Division 13 7日 AC Room 7aAC 9:30〜13:00

Division 13
Physics Education

Report on Physics Challenge 2014 I: Prechallenge
U Tokyo, Okayama UA, Tohoku UB, Ryukyu UC, Niigata UD, Saitama UE, Takachiho UF, Azabu JHSG, JBICH S. Hasegawa, I. HaradaA, Y. KondoB, A. EjiriC, F. OkiharuD, K. KondoE, M. NamikiF, H. SasukoG, K. MitsuokaH, M. MinoA
Reports of the Physics Challenge in 2014: II. The Challenge I
UEC,Kawagoe Girls' HSA,Tokyo Univ. of Sci.B,KeioUniv.C,Niigata UnivD,Nagasaki Univ.E,Saitama Univ.F,Tsuyama National College of Tech.G,Tsukuba Univ. HSH,Kanazawa Inst. of Tech.I,Waseda Univ. Honjyo HSJ,Okayama Ichinomiya HSK,Takachiho Univ.L,Azabu HSM M. Suzuki,M. ArakiA,Y. IgarashiB,A. Ejiri,M. EnomotoB,K. OkanoC,F. OkiharuD,H. GoyaE,H. KondoF, M. SatouG,T. SuzukiH,T. TanakaI,K. NakanoJ,T. NakayashikiK,M. NamikiL,H. MasukoM
Physics Challenge 2014:III Second Challenge Theory
U.Tokyo,UECA,JIKEI U.B,Keio U.C,IPP,ChinaD,KawaijukuE,J.S.High Sch. of Tsukuba U.F,Okayama U.G, JAXAH, OUJK, Gra. Sch.New Photonics Ind.L, Tokyo U.of SciO, Tohoku U.P J.Arafune,T.ItoA,T.UedaB,M.Katsurai,K.KawamuraC,H.SanukiD,T.SugiyamaE,T.SuzukiF,T.TakenakaE,H.TotsujiG,H,A.HatanoK,M.MatsuzawaA,K.MimaL,K.KitaharaO,Y.KondoP
Report of the Physics Challenge in 2014: Physics Challenge II Experimental Problems
UTokyoKomaba, Nagoya U.A, G. S. Front. Sci., UTokyoB, Tokyo City U.C, Ryukyu U.D, G. S. Nat. Sci. Technol., Okayama U.E U. TsukubaF, Takushoku U.G, Tokyo Polytec. U.H, UTokyoKomaba, Tohoku U.I, Osaka U.J, High School at Komaba, U. of TsukubaK, AISTL, RIKENM, Mito Dai-ichi High SchoolN, UTokyoO, G. S. Sci., UTokyoP S. Fukatsu, A. IchimiyaA, M. InomonoB, S. UkonC, A. EjiriD, K. OshimaE, Y. OtsukaF, S. KishizawaG, H. KezukaH, K. Komaki, Y. KondoI, T. ShimodaJ, K. ShinkajiK, I. H.SuzukiL, Y. SegawaM, K. TakeshiN, H. ToyamaO, S. HasegawaP, M. MinoE
Report of the Physics challenge in 2014: Physics challenge V, General view
Tohoku U, Tokyo U. Sci.A, Okayama U.B, UECC, UTokyoD, UTokyo_KomabaB Y.Kondo, K. KitaharaA, I.HaradaB, M.SuzukiC, J.ArafuneD, S.FukatsuE, M.SakutaB
Report on the International Physics Plympiad 2014
JBIC, U TokyoA, KawaijukuB, Okayama Ichimiya High Sch.C K.Mitsuoka, K.MasudaA, R.HamazakiA, H.YoshidaB, T.SugiyamaB, T.NakayashikiC

break (11:00〜11:15)

Development of teaching materials for electric circuits with animation from a micro viewpoint
Meiko Gakuen Junior & Senior High School, Kyushu Institute of Technology Saeko Koga, Seiko Kinoshita, Masanobu Koga
Perspective of physics education in low grade university
Kurume Institute of Technology Gendo Oomi
New trial of physics experiments for teacher training course
Kurume Inst. Tech. Tsuneo NODA, Fumihiko NAKAMURA, Gendo OOMI, Riou NAKAMURA
Education for deep understanding from a view of freshmen
Tohoku UnivercityA, NPO natural scienceB AokiSakuraA,B, IwasakiMasaakiA,B, TakahashiYuseiA,B, EndoRiheiB
Obstacles for Learning Introductory College Physics: Identifying the Factors from a Case Study
Faculty of Education, Niigata University Sachiko Tosa, and Isao Kishimoto
Educational practice report on the freshman's education program using by learning about quantum mechanics and general relativity
Faculty of Industrial Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science Ki-ichiro Sato
How to face pseudoscience as the liberal arts of undergraduate students
Nagasaki Univ., Nagasaki Institute of Applied ScienceA, Bunkyo Univ.B T. Fukuyama, K. Muto, Y. Konishi, K. Yamagishi, S. Abe, K. KamizonoA, M. NagashimaB

7日 AC Room 7pAC 14:00〜17:30

Division 13
Physics Education

Pair examination and grading for mathematics
Kwansei Gakuin Univ., Akashi National College of Technology Shigeto R, Nishitani, Atsushi Matsumiya
Group Learning in the Classroom of Physics
KIT Academic Foundations Programs Akiomi Mishima, Keita Nishioka, Tadayoshi Tanaka
Group learning in physics with Collaborative education in UEC
The University of Electro-Communications M. Kanenaga, M. Suzuki, K. Abe, J. Nakamura, T. Takada, N. Kokubo and Y. Fuseya
Introducing of Active Learning Method to Basic Physics Workshop in UEC
Univ. Electro-Commun. Jin Nakamura, Yuki Fuseya, Nobuhito Kokubo, Naruo Sasaki, Tohru Takada,Masaru Suzuki, Koji Abe
A mathematical learning model that describes interactions among different contents of learning and instructional strategies
Faculty of Human Development, University of Toyama Yasuhiro Nariyuki, Norikazu Yamaguchi
Gender differences in Peer Instruction and FCI
Tokyo Gakugei University Hideo Nitta,Yamato Kanamori

break (15:30〜15:45)

Analyzing Systematic Error of FCI with Subquestions
Yamagata U.,Meijo U. YASUDA Jun-ichiro,TANIGUCHI Masa-aki
Comparative Study on Physics Education in Japanese High Schools and Universities with Internationally Adopted Assessment Tools I
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Kyoto University of Education, Niigata University Hiroyoshi Roy Lang, Takanori Murata, Masaki Goda
The Secondary Science Curricula and the Scientific societies in U.K. - on the matter of separation of marks for practical work from core A-level grades -
Kagawa Univ., Osaka Seikei CollegeA, Kyoto Univ. of Edu.B, Heian Jyogakuin High SchoolC, Momoyama High SchoolD Jumpei RYU, Masashi OKAMOTOA, Kazunari TANIGUCHIB, Toru IWAMAC, Nobuyuki TAKAHASHID
Results of Active-learning Open Class using "Modellus"
Doshisha H.S.,Heian-jogakuin H.S.A,Kyoto Univ. of EducationB,Fujiidera Tech.H.S.C,Kagawa Univ.D,Kyoto Inst. of Tech.E Toshiaki Yamazaki,Toru IwamaA,Hisashi Kogetsu,Kazunari TaniguchiB,Yuka MuraiC,Junpei RyuD,Hiroshi UchimuraE,Takatoshi MurataB
A practice of an active learning with metacognition about mechanics of high school physics
Doshisha High School, Kyoto Univ. of Edu. Hisashi Kogetsu, Kazunari Taniguchi
Examination of the educational intervention to raise a motivation of the physical learning of the high school student II
Kyoto Univ. of Education,Doshisha kori Senior High SchoolA T. Kitamura,T. SakataniA,K. Taniguchi
Effects of Active Learning(ILDs) on Students' Motivations
Kyoto Univ. of Education, Kagawa Univ., Kyoto Inst. of Technol. K. Taniguchi, T. Kitamura, J. Ryu and H. Uchimura

8日 AC Room 8aAC 9:30〜13:00

Division 13
Physics Education

Manufacture and performance evaluation of the low cost gamma ray spectrometer
CST,Nihon Univ. Misaki Endo,Masanori Yamanaka
The present state of simulations of the electrification of a human body generated by a walk
TRI-OSAKA Manabu Hirai
Demonstration of Forced Oscillation
AZABU High School Hiroshi Masuko
Thought experiment of dynamics
Nagasaki Univ.JFP Nobuyuki Goto
A Room -size Foucault Pendulum for Education(ⅩⅠ)
Osaka E C Univ, Otemon Univ, Kyoto C Univ. Univ of Ryukyus M.Tetsuo, Y.Yamashita, T.Michishita, T.Takahashi, K.Arimura, N.Huziwara, T.Sugiyama
The Analysis of enquete of "the experiment of Foucault Pendulum" in the third semester
Kyoto University GSHES, Otemon Gakuin UniversityA, Oosaka EC UniversityB Kyohei Arimura, Teruo Takahashi, Toshinori Michishita, Yoshifumi YamashitaA, Miyoshi TetsuoB

break (11:00〜11:15)

Development of Augmented Reality-Based Demonstration Materials
Tokyo Gakugei University, Faculty of Education Shohei Tsuchida, Shu Matsuura
Dynamic patterns of isodine gargle on the surface of the milk ---new tool for interdisciplinary instruction [6]
Chiba University Yuhei natsume
Changing of the local maximum and minimum volume point in air-column resonance by using different type of microphone
Science Nagoya University Hirotaka Hayashi
Theoretical equations for the analysis of interference spectra of soap-bubble film
Seinan Gakuin University Keiji MATSUMURA, Masaaki SHIONO
An experiment of statistical physics using pseudorandom number generator hardware
Department of Bioscience and Bioinformatics, Kyushu Institute of Technology Chikoo OOSAWA
Measurement of induced electromotive force using a PC experiment system
Faculty of Education, Mie Univ. Yoshikazu Makihara
Development of the Analog circuit material for under graduate school (I)
School of Science, The University of Tokyo Kazushi YAWATA

8日 AC Room 8pAC 14:00〜17:30

Division 13
Physics Education

Mathematics Education for Physics with a Web Questionnaire System III
Nihon Univ. Rieko Fujii, Hideomi Totsuka, Kiyomitsu Suzuki
The systematic demonstration of physics - the thermodynamic experiment which the students planned
Physics, Nagoya University Yuichi Miura
Interactive Lecture Demonstration for Basic Physics -Web page and its Effective Usage-
Nagoya Univ, Yamagata UnivA, Chubu Univ.B, Shinshu UnivC Yasuyuki Nakamura, Jun-ichiro YasudaA, Katsumi SenyoA, Tetsuro KonishiB, Akihiro Furuzawa, Akimi FujitaC, Yoshiko Saito, Yuichi MiuraF
Development of Modules of Physics Experiments feasible at Lecture Room
Math. & Sci. Ed. Re. Cen., Academic Foundations Programs, Kanazawa Insti. of Tech. Tadayoshi TANAKA
Practice of student-based teaching in physics lecture
Gifu Univ., Shinshu Univ., Yamagata Univ. Taku Nakamura, Junya Yoshida, Akimi Fujita, Jun-Ichiro Yasuda
Reports of UEC Passport Program
The University of Electro-Communications A. Akaishi, K. Abe, T. Ishida, Y. Okada, T. Okuno, T. Shimizu, H. Shirakawa, M. Suzuki, T.Takada, J. Nakamura, J. Nakamura, @N. Hosomi, Y. Yamakita

break (15:30〜15:45)

Research of Physics Teachers in Meiji era
Saitama Medical University, Tokyo Future University, Mathematical Assist Design Laborator, Gunma University Akira Akabane, Jun Shozawa, Toyomi Tamaki and Hiroshi Takahashi
Rediscovery and Reconstruction of Active-Learning Science&Mathematics Education in Middle Meiji Era through the Analysis of Students’ Notes found in Various Places in Japan
Niigata-U Akizo Kobayashi, Fumiko Okiharu, Sachiko Tosa and Morio Hatakeyama
Physics Experiment's Figures drew on Middle School Students' Notes in Meiji Era
Fac. of Education, Niigata University Fumiko OKiharu, Akizo Kobayashi, Sachiko Tosa, Yuta Yamamoto
New attempt of delivery lectures
SASEBO National College of Tech. Toshinobu SHIGEMATSU Kunihiro KOSHIMURA Takashi YAMASAKI and Youko SATOMI
Field study of Solar system
SASEBO National College of Tech., KURUME National College of Tech.A, SAGA Univ.B T SHIGEMATSU, H Kawasaki, H ShimadaA, K Morisita and B OnoB
View of Sustainable Local Science community networks in Sendai-Miyagi ,Planning by "Local Production for Local Consumption" of Science and Technology.
NPO natural science Yoshie Ohkusa, Rihei Endo
A Report on "KIT Science City Project" Public Lectures of the COC Project
Math. & Sci. Ed. Re. Cen., Academic Foundations Programs, Kanazawa Insti. of Tech. Tadayoshi TANAKA, Kohji TAKA, Akira NAKAMURA, Akiomi MISHIMA, Keita NISHIOKA, Matsuzo TAKAMURA, Makoto NISHI, Hiroshi SUGIMOTO, Yoko UCHIJIMA, Katsuhiko AOKI

9日 AC Room 9aAC 9:30〜11:15

Division 13
Physics Education

Actual Situation of Implementation of Physics Experiments in High School(3)
Tokyo University of ScienceA, Gyousei High SchoolB Yasunori IgarashiA, Toichrou FuruyaA, Shigeo UdagawaB, Yosuke SugimoriA, Yasufumi KawamuraA
How to teach the centrifugal force and Coriolis force
Takushoku Univ. Yasuo Y. Suzuki and Yasuhiro Sekino
A Demonstration of the Electrical Oscillation by use of R-L-C Circuits
Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University Herieta Masango, Takanori Tsutaoka
Heat is compretly transformed into work
Ritsumeikan Unib., Sai Inst. Phys. Yoshio Saito
Derivation of the Ideal Gas Temperatere by Statisitical Mecanics and Physical Meaning of Temperature in the Molecular Theory
Tokyo University of Science Yasunori Igarashi
Does Conclusion of the Relation to the <(1/2)mvt2>=(3/2)kT, Liquid and Solid ?
Tokyo University of Science Yasunori Igarashi
Mathematics of the Amounts Base Education
wooder.pro.tok2.com Yuichi Uda

9日 AC Room 9pAC 14:00〜16:15

Division 13
History of Physics

Calculations of Superconducting Transition Temperature Tc of PdHx 〜From Rigid Band Approximation to Coherent Potential Approximation 〜
Wakayaka-city Norihiro MIZOHATA
Calculations of Superconducting Transition Temperature Tc of Pd1-yAgyHx 〜From Rigid Band Approximation to Coherent Potential Approximation 〜
Wakayama-City Norihiro MIZOHATA
Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics and Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
Ryukoku University Daisuke Konagaya
The Roles of Electron-Synchrotoron of INS for the High Energy Physics Researchrs' Community in Japan
KEK, SokendaiA Yoshinobu Takaiwa, Kohji HirataA
On the method of measurement of angular aperture measuring instrument (apertometer)
CST Nihon University Kiyotaka Ohta, Eisui Uematsu

break (15:15〜15:30)

Theory of Semiconductor by Wilson et al. and the study of Semiconductor in Japan until 1945
Shizuoka University Professor Emeritus Hiroshi Kameyama
A brief history of multipole device development in General Atomic
CST Nihon Univ. Takahisa Amemiya
A Resurvey of a historical fact of Plasma Physics and Nuclear Fusion Research―On the origin of A-B plan and the Institute of Plasma Physics based on the questionnaire of future plan of nuclear fusion research in Japan―
CST Nihon Univ. Takahisa AMEMIYA

10日 AC Room 10aAC 10:00〜12:30

Division 13
Environmental Physics

Study of the Fukushima Accidents(2) Failure of DBA(Design Basis Accidents)(Ⅰ)
The Abandonment of Technology

Nonukes Tanpoposha Tsuchida Atsushi
Study of the Fukushima Accident(3) Failure of DBA(Design Basis Accidents)(II)
Incoherent Driving of TokYo Electric Poewer

Nonukes Tanpoposha Tsuchida Atsushi
Study of the Fukushima Accident(4) New DBA to be provided from the Fukushima Accident
Tanpoposha Tsuchida Atsushi
Technology assessment for maglev train: Evaluation of energy consumption
AIST Shuji Abe

break (11:00〜11:15)

Report on the Mechanism of the Green House Effect in Our Atmosphere Obtained by an Analysis of the Ground Weather Records During the Last 53 Years Both in Kyoto City and in Yamagata City
Nagasaki Women's Junior College Hiroshi FUKUMA
Time-scale dependence of conditional probability functions in a stochastic climate model
Grad. Sch. of Human Development and Environment Kaito Umemura and Kuniyoshi Ebina
consistency between theoretical calculation of transpiration water by KATSUKI and field data
Kurashiki Sakiyo U. Kazuo Harada
Physical properties of pressure-prepared pellets of the fallen leaves
Kurume Institute of Technology Gendo Oomi, Yoshihiko Hayashi, Tezo Hirano
Relation between Environmental Physics and Capitalism of the Recycling-oriented Local Soceiety
Tokyo University of Science Makoto KANO