
Theoretical Nuclear Physics

21th CA Room 21aCA 9:00〜12:45

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Experimental Particle Physics,Theoretical Particle Physics,Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics Joint
Double Beta Decay (Joint Session)
Study of double beta decay with CANDLES (96) - Experiment status report -
Osaka University, RCNP
Takashi Iida
Study of double beta decay with CANDLES (97) - Evaluation of CANDLES detecter -
Osaka Univ.
Study of double beta decay with CANDLES(98) - Pulse Shape Discrimination after updated detector -
Osaka Univ.
Takaki Ohata
Study of double beta decay with CANDLES (99) - current status -
RCNP, Osaka University
Umehara, Saori
Study of double beta decay with CANDLES (100) - Installation of shielding system for (n,gamma) BG reduction -
Osaka University, RCNP
Kyohei Nakajima
Study of double beta decay with CANDLES (101) -Development of 500MHz-FADC with micro-TCA standard-
Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Tsuyoshi Maeda
The DCBA Double Beta Decay Experiment (XVIII)
Tokyo Metropolitan University
Hidekazu Kakuno
Break (10:45〜11:00)
Scintillation film study for KamLAND-Zen future plan
Tohoku Univ. RCNS
Shuhei Obara
Current status of Liquid Scintillator development for KamLAND2-Zen
Tohoku University RCNS
Tomoya OURA, for KamLAND-Zen Collaboration
Current status of light collecting Winstoncone development
Tohoku University RCNS
Ayumi Hayashi
The study of new liquid scintillator for KamLAND2-Zen and the background simulation
RCNS, Tohoku Univ.
Takahiko Hachiya for KamLAND-Zen collaboration
Development of liquid scintillator containing zirconium complex for neutrinoless double beta decay experiment VII
Miyagi Univ. of Edu, Univ. of Tokyo, Fukui Univ., Tokyo Univ. of Sci.
Y.Fukuda, Narengerile, S.Moriyama, I.Ogawa, T.Gunji, S.Tuskada
Evaluation of UV sensitive PMT and MPPC for neutrino-less double beta decay search experiment AXEL
Sci.Kyoto Univ,
Sei Ban
Performances of the prototype detector for neutrino less double beta decay search experiment : AXEL
Kyoto University
Kiseki Nakamura

21th CC Room 21aCC 9:00〜12:15

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Cluster model
!LaTeX ${9}$Be($\gamma$,n)2$\alpha$ reaction cross sections and a $1/2{+}$ virtual state in $^{9}$Be
M. Odsuren, Y. KikuchiA, T. MyoB,C, M. AikawaD, K. KatoD
Excited states of 12C nucleus studied in 3-alpha model
Hosei Univ.
Souichi Ishikawa
Cluster breaking and band structure in 12C
Matsue Coll. of Tech., Kyoto Univ.A
Tadahiro Suhara, Yoshiko Kanada-En'yoA
Study of the shell structure of 12Be based on Monte Carlo shell model
CNS, University of Tokyo, Department of Physics, University of TokyoA
Tooru Yoshida, Noritaka Shimizu, Takashi AbeA, Takaharu OtsukaA
Tensor correlation in 9,10Be and 10B with tensor-optimized shell model
Osaka Inst. Tech., Nippon Inst. Tech.A, Tokyo TechB, RCNPC, RIKEND
Takayuki Myo, Atsushi UmeyaA, Kaori HoriiB, Hiroshi TokiC, Kiyomi IkedaD
alpha-cluster exsited states in sd-shell region
Kyoto univ., Niigata univ.A
Y. Yoshida, Y. Kanada-En'yo, F. KobayashiA
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Coupled rearrangement channels calculation of the three body system under the absorbing boundary condition
Kansai Univ., RIKEN Nishina Center*
M. Iwasaki, R. Otani, M. Ito, M. Kamimura*
Nuclear electric dipole moment of 3-body systems in the Gaussian expansion method
The nuclear electric dipole moment is a very sensitive probe of CP violation beyond the standard model, and for light nuclei, it can be evaluated accurately using the few-body calculational methods.
In this work, we evaluate the electric dipole moment of 3-body nuclear systems using the Gaussian expansion method.
Triple-alpha continuum structure and Hoyle resonance using the hyperspherical slow variable description
RIKEN AICSA, RIKEN Nishina CenterB, Niigata Univ.C, Univ. Libre de BruxellesD
Hiroya SunoA,B, Yasuyuki SuzukiB,C, Pierre DescouvemontD
Breakup effects of projectile and residual nucleus on transfer reaction
RCNP, Osaka University, Department of Physics, Kyushu UniversityA
Tokuro Fukui, Kazuyuki Ogata, and Masanobu Yahiro
Comparison of four- and three-body breakup processes in 6Li elastic scattering
Kyushu University, RCNPA
Shin Watanabe, Takuma Matsumoto, Kosho MinomoA, Kazuyuki OgataA, Masanobu Yahiro
alpha-cluster superdeformed states in 35Cl
Nihon Institute of Medical Sciense

21th CD Room 21aCD 9:00〜12:30

Experimental Particle Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics Joint
Unstable Nuclei (I) (Joint Session)
In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy on 35Mg via one-neutron knockout reaction
Univ. of Tokyo,RIKEN Nishina CenterA,TU DarmstadtB,Peking Univ.C,Rikkyo Univ.D,CNS, Univ. of TokyoE,TITechF
S. Momiyama,P. DoornenbalA,H. ScheitA,B,S. TakeuchiA,N. AoiA,K. LiA,C,M. MatsushitaA,D,D. SteppenbeckA,H. WangA,C,H. BabaA,E. IdeguchiE,N. KobayashiF,Y. KondoF,J. LeeA,S. MichimasaE,T. MotobayashiA,M. TakechiA,Y. ToganoA,K. YonedaA,H. Sakurai
In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy of 78Ni
Department of Physics, the University of TokyoA,RIKEN Nishina CenterB,CEA SaclayC,INST, VietnamD,MTA AtomkiE,IPN OrsayF,University of OsloG,Center of Nuclear Study, University of TokyoH,The University of Hong KongI,TU DarmstadtJ,IPHCK,Department of Physics, Rikkyo UniversityL,Department of Physics, Tohoku UniversityM
R. TaniuchiA,H. SakuraiA,B,P. DoornenbalB,A. ObertelliC,B,H. BabaB,D. CalvetC,F. ChâteauC,L.X. ChungD,A. CorsiC,A. DelbartC,Z. DombradiE,S. FranchooF,J.-M. GhellerC,F. GiacoppoG,A. GillibertC,A. GottardoF,K. Hadynska-KlekG,T. IsobeB,Z. KorkuluE,S. KoyamaA,Y. KubotaH,V. LapouxC,J. LeeI,M. LettmannJ,H. LiuB,C. LouchartJ,R. LozevaK,K. MatsuiA,B,M. MatsushitaH,L,T. MiyazakiA,S. MomiyamaA,T. MotobayashiB,M. NiikuraA,S. NishimuraB,L. OlivierF,S. OtaH,H. OtsuB,C. PéronC,A. PeyaudC,E.C. PollaccoC,J.-Y. RousséC,E. SahinG,C. SantamariaC,B,M. SasanoB,Y. ShigaL,B,G. L. StefanF,D. SteppenbeckH,T. SumikamaM,D. SuzukiF,H. SuzukiB,S. TakeuchiB,T. UesakaB,Z. VajtaE,H. WangB,V. WernerJ,J. WuB,Z. XuI,K. YonedaB
Spectroscopy in a new Island of Inversion
Univ. of Tokyo
K. Wimmer
Investigation of the octupole correlation of neutron-rich $Z\sim56$ isotopes by ${\rm \beta}$-${\rm \gamma}$ spectroscopy
R. Yokoyama, E. IdeguchiA、G. SimpsonB、Mn. TanakaA、S. NishimuraC、P. DoornenbalC、P-A SöderströmC、G. LorussoC、Z. Y. XuD、J. WuE,C、T. SumikamaF、N. AoiA、H. BabaC、F. BelloG、F. BrowneH,C、R. DaidoI、Y. FangI、N. FukudaC、G. GeyB,J、S. Go、S. InabeC、T. IsobeC、D. KamedaC、K. KobayashiK、M. Kobayashi、T. KomatsubaraL、T. KuboC、I. KutiM、Z. LiE、M. Matsushita、S. Michimasa、C.-B. MoonN、H. NishibataI、I. NishizukaF、A. OdaharaI、Z. PatelO,C、S. RiceO,C、SahinG、L. SinclairP,C、H. SuzukiC、H. TakedaC、J. TaproggeQ、E. Z. VajtaM、H. WatanabeR、A. YagiI
!LaTeX$\beta-\gamma$ spectroscopy of neutron-rich Z~60 isotopes
RCNP, Osaka University,LPSC, Universite Grenoble-Alpes, CNRS/IN2P3A,CNS, The University of TokyoB,RIKENC,University of OsloD,The University of BrightonE,Department of Physics, Osaka UniversityF,ILL, Grenoble CedexG,Department of Physics, Rikkyo UniversityH,University of TsukubaI,MTA AtomkiJ,Peking UniversityK,Hoseo UniversityL,Department of Physics, Tohoku UniversityM,The University of SurreyN,University of YorkO,Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSICP,Universidad Autonoma de MadridQ,Beihang UniversityR,Department of Physics, The University of TokyoS
Mn. Tanaka,E. Ideguchi,G. SimpsonA,R. YokoyamaB,S. NishimuraC,P. DoornenbalC,G. LorussoC,P.-A. SoderstromC,Z. XuS,J. Wu{C,K},N. Aoi,H. BabaC,F. BelloD,F. Browne{C,E},R. DaidoF,Y. FangF,N. FukudaC,G. Gey{A,C,G},S. Go{B,C},N. InabeC,T. IsobeC,D. KamedaC,K. KobayashiH,M. KobayashiB,T. KomatsubaraI,T. KuboC,I. KutiJ,Z. LiK,M. MatsushitaB,S. MichimasaB,C.-B. MoonL,H. NishibataF,I. NishizukaM
A. OdaharaF,Z. Patel{C,N},S. RiceN,E. SahinD,L. Sinclair{C,O},T. SumikamaM,H. SuzukiC,H. TakedaC,J. Taprogge{P,Q},Zs. VajtaJ,H. WatanabeR,A. YagiF
Low-lying 2+ states generated by pn-quadrupole correlation and N=28 shell quenching
Shuichiro Ebata, Masaaki KimuraA
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Mean-field calculations with deformation using Semi-realistic effective interaction for N=20,28 nuclei
Department of Physics,Chiba University
Suzuki Yuka, Nakada Hitoshi
Width of quasi-particle resonance in neutron drip-line nuclei and mechanism of its pairing dependence
Niigata University
Yoshihiko Kobayashi, Masayuki Matsuo
Precise branching-ratio measurement for the superallowed beta emitter 34Ar II
Tokyo Univ. Sci., Osaka Univ.A, RCNPB, Niigata Univ.C, RIKEN Nishina CenterD, RI Center Niigata Univ.E, NIRSF
D. Nishimura, S. Kinno, Y. Taguchi, J. Chiba, M. FukudaA, Y. FujitaB, K. AbeC, H. BabaD, S. FukudaF, A. HommaC, H. Hotaka,Y. IchikawaD, T. IzumikawaE, S. KambeA, N. KikukawaC, A. KitagawaF, T. Kojima, W. Kojima, S. Koura, B. LiuB, K. MatsutaA, M. MiharaA, A. Mizukami, D. MurookaC, Y. MoritaA, M. NagashimaC, J. OhnoA, T. OhtsuboC, S. SuzukiF, S. SatoF, M. TanakaA, K. TashiroC, M. WakabayashiA, D. Watanabe, K. Yoshinaga, and Y. Zhu
Study of neutron-rich 31Mg by spin-polarized radioactive 31 Na beam
Department of physics Physics, Osaka University, TRIUMFA
H. Nishibata, T. Shimoda, A. Odahara, S. Morimoto, S. Yoshida, A. Yagi, H. Kanaoka, T. Kawamura, A. Nakahashi, T. Fujiwara, T. Yoshizumi, M. PearsonA, C. D. P. LevyA
Polarization and magnetic moment measurement of neutron-rich sulfur isotope
RNC,Tokyo TechA,Tsukuba UnivB,Meiji UnivC,Osaka UnivD,Tokyo Gakugei UnivE,Hosei UnivF,Tokyo Metropolitan UnivG
Yuichi OhtomoA,Yuichi Ichikawa,Youko IshibashiB,Takahiro SuzukiA,Hideki Ueno,Kei ImamuraC,Tomomi FujitaD,MIki HayasakaE,Taiki TominagaF,Miki MatsumotoE,Kai EgamiF,Takeshi FurukawaG,Tomoya SatoA,Yu SakamotoA,Shuichiro KojimaA,Chikako FunayamaA,Yuki KannoA,Chika HiraoA,Taro KomineA,Koichiro AsahiA
Experimental plan for resonant scattering of 9C off polarized proton at 5.6 MeV/A
RIKEN Nishina Center,Kyushu Univ.A,CNS Univ. of TokyoB
Evgeniy Milman,Tomohiro Uesaka,Tomomi Kawahara,Kenichiro Tateishi,Satoshi SakaguchiA,Takashi TeranishiA,Nobuaki ImaiB
SCRIT Electron Spectrometer - momentum resolution and acceptance
Tohoku University ELPH,rikenA,Rikkyo UniversityB
Tsuru Teruaki,Ichikawa ShinichiA,Enokizono AkitomoB,Onishi TetsuyaA,Kurita KazuyoshiB,Suda Toshimi,Tamae Tadaaki,Tsukada Kyo,Togasaki MamoruB,Hori ToshimasaA,Hara MasahiroA,Matsuo SakiB,Matsuda Kazue,Moriya Yosuke,Yoneyama Syunpei,Wakasugi MasanoriA

21th CA Room 21pCA 13:30〜17:30

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics
Tutorial lecture (Joint Session)
Neutron Star and Nuclear Physics
Dep. of Phys. Tohoku Univ.
Hirokazu Tamura
Break (14:20〜14:30)
Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Lecture of the Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan
Introduction on the Award and Selection Process (Division of Experimental Nuclear Physics)
Dep. of Phys., Univ. of Tokyo
Ryugo Hayano
Probing effect of tensor interactions in 16O via (p,d) reaction
RCNP, Osaka Univ.
Hooi Jin ONG
Hyperfine structure constant of the neutron halo nucleus 11Be+
Dep. of Phys., Aoyama Gakuin Univ.
Aiko Takamine
Break (15:40〜15:50)
Introduction on the Award and Selection Process (Division of Theoreticall Nuclear Physics)
Shunzo Kumano
Theory of Open Quantum System for Heavy Quarkonia in Thermal Medium
KMI, Nagoya Univ.
Yukinao Akamatsu
Developments of Canonical-basis Time-dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Theory
Meme Media Laboratory, Hokkaido Univ.
Shuichiro Ebata

21th CB Room 21pCB 13:30〜16:30

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Weak interaction, nuclear reaction
Double-beta decay of 48Ca based on shell model calculations II
School of Science, The University of TokyoA,
Japan Atomic Energy AgencyB,
Center for Mathematical Sciences, University of AizuC
Yoritaka IwataA, Noritaka ShimizuA, Yutaka UtsunoB, Michio HonmaC, Takashi AbeA, Takaharu OtsukaA
!Latex$\mu + e- \rightarrow e- + e^-$ decay and charged lepton flavor violation in muonic atoms
Osaka Univ.,Saitama Univ.A,Utsunomiya Univ.B,Nagoya Univ.C
Yuichi Uesaka,Joe SatoA,Masafumi KoikeB,Masato YamanakaC,Yoshitaka Kuno,Toru Sato
Neutrino induced 4He breakup reaction
Osaka Univ., Hokkaido Univ.A, Niigata Univ.B, RIKEN Nishina CenterC
Tomoya Murata, Wataru HoriuchiA, Yasuyuki SuzukiB,C, Toru Sato
Neutrino interactions in resonance region
Department of Physics, Osaka University, RCNP, Osaka UniversityA, Argonne National LaboratoryB
Satoshi Nakamura, Hiroyuki KamanoA, Toru Sato, Harry LeeB
Effects of high-density symmetry energy in heavy-ion collisions
Tohoku UniversityA, YITPB
Akira OnoA, Natsumi IkenoA,B
Analysis of pion production in heavy-ion collisions by a transport model
Tohoku UniversityA,YITPB,Akita International UniversityC
Natsumi IkenoA,B,Akira OnoA,Yasushi NaraC,Akira OhnishiB
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Fission properties of trans-Bk nuclei with
Langevin approach
Yoshihiro Aritomo, Daisuke Hosoda, Satoshi Chiba, Katsuhisa NishioA
Microscopic analysis of fusion hindrance in heavy systems
RIKEN Nishina Center
Kouhei Washiyama
Analysis of the TDHF wave function after nucleon transfer reactions II
U. Tsukuba (Physics)A,U. Tsukuba (CCS)B
Kazuyuki SekizawaA,Kazuhiro YabanaA,B
Analysis of Charge Changing Cross Sections Including Cascade Decay
Department of Physics, Tohoku University
Tomohide Akaishi
Proton elastic scattering for deformed nuclei with Glauber theory
Hokkaido University
Shinya Hatakeyama

21th CC Room 21pCC 14:45〜16:30

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics Joint
Meson Productions and Hadron Structure (Joint Session)
Search for η’ mesic nuclei by spectroscopy of (p,d) reaction
The University of Tokyo, Osaka University RCNPA, University Santiago de CompostelaB, University GiessenC, Kyoto UniversityD, GSIE, University of GroningenF, Beihang UniversityG, Nara Women’s UniversityH, KEKI, Tohoku UniversityJ, Kyoto University YITPK, RIKEN Nishina CenterL, Tokyo Metropolitan UniversityM, Saint Mary's UniversityN, Comenius University BratislavaO, Stefan Meyer InstituteP, Niigata UniversityQ
Yoshiki K. Tanaka, Yassid AyyadA, Jose BenlliureB, Kai-Thomas BrinkmannC, Stefan FriedrichC, Hiroyuki FujiokaD, Hans GeisselC, E, Jnaneswari GellankiF, Chenlei GuoG, Eric GutzC, Emma HaettnerE, Muhsin N. HarakehF, Ryugo S. Hayano, Yuko HigashiH, Satoru HirenzakiH, Christine HornungC, Yoichi IgarashiI, Natsumi IkenoJ, K, Kenta ItahashiL, Masahiko IwasakiL, Daisuke JidoM, Nasser Kalantar NayestanakiF, Rituparna KanungoN, Ronja KnoebelC, E, Nikolaus KurzE, Volker MetagC, Ivan MukhaE, Tomofumi NagaeD, Hideko NagahiroH, Mariana NanovaC, Takahiro Nishi, Hooi Jin OngA, Stephane PietriE, Andrej ProchazkaE, Christophe RappoldE, Moritz P. ReiterE, Jose Luis Rodriguez SanchezB, Christoph ScheidenbergerC, E, Haik SimonE, Branislav SitarO, Peter StrmenO, Baohua SunG, Ken SuzukiP, Imrich SzarkaO, Maya TakechiQ, Isao TanihataA, G, Satoru TerashimaG, Yuni N. Watanabe, Helmut WeickE, Eberhard WidmannP, John S. Winfi eldE, Xiaodong XuE, Hiroki YamakamiD, Jianwei ZhaoG
Formation of eta(958)mesic nucleus by two-nucleon transfer reaction
Nara Women's Univ., Tohoku Univ.A, YITP Kyoto Univ.B
M. Miyatani, N. IkenoA,B, H. Nagahiro, S. Hirenzaki
feasibility study on precise spectroscopy of pionic atoms at RCNP
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
Hiroyuki Fujioka
Interference between Phi and Lambda(1520)
near the Photoproduction Threshold
Research Center for Nuclear Physics , Osaka University
Sun Young Ryu
In-medium properties of Φ meson and observables
Nara Women's Univ., RCNP Osaka Univ.A
S. Tokunaga, J. Yamagata-Sekihara, H. Nagahiro, S. Hirenzaki
Search for double charm production in e+e- collisions at Belle
Nagoya University, KMI, Nagoya UniversityA
Oksu Seon, Toru IijimaA, Yuji KatoA
Formation spectrum of !LaTeX${\bar D}$-nucleus systems produced by !LaTeX${\bar p}$ beam
RCNP, Osaka Univ., Valencia Univ.A
J. Yamagata-Sekihara, J. Nieves

22th BD Room 22aBD 9:15〜10:15

Division 8,Division 3,Division 5,Theoretical Particle Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Magnetic Skyrmion

22th CA Room 22aCA 9:00〜12:15

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Experimental Particle Physics Joint Symposium
Study of fundamental degrees of freedom for hadrons in the variety of research platforms
RCNP, Osaka Univ.
Takashi Nakano
Prospect of hadron physics at Belle II experiment
Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Nara Women's Univ.
Kenkichi Miyabayashi
Hadron physics with the high intensity photon beam at SPring-8
ELPH, Tohoku Univ.
Norihito Muramatsu
High energy heavy ion collisions and fundamental structures of hadrons
Dep. of Phys. Hiroshima Univ.
Kenta Shigaki
Break (10:50〜11:05)
Studies of hadron dynamics with high-momentum beams at J-PARC
RCNP, Osaka Univ.
Hiroyuki Noumi
Which degrees of freedom are dominant in excited hadrons?
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Makoto Oka

22th CB Room 22aCB 9:00〜12:30

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
High intensity fields, medium effects
Hybrid chiral condensate in the external magnetic field
Kyoto Univ.
Kazuya Nishiyama, Shintaro Karasawa, Ryo Yoshiike, Toshitaka Tatsumi
Relativistic field theoy in rotating frames
Department of Physics, University of Tokyo
Kazuya Mameda
Photon splitting in strong magnetic fields
RIKEN Nishina Center, RBRC, KEKA
Koichi Hattori, Kazunori ItakuraA
Matter effects of photon birefringence in strong magnetic fields
KEK Theory Center, RIKEN-BNL
Kazunori Itakura, Koichi Hattori
Hadron Masses in Strong Magnetic Fields
the Univ. of Tokyo
Hidetoshi Taya
Realization of the Schwinger effect in a strongly correlated insulator and comparison with studies based on gauge/gravity duality
U-Tokyo, Osaka-UA, Osaka City-UB, KeioC
Takashi Oka, Koji HashimotoA, Shunichiro KinoshitaB, Keiju MurataC
Break (10:30〜10:45)
D, D* mesons and D0*, D1 mesons mass on the Skyrmion Crystal
Department of Physics, Nagoya university,
Jilin universityA
Daiki Suenaga, Bing-Rang. He, Masayasu Harada, Yong-Liang. MaA
The scalar meson effects in skyrmion model
Dept. of Phys. Nagoya Univ.A, Dept. of Phys. Jilin Univ.B
B-R. HeA, M. HaradaA and Y-L. MaB
The mixing angle between \eta-\pi^0 and \eta->3\pi decay width in the nuclear medium
Kyoto University
Shuntaro Sakai, Teiji Kunihiro
Effective restoration of U_A(1) symmetry in meson screening masses
Kyushu University, Saga UniversityA
Masahiro Ishii, Koji Yonemura, Junichi Takahashi, Hiroaki KounoA, Masanobu Yahiro
Kondo effect in quark matter at low temperature and high density
Tokyo Tech, RIKEN NIishina CenterA, RIKEN BNLA, KEK Theory CenterB
S. Yasui, K. HattoriA, K. ItakuraB, S. OzakiB
Study of Asymmetric Nuclear Matter with Parity Doublet Model extended by Hidden Local Symmetry
Nagoya Univ.
Yuichi Motohiro, Masayasu Harada
Delay of the pion condensation in the asymmetric nuclear matter
Nagoya Univ.
Hiroki Nishihara and Masayasu Harada

22th CD Room 22aCD 9:00〜12:30

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics Joint
Unstable Nuclei (II) (Joint Session)
Study of tetra-neutron system via exothermic double-charge exchange reaction 4He(8He,8Be)4n
CNS, the University of Tokyo
Keiichi Kisamori
Spectroscopy of 23F by (p,2p) quasi-free knockout experiment.
RCNP,Osaka Univ.,CNS,The Univ. of TokyoA,Toho Univ.B,CYRIC,Tohoku Univ.C,Kyungpook Nat’l. Univ.D,RIKEN Nishina CenterE,Kyushu Univ.F,Univ. of MiyazakiG,Inst. de physique nucleaire d’OrsayH,CEA OrsayI,Oak Ridge Nat’l. Lab.J,ICN,Univ. Nacional Autónoma de MéxicoK
T. L. Tang,S. KawaseA,Y. KubotaA,H. TokiedaA,K. YakoA,T. FujiiA,S. MichimasaA,K. KisamoriA,M. TakakiA,H. MiyaA,C.S. LeeA,R. YokoyamaA,M. KobayashiA,S. OtaA,S. ShimouraA,T. KawaharaB,T. WakuiC,W. KimD,S.S. StepanyanD,S.H. HwangD,J. ZenihiroD,H. MatsubaraE,M. DozonoE,H. TakedaE,K. KusakaE,N. FukudaE,D. KamedaE,H. SuzukiE,M. SasanoE,T. UesakaE,S. SakaguchiF,T. WakasaF,J. YasudaF,T. FukunagaF,T. NoroF,Y. MaedaG,D. BeaumelH,A. ObertelliI,A. Galindo-UribarriJ,E. Padilla-RodalK
Search for cluster level in 16C
Univ. of Tokyo、RIKEN Nishina CenterA、Tohoku Univ.B、Konan Univ.C、Seoul Univ.D、Tokyo TechE、Kyoto Univ.F、LPC CAENG、Peking Univ.H、Univ. of Hong KongI、KurchatovJ、Kyushu UnivK、IPN OrsayL
S. Koyama、H. OtsuA、Y. ShimizuA、K. YonedaA、H. SatoA、T. MotobayashiA、M. NishimuraA、J. ZenihiroA、H. SakuraiA、S. TakeuchiA、T. IsobeA、H. BabaA、K. KusakaA、J. OnishiA、M. SasanoA、P. DoornenbalA、N. FukudaA、T. KobayashiB、T. SumikamaB、Y. MatsudaC、Y. SatoD、J. HwangD、 Y. KondoE、T. NakamuraE、Y. ToganoE、R. MinakataE、S. OgoshiE、T. MurakamiF、N. NakatsukaF、J. GibelinG、L. SylvainG、M. Niikura、N. Kobayashi、H. LiuH、J. LeeI、E. NikolskiiJ、S. SakaguchiK、D. BeaumelL
Study of nucleon momentum distribution inside a nucleus via one-nucleon pick-up reactions
Osaka Univ., Saitama Univ.A, Tokyo Univ. Sci.B, Niigata Univ.C, Niigata Univ. RID, NIRSE
M. Fukuda, N. TadanoA, S. Yamaoka, M. Tanaka, J. Ohno, R. Kanbe, M. Mihara, K. Matsuta, J. Shimaya, Y. Tanaka, Du Hang, T. SuzukiA, T. YamaguchiA, Y. TakeuchiA, S. MiuraA, D. NishimuraB, J. NagumoB, Y. KankeB, H. OikawaB, N. KambaraB, T. OhtsuboC, M. TakechiC, D. MurookaC, T. IzumikawaD, S. SuzukiE, S. SatoE, S. FukudaE, A. KitagawaE
Study of two neutron momentum correlation via (p,pn) reaction on Borromean nuclei
CNS University of Tokyo, RIKEN Nishina CenterA, CEA SaclayB, Tohoku UniversityC, Tokyo Institute of TechnologyD, Kyushu UniversityE, University of TokyoF, MTA ATOMKIG, TU MunichH, Osaka UniversityI, IPN OrsayJ, IPN CAENK, Peking UniversityL, Miyazaki UniversityM
Yuki Kubota, Anna CorsiB, Alexandre ObertelliB, Clementine SantamariaB, Emanuel PollaccoB, Tomohiro UesakaA, Masaki SasanoA, Juzo ZenihiroA, Masanori Dozono, Shinsuke Ota, Hiroshi Tokieda, Shoichiro Kawase, Tang Tsz LeungI, Motonobu Takaki, Keiichi Kisamori, CheongSoo Lee, Kentaro Yako, Motoki Kobayashi, Toshio KobayashiC, Kunihiro HasegawaC, Takashi NakamuraE, Yosuke KondoE, Yasuhiro ToganoE, Mizuki ShikataE, Junichi TsubotaE, Atsumi SaitoE, Kenichiro YonedaA, Hiromi SatoA, Hideaki OtsuA, Yohei ShimizuA, Tohru MotobayashiA, Pieter DoornenbalA, Hidetada BabaA, TadaAki IsobeA, Hirofumi Matsushita, Jumpei YasudaE, Satoshi SakaguchiE, Nobuyuki KobayashiF, Valerie LapouxB, Alain GillibertB, Masami SakoA, Yusuke ShindoE, Munemi TabataE, Ayaka OhkuraE, Laszlo StuhlA, Zeren KorkuluG, Yu Kiyokawa, Freddy FlavignyJ, Julien GibelinK, Nigel OrrK, Marques MiguelK, Zaihong YangL, Yoshihisa KanayaM, Shunsuke KawakamiM
Dineutron correlation via neutron knockout reaction of halo nuclei
Yuma Kikuchi, Kazuyuki OgataA
Break (10:30〜10:45)
The asymmetry in Recoil momentum distribution of (p,pN) reaction
RCNP, Osaka University
Kazuki Yoshida, Kosho Minomo, Kazuyuki Ogata
Rod-shaped nuclei at extreme spin and isopin in C isotopes
YITP, Peking Univ.A
Naoyuki Itagaki, Pengwei ZhaoA, Jie MengA
Dineutron enhancement and suppression depending on core structure
Niigata Univ.
Fumiharu Kobayashi
alpha cluster structures in 19Ne
Kansai Univ.
R. Otani, M. Iwasaki, and M. Ito
Systematic study of linear-chain clustering structure in carbon isotopes
Department of Physics, Hokkaido University
T. Baba, Y. Chiba, and M. Kimura
Coulomb shift and Monopole transition in the 10Be and 10C nuclei
Kansai Univ.
Makoto Ito
Calculation of 20O + 20O by using Gogny-TDHFB with Lagrange mesh
Center of Computational Physics
Yukio Hashimoto

22th DC Room 22aDC 9:00〜9:35

Theoretical Particle Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics
Award Lecture of the 9th Seitaro Nakamura Prize, Award Memorial Lecture of Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan
Award Giving Ceremony of Seitaro Nakamura Prize
Michiji Konuma
Extragalactic radio bursts and their cosmological applications
Max Planck Institute for Physics
Susumu Inoue

22th CA Room 22pCA 13:30〜16:50

Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Experimental Nuclear Physics Joint Symposium
Heavy quark production in high energy collisions: Japan-Korea exchange program
Sophia Univ.
Tetsufumi Hirano
Heavy flavour observables at ALICE
Inha University, Korea
Min Jung Kwoen
The recent heavy quark result from CMS heavy ion collisions
Korea University, Korea
Kim Yong Sun
Heavy quark production at RHIC
RIKEN, Radiation Lab.
Hachiya Takashi
Break (15:05〜15:20)
Charmonium production in heavy ion collisions
Kangwon National University, Korea
Cho Sungtae
Charmed hadron spectroscopy at Belle
Nagoya Univ.
Kato Yuji
Hadron and Nuclear Systems with Heavy Quark
Tokyo Tech
Yasui Shigehiro

22th CB Room 22pCB 13:30〜17:15

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Lattice QCD, hadron structure and interactions
Three-quark potential from lattice QCD
Numazu College of Technology,Nihon UniversityA
Yoshiaki Koma,Miho KomaA
Three-quark potential in the dual Ginzburg-Landau theory
Nihon University, Numazu College of TechnologyA
Miho Koma, Yoshiaki KomaA
Perfect Abelian dominance of quark confinement in SU(3) lattice QCD
Theoretical Research Division, Nishina Center, RIKEN, JapanA,
Department of Physics, Kyoto University, Japan B
Naoyuki SakumichiA, Hideo SuganumaB
The study of four-quark states for the iso-singlet scalar meson from lattice QCD
Nagoya Univ., Kyoto Univ.A, Matsumoto Univ.B, Hiroshima Univ.C, Kokushikan Univ.D
Masayuki Wakayama, Teiji KunihiroA, Shin MuroyaB, Atsushi NakamuraC, Chiho Nonaka, Motoo SekiguchiD, Hiroaki WadaD
Scalar mixing between two-quark and glueball states from holographic correspondence
Nagoya Univ.
Yamaguchi Takashi
Hadron mass scaling near the s-wave threshold
Tetsuo Hyodo
Structure of Lambda(1405) and construction of antikaon-nucleon potential based on chiral unitary approach
Kyoto univ., YITPA
Kenta Miyahara, Tetsuo HyodoA
Break (15:15〜15:30)
Structure of Zc(3900) in lattice QCD
RIKEN Nishina Center
Yoichi Ikeda
Heavy baryon with constituent quark model
Tokyo techA,RCNPB,RikenC
Yoshida TetsuyaA,C,Makoto OkaA,Aatsushi HosakaB,Emiko HiyamaC
!Latex$\Omega_{bcc}$ energy spectrum in the Y-string three-body confinement potential
Tokyo Tech
Seijiro NIshi
Heavy quark spin symmetry from gauge/gravity dual
RIKEN Nishina CenterA, Osaka univ.B
Yasuhiro YamaguchiA,Noriaki OgawaA,Koji HashimotoA,B
Electromagnetic Form Factors and Structure of Singly and Doubly Charmed Baryons
Tokyo Inst. of Tech.A,Ozyegin Univ.B,Gunma Nat’l. Collage of Tech.C
Kadir Utku CanA,Guray ErkolB,Bora IsildakB,Makoto OkaA,Toru TakahashiC
Pion induced charmed baryon productions in
Regge and Effective Lagrangian approaches
RCNP, Inha UniversityA
Sangho Kim, Atsushi Hosaka, Hyun-Chul KimA
Semi-leptonic B decays into the Ds0(2317) and D0(2400) resonances
RCNP, Osaka Univ.,Sao Paulo Univ.A,IFIC, Valencia Univ.B
T. Sekihara,F. S. NavarraA,M. NielsenA,E. OsetB

22th CD Room 22pCD 13:30〜16:30

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics Joint
Unstable Nuclei (III) (Joint Session)
Interaction Cross section of Neutron-rich 19B
Tokyo tech, LPC-ENSICAENA, TU DarmstadtB, RIKENC, Seoul National universityD, Tohoku universityE, Rikkyo universtyF, Kyoto universityG, GANILH, EMMI GSII, Univ. of YorkJ
A.Saito,Y.Kondo,T.Nakamura,N.L.AchouriA,T.AumannB,H.Baba C,F.DelaunayA,P.DoornenbalC,N.FukudaC,J.GibelinA,J.HuangD,N.InabeC,T.IsobeC,D.KamedaC,D.Kanno,S.KimD,N.Kobayashi,T.KobayashiE,T.KuboC,S.LeblondA,J.LeeC,M.MarquesA,R.Minakata,T.MotobayashiC,D.MurakamiF,T.MurakamiG,K.MutouE,T.Nakashima,N.NakatsukaG,A.NavinH,S.Nishi,S.Ogoshi,N.AndrewOrrA,H.OtsuC,H.Sato C,Y.SatoD,Y.ShimizuC,H.SuzukiC,K.TakahashiE,H.TakedaC,S.TakeuchiC,R.Tanaka,Y.ToganoI,A.G.TuffJ,M.VandebrouckA, K.YonedaC
Reaction cross sections of !LaTeX${19,20,22}C
TITECH, RIKEN Nishina CenterA, Tohoku Univ.B, LPC-ENSICAENC, Seoul National Univ.D, Kyoto Univ.E, GANILF, Univ. of YorkG, Rikkyo Univ.H,GSII
Y. Togano, R. Minakata, S. Ogoshi, T. Nakamura, T. IsobeA, N. InabeA, H.OtsuA, D. KamedaA, D. Kanno, T. KuboA, T. KobayashiB, N. Kobayashi, Y. Kondo, H. SatoA, Y. SatouD, Y. ShimizuA, H. SuzukiA, K. TakahashiB, S. TakeuchiA, H. TakedaA, R. Tanaka, T. Nakashima, N. NakatsukaE, S. Nishi, N. FukudaA, H. BabaA, R. Minakata, K.MutoB, D. MuraiH, T. MurakamiE, T. MotobayashiA, K. YonedaA, N. L. Achouri C, A. G. TuffG, T. AumannI, F. DelaunayC, J. GibelinC, J. HwangD, S. KimD, J. LeeA, M. MarquesC, A.NavinF, N. A. OrrC,P. DoornenbalA, S. LeblondC, M. VandebrouckC
Determination of Proton Distribution Radii of neutron-rich carbon isotopes via charge changing cross section measurement
RCNP Osaka Univ., IOPA, Beihang Univ.B, Department of Physics, Osaka Univ.C
Tran Dinh Trong, Nguyen Tran ThoA, Tanihata IsaoB, Ong Hooi Jin, Aoi Nori, Fukuda MitsunoriC, Le Hong KhiemA, Inoue Azusa, Sakaguchi Harutaka, Tanaka Junki, Terashima SatoruB
Study of charge-changing reactions of proton-rich Si, Cl and Ar at 300 MeV/u
Univ. of Tsukuba, Saitama Univ, Tokyo Univ. of Science, RIKEN, HIMAC
K. Sawahata, A. Ozawa, D. Nagae, Y. Ishibashi, Y. Abe, N. Inaba, S. Okada, Y. Saitou, Y. Ichikawa, K. Suzuki, T. Yamaguchi, S. Matsunaga, Y. Takeuchi, T. Nishimura, J. Zenihiro, A. Kitagawa, S. Satou
2 neutron removal cross section for ${8}$He and its nuclear structure
Osaka Univ., Tokyo Univ. Sci.A, Niigata Univ.B,D, NIRSC, Saitama Univ.E
M. Tanaka, M. Fukuda, D. NishimuraA, M. TakechiB, S. SuzukiC, M. Mihara, K. Matsuta, J. Ohno, Y. Morita, Y. Kamisyo, R. Kanbe, S. Yamaoka, K. Watanabe, T. OhtsuboB, T. IzumikawaD, M. NagashimaB, A. HonmaB, D. MurookaB, T. SuzukiE, T. YamaguchiE, J. KohnoE, S. YamakiE, T. MatsunagaE, S. KinnoA, Y.TaguchiA, A. KitagawaB, S. FukudaB, and S. SatoB
Study of nuclear structure in carbon isotopes beyond the proton drip-line via missing mass spectroscopy
Univ. Tokyo,RIKEN NCA,Rikkyo Univ.B,Seoul N. Univ.C,NRC KurchatovD,FLNR JINRE,Stellenbosch Univ.F,RCNPG,TU MunchenH,IPN OrsayI,Kyushu Univ.J
T. Miyazaki,H. OtsuA,E. Yu. NikolskiiA,D,Y. ShigaA,B,M. Kurata-NishimuraA,S. TakeuchiA,Y. SatouC,M. KurokawaA,H. BabaA,G. LorussoA,T. IsobeA,M. Niikura,E. A. KuzminD,A,A. A. KorsheninnikovD,A,A. A. OgloblinD,A,S. A. KrupkoE,M. S. GolovkovE,A. A. BezbakhE,R. S. SlepnevE,A. S. FomichevE,S. I. SidorchukE,A. V. GorshkovE,A. G. KnyazevE,P. PapkaF,H.J.OngG,S. KimC,J. W. HwangC,S. ChoiC,H. ChaeC,E. KimC,Y. H. KimC,D. LubosA,H,D. BeaumelA,I,P. A. SoederstroemA,S. SakaguchiJ,S. KubonoA,A. K. PerrevoortA,E. MilmanA,S.ChebotaryovA,W. PowellA,T. MotobayashiA,K. YonedaA,H. SakuraiA
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Angular averaging for total reaction cross section of reactions involving deformed nuclei
RIKEN Nishina Cen., Kochi Univ.A, Aichi-Shukutoku Univ.B, JAEAC
A. Kohama, K. IidaA, K. OyamatsuB, and H. KouraC
Study of halo structure with even-odd deviation of reaction cross sections
Kyushu Univ.
Takuma Matsumoto, Masanobu Yahiro
Explicit treatment of the quasi deuteron model in the core nucleus
Kitami Institute of Technology, Hokkaido UniversityA,RIKENB
Hirohashi Masui, Kiyoshi KatoA, Kiyomi IkedaB
N dependence of proton radii of Be, B, and C isotopes
Kyoto Univ.
Yoshiko Kanada-En'yo
Determination of halo structure by high-energy proton scattering
Kyushu University, Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka UniversityA
S. Sasabe, T. Matsumoto, K. MinomoA, M. Yahiro

22th DB Room 22pDB 13:30〜17:10

Experimental Particle Physics,Theoretical Particle Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Experimental Nuclear Physics,Division 1 Joint Symposium
Fundamental physics using lights and atoms
Explanation of the symposium 
Tohoku University, CYRIC
SAKEMI, Yasuhiro
Neutrino spectroscopy with atoms — present and future
Research Core for Extreme Quantum World, Okayama University
Noboru SASAO
Inspecting the vacuum with light
ICEPP, Univ.Tokyo
Toshio NAMBA
Search for temporal variation of funfamental constants by precision measurement of transition frequencies
Graduate School of Electronic Science and Engineering, Kyoto University
Kazuhiko Sugiyama
Break (15:15〜15:30)
Probing the TeV scale and beyond with EDMs
Nagoya University
Junji Hisano
EDMs: Experimental status
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Koichiro Asahi
Studying fundamental symmetries using photons and antiparticles
Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo
Ryugo Hayano

23th CA Room 23pCA 13:30〜17:20

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Beam Physics Joint Symposium
Future direction of gamma-ray spectroscopy
Opening Address
Eiji Ideguchi
Gamma-ray spectroscopy of hyper nuclei using a (K-,pi-) reaction at J-PARC
Tohoku Univ.
Takeshi Koike
Perspectives of gamma-ray spectroscopy of fast exotic beams at the RIBF
Pieter Doornenbal
gamma-ray spectroscopy using high spin isomer target
Nobuaki Imai
Decay spectroscopy at RIBF
Beihang Univ.
Hiroshi Watanabe
Break (15:35〜15:50)
X-ray and gamma-ray spectroscopy with a DC muon beam
Osaka Univ.
Akira Sato
gamma-ray spectroscopy at J-PARC ANNRI and its perspective
Yosuke Toh
Development of tracking Ge detector at RCNP
Nori Aoi

23th CB Room 23pCB 13:30〜17:15

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Neutron star
Maximum-mass of neutron stars with quark degrees of freedom -- phenomenological approach --
Nishina Center, RIKEN ; Dep.of Phys., Univ.of TokyoA
Effects of Magnetic Field and Rotation on 3P2 Superfluidity
The University of TokyoA,RIKENB,Department of Physics at Hiyoshi, and Research and Education Center for Natural Sciences, Keio UniversityC
Kota MasudaA,B, Muneto NittaC
Effects of Magnetic Field and Rotation on 3P2 Superfluidity (II)
The University of TokyoA,RIKENB,Department of Physics at Hiyoshi, and Research and Education Center for Natural Sciences, Keio UniversityC
Kota MasudaA,B, Muneto NittaC
Multi-dimensional Features of Neutrino Transfer in Core-Collapse Supernovae
Numazu CT, RIKEN, KEK, Waseda U.
K. Sumiyoshi, T. Takiwaki, H. Matsufuru and S. Yamada
Ejection of neutron-rich matter in mergers of compact-star binary
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeA
Yuichiro Sekiguchi, Kenta Kiuchi, Koutarou KyutokuA, Masaru Shibata
The influence of a NS crust EoS on a NS radius
Research Lab. of Nucl. Reactor, Tokyo Tech.,Sci. and Tech. TUSA,YITP, Kyoto Univ.B
Chikako Ishizuka,Ken'ichiro NakazatoA,Akira OhnishiB
Statistical methods to constraints on the EOS of neutron-star
Gifu University
NGO QUANG THIN,Shinmura Shoji
Break (15:15〜15:30)
Mass and Radius of Deformed neutron stars due to strong magnetic fields
Saitama univ.
Kota Yanase, Naotaka Yoshinaga
A Chiral Asymmetry Model for Magnetar
Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.,Nihon Univ.
Naoki Onishi, Tomoyuki Maruyama
Effects of isovector potential on NS EOS to hyperon appearances
Osaka Electro-Communication Univ.,YITPA
Kohsuke Tsubakihara,Akira OhnishiA,Toru Harada
Coexistence of kaon condensation and hyperons and consistency with neutron star observations II
Chiba Institute of Technology, JAEAA, Kyoto UniversityB
Takumi Muto, Toshiki MaruyamaA, Toshitaka TatsumiB
Dark matter thermalization problem in neutron stars
Saga Univ., RIKEN Nishina Center
Motoi Tachibana and Tetsuo Hatsuda
Phenomenological QCD equation of state for massive hybrid stars
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Toru Kojo, Philip Powell, Yifan Song, Gordon Baym
Conversion of Neutron Stars to Strange Quark Stars
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Shun Furusawa

23th CC Room 23pCC 14:30〜16:30

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Experimental Particle Physics,Theoretical Particle Physics,Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics Joint
Dark Matter Search (I) (Joint Session)
PICO-LON project for dark matter search
Tokushima Univ.A, RCNP Osaka Univ.B, Osaka Sangyo Univ.C, IPMU Tokyo Univ.D, RCNS Tohoku Univ.E, I.S.C.Lab.F
Low-BG measurement with a high-purity NaI(Tl) detector for PICO-LON
Tokyo Univ. K-IPMUA, Tokushima Univ. SASB,Osaka Univ. RCNPC,Osaka Sangyo Univ.D,Tohoku Univ. RCNSE, I.S.C.Lab.F
Takemoto YasuhiroA,Fushimi KenichiB, Alexandre KozlovA, Ejiri HiroyasuC, Shima TatsushiC, Hazama RyutaD, Inoue KunioE,Ikeda HaruoE, Imagawa KyoshiroF,Yasuda KensukeF
ANKOK 1: Dark Matter Search Experiment with Double Phase Argon Detector
Waseda University
K.Fujisaki, T.Igarashi, T.Kaji, M.Kawamura, M.Kimura, Y.Suzuki, M.Tanaka, S.Naka, K.Yokoyama, K.Yorita, T.Washimi
ANKOK 2: Evaluation of Discrimination Powers between Nuclear and Electron Recoil Events
Waseda University
ANKOK 3: Understanding of Background Composition and its Reduction
Waseda University
ANKOK 4: Ongoing Efforts and Future Prospects
Waseda University
Development towards Direction Sensitive Argon Detector
Waseda University
Progress report of GAPS: A hunt for primary antiparticles in cosmic radiation by Antarctic long-duration balloon flights
JAXA/ISAS, Tokyo Institute of Tech.A, Tohoku Univ.B, Tokai Univ.C, Osaka Electro-Communication Univ.D, Fukui Univ. of Tech.E, Nagaoka Univ. of Tech.F, Columbia Univ.G, UC BerkeleyH, LLNL.I, Univ. HawaiiJ, Oak Ridge NL.K, UCLAL
H.Fuke, T.Nonomura, H.Ogawa, S.Okazaki, Y.Tanaka, T.Yoshida, T.AbeA, T.InoueA, H.MatsumiyaA, Y.YodaA, T.DaimaruB, H.NagaiB, A.KawachiC, Y.MasuyamaC, K.ShimizuC, S.TakahashiC, T.KoikeD, Y.MiyazakiE, D.SatoF, K.TakahashiF, N.YamadaF, T.YoshidaF, T.AramakiG, F.GahbauerG, C.J.HaileyG, N.MaddenG, K.MoriG, K.PerezG, S.BoggsH, J.HobermanH, W.W.CraigI, P.v.DoetinchemJ, R.FabrisK, K.P.ZiockK, I.MognetL, R.OngL, J.ZweerinkL

23th CD Room 23pCD 13:30〜17:00

Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Experimental Nuclear Physics Joint
High-energy heavy-ion collisions (joint session)
Spectrometer design for a future heavy-ion program at J-PARC
Hiroyuki Sako,Hiroyuki HaradaA,Takao SakaguchiA,Kenichi Imai,Shoji NagamiyaBC,Tatsuya ChujoD,Kyoichiro OzawaA,Byung-Chul KimD,Pranab SahaA,Katsuhisa Nishio,Taku GunjiE,Kenta ShigakiF,Masashi KanetaG,SangHoon Hwang
Study of highest baryon density created in heavy ion collisions
by a transport model
Akita International University, Kyoto University, YITPA
Yasushi Nara, Akira OhnishiA
Charmonium spectral functions for various channels in lattice QCD
Osaka University
Atsuro Ikeda
Masayuki Asakawa
Masakiyo Kitazawa
Analysis of quarkonia at finite temperature from complex Borel sum rules
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Ken-Ji Araki
Analysis of D meson including external magnetic field effect from QCD sum rules
Tokyo Tech
Kei Suzuki
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Momentum scale dependence of higher order net baryon number fluctuations
YITP, Uni. of Wroclaw
Kenji Morita, Krzysztof Redlich
Memory time effect on higher order fluctuations of conserved charges in relativistic heavy ion collisions
Osaka University
Miki Sakaida, Masayuki Asakawa, Masakiyo Kitazawa
Effect of thermal diffusion on the rapidity window dependence of conserved charge fluctuations
Osaka University
Yutaro Ohnishi, Kitazawa Masakiyo, Miki Sakaida, Masayuki Asakawa
Study of neutral pions in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV with ALICE PHOS detector
Hiroshima University
Daiki Sekihata for the ALICE collaboration
SRU readout system of the PHOS detector in ALICE
Hiroshima University
Kazuya Tarunaga for the ALICE collaboration
Photon production rate analyzed with a lattice quark propagator
Osaka Univ.
Taekwang Kim, Masayuki Asakawa, Masakiyo Kitazawa

23th CE Room 23pCE 13:30〜16:45

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Effective interaction
Analysis of high-energy nucleon-nucleus scattering by t-matrix folding model
Kyushu University,RCNPA
Yuma Hirakawa, Takuma Matsumoto, Masakazu Toyokawa, Michio KohnoA, Masanobu Yahiro
Construction of an effective Coulomb potential by the self-consistent method
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science
Shinsho Oryu, Yasuhisa Hiratsuka, Takashi Watanabe
Relation between parameter dependence and order of Q-box in the Extended Krenciglowa-Kuo method
Department of physics, the University of Tokyo, Department of Physics, Sophia UniversityA
Genki Shimizu, Kazuo TakayanagiA, Takaharu Otsuka
Analysis of nuclear reaction by using chiral effective field theory and Brueckner-Hartree-Fock theory
Kyushu University, RCNP Osaka UniversityA
Masakazu Toyokawa, Masanobu Yahiro, Takuma Matsumoto, Kosho MinomoA, Kazuyuki OgataA, Michio KohnoA
Effects of chiral three-nucleon force observed in knockout reactions
Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka UniversityA, Kyushu Dental UniversityB
K. MinomoA, M. KohnoA,B, K. YoshidaA, and K. OgataA
Analysis of the high-density nuclear-medium effect by heavy-ion elastic scattering
T. Furumoto, Y. SakuragiA, Y. YamamotoB
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Bethe-Salpeter Equation for Spin Observables
Susumu Kinpara
Harmonic-oscillator excitations of precise few-body wave functions
Hokkaido Univ., Niigata Univ.A, RIKEN Nishina CenterB
Wataru Horiuchi, Yasuyuki SuzukiAB
The short-range part of the YQN interaction with the Quark Cluster Model
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan College of Social WorkA
Sachiko FUKINO, Sachiko TAKEUCHIA, Kazuo MUTO, Makoto OKA
Time-dependent approach to the electric dipole response of few-nucleon systems
Hokkaido Univ.
Rie Sekine,Wataru Horiuchi
Calculations of O16 in unitary model operator approach including three-nucleon force effects of chiral effective field theory
RCNP, Kyushu Inst. Tech. Senior
Michio Kohno, Ryoji Okamoto
Influence of threshold effect induced by heavy flavour meson rescattering
Tokyo Inst. of Tech.
Xiaohai LIU

23th DB Room 23pDB 13:30〜17:20

Experimental Particle Physics,Theoretical Particle Physics,Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics Joint Symposium
New development of Neutrino Physics
Kyoto University, Physics Department
NAKAYA Tsuyoshi
Neutrino, GUT and Proton Decay
Nagoya University,Physics Department
MAEKAWA Nobuhiro
Neutrino Mass
Kavli IPMU, The University of Tokyo
TAKADA Masahiro
Majorana Neutrino ー Search for neutrino-less double beta decay ー
RCNS, Tohoku University
Atmospheric Neutrino and Proton Decay  ー Super-K to Hyper-K ー
ICRR, University of Tokyo
Break (15:20〜15:35)
Study of Neutrino CP violation in J-PARC neutrino experiments
Neutrino Astronomy 1 ー Super-nova, Sun, Dark Matter, Gravitational Wave detection ー
Okayama University, Physics department
Neutrino Astronomy 2 ーHigh Energy Cosmic Neutrinos ー
ICEHAP, Chiba University
Neutrino Mass, CP violation and neutrino-less double beta decay
Kavli IPMU, The University of Tokyo

24th CA Room 24aCA 9:00〜12:30

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Experimental Particle Physics,Theoretical Particle Physics,Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics Joint
Dark Matter Search (II) (Joint Session)
XMASS : The background understanding for XMASS detector.
ICRR, University Of Tokyo for XMASS collaboration
Hiroshi Ogawa for for XMASS collaboration
XMASS: Result of dark matter search using fiducial volume
ICRR, University of Tokyo
Atsushi Takeda for XMASS collaboration
Annual modulation result with XMASS detector
ICRR UTokyo, XMASS collaboration
Masaki Yamashita, XMASS collaboration
Energy scale of XMASS detector
Kobe U
Keishi Hosokawa
XMASS:Development of new calibration method for XMASS detector using Th chain 220Rn
ICRR, University of Tokyo
Masatoshi Kobayashi for XMASS collboration
XMASS : Timing constant measurement of scintillation light from gamma ray induced events in XMASS detector.
STE lab, Nagoya university
Study for radon concentration in liquid xenon
Kobe Univ.
Rei Fujita
Break (10:45〜11:00)
Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, the University of Tokyo
Ko Abe
The development of a test bench for enhancing detection sensitivity of XMASS
STE Nagoya U,ICRR UTokyo
Risako Kegasa,Yoshitaka Itow,Kimiaki Masuda,Hiroyuki Sekiya
XMASS: Search for double electron capture of 124Xe
ICRR, the University of Tokyo
Katsuki Hiraide, for the XMASS Collaboration
the progress report of underground experiment
Kobe Univ. ,Kyoto Univ.A
Tomohiro Inada
Study for high sensitivity
Kobe Univ. ,Kyoto Univ.A
Takashi Hashimoto
Light dark matter search experiment using SOI Pixel detector
Kobe-u, Kyoto-uA
Naoya Oka, Kentaro Miuchi, Takeshi Go TsuruA, Ayaki TakedaA, Hideaki MatsumuraA

24th CB Room 24aCB 9:00〜12:15

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
QCD phase structure
Low energy mode on spatially inhomogeneous chiral condensates
Nishina center RIKEN, RIKEN iTHESA
Kazuhiko Kamikado, Yoshimasa Hidaka, Takuya KanazawaA and Toshifumi Noumi
Stability against fluctuations in DCDW
YITP, Kyoto Univ.
Tong-Gyu Lee
Magnetic properties of quark matter in inhomogeneous chiral phase
Kyoto University
Ryo Yoshiike, Kazuya Nishiyama, Toshitaka Tatsumi
Lattice QCD study of asymmetric matter at finite density
Saga Univ., Kyushu Univ.A, Hiroshima Univ.B
Hiroaki Kouno, Junichi TakahashiA, Masahiro IshiiA, Junpei SuganoA, Kouji YonemuraA, Akihisa MiyaharaA, Masanobu YahiroA, Atsushi NakamuraB
Lee-Yang zero distribution of high temperature QCD
Keitaro Nagata
Study of phase transition at finite density
based on canonical approach to lattice QCD
Dept. Phys., Univ. Tokyo,
RIISE, Hirosima Univ.A,
Rikkyo Univ.B,
Kyoto Univ.C,
Inst. Phys., Univ. TsukubaD
Ryutaro Fukuda, Atsushi NakamuraA, Shotaro OkaB,
Shuntaro SakaiC, Asobu SuzukiD, Yusuke TaniguchiD
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Complex to real action mapping
YITP, Kyoto U. & Kyoto U.A
Akira Ohnishi, Terukazu IchiharaA
Baryons in an extended PNJL model for quark-hadron phase transition
Institute of Physics, University of Tokyo
Kanako Yamazaki, Tetsuo Matsui
Role of multi-quark interactions in QCD phase diagram
Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Kyushu University
Department of Physics, Saga UniversityA
Junpei Sugano,Junichi Takahashi,Masahiro Ishii,
Hiroaki KounoA,Masanobu Yahiro
Phase structure with various regularizations in NJL model
Ube National Coll. of Tech., National Taiwan UnivA, Hiroshima Univ.B
Daiji Kimura,Hiroaki KohyamaA,Tomohiro InagakiB
A possibility of quark spin polarized phase in high density quark matter
Kochi Univ, CoimbraA, Kansai Univ.B, Danish Technical Univ.C
Yasuhiko TSUE, Joao da ProvidenciaA, Constanca ProvidenciaA, Masatoshi YamamuraB, Henrik BohrC

24th CC Room 24aCC 9:00〜12:15

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Medium-weight nuclei (I)
Proton-neutron pairing vibrations in N=Z nuclei
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University
Kenichi Yoshida
Proton-neutron mixing calculation with isospin breaking term
RIKENA,Univ. of WarsawB,Univ. of Jyvaskyla C, Univ. of TsukubaD
Koichi SatoA,Jacek DabaczewskiB,C,Takashi NakatsukasaA,D,Wojciech SatułaB
Nuclear rotational states by the angular momentum projection method with multi-cranked configuration mixing
Kyushu University
Mitsuhiro Shimada, Shingo Tagami, Yoshifumi R Shimizu
Candidates for three-phonon gamma vibration in odd-A nuclei
Fukuoka Univ. of Educ.
Masayuki Matsuzaki
Negative-parity vibrational excitations of superdeformed nuclei studied by cranked Skyrme-RPA calculation
University of Aizu
Masayuki Yamagami
Almost exact numerical evaluation formula of the rotation matrix and the release of an improved program
Univ. of Fukui
Naoki Tajima
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Systematic investigations for high-spin torus isomer states
YITPA, RIKEN Nishina CenterB, Frankfurt Univ.C
T. IchikawaA, K. MatsuyanagiAB, J. A. MaruhnC, and N. ItagakiA
superdeformed and hyperdeformed states of A \sim 40 nuclei and their clustering aspects
Hokkaido Univ., NIMSA
M. Kimura, Y. TaniguchiA, Y. Chiba
Cluster states of 28Si generated by isoscalar monopole transition
Hokkaido University, Nihon Institute Medical ScienceA
Yohei Chiba, Yasutaka TaniguchiA, Masaaki Kimura
Prediction of magic numbers by semi-realistic effective interaction
Department of Physics, Chiba University
Hitoshi Nakada, Keisuke Sugiura
Characteristics of doorway states associated with the damping of the giant resonance detected by fluctuation analysis of the strength function
Kyoto Koka Women's Col., Niigata Univ.A, Iwate Univ.B, Meiji Univ.C, TMUD
Hirokazu Aiba, Masayuki MatsuoA, Shigeru NishizakiB, Kohta SuzunoC, Toru SuzukiD
An introduction of the one-body correlation operator to the unitary-model-operator approach
Department of Physics, the University of Tokyo, Senior Academy, Senior Academy, Kyushu Institute of TechnologyA
Takayuki Miyagi, Takashi Abe, Ryoji OkamotoA, and Takaharu Otsuka

24th CD Room 24aCD 9:00〜12:30

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics Joint
Hypernuclei and Strangeness (I) (Joint Session)
Shell-model study on production cross-sections and M1 transitions of !LaTeX$^{19}{\Lambda}F
Nippon Inst. of Tech., Osaka Electro-Comm. Univ.A
Atsushi Umeya, Toshio MotobaA, Toru HaradaA
Missing-mass spectroscopy of the !LaTeX$(K{-},\pi{-})$ reaction with the liquid 4He target at the J-PARC K1.8 beam line
Osaka University
M. Nakagawa
Production spectra of neutron-rich hypernuclei in (π-,K+) reactions
Osaka E-C Univ., Hokkaido Univ.A
Toru Harada, Yoshiharu HirabayashiA
Mass spectroscopy and formation probability of !LaTeX$^{4}_{\Lambda}$H on the hypernuclear decay pion spectroscopy
Tohoku Univ., Mainz Univ.A, Hampton Univ.B
S.Nagao, N.Arai, D.Uchiyama, J.Kusaka, T.Gogami, Y.Takahashi, K.Tsukada, S.N.Nakamura, Y.Fujii, M.Fujita, J.PochodzallaA, P.AchenbachA, L.TangB, 他 A1 hypernuclear Collaboration
Study on superdeformation of Ar hypernuclei with AMD
RIKEN, Hokkaido U.A, U. of AizuB
M. Isaka, M. KimuraA, E. Hiyama, H. SagawaB
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Nuclear absorption rate of $\Xi-$ from 2p state during $\Xi-$-$^{14}$N atom cascade process
Osaka Electro-Communication University
Takahisa Koike
Events of twin $\Lambda$ hypernuclei and $\Xi N$ interaction
RIKENA, Nijmegen UnivB, Gifu UnivC
Y.YamamotoA, E.HiyamaA, Th.A.RijkenB, K.NakazawaC
Study on the cluster variational method for hyperonic nuclear matter
RIKENA, RISE, Waseda Univ.B, Adv. Sci. Eng., Waseda Univ.C
H. TogashiA, B, E. HiyamaA, M. TakanoB, C, Y. YamamotoA
Quark-Pauli effect on the YNN systems in the quark model
SNCT,Niigata Univ.A,RIKENB
Study of Binding Energy of Lambda and Life-time of Light Single-lambda Hypernuclei with Nuclear Emulsion
Phys. Dept.,Gifu Univ.
Myint Kyaw SOE,Yoko ENDO,Kaoru HOSHINO,Hiroki ITO,Kazunori ITONAGA,Hidetaka KOBAYASHI,Khin T. TINT,Shinji KINBARA,Akihiro MISHINA,Junya YOSHIDA and Kazuma NAKAZAWA
Image processing for detection of double lambda hypernucleus in nuclear emulsion
Physics Department Gifu University
Junya Yoshida,Kazuma Nakazawa,Khin Than Tint, Myint Kyaw Soe, Aye Moh Moh Theint, Shinji Kinbara,Akihiro Mishina, Hiroki Ito, Yoko Endo, Hidetaka Kobayashi
Development of the charged particle identification method with nuclear emulsion
Physics Department Gifu University
Shinji Kinbara, Kazuma Nakazawa, Ueno Hideki, Ichikawa Yuichi, Junya Yoshida, Khin Than Tint,Myint Kyaw Soe,Aye Moh Moh Theint, Akihiro Mishina, Hiroki Ito, Yoko Endo, Hidetaka Kobayashi

24th DD Room 24aDD 9:00〜12:20

Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics Joint Symposium
Recent Progress and Future Vision of Supernova Models
Okayama University
Yusuke Koshio
Break (10:35〜10:50)

24th DK Room 24aDK 9:00〜9:45

Theoretical Particle Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Theoretical Particle Physics, Theoretical Nuclear Physics Joint session
(Finite Temperature and Finite Density)
Complexification approaches to the sign problem: Langevin and Lefschetz
The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Hirotsugu Fujii

24th CA Room 24pCA 13:30〜15:15

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics,Experimental Particle Physics,Theoretical Particle Physics,Cosmic Rays/Astrophysics Joint
Dark Matter Search (III) (Joint Session)
Dark matter search experiment with the emulsion(2)
~general report~
Graduate School of Science Nagoya University,IAR Nagoya UniversityA,KMI Nagoya UniversityB,Graduate School of Advanced Integration Science Chiba UniversityC
Takayoshi Katsuragawa,Tatsuhiro NakaAB,Takashi Asada,Masahiro Yoshimoto, Atsuhiro Umemoto, Shunji Furuya, Shogo Machii, Ayuna Tanaka,Mitsuhiro akamura,Toshiyuki Nakano,Osamu Sato,Kenichi Kuwabara,Yuzuru Tawara,Kenichi KugeC
Dark matter search experiment with the emulsion(2)
~Upgrade about analysis system~
Graduate School of Science Nagoya University,IAR Nagoya UniversityA,KMI Nagoya UniversityB,Graduate School of Advanced Integration Science Chiba UniversityC
Takayoshi Katsuragawa,Tatsuhiro NakaAB,Takashi Asada,Masahiro Yoshimoto, Atsuhiro Umemoto, Shunji Furuya, Shogo Machii, Ayuna Tanaka,Mitsuhiro Nakamura,Toshiyuki Nakano,Osamu Sato,Kenichi Kuwabara,Yuzuru Tawara,Kenichi KugeC
Dark matter search experiment with the emulsion(3)
~Study of super-resolution track analysis~
Graduate School of Science Nagoya University,IAR Nagoya UniversityA,KMI Nagoya UniversityB,Graduate School of Advanced Integration Science Chiba UniversityC
Atsuhiro Umemoto,Tatsuhiro NakaAB,Takashi Asada,Masahiro Yoshimoto,Takayoshi Katsuragawa, Shunji Furuya, Shogo Machii, Ayuna Tanaka,Mitsuhiro Nakamura,Toshiyuki Nakano,Osamu Sato,Kenichi Kuwabara,Yuzuru Tawara,Kenichi KugeC
Dark matter search experiment with the emulsion(4)~Study for BGs~
Graduate School of Science Nagoya University,IAR Nagoya UniversityA,KMI Nagoya UniversityB,Graduate School of Advanced Integration Science Chiba UniversityC
Ayuna Tanaka,Tatsuhiro NakaAB,Takashi Asada,Takayoshi Katsuragawa,Masahiro Yoshimoto,Atsuhiro Umemoto,Shunji Furuya,Shogo Machii,Mitsuhiro Nakamura,Toshiyuki Nakano,Osamu Sato,Kenichi Kuwabara,Yuzuru Tawara,Kenichi KugeC
The electron spectrum from annihilation of Kaluza-Klein dark matter
Department of Physical Sciences, Ritsumeikan University
Satoshi Tsuchida, Masaki Mori
Development of superconduction detector and liquid helium TPC to use for a light dark matter search
Univ. Okayama,KEKA,AISTB
Development of Superconducting-Detector KID(Kinetic Inductance Detector) MultiReadoutSystem on FPGA
Yosuke Yamada,Yosuke Kida,Akinori Okamoto,Kazuhiro Ishino,Atsuko Kibayashi,
Masashi Hazumi,Nobuaki Sato,Kazuhiro Sakai,Kojiro Satoshi,Hirotake Yamamori,Fuminori Hirayama

24th CB Room 24pCB 13:30〜16:00

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
High energy process, high energy heavy ion collisions
Photon structure functions at small x in holographic QCD
Inst. of Phys., Academia Sinica, Taiwan, R. O. C.
Akira Watanabe, Hsiang-nan Li
!LaTeX QCD mechanism in $\gamma* \gamma \to \rho0L \rho0T$: $Q2$-dependence of twist-3 impact factor and cross section
Juntendo University
Kazuhiro Tanaka
Radiative decay of heavy-light mesons in 1/mQ expansionⅡ
Gifu City Women's College, Tokyo Kasei UniversityA
Koichi Seo, Takayuki MatsukiA
On the Matter that is produced by Cartan's spinor theory and Penrose's twistor theory
Graduate School of Teikyo University
Sadataka Furui
Break (14:30〜14:45)
Entropy production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions-Husimi-Wehrl entropy in quantum field theory-
Hidekazu Tsukiji, Hideaki Iida, Teiji Kunihiro, Akira Ohnishi, Toru T.Takahashi
Parametric instability of classical Yang-Mills fields in an expanding geometry
Kyoto Univ., YITPA
Shoichiro Tsutsui, Hideaki Iida, Teiji Kunihiro, Akira OhnishiA
Derivation of Hydrodynamic Equation for Reactive Multi-Component Systems with Renormalization Group Method
Department of Physics, Kyoto University,

Fujifilm CorporationA
Yuta Kikuchi, Kyosuke TsumuraA, Teiji Kunihiro
Derivation of 2nd order relativistic hydrodynamic equation from quantum field theory
The University of Tokyo, RIKEN, Sophia University
Masaru Hongo
Spontaneous symmetry breaking and Effective Lagrangian for relativistic hydrodynamics
RIKENA, Univ. of TokyoB
Yoshimasa HidakaA, Tomoya HayataA,B, Masaru HongoA,B, Yuki MinamiA, Toshifumi NoumiA

24th CC Room 24pCC 13:30〜15:00

Theoretical Nuclear Physics
Medium-weight nuclei (II)
Generator coordinate method analysis of Xe and Ba isotopes
Saitama University, Chiba Institute of Technology
Naotaka Yoshinaga, Koji Higashiyama, and Eri Teruya
Monte Carlo shell-model calculation for the excited states of E1 transition in 90Sr
CNS Univ of Tokyo,JAEA,CNS Univ of TokyoA,Univ of TokyoB
Tomoaki Togashi,Noritaka Shimizu,Yutaka UtsunoA,Takaharu OtsukaB
Nuclear Schiff moments in consideration of core excitations
Saitama University, Chiba Institute of TechnologyA
Eri Teruya, Naotaka Yoshinaga, Koji HigashiyamaA
Nuclear matrix elements of the double beta decay for mass around 80
Chiba Institute of Technology, Saitama UniversityA
Koji Higashiyama, Naotaka YoshinagaA, Eri TeruyaA
Large-scale shell model calculations for structure of nuclei around Z=28
Univ. Tokyo, Univ. AizuA, JAEAB
Yusuke Tsunoda, Takaharu Otsuka, Noritaka Shimizu, Michio HonmaA, Yutaka UtsunoB
Shell model approach for nuclei with mass around 220 using octupole interaction
Saitama univ., Chiba Institute of TechnologyA
Yukiko Kaiura, Naotaka Yoshinaga, Koji HigashiyamaA

24th CD Room 24pCD 13:30〜16:00

Experimental Nuclear Physics,Theoretical Nuclear Physics Joint
Hypernuclei and Strangeness (II) (Joint Session)
Details of K-pp investigated with coupled-channel complex scaling method + Feshbach projection
KEK theory center/J-PARC branch, Nihon univ.A, Osaka Inst. Tech.B
Akinobu Dote, Takashi InoueA, Takayuki MyoB
Spectroscopic experiment of Λ(1405) via in-flight d(K-,n) reaction at J-PARC K1.8BR
Department of Physics, Osaka UniversityA, Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP)B, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of VictoriaC, Department of Physics, Seoul National UniversityD, National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering - IFIN HHE, Stefan-Meyer-Institut für subatomare PhysikF, INFN Sezione di TorinoG, Dipartimento di Fisica Generale, Universita' di TorinoH, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell' INFNI, Department of Physics, The University of TokyoJ, Department of Physics, Kyoto UniversityK, Laboratory of Physics, Osaka Electro-Communication UniversityL, RIKEN Nishina CenterM, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)N, Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of TechnologyO, Technische Universität MünchenP, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of TokyoQ, Department of Physics, Tohoku UniversityR, Excellence Cluster Universe, Technische Universität MünchenS, Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences (KIRAMS)T
S.KawasakiA, S. AjimuraB, G. BeerC, H. BhangD, M. BragadireanuE, P. BuehlerF, L. BussoG、H, M. CargnelliF, S. ChoiD, C. CurceanuI, S. EnomotoN, D. FasoG、H, H. FujiokaK, Y. FujiwaraJ, T. FukudaL, C. GuaraldoI, T. HashimotoM, R. S. HayanoJ, T. HiraiwaB, M. IioN, M. IliescuI, K. InoueA, T. IshikawaJ, S. IshimotoN, T. IshiwatariF, K. ItahashiM, M. IwaiN, M. IwasakiO,M, Y. KatoM, P. KienlepS, H. KouO, Y. MaM, J. MartonF, Y. MatsudaL, Y. MizoiL, O. MorraG, T. NagaeK, H. NoumiB, H. OhnishiM、B, S. OkadaM, H. OutaM, K. PiscicchiaI, M. Poli LenerI, A. Romero VidalI, Y. SadaB, A. SakaguchiJ, F. SakumaM, M. SatoM, A. ScordoI, M. SekimotoN, H. ShiJ, D. SirghiI、E, F. SirghiI、E, K. SuzukiF, S. SuzukiN, T. SuzukiJ, K. TanidaD, H. TatsunoJ, M. TokudaO, D. TomonoM, A. ToyodaN, K. TsukadaR, O. Vazquez DoceI、S, E. WidmannF, B. K. WuenschekF, T. YamagaA, T. YamazakiJ、M, H. YimT, Q. ZhangM, J. ZmeskalF
Faddeev calculation of !LaTex $K^- d \to \pi \Sigma n$
reaction in the !LaTex $\Lambda$(1405)
resonance region
Okayama Univ. of Science, IKP FZ JuelichA
K.Miyagawa, J.HaidenbauerA
High-resolution kaonic-atom x-ray spectroscopy with superconducting transition-edge-sensor microcalorimeters
S. OkadaA,D.A. BennettB,C. CurceanuC,W.B DorieseB,J.W. FowlerB,J. GardB,F.P. GustafssonD,T. HashimotoA,R.S. HayanoE,S. HexiC,M. IliescuC,S. IshimotoF,K. ItahashiA,M. IwasakiA,K. KuwabaraG,J. MartonH,H. NodaA,G.C. O’NeilB,H. OutaA,C.D. ReintsemaB,M. SatoA,D.R. SchmidtB,K. SuzukiH,T. SuzukiE,D.S. SwetzB,H. TatsunoB, F,J. UhligD,J.N. UllomB,E. WidmannH,S. YamadaG,J. ZmeskalH
Break (14:45〜15:00)
Lambda-n-n model calculation of Hyper triton with isospin (T=1)
Kyushu Institute of Technology, Okayama University of ScienceA
H. Kamada, K. MiyagawaA
Three-body bound systems of octet baryons by the Gaussian Expansion Method
Gifu University
Kohei Yanagida,Shoji Shinmura
Eta-nucleon and eta-hyperon interactions by hadron-exchange model
Gifu University
Shoji Shinmura, Ngo Thi Hong Xiem
Calculating the radiative capture reaction rate from $\Lambda\Lambda$ to H-dibaryon in the imaginary time method
Eri Hikota, Makoto Oka, Yasuro Funaki, Emiko Hiyama

JPS 70th Annual Meeting(2015)