department of Applied Physics, The University of Tokyo, Department of Advanced Materials Science, The University of TokyoA, AISTB
R. Takehara, H. Adachi, K. Sunami, K. Miyagawa, T. MiyamotoA, H. OkamotoA, S. HoriuchiB, K. Kanoda
Shift current photovoltaic effect in an electronic ferroelectric TTF-CA
Masao NakamuraA,B, Sachio HoriuchiC, Fumitaka KagawaA, Naoki OgawaA, Takashi KurumajiA, Yoshinori TokuraA,D, Masashi KawasakiA,D
Division 7,Division 4,Division 9 Joint Symposium
New development in transition metal dichalcogenides
Tokyo Univ. of Sci.
Satoru Konabe
Growth and characterization of functional 2D chalcogenides
Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.
Yasumitsu Miyata
Polymorphic structures and properties of 2D materials
Kazutomo Suenaga
Symmetry protected type II Dirac fermions in transition metal dichalcogenides
QPEC, Univ. of Tokyo
Mohammad Saeed Bahramy
Break (15:05〜15:20)
Excitonic Hall Effect in 2D chalcogenide
QPEC, Univ. of Tokyo
Yoshihiro Iwasa
Photophysics in 2D transition metal dichalcogenide and its artificial hetero-structure
Kyoto Univ.
Kazunari Matsuda
Electroluminescence in 2D chalcogenide
Nagoya Univ.
Taishi Takenobu
Division 7,Division 8
Molecular・Interface device
Dipolar switching of charge injection barriers at metal/organic semiconductor interfaces
Osaka Pref. Univ.
Ryo Nouchi
Estimation of Charge-Injection Barriers at the Metal/Oganic Semiconductor Interface using Accumulated Charge Measurement
Graduate School of Material Science, University of Hyogo, Graduate School of Engineering, University of HyogoA
Hiroyuki Tajima, Tomofumi Kadoya, Masato Otsuka, Kesuke Yoshida, Akinari Ogino, Seiichi Sato, Tokuji YokomatsuA, Kazusuke MaenakaA, Jun-ichi Yamada
Spatial mapping of local current path in polycrystalline organic transistors studied by nanosecond transient gate-modulation imaging technique
AISTA, U.TsukubaB, U.TokyoC
Satoshi MatsuokaA,B, Jun'ya TsutsumiA, Toshihide KamataA,B, Tatsuo HasegawaA,C
Low-Temperature Transport in Layered-Crystalline Organic Semiconductor Ph-BTBT-C10
U. TokyoA, AIST-FLECB, Nippon KayakuC
Takamasa HamaiA, Shunto AraiA, Hiromi MinemawariB, Satoru InoueB,C, Tatsuo HasegawaA,B
Formation of organic semiconductor layer by solution process on SuPR-NaP silver electrodes and property of carrier injection.
Univ. of TokyoA, AIST FLECB, Nippon KayakuC
Gyo KitaharaA,B, Keisuke AoshimaA,B, Satoru InoueC, Shunto AraiA, Tatsuo HasegawaA,B
Temperature Dependence of Polarization Reversal in Organic Ferroelectrics Single-crystalline Films Measured by FFMI Technique
Yohei UemuraA, Shunto AraiA, Jun’ya TsutsumiB, Satoshi MatsuokaB, Sachio HoriuchiB, Tatsuo HasegawaA,B
Electric field dependence of anisotropic conductivity in organic semiconductor NODMS-BP
ISSP, the University of Tokyo, NAISTA
Shinya Yoshimoto, Kohtaro TakahashiA, Mitsuharu SuzukiA, Hiroko YamadaA, Kozo Mukai, and Jun Yoshinobu
Break (15:15〜15:30)
An overview of molecular doping in polymeric semiconductors
Univ. of Tokyo, JST PRESTOA
Shun WatanabeA, Ryo Fujimoto, Yu Yamashita, Masahiro Ohno, Junto Tsurumi, Jun Takeya
Coexistence of ultra-long spin lifetime and band-like transport in organic single-crystal semiconductors
J. Tsurumi, T. Kubo, T.OkamotoA, S. WatanabeA,B, J. TakeyaA
Carrier dynamics of organic-semiconductor C10-DNBDT-NW investigated by the optical pump-THz probe spectroscopy
AISTA, Dep. of Appl. Phys., Univ. of TokyoB, Dep. of Adv. Mat. Sci., Univ. of TokyoC, JST PRESTOD
T. TerashigeA, H. TaharaB, T. MiyamotoC, N. KidaC, H. OkamotoA,C, J. TsurumiC , S. WatanabeC,D, T. OkamotoC,D, J. TakeyaC
Selectivity of narrowing of PL and EL spectra of BP3T single crystals
Dept. Phys., Tohoku Univ.A, AIMR, Tohoku Univ.B
Hidekazu ShimotaniA, Thangavel KanagasekaranB, Keiichiro KasaiA, Shun OnukiA, Katsumi TanigakiA,B
Comparison of luminescence spectra of PL and EL of BP3T
Dept. Phys., Tohoku Univ.A, AIMR, Tohoku Univ.B
Shun OnukiA, Hidekazu ShimotaniA, Thangavel KanagasekaranB, Keiichiro KasaiA, Katsumi TanigakiA,B
Electron density analysis of the surfaces of [n]-phenacene single crystals
School of Eng. Sci., Osaka Univ., Dept. of Sci., Okayama Univ.A
M.Nakamura, K.Sasaki, Y.Araya, Y.Wakabayashi, Y.ShimoA, Y.KubozonoA
Structure analysis of printed 2D molecular crystal C8-DNBDT-NW
Osaka Univ., Univ. of TokyoA
H. Fujii, A. YamamuraA, J. TakeyaA, Y. Wakabayashi
Study on electronic property of Ag doped Bi2Se3 with electric-field effect
Okayama Univ.
Takaki Uchiyama, Hidenori Goto, Eri Uesugi, Xiao Miao, Tong He, Hiromi Ota, Teppei Ueno, Kaya Kobayashi, Jun Akimitsu, Yoshihiro Kubozono
Division 7
Spin liquid, Dielectric phenomena
Electric field and pressure effects on π-electron-proton coupled organic conductors k-X3(Cat-EDT-TTF)2 [X = H, D]
ISSP, The University of TokyoA, KEK PF/CMRCB
Kouki Kishimoto, Akira Ueda, Yoshiya Sunairi, Junya Yoshida, Reiji Kumai, Kensuke Kobayashi, Youichi Murakami, Hatsumi Mori
The relationship between quantum spin liquid and quantum paraelectric states in π-electron-proton coupled Cat-TTF systems
ISSP, The University of TokyoA, IMR, Tohoku UniversityB
J. KondoA, M. ShimozawaA, K. SugiiA, M. YamashitaA, A. UedaA, H. MoriA, M. KimataA,B, K. HashimotoB, S. IguchiB, T. SasakiB
Quantum lattice fluctuations in quantum paraelectric phase of DMTTF-QBrnCl4-n
Nagoya Institute of Technology, CREST
S. Ohmura, A. Takahashi
Inelastic neutron scattering study on lattice dynamics in the multiferroic organic charge-transfer salt κ-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu[N(CN)2]Cl
CROSSA, IMR Tohoku Univ.B, Goethe-UniversitatC, MPI-CPfSD
Masato MatsuuraA, Ryota KobayashiB, Megumi KurosuB, Takahiko SasakiB, Elena GatiC, Benedikt HartmannC, Jens MuellerC, Oliver StockertD, Michael LangC
Molecular motion and electronic state in \beta'-(BEDT-TTF)2ICl2
Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University
Shuhei Fukuoka, Daisuke Saegusa, Masashi Sawada, Yoshihiro Eto, Yoshihiko Ihara, and Atsushi Kawamoto
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Thermodynamic Study on charge ordered state in solid solution system EtMe3Sb[Pd1-xPtx(dmit)2]2
Graduate School of Science Osaka Univ., Faculty of Science Tokyo University of ScienceA, RIKENB
Satoshi Yamashita, Yasuhiro Nakazawa, Kohei UedaA, Reizo KatoB
Nuclear spin-spin relaxation of (Cation)[Pt(dmit)2]2
Shigeki Fujiyama and Reizo Kato
Pressure-induced metallic state of a single-component molecular crystal with a trimer structure, [Ni(ddt)2](ddt= 1,4-dithiin-2,3-dithiolato)
RIKEN, NIMSA, Oxford Univ.B
Cui HengBo, Tsumuraya Takao, Yeung HamishB, Coates ChloeB, Kato Reizo
Division 7
Molecular solids・Physical properties at high pressure
First-principles calculation about superconductivity of doped sulfur hydride Ⅱ
KYOKUGEN, Osaka Univ.
Akitaka Nakanishi, Takahiro Ishikawa, Katsuya Shimizu
First Principles Centroid Molecular Dynamics Simulation of High Pressure Ices
Takashi Ikeda
Quantum tunneling of protons in Ice VII
RIKEN, Hefei University of Technology
Toshiaki Iitaka
First-principles study on high-pressure phases of sulfur-oxygen-hydrogen system
Center for Science and Technology under Extreme Conditions, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University, Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa UniversityA
Takahiro Ishikawa, Yuki Shuto, Sumiya Tabata, Akitaka Nakanishi, Katsuya Shimizu, Tatsuki OdaA
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Electrical transport properties of aromatic hydrocarbon Mott insulator
Tohoku UniversityA, University of HyogoB, AIMR Tohoku UniversityC
Shimpei OikawaA, Satoshi HeguriA,B, Yuki MatsudaA, Quynh Thi Nhu PhanC, Katsumi TanigakiA,C
H2-contaning lithium polyhydrides synthesized under high pressure and high temperature II
Dept. of Eng. Gifu Univ., JASRI/SPring-8A, KYOKUGEN, Osaka Univ.B, Tokyo Inst. Tech.C
T. Matsuoka, K. Kuno, N. HiraoA, Y. OhishiA, M. SakataB, K. OhtaB,C, Y. NakamotoB, T. Kume, S. Sasaki, and K. ShimizuB
Chemical composition of heterogeneous molecular solid observed by field-induced translation
Graduate School Sci. Osaka Univ.
C.Uyeda, M.Hitomi, K.Hisayoshi, K.Terada
Electronic structure calculations of organic semiconductor Cd-MOF doped by redox reactions
ES, Osaka Univ.
Koichi Kusakabe