Division 6
16th CL Room 16pCL 15:15〜17:15
Division 6
Liquid Metal
Magnetic suscescibility of RE (rare earth)- Al alloys
NUPALS,Fac. Sci. Univ. Ryukyus, NIITECJC
H. Shimakura, S. Tahara, T. Tatsuya, S. Ohno
Magnetic Susceptibilities of Liquid Fe-Gd and Co-Ge alloys
Niigata University of Pharmacy and Applied Life Sciences
Satoru Ohno
collective modes in fluid sulfur at high temperatures and high pressures
Hiroshima Univ., Keio Univ.A, Kyoto Univ.B, JASRIC and RILEN/SPring-8D
M. Inui,Y.Kajihara, A. ChibaA, K. MatsudaB, S. TsutsuiC and A. BaronD
Plasmon measurements of liquid Rb at hign tempertures II
Kyoto Univ., Kumamoto Univ.A, NSRRC/SPring-8B, Hiroshima Univ.C
T.Hagiya, K.KimuraA, K.Matsuda, N.HiraokaB, H.Hayashi, Y.KajiharaC, M.InuiC, M.Yao
Real-time quantum simulation of plasma oscillations through
density-matrix equations of motion
density-matrix equations of motion
Dept. of Physics, Kyoto Univ.
Hikaru Kitamura
Ab initio molecular dynamics study of structural and electronic properties of liquid alkali metal under high pressure
Hiroshima Tech. , Kumamoto Univ.A
Satoshi Ohmura, Fuyuki ShimojoA
Dynamic structure of liquid Cu
Hiroshima Univ.
Development of reverse Monte Carlo method for simultaneous analysis of elastic and quasi-elastic scattering spectra
Toyota TI
Hiroi Satoshi
17th CL Room 17aCL 9:00〜12:00
Division 6
Liquid ・ Amorphous
Intermediate-range order and local structures of liquid As under pressure
Hiroshima Tech., Keio Univ.,A Kumamoto Univ.B
Satoshi Ohmura, Ayano Chiba,A Fuyuki ShimojoB
Neutron scattering measurements of supercooled Te
Niigata Univ. CROSSA, KEKB
K. Maruyama, Y. KawakitaA, T. OhtomoB, H. OhshitaB, K. Kobayashi
Inelastic scattering measurements of liquid Se80Te20.
Niigata Univ., Hirosima Univ.A
K. Maruyama, M. InuiA, Y. KajiharaA, K. Kobayashi
Static structure of liquid chalcogens and chalcogenides based on ab initio molecular dynamics simulations
Kumamoto Univ.
A. Koura and F. Shimojo
Structure and Transport Properties of Aqueous Solution Ⅴ
Nagaoka Natl. Coll. Tech., Niigata Univ.A
S. Matsunaga, S. TamakiA
Dielectric Constant in Electrolyte Solutions
Niigata Inst. Tech., Nagaoka Natl. Coll. Tech., Niigata Univ.
M. Kusakabe, S. Matsunaga and S. Tamaki
Break (10:30〜10:45)
RMC analysis of liquid GeI4
Ehime Univ.,
Takahiro Sakagami, Kazuhiro Fuchizaki
Structure of liquid GeI4 under high pressures IV
Ehime Univ., ANSYS JAPANA, JAEAB, Ochanomizu Univ.C
Kazuhiro Fuchizaki, Takaki HaseA, Hironori Nishimura, Hiroyuki SaitohB, Nozomu HamayaC
Static Structure of V2O5 Glass II: Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Kumamoto Univ.
Y. Kodama, A. Koura, F. Shimojo, S. Hosokawa
A study on the phonon excitations in glassy, supercooled liquid and liquid Pd42.5Ni7.5Cu30P20 alloy by inelastic x-ray scattering
Kumamoto Univ., Hiroshima Univ.A, Kyoto Univ.B, Tohoku Univ.C, JASRI/SPring-8D, RIKEN SPring-8 CenterE
S. Hosokawa, M. InuiA, Y. KajiharaA, T. UchitsuboB, H. KatoC, S. TsutsuiD, A. Q. R. BaronE
17th CS Room 17aCS 9:30〜12:15
Division 6
Dynamic Melting of Anisotropic Vortex Lattice
Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Transient phenomena of dc driven vortices and their dependence on the vortex density II
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Tetsuya Kaji, Yasuki Kawamura, Satono Moriya, Eiichi Murakami, S Kaneko, S Okuma
Reversible-irreversible transition seen from a moving frame driven by dc force
Tokyo Institute Of Technology
T.Inoue, Y.Kawamura, R.Nitta, S.Kaneko, S.Okuma
Transient memory in the periodically driven vortex system
Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Y.Kawamura, S.Kaneko, S.Okuma
Break (10:30〜10:45)
Unusual I-V characteristics and flux flow instability in NbSe2 superconductors.
Univ. of Electro-Comm.
Junichiro Yoshida, Nobuhito Kokubo
STM studies of vortex creep in Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox at high magnetic field
Nobuhiko Nishida, Shunsuke Yoshizawa
Flux penetration into 3-dimensional superconducting structures
The Univ. of Tokyo, AISTA
A. Mine, I. Veshchunov, S. Pyon, T. Tamegai, S. NagasawaA, M. HidakaA
The angular dependence of flux-flow resistance in iron-based superconductor FeSe1-xTex
Aoyama Gakuin Univ.A, NIMSB, Tohoku Univ.C
S. AyukawaA, K. HirataB, D. KakehiA, S. OoiB, T. NojiC, Y. KoikeC, H. KitanoA
Dependence on the microwave irradiation power of the switching currents in small Bi2212 intrinsic Josephson junctions
Aoyama Gakuin University
Y. Takahashi,D. Kakehi,K. Ishikawa, S. Ayukawa,H. Kitano
Magnetic flux imaging in tungsten-carbide strips fabricated by FIB chemical vapor deposition
Univ. of Tsukuba, AISTA, Japan Woman's Univ.B, Tokyo Univ of ScienceC
Yusuke Shibata, Shintaro Nomura, Hiromi KashiwayaA, Satoshi KashiwayaA, Ryosuke IshiguroB, Yusuke NagoC, Hideaki TakayanagiC
17th CL Room 17pCL 13:30〜16:45
Division 6
Quasicrystal, Approximant, Intermetallic
A study on phonon excitations in Mg-LPSO alloys by inelastic x-ray scattering
Kumamoto Univ., Hiroshima Univ.A, Fukuoka Univ.B, JASRI/SPring-8C, RIKEN SPring-8 CenterD
K. Kimura, ○S. Hosokawa, M. Yamasaki, Y. Kawamura, M. InuiA, Y. KajiharaA, K. YoshidaB, S. TsutsuiC, H. UchiyamaC, Alfred Q. R. BaronD
Small angle X-ray scattering of highly oriented graphite crystal.
Faculty of Chemistry, Materials and Bioengineering, Kansai Univ.
Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio Univ.A
Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio Univ.A
Yoshinori Ohmasa
Ayano ChibaA
Ayano ChibaA
Band structure engineering for better thermoelectric efficiency in lead chalcogenides
NIMSA, CaltechB, Northwestern Univ.C
Yoshiki TakagiwaA, Yanzhong PeiB, Heng WangB, Gregory PomrehnB,and G. Jeffrey SnyderB,C
Thermoelectric properties of chimney-ladder compounds TEγ(T = Ru, Fe, E = Al, Ga, Ge)
Univ. of Tokyo, NIMSA, JFCCB, AISTC
Naoki Sato, Hideyasu Ouchi, Yoshiki TakagiwaA, Akihide KuwabaraB, Noriyuki UchidaC, Kaoru Kimura
Localized magnetic moment appeared in two dimensional electride Y2C
KEK-IMSS, Tokyo Inst. Tech. MSLA, Tokyo Inst. Tech MCESB
K.M. Kojima, M. Hiraishi, I. Yamauchi, H. Okabe, A. Koda, R. Kadono, Xiao ZhangA, S. MatsuishiA, H. HosonoA,B
Pseudogap and structural stability in ABC6type ordered alloys
IMS Univ. of Tsukuba, Nagoya Institute of TechnologyA,
Nagoya Industrial Science Research InstituteB
Nagoya Industrial Science Research InstituteB
Miwako Takahashi, Manabu InukaiA, Uichiro MizutaniB, Ken-ichi Ohshima
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Effect of heavy element substitution on thermal rectification properties of Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystal
Toyota Tech. Inst.
Koichi Kitahara, Tsunehiro Takeuchi
Formation of icosahedral quasicrystals and approximants in Ga-Pd-RE(RE: rare earth metal) systems
Dept. of Mater. Sci. & Eng., Akita Univ., Dept. of Mater. Sci. & Tech., Tokyo Univ. of Sci.A, IIS, Univ. of Tokyo,B
Yeong-Gi So, Akira Katagiri, Takanobu HirotoA, Kaichi Saito, Ryuji TamuraA, Keiichi EdagawaB
A real space consideration of the D-phase non-overlapping cluster 4D superstructural flip (III)
Chyuo Univ, NIMSA
Kazuyuki Kato, Akiji YamamotoA
A super lattice struture of Al-TM(TM=Ir,Rh) 1/0 quasicrysatalline approximants
IMRAM Tohoku Univ., Tokyo Univ. of ScienceA
K. Nishimoto, N. Yamaguchi, R. Tamura, M. Terauchi, A.P. Tsai
Atomic structure of R-Cd (R=Gd, Dy and Tm) icosahedral quasicrystals
Inst. of Multidisciplinary Res. for Advanced Materials,Tohoku Univ.,Div. of Applied Phys.,Fac. of Eng.,Hokkaido Univ.A,Ames Lab.,Dept. of Phys. and Astronomy,Iowa State Univ.B,Univ. Grenoble Alpes,SIMaPC,CNRS,SIMaPD
Tsunetomo YamadaA, Hiroyuki TakakuraB, Tai KongC, Paul. CanfieldC, Alan.I. GoldmanC, Guiliaume. BeutierD, E,
Marc. de BoissieuD, E
Marc. de BoissieuD, E
17th CS Room 17pCS 13:00〜15:00
Division 6,Division 9,Division 10
Invited Talk: Quantum Solid 4He, etc…
Recent progress in 4He crystal--- Equilibrium Crystal Shape and Supersolidity
Yuichi Okuda
Break (13:45〜14:00)
Glass transition of liquid He-4
Institute of Physics, University of Tokyo
Tomoki Minoguchi
Elasticity measurements of solid helium 4 under DC rotation
Keio Univ.A, Ashikaga Inst. of Tech.B, RIKENC, Univ. of TokyoD
Tomoya TsuikiA,C, Daisuke TakahashiB,C, Satoshi MurakawaD, Kimitoshi KonoC, Keiya ShirahamaA
Experimental study on hydrogen absorption into metallic V, Nb point-contact at liquid hydrogen temperature
Department of Applied Quantum Physics, Kyushu University
The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of TokyoA
Department of Education, Kanazawa UniversityB
Department of Advanced Energy Engineering Science, Kyushu UniversityC
The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of TokyoA
Department of Education, Kanazawa UniversityB
Department of Advanced Energy Engineering Science, Kyushu UniversityC
H. Takata, K. IenagaA, Y. Ueno, Md. S. Islam, Y. Inagaki, H. TsujiiB, K. HashidumeC, T. OtsukaC, T. Kawae
Acurate Compton sccatering measurements of liquid helium
Mat. Sci. , Grad. Sch. , Univ. of Hyogo , JASRIA
H. Tanaka, A. Yamaguchi, J. Gochi, I. Kawasaki, A. Sumiyama, A. Koizumi, M. ItoA, Y. SakuraiA
18th CL Room 18aCL 10:45〜12:00
Division 6
Quasicrystal, Approximant, Intermetallic
Synthesis and magnetic properties of Au-Al-Gd approximants
Dept. of Mater. Sci & Tech, Tokyo Univ. of Sci.
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, the Univ. of TokyoA
Cryogenic Research Center, the Univ.of TokyoB
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, the Univ. of TokyoA
Cryogenic Research Center, the Univ.of TokyoB
A.Ishikawa, T. HirotoA, K. Tokiwa T. Fujii and R. Tamura
Synthesis and magnetic properties of Au-Al-Tb approximants
Dept. of Mater. Sci & Tech, Tokyo Univ. of Sci.
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, the Univ. of TokyoA
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, the Univ. of TokyoA
N. Ito, T. HirotoA, K. Tokiwa and R.Tamura
Theoretical Study on Distorted Icosahedron Magnetic Model
Dept. Appl. Phys., Tokyo Univ. Sci.,
Dept. Adv. Mat. Sci., Univ. of TokyoA,
Dept. Mat. Sci. and Tech., Tokyo Univ. Sci.B
Dept. Adv. Mat. Sci., Univ. of TokyoA,
Dept. Mat. Sci. and Tech., Tokyo Univ. Sci.B
Takanori Sugimoto, Takami Tohyama, Takanobu HirotoA, Ryuji TamuraB
Magnetic properties and magnetic structure of Au-Si-R (R=rare-earth) approximant crystals
the University of Tokyo, Tokyo University of ScienceA
T. Hiroto, K. TokiwaA, R. TamuraA
Photonic band-gap formation mechanism in 2D photonic quasicrystals
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo
Kawamata Yuta, Edagawa Keiichi
18th CS Room 18aCS 9:45〜12:15
Division 6,Division 4,Division 8
Quantum Solid Superconductor and Superfluid ^3^He
Physics of Andreev Bound States
Yukio Tanaka
Applied physics, Nagoya Univ.
Kazushi Aoyama
Break (11:00〜11:15)
Superfluid phases of liquid Helium-3 near rough surface under magnetic field
Hiroshima Univ.
Yasushi Nagato, Seiji Higashitani, Katsuhiko Nagai
Impurity scattering of surface quasiparticles in superfluid 3He-B
Department of Basic Science, The University of Tokyo
Yasumasa Tsutsumi
Half-Quantum Vortex in Superfluid 3He-A under a Magnetic Field III
AGraduate School of Science,Osaka City University,
BThe Institute for Solid State Physics,The University of Tokyo,
CDepartment of Applied Physics,Fukui University
BThe Institute for Solid State Physics,The University of Tokyo,
CDepartment of Applied Physics,Fukui University
Y. KimuraA,B,T. KunimatsuA,K. ObaraA,H. YanoA,T. TakagiC,O. IshikawaA
Measurement of Coupled Plasmon-Ripplon Modes of the Wigner Crystal on Liquid 3He
Daisuke SatoA, Hiroki IkegamiB, Kimitoshi KonoA,B
18th CL Room 18pCL 13:30〜16:45
Division 6
Superconductivity and Density wave
The influence of the chiral helimagnet on the vortex state and the flux flow resistance in the superconductor
Osaka Prefecture University
Saoto Fukui, Masaru Kato, Yoshihiko Togawa
Effect of twin boundary on spontaneous half-quantized votices in superconducting complex
structure (d-dot)III
structure (d-dot)III
Osaka Pref. Univ.
Norio Fujita,Masaru Kato,Takekazu Ishida
Odd-frequency spin-triplet superconductivity in nano-sized superconductors under a magnetic field : Effects of phonon
Osaka pref. univ.
Masataka Kashiwagi, Masaru Kato
Gor'kov theory for nano-structured superconductor
Osaka Prefecture Univ., Osaka Prefecture Col. Tech.A
Masaki Umeda, Masaru Kato, Osamu SatoA
Vortex states of mesoscopic superconductors in a gradient magnetic field
Osaka Pref. Univ. Coll. of Tech, Osaka Pref. Univ.A
Osamu Sato, Masaru KatoA
VORTEX DISTRIBUTION IN amorphous Mo80Ge20 PLATES with artificial pinning centers II
Dept. of Phys. & Electronics, Osaka Pref. Univ.A, Inst. for Nanofab. Res, Osaka Pref. Univ.B,
Fac. of Educ. & Human Studies, Akita Univ.C
Fac. of Educ. & Human Studies, Akita Univ.C
Hitoshi MatsumotoA,Ho Thanh HuyA,B, Takuto OkamotoA,Hiroki MiyoshiA,Atuki ItoA,Vu The DangA,Masaru katoA,B,Masahiko HayashiC,Takekazu IshidaA,B
Temperature dependence of first vortex penetration field in mesoscopic Bi2212
National Institute for Materials Science
Shuuichi Ooi, Takashi Mochiku, Minoru Tachiki, Kazuto Hirata
Break (15:15〜15:30)
Development of the (CB-KID) refrigerator system for current bias motion inductance detectors
Department of Engineering, Osaka Prefecture UniversityA,Institute for Nanofabrication Research, Osaka Prefecture University B
Hiroyuki YamaguchiA,Hiroki NakayamaA,Yuya MikiA,Sigeyuki MiyajimaA,B,Hiroaki ShishidoA,B,Takekazu IshidaA,B
Electronic structure of valence-skip candidate compounds : InTe, SnAs and PbSb
AIST, Univ. of TsukubaA, Tokyo University of ScienceB
Izumi Hase, Kouki Yasutomi, Takashi Yanagisawa, Kousuke Odagiri, Taichiro Nishio
Time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of the CDW compound K0.3MoO3
Saga Univ., Synchrotron Light Application Center, Saga Univ.A, Kumamoto Univ.B
M. Maki, E. Koga, S. Takakura, I. YamamotoA, J. AzumaA, F. IchikawaB
NMR studies of single crystalline LaPt2Si2 without local inversion symmetry.
Kobe univ, Kyushu univA, Niigata univ.B
T. Aoyama, T. Kubo, H. Matsuno, H. Tou, H. Kotegawa, A. MitsudaA, Y.NaganoA, N. AraokaA, H. WadaA and Y. YamadaB
Derivation of the TDGL and Boltzmann equations for charge density wave systems
Hiroshima Univ., Akita Univ., Tohoku Univ.
Takane Y., Hayashi M., and Ebisawa H.
18th CS Room 18pCS 13:30〜16:55
Division 6,Division 1,Division 8 Joint Symposium
New Physics of Anisotropic Superfluids with Multiple Degrees of Freedom
Shirahama Keiya
Keio Univ.
Higgs Modes and Surface Majorana States of Superfluid 3He Probed by Ultrasound
Nomura Ryuji
Tokyo Inst. Tech.
Higgs Modes of a Cold Atomic Gas in Optical Lattice
Fukuhara Takeshi
Physics of Topological Superfluids in Superfluid 3He and Cold Atomic Gases
Mizushima Takeshi
Osaka Univ.
Break (15:10〜15:25)
Chirality and Intrinsic Magnus Force in Superfluid 3He-A
Ikegami Hiroki
Chiral Superconductivity and Giant Nernst Effect in URu2Si2
Matsuda Yuji
Kyoto Univ.
Annihilation of Interface Pair and Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking of Superfluid with Multi-Degrees of Freedom
Takeuchi Hiromitsu
Osaka City Univ.
19th AF Room 19aAF 9:30〜11:45
Division 6
Adsobed 4He, 3He
Magnetic Phase Diagram of 2D 3He on hydrogen preplated graphite
Dept. of Phys., Univ of TokyoA, CRC. Univ. of TokyoB
M. KamadaA, R. NakamuraA, T. MatsuiA, and Hiroshi FukuyamaA,B
Specific heat of 3He Fermi liquid adsorbed in 3D nanoporous HMM-2
Nagoya Univ. TMDUA
T. Nishida, T. Yoshimura, M. HiedaA, T. Matsushita and N. Wada
NMR observation of 1D 3He gas adsorbed in FSM nanochannels coated with 4He film
Nagoya Univ., TMDUA
Ryosuke Shibatsuji, Katsuya Kurebayashi, Taku Matsushita, Mitsunori HiedaA, and Nobuo Wada
Break (10:15〜10:30)
Specific heat and state of adsorption of 4He in new three-dimensional nanopores MCM-48
Nagoya Univ, TMDUA
A.Shinohara, T.Muraki, M.HiedaA, T.Matsushita, and N.Wada
Superfluid of 4He adsorbed in new 3D nanopores of MCM-48
Nagoya Univ,TMDUA
T.Muraki, A.Shinohara, M.HiedaA, T.Matsushita, and N.Wada
Superfluid transition in two-dimensional 4He film under DC rotation observed by QCM
Nagoya Univ, TMDUA, Keio UnivB, AITC, RIKEND
R. Takizawa, M. HiedaA, T. TsuikiB, K. ShirahamaB, D. TakahashiC, K. KonoD, T. Matsushita, N. Wada
Heat capacity measurements of the pressurized liquid 4He confined in the
1D nano-porous medium with a 2.2-nm channel
1D nano-porous medium with a 2.2-nm channel
Dept. of Engineering Science, University of Electro-Communications
K. Demura, J. Taniguchi, M. Suzuki
The anomary of dissipation of superfluid 4He in nanopore array II
The University of Tokyo, Keio UniversityA, Yamaguchi UniversityB
S. Murakawa, T. TanakaA, T. TaniA, H. NoguchiA, A. NakaharaB,
K. HondaB, and K. ShirahamaA
K. HondaB, and K. ShirahamaA
19th CX Room 19aCX 9:00〜12:20
Division 11,Division 6,Division 12 Joint Symposium
Dynamics of plastic solids: their nonlinear responses, avalanches and rheology
Michio Otsuki
Shimane univ.
Snow avalanche dynamics
Nagoya University
Mathematical aspects of the abelian sandpile models
Makoto Katori
Chuo University
Dynamics of Fast and Slow Earthquakes
Satoshi Ide
Univ. Tokyo
Break (10:25〜10:40)
Avalanches in solid friction
Kyushu Univ.
Plastic flow and dynamic phase transitions in superconducting vortex solid
OKUMA, Satoshi
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Diverging viscosity and plastic flow with jamming and glass transitions
Takeshi Kawasaki
Dept. of Phys., Nagoya Univ.
Flow of Shear Thickening Suspensions
Ryohei Seto
19th PS Room 19aPS 10:00〜12:00
Division 6
Poster Session
Hard-Sphere-like Dynamics in liquid Bi
Hiroshima Univ., Kumamoto Univ.A, Keio Univ.B, JASRI/SPring-8C, RIKEN/SPring-8D
M. Inui, Y. Kajihara, S. Munejiri, S. HosokawaA, A. ChibaB, K. OharaC, S. TsutsuiC and A.Q.R. BaronD
Local structure of Invar alloy observed by x-ray fluorescence holography
Kumamoto Univ., Hiroshima City Univ.A, Tohoku Univ.B
○Y.Ideguchi, K.Kamimura, S.Hosokawa, N.HappoA, K.HayashiB
X-ray fluorescence holographic study on high-temperature superconductor FeSe0.4Te0.6
Kumamoto Univ., Hiroshima City Univ.A, Tohoku Univ.B, Hiroshima Inst.Tech.C, Univ.Marburg.D, JASRI.SPring8.E, NIMS.F
○Y.Ideguchi, S.Hosokawa, K.Kamimura, N.HappoA, K.HayashiB, Y.EbisuC, T.OzakiC, J.R.StellhornD, M.SuzukiE, H.OkazakiF, A.YamashitaF, Y.TakanoF
XAFS analysis of crystal GeCu2Te3 phase change material
Kumamoto Univ.,Hiroshima City Univ.A,Univ. of ToyamaB, Tohoku Univ.C
DFT calculation for the electrical conduction property of Nb-doped TiO2
Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics Tottori University, Catalysis Reserch Center Hokkaido UniversityA
Akihiro Ohama, Akira Ishii, Hiroko ArigaA, Kiyotaka AsakuraA
The Physical Properties measurements of Al-Mg-Zn Quasicrystal and Approximants at low temperature
Nagoya Universty,Toyota Technological InstituteA
Keisuke Kamiya,Akio YamamotoA,Tsunehiro TakeuchiA,Kazuhiko Deguchi,Keiichiro Imura,Syuya Matukawa,Kohei Nobe,Touma Yamashita,Noriaki Sato
Numerical approach to charging of superconducting quantum vortex and its impurity effect using quasiclassical theory
University of Tokyo
Shintaro Hoshino, Yusuke Kato
Ward-Takahashi identity in spontaneously symmetry broken systems and its applications
Takashi Yanagisawa, Izumi Hase, Kosuke Odagiri
Effect of superconducting fluctuation on diamagnetism in multiband system
Dept. of Phys. Kyoto Univ.
Kyosuke Adachi, Ryusuke Ikeda
Magnetic torque analysis of a multi-band superconductor MgB2 by the Kubota-Hayashi-Ishida theory
Dept. of Phys. & Electronics, Osaka Pref. Univ.A, Inst. for Nanofab. Res, Osaka Pref. Univ.B,
Osaka Vacuum Inc..C
Osaka Vacuum Inc..C
Naoya OkadaA, Hiroaki ShishidoA,B, Daichi KubotaC, Takekazu IshidaA,B
Stabilization of time-reversal symmetry-breaking state in d-wave superconducting films
Graduate School of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University
Nobumi Miyawaki, Seiji Higashitani
Superconducting properties of superconductor NbN/ferromagnetic Heusler alloy Co2MnSi thin films
Kagoshima Univ., Tohoku Univ.A, NICTB, Kyushu Univ.C
Iduru Shigeta, Takahide KubotaA, Kazumasa MakiseB, Shojiro KimuraA, Satoshi AwajiA, Keiichi Koyama, Bunju ShinozakiC, Koki TakanashiA, Masahiko Hiroi
Ginzburg-Landau calculations of star-shaped Mo80Ge20 superconducting
small plates and comparisons with vortices observed by experiments
small plates and comparisons with vortices observed by experiments
Osaka Prefecture UniversityA, Akita UniversityB
Hiroki MiyoshiA,Masaru KatoA,B,Ho Thanh HuyA,Hitoshi MatumotoA,Vu The DangA, Norio FujitaA, Masahiko HayashiC,Takekazu IshidaA,B
Vortex lattice moving on the conical surface
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Masaya Takahashi, Yuya kagi, S. Kaneko, Satoshi Okuma
Construction of an observation system of vortex motion with a metal tip II
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Fabrication and evaluation of MgB2 thin films prepared by the molecular beam epitaxy at low temperature(substrate temperature :about 100℃)
Dept.of Phys.&Electoronics,Osaka Pref.Univ.A,Inst.for Nanofab.Res.,Osaka Pref.Univ.B
Yoshida TakuyaA,Nakagami TakatoshiA,Kimura SyunA,Shishido HiroakiAB,Ishida TakekazuAB
Magnetoreistance oscillations in NbTiN superconducting nanowire
NICT、Kyushu univ.A
Kazumasa Makise、Bunju ShinozakiA
superconducting property of SrxBi2Se3
Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences University of Tsukuba
Kotaro Ohara, Takanari Kashiwagi, Yusuke Suzuki, Fumiya Kimizuka,
Takuma Enomoto, Kotaro Terao, Kazuo Kadowaki
Takuma Enomoto, Kotaro Terao, Kazuo Kadowaki
Quantum gate using superconducting composite structure(d-dot's):Construction of Hadamard gate by Landau-Zener Transiton
Osaka Pref. Univ.A, Tohoku Univ.B
Norio FujitaA,Masaru KatoA,Takekazu IshidaA,Tomio KoyamaB
Edge states of graphene-type topological insulator/superconductor junctions and tunneling effect II
Faculty of Engineering and Resource Science, Akita Univ.,
Faculty of Education and Human Studies, Akita Univ.A
Faculty of Education and Human Studies, Akita Univ.A
Y. Tanuma, M. Onoda, M. HayashiA
Electrical conductivity in bulk ultrafine-grained V
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Kyushu Sangyo Univ., Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyushu Univ.A,I2CNER, Kyushu Univ.B
S. Terada, T. Nishizaki, S. LeeA,B, HoritaA,B,T. Akune,and N. Sakamoto
Comprehensive theory of nano-structured superconductors
Osaka Prefecture Univ., Osaka Prefecture Col. Tech.A
Masaki Umeda, Masaku Karo, Osamu SatoA
Temperature ond magnetic field dependence of vortex structures in superconductors
Osaka Pref. Univ.
Masaru Kato, Harutaka Kitago
Simulation of magnetic flux avalanche in nano-structured superconductors
Osaka Pref. Univ., Osaka Pref. Univ. Col. Tech. A
Masaru Kato, Nobutomo Yoneshima, Osamu SatoA
Manipulation of vortex states confined in small antidots in superconducting double layers
Univ. of Electron-Comm., JAEAA, Tohku Univ.B
Rintarou Mochizuki, Satoru OkayasuA, Tsutomu NojimaB, Takahiro SasakiB, Nobuhito Kokubo
Vortex states in amorphous superconducting films with periodic grooves
Univ. of Electro-Comm.
Kouhei Kitano, Rintarou Mochizuki, and Nobuhito Kokubo
Exotic superconducting states in ion-gated two-dimensional materials
Univ. of Tokyo, Kyoto Univ.A, ISSPB, Univ. of GroningenC, Tohoku Univ.D, RIKENE
Yu Saito, Yasuharu NakamuraA, Mohammad Saeed Baharamy, Yoshimitsu KohamaB, Yuichi KasaharaA, Jianting YeC, Masashi TokunagaB, Youichi YanaseA, Tsutomu NojimaD, Yoshihiro IwasaE
19th AF Room 19pAF 13:00〜14:00
Division 6
Superfluid 4He/Quantum Turbulence
Wall law of quantum turbulence: logarithmic velocity profile of the superfluid.
Dept. of Phys., Osaka City Univ.A, OCARINA, Osaka City Univ.B
Satoshi YuiA, Kazuya FujimotoA, Makoto TsubotaA,B
Quantum turbulence iin coflow of superfluid 4He
Dept. of Phys., Osaka City Univ.A, OCARINA, Osaka City Univ.B
Shinichi IkawaA, Makoto TsubotaA,B
Development of cryogenic motor for the study of axial superfluid flow
Osaka City University
K. Ohyama, K. Ogawa, K. Obara, ○H. Yano, O. Ishikawa, and T. Hata
Observation of Axial Flow of Superfluid 4He by Motor Drive
K.Ohyama, K.Ogawa, K.Obara, H.Yano, O.Ishikawa, T.Hata
19th CL Room 19pCL 13:30〜16:30
Division 6
GL theory for flux phase and superconductivity in t-J model
Dept. of Phys., Kobe Univ.
Kazuhiro Kuboki
Two-particle self-consistent analysis for an anisotropy of superconductivity in Hubbard model on honeycomb lattice
Kanagawa Univ.
Hirohito Aizawa
Josephson junction made from bulk odd-frequency superconductivity with finite center-of-mass momentum
University of Tokyo, Nagoya UniversityA
Shintaro Hoshino, Keiji YadaA, Yukio TanakaA
Josephson effect in a multi-orbital model for Sr2RuO4
Dept. of appl. phys., Nagoya Univ.
Kouhei Kawai, Keiji Yada, Yukio Tanaka
Ginzburg-Landau theory of superconductivity in 3D topological inulator Bi2Se3
Yukihiro Ota, Yuki Nagai, Masahiko Machida
Inverse coherence effect in the nuclear magnetic relaxation rate in topological superconductors
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Yuki Nagai, Yukihiro Ota, Masahiko Machida
Break (15:00〜15:15)
Phase Diagrams of Vortex Lattice State in Rashba Superconductors Based on Quasiclassical Analysis II
Dept. of Phys. Kyoto Univ.
Yuichiro Dan, Ryusuke Ikeda
Theoretical study for NMR rate in chiral-superconducting vortex states
Department of Physics, Okayama University
K.Tanaka, M.Ichioka, S.Onari
revision of force on superconducting single vortex
Dept. Basic Science, The Univ. Tokyo,
Dept. Phys. The Univ. TokyoA
Dept. Phys. The Univ. TokyoA
Yusuke Kato,
Chung Chun-kitA
Chung Chun-kitA
Pair-breaking effect by parallel magnetic field in electric-field-induced surface superconductivity
Dept.Phys.,Okayama Univ.
Masahiro Nabeta,Kenta Tanaka, Masanori Ichioka
The Amplitude Mode and Two-Photon Absorption Spectrum in BCS Superconductors
Nara Institute of Science and Technology
Takanobu Jujo